
Guess Kisenosato's Aite (S2E Kotoshogiku) - March 2017

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day 5: Tamawashi

the race is wide open this time....  let's all aim to avoid any further kyokai kinboshiiiiiieh

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wohoooo - kinboshi.
the first one since ages :)))))))

pure luck, which is really needed as  bench, sumogame, toto all 0-3 and also bad start into isp, tipspiel, chaingang, odd and trio
may this be the turning point of this basho

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After day 5:

Andonishiki prevented the irony of a Kyokai strike with Tamawashi(!) at the very last moment - well done!

Andonishiki (3-2)
chishafuwaku (3-2)
kuroimori (2-3)
Jakusotsu (2-3)
orandashoho (2-3)
Jejima (2-3)
Gernobono (1-4)
Profomisakari (1-3-1)
Ryoshishokunin (1-3-1)
The Kyokai (1-4)
Sakura (0-5)
PawnSums (0-5)
Tenshinhan (0-3-2)
McBugger (0-3-2)
shimodahito (0-3-2)
PhorCillic (0-2-3)
Gurowake (0-0-5)
Harry (0-0-5)

Kotoshogiku's aites: 1. Harumafuji, 2. Takanoiwa, 3. Takayasu, 4. Kakuryu, 5. Tamawashi

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Could be anyone again....

Day 6 - Hakuho Kisenosato!

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After day 6:

One of the rare average days with four players getting it right.

chishafuwaku (4-2)
Andonishiki (3-3)
orandashoho (3-3)
kuroimori (2-4)
Jakusotsu (2-4)
Jejima (2-4)
Ryoshishokunin (2-3-1)
Gernobono (1-5)
Profomisakari (1-4-1)
McBugger (1-3-2)
The Kyokai (1-5)
Sakura (0-6)
PawnSums (0-5-1)
Tenshinhan (0-4-2)
shimodahito (0-4-2)
PhorCillic (0-3-3)
Gurowake (0-0-6)
Harry (0-0-6)

Kotoshogiku's aites: 1. Harumafuji, 2. Takanoiwa, 3. Takayasu, 4. Kakuryu, 5. Tamawashi, 6. Mitakeumi

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