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Atenzan last won the day on September 26 2017

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About Atenzan

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  • Birthday June 14

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    Athens, Greece

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  1. Atenzan

    Rikishi Health check February 2025

    True- I also find it quite funny that I "grow" 2cm during visits to the physio- they measured me before and after once. I still don't know if it was to gloat, make fun of me or to prove a point.
  2. Atenzan

    Hatsu 2025 discussion (results)

    Very late to the party, but the most enlightening thing about this is the complete lack of mention of a *one-yusho* "equivalent". To be honest, when I was first getting into sumo in 2014-15ish, I came across an ancient text written in Babylonian cuneiform (or a post on the sumo mailing list archives, either one) that described a "yusho equivalent" as: -Y with 12+ wins -D with 13+ wins -Any form of 14+ wins, even a 14-1J And the prophecy went, should an ozeki string two basho of the above in a row, he shall be made yokozuna, amen. I took this to be way more of a hard and fast rule than it was. Post-Futahaguro and up to that point in time, I think this was a fairly accurate rule of thumb anyway, but I wish I had read what Kamitsuumi posted instead. But the phrasing "2-basho renzoku yusho-shita [...] kore ni junzuru seiseki" paints a different picture entirely, and one that can be naturally relaxed to enable easier promotion when there's no yokozuna or at least a gaggle of exceptionally strong ozeki without seeming like a cop-out. From 2008 to 2014 inclusive, the average wins for a yusho was higher than it is now, and the yusho winner achieved less than a 13-2 only once, in the exceptionally strange for its time Kyokutenhou yusho. So, a YDC in those days could argue that a 13J-12Y wasn't really something that, if replicated, would consistently produce 2 yushos- it wouldn't be seiseki (results) that junzuru (correspond) to 2-basho renzoku yusho (2 consecutive yusho). In recent years, however, 12-3 yushos are very common. Can a 13 followed by a 12 earn you 2 yushos? Sure, why not, with no Asashouryuu/Hakuhou/Harumafuji to stop you, that could easily happen. Every full calendar year since 2021 has at least one instance where the makuuchi yusho was no higher than 13-2 in one basho and no higher than 12-3 in the basho immediately following it. So, based on the admittedly fuzzy Japanese, I don't see this as a soft promotion.
  3. Atenzan

    Trivia bits

    Houshouryuu is about to be the first yokozuna since Tochinoumi (49th) to gain promotion never having earned a shukun-sho, and thus will be the only living yokozuna to have done so.
  4. Atenzan

    Haru 2024 discussion (results)

    Seems to be common across sports. Usain Bolt wanted to be a cricketer, IIRC.
  5. Atenzan

    Haru 2024 Promotion/Demotion and Yusho Talk

    Alright, so collectively we were off by 3.47 half-ranks, so as a group we had him somewhere between M2w and M3e. Call it M2-haridashi.
  6. Atenzan

    Haru 2024 Promotion/Demotion and Yusho Talk

    As I recall, I was completely stumped by that decision. I wonder what his average rank was in that basho's GTB guesses, which are invariably better than whatever crap the Kyokai comes up with .
  7. Atenzan

    Trivia bits

    Because I had a brain fart, I accidentally discovered that Hakuhou has fought the most bouts from the east side than anyone else. The gap between 1 and 2 (Chiyonofuji, 66 fewer bouts from the east than Hakuhou) is a little smaller than I expected, as Hakuhou also holds the record for basho ranked Y1e and in that case the gap between 1 and 2 is more than three years' worth.
  8. Atenzan

    What we do in our off-time

    Speaking of off-time activities, I still haven't given up my childhood dream quite yet, which is becoming a professional pool player. I was probably on track to achieve that by 2024ish until Covid set me about a year back- currently fighting to get back in form. I won a nice little 8-ball tournament today in Athens, suitably happy with myself. If I can turn pro for a year or two in future at some point and then go back to pursuing a "normal career", I'll be thrilled.
  9. Atenzan

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Yes, that's my "nerd shelf". Some nice stuff there.
  10. Atenzan

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Peter isn't going outdoors on his own anytime soon, I'm afraid: he was born with only one eye and he can't see out of the other.
  11. Atenzan

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    I love cats with human names, my own cat is called Peter :)
  12. Atenzan

    Aki Basho 2021 - Discussion Thread (Spoilers!)

    Takakeishou finally looked like an Ozeki facing a lowly opponent today.
  13. Atenzan

    Trivia bits

    You have to go back seventeen and a half years to Haru 04 to get a makuuchi banzuke without a current (Aki 21) makuuchi rikishi on it- but more than thirty years to get one that doesn't include a current makuuchi shikona. Can you figure out whose fault this is?
  14. Atenzan

    What we do in our off-time

    Since I didn't get an invite to this concert, I resorted to playing hockey on rollerskates and terrorise the local population. Tonight, I am fondly remembering the one I did attend as I examine my newest bruises.
  15. Atenzan

    Takagenji Caught Smoking Weed

    Does this actually work? I thought the people who suggested this were blowing smoke up my arse.. Anyway, as Jakusotsu et al. said, I'm not sad to see him go, but it isn't because he smoked weed.