
The young generation (japanese rikishi only)

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Asanoyama won the first Yusho of the Reiwa era and became the third young japanese talent of his generation to win a yusho. My goal with this thread is to look at the career of the best rikishi from this generation and update the thread to follow their progress. Can those young japanese rikishi break through and reach the highest ranks ?


These guys are the head of the spear, three of them already managed to win a yusho.

Takakeisho Mitsunobu (22)  - Chiganoura beya


Highest rank : Ozeki    1 Yusho, 2 Jun Yusho , 8 special prizes (3 Gino-sho, 3 Shukun-sho ,  2 Kanto-sho) 3 kinboshi

175 cm 169 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Takakeisho is the second of his generation to win a yusho and the first to become Ozeki. While his first tournament at the rank was cut short because of a knee injury he is arguably the most promissing talent of this generation as for now. Winning so many prizes, a Yusho and reaching the second highest rank in sumo at just 22 is not common. Can Takakeisho go any higher ?

Strengths: Great oshi attack, good power, good balance, great mental strength.  Weaknesses: Small size and short arms, lacks skills on the belt.

Mitakeumi Hisashi (26) - Dewanoumi-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake   1 Yusho, 7 Special prizes (2 Gino-sho, 4 Shukun-sho ,1 Kanto-sho) 2 kinboshi

180 cm, 175 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Mitakeumi is the first rikishi of this generation to win a yusho, he is been in sanyaku for 15 consecutive basho as for now. He's been a the top for the major part of his makuuchi career, a testament to how good and regular he's been but it also shows he lacks the extra something needed to make the next step. Always favourite to become the next ozeki he's never been on a serious run yet, can he reach that next level ?

Strengths : Great all-around sumo, started as an oshi guy but can do good yotsu-zumo as well. Weaknesses: lacks the extra something needed to get double digit wins.

Asanoyama Hideki (25)- Takasago-beya


Highest Rank: M1E   1 Yusho 4 special prizes ( 1 Shukun-Sho, 3 Kanto-sho)

187 cm 177 kg  Favourite style : Migi yotsu-yori

Asanoyama is the third of the generation to win a yusho and it took him just 11 tournaments to do so. Asanoyama had double digits wins a couple of times in the past but also had inconsistent results which explained why he has not reached sanyaku yet.The changes  he made to his regime and lifestyle seem to have paid off, he has the talent can he exploit it and become consistent ?

Strengths: good size and power, strong yotsu attack, can use oshi attacks as well  Weaknesses: inconsistent, yet to show what he can do at a high rank.

Interesting prospects

These guys are yet to win a yusho but have shown they have a great potential

Abi Masatora (25)-  Shikoroyama beya


Highest rank: Komusubi   2 kanto-sho 2 kinboshi

187 cm 150 kg favourite style : Tsuki/oshi

Despite using an unconventional and one dimensional style, Abi has shown he belongs to the top of Makuuchi. He knows his weaknesses and strengths and is making the best out his unusual body type. Is it enough to reach the next level though ?

Strengths: speed, lively attack, great footwork at the hedge  Weaknesses: mostly an oshi guy so no skill on the belt, lacks power compared to some other oshi specialists.

Hokutofuji Daiki (26) Hakkaku-Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi  1 Jun-Yusho 1 Gino-sho 5 kinboshi

184cm 163 kg favourite style : Oshi

Injuries delayed his rise but Hokutofuji eventually fought his way back to the top of the banzuke, recently made his sanyaku debut. His 5 kinboshi show that he can beat the top dogs but he is still limited and lacks the consistency to make it to the next level. Can he finds a way to do it ?

Strengths : Good size, great fighting spirit, good nodowa attack  Weaknesses: Predictable, lacks belt skills, not consistent enough.

Onosho Fumiya (22) Oonomatsu- Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi 3 Kanto-sho 1 kinboshi

177cm 160 kg Style : Tsuki oshi

Onosho has been rather disapointing lately but let's not forget he is just 23, had been slowed down by injuries, and what his rival Takakeisho has done is not common at all. Onosho is young, he'll probably bounce back and go back to the top. But just how high can he go ?

Strengths: explosive tachi ai, good oshi attack, can use a bit of yotsu  weaknesses: goes head first without looking, balance could be better, young and not consistent

Shodai Noya (27) Tokitsukaze-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake 2 Kanto-sho 1 Kinboshi

184 cm, 165 kg  Style : Migi Yotsu yori

Shodai is one of the oldest rikishi of his generation and we can often forget that he once was the "next-ozeki", even though he didn't return to sanyaku once since his demotion from the ranks, he's been able to stay close to the top. Shodai is way too good for middle-lower makuuchi but gets murdered by the top dogs. Can he actually become the next ozeki one day ?

Strengths : good size, decent at the hedge, good when he can actually gets the belt. Weaknesses: No charisma, no mental strength, terrible tachi ai

Daieisho Hayato (25) Oitekaze-beya


Highest rank M2E

181 cm 160 Kg  Style : Oshi-tsuki

Daieisho is not the first name you think of first when you list the prospects of this generation, for some he may not be a name you even list. He never won any prize or fancy awards, but he's been around for a bit now, made his way to the top and has been performing well lately. Can he actually start winning fancy prizes and reach sanyaku ?

Strengths: Speed, good footwork and oshi-attack  Weaknesses: no belt skill, lacks power and charisma

Intriguing prospects

these rikishi seem to have potential but are yet to confirm it at the highest ranks of the banzuke.

Meisei Chikara (23) Tatsunami beya


Highest rank M4E

180 kg 150 kg  Style: Hidari yotsu-yori

Meisei is yet to win any prize but at just 23 he's been steadily improving and climbing up the ranks, his first double digit basho came at his highest ever rank which is a testament to his progress. Can he continue to improve and show good sumo at the highest ranks ?

Strengths: All around sumo, his size and weight allow him to have both power and speed. Weeknesses: Too eager and sometimes charges head on without looking, yet to show what he is worth at the top of the banzuke.

Tomokaze Yuta (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M7W

183 cm 180 kg Style : Tsuki oshi

Tomokaze has climbed his way to the top division at the speed of light and started his career with a wonderful KK streak. Can he continue to win for the rest of his career ?

Strengths: Great power, great body, good oshi and is being taught a few tricks by veterans Takekaze and Yoshikaze. Weaknesses: Has a tendency to go backward a lot for someone with his size and power.

Takagenji Satoshi (22) Chiganoura Beya


Highest rank M10W

191cm 172kg Style Tsuki-Oshi

With his size, talent and power and such a young age and Takanohana's influence gone, Takagenji has everything to succeed in Makuuchi, can he emulate his stablemate Takakeisho ?

Strengths: Literally every tools he needs to be a force in makuuchi Incredible size and body, is starting to add skills on the belt, good balance. Weaknesses : Still a bit raw, suffered form the downsides of Takanohana's influence.

Enho Akira (24) Miyagino beya


Highest rank M14 W

168 cm 99 kg Style : Acrobatic ninja ( hidari yotsu, shitatenage...)

Hakuho's young protegé made it all the way to the top division despite his small size and light weight and has showned he could hold his own against makuuchi rikishi during his first basho in the top division, can he continue to use his small size an advantage in the long term ?

Strengths: Incredible technique, speed, inconventional style that the bigger guys hate Weaknesses: Has to fight guys twice his size which can be exhausting and dangerous (already got injured and we all have ura in mind) his small size is going to hold him back regardless of how well he exploits it.

Terutsuyoshi Shoki (24 ) Isegahama


Highest rank M14E

169 cm 116 kg Style : acrobatic ninja ( migi-maemitsu/nage )

Terutsuyoshi, like Enho is one of those smaller technicians that are making their way up to the top division. He has a bit more exprerience than Enho in the top division so far but is yet to win more than 6 despite getting some quality wins when his plan is working. Can he have a better career than Ishiura ?

Strengths: Quick, powerful for his size, can use every technique and tricks in the book flawlessly.  Weaknesses : same as Enho's his small size is going to hold in back and his acrobatic style puts him in danger to get injured every bout.


Disappointing prospects

These rikishi had some hope placed on them but failed to deliver so far.

Yutakayama Ryota (25) Tokitsukaze Beya


Highest rank M2E    1 Jun Yusho, 1 Kanto-sho

185 cm 175 kg Style: Tsuki oshi

Yutakayama actually reached the jo-i ranks twice, finished second once and won a kanto-sho which is not bad on paper but he's been terrible at least twice as much as he's been good... His bow his so terrible that wish he would win more so we don't have to see it that often. Can he actually put his act together ?

Strengths : Big body, actually decent when his legs are moving and he is going forward.  Weaknesses: still very raw, no belt skills, poor balance, sometimes just slaps with his arms but no leg movement at all. Very emotional.

Yago Takanori (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M10w

187cm 178 kg style : Hidari yotsu-yori

Yago made his makuuchi only recently but despite a good first basho he hit the wall pretty fast, at least he made it to makuuchi unlike his "rival" Mitoryu and I think he'll manage to stick around. Can he do better than just sticking around ?

Strengths: Big body, power, looks good when he gets the belt. Weaknesses : Still very very raw, poor balance, slow, is pulling a lot for someone his size.

Kagayaki Taishi (24 )Takadagawa


Highest rank M4w

193 cm 170 kg Style: Tsuki oshi

Kagayaki is only 24 but has been in the top division for a bit already, despite that he's always been MR.Average, he's not shown many improvements and actually turned into MR.Mediocre lately. He's looked completely lost and clueless lately. Can he find his style and turn things around ?

Strengths: Big body, average at everything Weaknesses: Poor balance, no signs of improvements, seems to be clueless on what's his own style of sumo

Edited by Rainoyama
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As much as I've found it hard to like him, I'm also very interested in how Takagenji does over the next few years. I don't believe he had any sumo experience when he entered at 15, yet he was a sekitori only 4 years later while still a teenager (that is highly impressive to me), and will be the youngest in makuuchi next basho. He's got very good size and seems strong and well-balanced.

Edited by Katooshu

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Good thread. Thanks for starting it. I’d add Daishoho to the list. He looked solid at 9-6 this basho and he’s only posted one MK since promotion to Juryo in January 2018 (not counting his brief appearance in 2016). The Mongolian is 24 years old.

Edit: didn’t read carefully enough to note this is a thread about Japanese rikishi only


Edited by since_94

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I think Shodai is too old for this.  At 27 he's probably hit his peak, and it doesn't look like he's improved much over the few years he's been in Makuuchi.  As a matter of perspective, he's older than Terunofuji.  Really, I'd say there's a difference between Shodai/Mitakeumi/Hokutofuji and Onosho/Takakeisho/Meisei.  They may have come up to Makuuchi around the same time, but the first three came out of college and if they'd started after high school they'd probably have a year or two more Makuuchi experience and not be lumped in together with the latter three.

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I know Endo is 28 and was kind of the "start" of this new generation, and hasn't fulfilled his potential, partly due to the knee injury and also, it seems to me, because he doesn't like getting whacked in the face. But when he gets on the belt he is so good, so I hope he may yet work it out and have a late run at upper Sanyaku, similar to the way Takayasu did.

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6 hours ago, Katooshu said:

As much as I've found it hard to like him, I'm also very interested in how Takagenji does over the next few years. I don't believe he had any sumo experience when he entered at 15, yet he was a sekitori only 4 years later while still a teenager (that is highly impressive to me), and will be the youngest in makuuchi next basho. He's got very good size and seems strong and well-balanced.

I'm planning to add him of course ! It takes time to write so I'll do it when I have more time !


2 hours ago, Gurowake said:

I think Shodai is too old for this.  At 27 he's probably hit his peak, and it doesn't look like he's improved much over the few years he's been in Makuuchi.  As a matter of perspective, he's older than Terunofuji.  Really, I'd say there's a difference between Shodai/Mitakeumi/Hokutofuji and Onosho/Takakeisho/Meisei.  They may have come up to Makuuchi around the same time, but the first three came out of college and if they'd started after high school they'd probably have a year or two more Makuuchi experience and not be lumped in together with the latter three.


2 hours ago, Morty said:

I know Endo is 28 and was kind of the "start" of this new generation, and hasn't fulfilled his potential, partly due to the knee injury and also, it seems to me, because he doesn't like getting whacked in the face. But when he gets on the belt he is so good, so I hope he may yet work it out and have a late run at upper Sanyaku, similar to the way Takayasu did.

Endo and Shodai are the oldest of the younger guys, I decided to take Shodai as the upper limit but there's no other reason than the fact that I like him. Some rikishi like Tamawashi became much better with age I don't think either Shodai and Endo will but you never know...

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I just finished the list I had in mind, I'll add more guys as they climb up ranks and edit the thread to reflect their performances ! Feel free to leave any suggestions on what you'd like to see and what I can add or improve ! I've also started to correct my horrible english, terrible spelling and grammar, I apologize for that !

I'll start another thread or complete this one with the young mongolian rikishi soon !

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16 hours ago, Rainoyama said:

I'm planning to add him of course ! It takes time to write so I'll do it when I have more time !



Endo and Shodai are the oldest of the younger guys, I decided to take Shodai as the upper limit but there's no other reason than the fact that I like him. Some rikishi like Tamawashi became much better with age I don't think either Shodai and Endo will but you never know...

Good positive thinking! I had liked Shodai - but I've realized: he can't accept losing with dignity. He often loses muscular tone...

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If you do one for really young guys - maybe Naya.

I guess the hype train for him is already maximum speed anyway, but he's the only guy on this banzuke to be in Makushita and born after 2000. I don't think he's going to rip through Makushita-joi so easily but he could have a similar path to Takakeisho.

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Nagoya pre basho update.

Takakeisho's second basho as an ozeki, if he enters will have to defend his rank, 8 wins needed to avoid demotion.

Mitakeumi back as sekiwake east, 15 straight basho in sanyaku.

Abi will be making his sanyaku debut, new highest rank Komusubi east.

Natsu basho winner Asanoyama on the other hand won't make his sanyaku debut in Nagoya. New highest rank M1E 

Hokutofuji stays close to the top despite getting a MK for his sanyaku debut last basho, now ranked M1W.

Shodai back to the meat grinder zone. M3E.

Meisei, new highest rank M4E may fight some of the top dogs this basho

Tomokaze, never mk so far, new highest rank M7W

Onosho slowly climbing back up M8E

Takagenji, makuuchi debut nice promotion after is impressive yusho in juryo last basho, new highest rank M10W

Enho, Terutsuyoshi, Kagayaki, Yago all stay in the bottom of makuuchi as expected. Yutakayama is ranked Juryo 3.

Makushita division winner Takanofuji is back in juryo, new highest rank juryo 12. Young prospects Kotonowaka, Kizakiumi, Ichiyamamoto, Ryuko all make their juryo debut at the bottom of juryo can they climb their way up and join the list ?

Edited by Rainoyama

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7 hours ago, Rainoyama said:

Makushita division winner Takayoshitoshi is back in juryo...

Er, do you mean Takanofuji?

Takayoshitoshi was the guy who slapped his attendant around, wasn't he? ;-)

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33 minutes ago, RabidJohn said:

Er, do you mean Takanofuji?

Takayoshitoshi was the guy who slapped his attendant around, wasn't he? ;-)

Woops of course ! corrected it ! New name new life...

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As promised here's the first update where I try to analyze the performances and the progression of the young japanese rikishi as they try to make their way to the top. Instead of updating the first post I figured it'd be better to make a new one every time so we can follow them step by step. I'm adding the new informations in red so you guys can easily spot the changes.


Takakeisho Mitsunobu (22)  - Chiganoura beya


Highest rank : Ozeki    1 Yusho, 2 Jun Yusho , 8 special prizes (3 Gino-sho, 3 Shukun-sho ,  2 Kanto-sho) 3 kinboshi

175 cm 169 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Record this basho : 0-0-15.  Injured Ozeki Takakeisho had to make the most difficult decision of his young career before the basho even started. In the end he decided to go kyujo for the whole tournament, meaning certain demotion from ozeki after just two tournaments. I think it was the right choice : entering would have meant risking agravating the injury and probably losing rank anyway while missing on the extra rest. Takakeisho will fall to Sekiwake next basho and will need 10 wins for an immediate return, he's had double digits wins many times before so I think he can do it. If he's too rusty and fail this time, I can see him getting 33 wins again when back to full health. Takakeisho lost the rank due to an unfortunate injury not because he lacks talent. I look forward to see the little tank back on the dohyo healthy !

Mitakeumi Hisashi (26) - Dewanoumi-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake   1 Yusho, 7 Special prizes (2 Gino-sho, 4 Shukun-sho ,1 Kanto-sho) 2 kinboshi

180 cm, 175 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Record this basho: S1E  9-6     Mitakeumi won his first yusho in Nagoya exactly one year ago and was looking for the double this year to finally start an ozeki run. Unfortunately for him it wasn't meant to be. Unlike last year, he 26 years old couldn't capitalize on the top dogs absence -he didn't face any Ozeki - to get the few extra wins he needs and  missed out on both objectives. With a 9-6 record however , Mitakeumi extends his stay in Sanyaku to 16 consecutive basho, at testament to how good he is compared to the average joi-i, but also to his unability to become ozeki. His weight (he said before the basho that he's too fat and want to bring it down to under 170) and leg problems may have played a part but losing to M2 Aoyama, M3 Daieisho, and M1 Hokutofuji didn't help his case. Hopefully he'll lose the extra kilos, heal his legs and try again in september.

Asanoyama Hideki (25)- Takasago-beya


Highest Rank: M1E   1 Yusho 4 special prizes ( 1 Shukun-Sho, 3 Kanto-sho)

187 cm 177 kg  Favourite style : Migi yotsu-yori

Record this basho M1E 7-8  As expected, Asanoyama couldn't reproduce his yusho performance from last basho this time around. Ranked in the jo-i zone for the first time in his career,  he even finished with a losing record. Still, Asanoyama who probably was unlucky to be ranked M1 and not Komusubi managed to get 7 wins (including 2 against Ozeki Goeido and Tochinoshin) at his highest ever rank, which is not bad at all. He showed good dominant sumo during his wins and some solid when losing too. A 7-8 record means he'll stick to the top of the banzuke next basho and will face the bests again to continue to grow.

Interesting prospects

Abi Masatora (25)-  Shikoroyama beya


Highest rank: Komusubi   2 kanto-sho 2 kinboshi

187 cm 150 kg favourite style : Tsuki/oshi

Record this basho: K1E 8-7   With this record, 25 years old Abi entered the very select club of the KK shin-komusubi (many of the guys on the list later became Ozeki or Yokozuna - Kisenosato, Kakuryu...) although one of Abi's wins was a fusen and another was a very controversial henka again former Ozeki Kotoshogiku on day 15 to secure the KK. Abi showed some good sumo and looked stronger. He'll remain in sanyaku next basho.

Hokutofuji Daiki (27) Hakkaku-Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi  1 Jun-Yusho 1 Gino-sho 5 kinboshi

184cm 163 kg favourite style : Oshi

Record this Basho M1W 9-6  Hokutofuji's bout against flamboyant Endo on senshuraku was arguably the best bout of the basho from the fans perspective. For Hokutofuji on the other hand it was a cruel loss because it means that despite his excellent performances and a promotable record, he is very likely to be denied an immediate return to Komusubi. Still the now 27 years old showed solid sumo this basho and seems to be on a next level. Improved leg strength, much better balance and even some solid work on the belt to mix things up (Cf. That excellent win against Ichinojo on day 13)

Tomokaze Yuta (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M7W  1 Shukun-Sho 1 Kinboshi

183 cm 180 kg Style : Tsuki oshi

Record this basho M7W 11-4  His sumo may not be flashy (5 Hatakikomi wins) but sure is efficient. Never Makekoshi and at his highest rank ever, Tomokaze had his best basho so far to keep his KK streak going.  He racked up 11 wins in the end and, even more impressive, he was the only one able to defeat Yusho winner Kakuryu therefore earning his first Kinboshi and a well deserved Shukun-sho. This incredible performance made him climb on this list. He'll climb up the ranks too and the top guys are waiting for him next basho, will he finally hit his wall ?


Daieisho Hayato (25) Oitekaze-beya


Highest rank M2E

181 cm 160 Kg  Style : Oshi-tsuki

Record this basho M3W 8-7 He doesn't get as much attention and credit as he deserves but it was another solid basho at the top of the banzuke for Daieisho (beat Tochinoshin, Mitakeumi, Tamawashi, Asanoyama...). He'll stay close to the top again next basho and I look forward to see him perform. Very underrated rikishi.


Shodai Naoya (27) Tokitsukaze-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake 2 Kanto-sho 1 Kinboshi

184 cm, 165 kg  Style : Migi Yotsu yori

Record this basho M3E 7-8  Not the next ozeki Shodai had an ok basho in the meat grinder zone. Some solid wins (beat all 3 ozeki, Hokutofuji and Tamashi) but still managed to finish with a dissapointing 7-8. Positive point: his tachi ai looks a tiny bit better which is encouraging.


Intriguing prospects

Meisei Chikara (23) Tatsunami beya


Highest rank M4E

180 kg 150 kg  Style: Hidari yotsu-yori

Record this basho: M4E 4-11  At his highest rank ever, young Meisei faced the top guys for the first time of his career and he hit a serious wall. While he only finished with 4 wins (one being a fusen) he fought hard every single bout and it was a good learning experience for him. He'll learn to be less sloppy and more in control and come back stronger. Meisei will fall down the ranks quite a bit next basho so I expect him to do much better there.

Enho Akira (24) Miyagino beya


Highest rank M14 W 1 Gino-sho

168 cm 99 kg Style : Acrobatic ninja ( hidari yotsu, shitatenage...)

Record this basho M14 W 9-6    Young will o wisp Enho finally managed to get his first makuuchi KK, a three losses losing streak starting from day 11 brought back bad memories from last basho but this time the smol boi secured his KK on day 14 and even added another win to his tally on day 15. His first Gino-sho was just the icing on the cake. Enho is a fan favourite, always fun to watch, his bouts are the more watched on the new NHK replay platform. Enho showed he is good enough for the lower half, he'll face middle makuuchi guys next basho, let's see how well he can do.


Terutsuyoshi Shoki (24 ) Isegahama


Highest rank M14E  1Jun yusho 1 Kanto-Sho

169 cm 116 kg Style : acrobatic ninja ( migi-maemitsu/nage )

Record this basho M16W 12-3   Incredible performance from the little man this basho after being saved from demotion twice thanks to banzuke luck. Last guy in the first division, Terutsuyoshi regrouped to finish second with 12 wins and won the kanto-sho. Nice present for retiring heyamate Aminishiki. Terutsuyoshi used his speed and technique very well again this basho and had a plan almost every day. He'll climb the ranks next basho so it'll be interesting to see if he can keep up.

Takagenji Satoshi (22) Chiganoura Beya


Highest rank M10W

191cm 172kg Style Tsuki-Oshi

M10W 4-11 Tough debut for young shin-nyumaku Takagenji. Despite a good start: winning four of his first 5, showing good sumo, he then lost 10 in a row showing terrible sumo to finish the basho. Surely something happened to him, bandages around both of his ankles suggest it may be the cause of his problems but who knows ? Takagenji may fall down to juryo next basho depending on banzuke luck. During his wins he looked very good going for the belt and it's nice to see him improve in that area.


Disappointing prospects

Onosho Fumiya (23) Oonomatsu- Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi 3 Kanto-sho 1 kinboshi

177cm 160 kg Style : Tsuki oshi

M8E 6-9  Another very dissapointing MK basho at such a low rank for Onosho. Only 6 wins (including a fusen...)sloppy sumo and poor balance again, he is not back yet.


Yutakayama Ryota (25) Tokitsukaze Beya


Highest rank M2E    1 Jun Yusho, 1 Kanto-sho

185 cm 175 kg Style: Tsuki oshi

Yutakayama secured a 9-6 KK from J3, a promotable record so he may be back in the first division next basho.


Yago Takanori (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M10w

187cm 178 kg style : Hidari yotsu-yori

M15E 4-11 Terrible basho from Yago who will fall to Juryo. From the many cupping marks on his back, I think back pains were the cause of this disaster. Yago's raw sumo relies heavily on his size and weight and his complete lack of technique means he has no plan B.


Kagayaki Taishi (24 )Takadagawa


Highest rank M4w

M12 W 7-8 MK  Another basho, another average result for Kagayaki. No improvement whatsoever.

Edited by Rainoyama
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Terutsuyoshi's result is wrong and you forgot Enho's sansho in his overview. But nonetheless i like this project very much, thank you.

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4 minutes ago, Benihana said:

Terutsuyoshi's result is wrong and you forgot Enho's sansho in his overview. But nonetheless i like this project very much, thank you.

Thanks so much ! It takes a while to write so I'm correcting the many mistakes as I go :) Edit: Fixed those two, probably many more still but I'll come back later to check !

Edited by Rainoyama

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Thank you for your time and efforts. Really useful topic.

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Second update of the original post, this basho was a good and eventful one for the young guys so there's a lot to say. Just like I did last time, I'm adding the new information in red so you guys can easily spot the changes.


Takakeisho Mitsunobu (23)  - Chiganoura beya


Highest rank : Ozeki    1 Yusho, 3 Jun Yusho , 8 special prizes (3 Gino-sho, 3 Shukun-sho ,  2 Kanto-sho) 3 kinboshi

175 cm 169 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Record this basho : S1W 12-3  The now 23 years old Takakeisho found himself back to Sekiwake as a result of sitting out completely last basho. The Sekiwake spell won't last long though as he was able to get the 10 wins needed as early as day 12 therefore garanteeing his return to Ozeki next basho. Not only that but he actually went on and won two more to finish 12-3. Cherry on top, he even had a chance to win the yusho had he won the play off against rival Mitakeumi. Yes he didn't win it, but given Takakeisho's lack of training prior to the basho it was a magnificent perfomance from him. His decision to start actual training only a few days before the basho to get more time to heal raised concerns at the time but  it's  now fair to say it was the call to make. Takakeisho surprised everyone by starting 5-0 which put him in a very good position right away and his confidence and sumo only improved from there.  From his first bout against Daieisho on day 1, we could tell he was moving well and healthy but he looked a bit rusty. He looked better and more confident as the days went by and even had very dominant wins in the second half. Looking at his losses: he lost that bout to Endo by slipping on the gyoji's slipper, and was pushed down by Chiyotairyu and Goeido the only two times his leg movement didn't follow his upper body at the tachi ai. No doubt he is a special talent and even though he missed on his second yusho this time I wouldn't be surprised to see him get it soon enough.

Mitakeumi Hisashi (26) - Dewanoumi-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake  2 Yusho, 8 Special prizes (2 Gino-sho, 5 Shukun-sho ,1 Kanto-sho) 2 kinboshi

180 cm, 177 kg (+2)  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Record this basho S1E 12-3 Y  The basho didn't start well from Mitakeumi who lost to Asanoyama on day one and was up two kilos despite stating he wanted to lose weight. For one moment I thought this basho would be another 9-6 for him. I was wrong. Mitakeumi relied on a very good tachi-ai and turned things around. He was KK as early as day 10 securing his place in Sanyaku for the 17th straight basho and completely avoided consecutive losses which he only managed once before: Nagoya last year- his first yusho. Every time he was questionned about the race Mitakeumi answered the same thing : "my goal is to get to 10 wins", his first goal this basho was to finaly manage to get double digits to start another ozeki run, 12 wins+ yusho is a nice start, I expect him to aim for double digits again for the next two basho but a yusho or even a jun yusho next basho should be enough to get him to ozeki to start 2021. One thing his certain Mitakeumi, just like Takakeisho, is a special talent and his first yusho was not a fluke. He now has as many yusho as all three current ozeki combined. 

Asanoyama Hideki (25)- Takasago-beya


Highest Rank: M1E   1 Yusho 5 special prizes ( 2 Shukun-Sho, 3 Kanto-sho) 1 kinboshi

188 cm (+1) 171 kg  (-6)   Favourite style : Migi yotsu-yori

Record this basho M2W 10-5   For just his second basho in the joi-i ranks after his 7-8 showing last basho Asanoyama showed great signs of improvement, getting double digit wins including his first kinboshi and the scalps of the two ozeki. He reminded me a bit of prime Kisenosato at times with his great defense at the edge and his powerful yotsu attack. Well deserved Shukun-sho for Asanoyama (his second). Despite getting a double digit record as a M2 Asanoyama may have to wait again for his sanyaku debut though unless the banzuke committee somehow decides to add extra slots for him and Hokutofuji...

Interesting prospects

Abi Masatora (25)-  Shikoroyama beya


Highest rank: Komusubi   2 kanto-sho 2 kinboshi

185 cm (-2) 152 kg (+2) favourite style : Tsuki/oshi

Record this basho: K1E 9-6   Another solid basho for Abi who secured his place in sanyaku for the second straight basho (one of his wins is a fusen and another one a hairpul hansoku against Tochinoshin though) That loss to Myogiryu on senshuraku was a tough one as Abi looked like he injured his ankle and was denied a 10th win that could have started a run.

Hokutofuji Daiki (27) Hakkaku-Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi  1 Jun-Yusho 1 Gino-sho 6 kinboshi

183cm (-1) 161 kg  (-1) favourite style : Oshi

Record this Basho M1W 9-6   Everything started well for Hokutofuji who beat Yokozuna Hakuho on day 1 to get his 6th career kinboshi (!) but the ideal start turned into a nightmare first week as Hokutofuji went on to lose 6 in a row after that. To counter the bad luck he switched back to his blue mawashi for the second week and came back as a completely different man winning 8 straight and looking unstopable. Unfortunately even with a 9-6 record as M1E Hokutofuji will probably be denied a return to sanyaku for the second straight time unless the committee somehow decides to add a spot for him.

Tomokaze Yuta (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M3W  1 Shukun-Sho 2 Kinboshi

185 cm (+2) 181 kg (+1)  Style : Tsuki oshi/ Hatakikomi

Record this basho M3W 7-8  Tomokaze's KK streak finaly came to an end this basho after he finished with a 7-8 losing record for the first time of his career. Despite that he did quite well for his first basho in the jo-i ranks beating Ozeki Goeido but more importantly beating Yokozuna Kakuryu for the second basho in a row (therefore getting his 2nd Kinboshi) and dedicating the win to his recently friend and mentor Yoshikaze. 6 of his seven wins were via Hatakikomi and the stat is even worse if we start last basho. With such a big body Tomokaze would be way more dangerous by mixing things up and going forward more. Right now his opponents are expecting him to pull and taking advantage

Daieisho Hayato (25) Oitekaze-beya


Highest rank M2E 1 kinboshi

182 cm (+1) 160 Kg  Style : Oshi-tsuki

This basho : M3E 8-7  Another solid basho from the underappreciated Daieisho in the joi rank, getting his first kinboshi as well as Tochinoshin's scalp while producing solid sumo even when losing.


Intriguing prospects

Meisei Chikara (23) Tatsunami beya


Highest rank M4E

179 cm (-1) 147 kg (-3) Style: Hidari yotsu-yori

Record this basho: M10E 10-5 As expected Meisei did very well at that low rank after a rough first jo-i experience last basho. He'll be back to the top next time and will be looking to do better.

Enho Akira (24) Miyagino beya


Highest rank M11W 1 Gino-sho

168 cm 98 (-1) kg Style : Acrobatic ninja ( hidari yotsu, shitatenage...)

Record this basho M11 W 9-6   Second straight 9-6 record for the little guy at his highest rank. Enho is a joy to watch every day but it'll be interesting to see how he'll do in the upper half of makuuchi. He faced a lot of bottom half guys again this basho (only faced 4 guys ranked above M10 but finished 3-1)

Onosho Fumiya (23) Oonomatsu- Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi 3 Kanto-sho 1 kinboshi

177cm 159 kg (-1) Style : Tsuki oshi

M11E 9-6  Onosho finished with a 9-6 record at M11 which is not bad but with his level of talent it still feels a bit dissapointing. He looked much better in the second half though winning his last 6.

Terutsuyoshi Shoki (24 ) Isegahama


Highest rank M9 E  1Jun yusho 1 Kanto-Sho

169 cm 116 kg Style : acrobatic ninja ( migi-maemitsu/nage )

Record this basho M9 4-11   Nightmare basho at his  highest ever rank for the little guy. Probably climbed the ranks too high and too fast after his stellar performance last basho.

Takagenji Satoshi (22) Chiganoura Beya


Highest rank M10W

191cm 172kg Style Tsuki-Oshi

M17 4-11    Second straight nightmare basho for Takagenji who will be back to juryo next time. Didn't look healthy and was probably confused by all the noise surrounding his twin brother. Nice win on day 14 against Terutsuyoshi but that about the only positive thing I can find to say about him this basho

Disappointing prospects


Shodai Naoya (27) Tokitsukaze-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake 2 Kanto-sho 1 Kinboshi

183 cm (-1) 167 kg (+2) Style : Migi Yotsu yori

Record this basho M4W 3-12    Pathetic performance from Shodai, probably his worst basho in Makuuchi. He'll fall down in the lower half for the first time in ages. He should do well there so hopefully he'll get a confidence boost from it Kakuryu potentially joining the stable may be a good thing for him. He is training with him a lot already but I expect the yokozuna to give him more advice if they become heya mates. Kyushu is his home basho so he'll get the homecrowd support as well.

Yutakayama Ryota (26) Tokitsukaze Beya


Highest rank M2E    1 Jun Yusho, 1 Kanto-sho

184 cm (-1) 177 kg (+2 New wife's food...)  Style: Tsuki oshi

M16 10-5  Good performance from Yutakayama at the bottom of Makuuchi, married life seems to affect him in a positive way so far. His style is still messy and relies on power more than accuracy but he's shown some cool moves here and there like his kotenage against Tochiozan on day 1 or his Hikkake win against Chiyoshoma. Turned 26 on senshuraku.

Kagayaki Taishi (24 )Takadagawa


Highest rank M4w

M13 6-9 MK  Another basho, another mediocre result for Kagayaki. Probably shouldn't even make the list but he is young and Makuuchi regular...

Yago Takanori (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M10w

187cm 183 kg (+5) style : Hidari yotsu-yori

J4 8-7   Another average basho for Yago down in juryo. He managed to get a KK but that won't be enough for him to return to makuuchi. Probably shouldn't make the list either...

Edited by Rainoyama
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Worth noting that Terutsuyoshi was also dealing with an injured pec incurred at the beginning of the basho (what's with all the pec injuries?), which contributed to his disappointing performance. 

Also, shouldn't style for Tomokaze be Hatakikomi?(Idunno...)

Edited by Kaninoyama

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2 minutes ago, Kaninoyama said:

Worth noting that Terutsuyoshi was also dealing with an injured pec incurred at the beginning of the basho (what's with all the pec injuries?), which contributed to his disappointing performance. 

Also, shouldn't style for Tomokaze be Hatakikomi?(Idunno...)

Thank you so much for your input, I edited the post to add  Hatakikomi to Tomokaze's style. I use the official website info to fill that section as the post takes so long to write but yeah it's not the best source to use aha (They list Aoiyama as a migi yotsu specialist...)

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POST Kyushu 2019

That's it, the last basho of 2019 is in the books, 34 y.o Hakuho won the cup for the 43rd time but the young generation did well overall, two of its members fought almost until the end for most wins during the year.


Takakeisho Mitsunobu (23)  - Chiganoura beya


Highest rank : Ozeki    1 Yusho, 3 Jun Yusho , 8 special prizes (3 Gino-sho, 3 Shukun-sho ,  2 Kanto-sho) 3 kinboshi

175 cm 169 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Record O2E 9-6 After his pectoral muscle injury at the end of last basho many of us questioned Takakeisho's choice not to take surgery, then later to enter the basho with so little training and with so little time taken to heal. The little man proved everybody wrong yet again and won 9, showing dominant sumo at times. We could argue that he "only" won 9 (so lost 6) with so many top guys out, but at least he was out there competing, secured a KK, and didn't get injured this time. Overall a positive basho for him.

Mitakeumi Hisashi (26) - Dewanoumi-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake  2 Yusho, 8 Special prizes (2 Gino-sho, 5 Shukun-sho ,1 Kanto-sho) 2 kinboshi

180 cm, 177 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

S1E 6-9   Mitakeumi is the young prospect who had the most on the line this time after his second yusho last basho. Once again he had a chance to realize his dream to become Ozeki and, once again, failed miserably. Not only did he failed to get the double digits he needed but he the failed to secure 9 to keep at least a bit of hope, failed to secure KK, and barely lost to Abi on Senshuraku for his 9th loss meaning his incredible sanyaku streak is very likely to come to an end. To his defense, Mitakeumi didn't look healthy at all and he probably wasn't. He didn't look the same after that head injury sustained against Meisei on day 3, his leg movement wasn't great so I suspect his leg was bothering him as well. It was a relatively good year for him as he stayed in Sanyaku all 6 basho and won one but that ending was terrible and anticlimatic. Hopefully he'll be back next year healthy and ready to bounce back. 

Asanoyama Hideki (25)- Takasago-beya


Highest Rank: Komusubi   1 Yusho, 1 Jun-Yusho,  6 special prizes ( 2 Shukun-Sho, 1 Gino-sho 3 Kanto-sho) 1 kinboshi

188 cm 171 kg   Favourite style : Migi yotsu-yori

K2W 11-4 JG   After his 10-5 performance as a M2 last basho, the banzuke committee took the decision to create two more komusubi slots and Asanoyama finally made his sanyaku debut. He didn't dissapoint, getting 11 wins, his first jun-yusho, his first gino-sho, and clinching the record of most wins in 2019 while producing ozeki-level sumo. The only regret Asanoyama can have is that loss against Shodai on senshuraku that would have improved his record to 12-3 and his ozeki chances at the same time,  but the future is very bright for him, I wouldn't be surprised to see him promoted to the second highest rank next year.

Interesting prospects

Abi Masatora (25)-  Shikoroyama beya


Highest rank: Komusubi   2 kanto-sho 2 kinboshi

185 cm 152 kg favourite style : Tsuki/oshi

K1E 9-6   Things didn't look too good before the basho for Abi who was warned by the kyokai following an idiotic instagram post, luckily for him he wasn't suspended but his stupidity led to a SNS ban not only for him for everybody else... Still, Abi responded with another strong performance on the dohyo, securing 9 wins, his 6th KK of the year (the only rikishi with a KK all 6 basho this year), and therefore assuring his place in sanyaku for the 4th straight  basho. Abi also finished second to Asanoyama for most wins this year.

Hokutofuji Daiki (27) Hakkaku-Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi  1 Jun-Yusho 1 Gino-sho 6 kinboshi

183cm 161 kg  favourite style : Oshi

K2E 7-8  Just like Asanoyama, Hokutofuji was the beneficiary of one of the two extra komusubi slots created before the basho. Unlike Asanoyama though, Hokutofuji couldn't capitalize on this opportunity to start a run. The change of mawashi worked again as Hokutofuji won 3 of his last 4 but he had already lost 5 in row before that and it was already too late. Overall a disappointing basho from him although he produced some really good bouts as always (like his loss to Endo on day 8 for instance.)

Daieisho Hayato (26) Oitekaze-beya



Highest rank M1E 1 Shukun-Sho  2 kinboshi

182 cm 160 Kg  Style : Oshi-tsuki

M1E 8-7  Another solid basho for the now 26 y.o at his highest rank ever, securing a 8-7 KK (though one of his wins is a fusen) and getting his second in two basho beating none other than Hakuho on day 2. Daieisho was the only rikishi capable of beating the GOAT and therefore earned his first Shukun-sho as well. Daieisho is no longer a rikishi without any accolades, and no longer a rikishi you should sleep on. He'll probably make his sanyaku debut next basho.

Tomokaze Yuta (24 ) Oguruma beya


Highest rank M3W  1 Shukun-Sho 2 Kinboshi

185 cm 181 kg   Style : Tsuki oshi/ Hatakikomi

Nightmare basho for Tomokaze going down with a knee injury that will sideline him for at least a year. I wish him a full recovery and all the best for the future. He has the talent to come back, and hopefully he'll be back even stronger.


Intriguing prospects

Meisei Chikara (24) Tatsunami beya


Highest rank M2W

179 cm 147 kg Style: Hidari yotsu-yori

M2W 6-9 Now 24 Meisei was back to the top of the banzuke and showed some good stuff at his highest rank ever, especially during the first week. He is a little green still and couldn't achieve KK, but he has talent and should be back soon.

Enho Akira (25) Miyagino beya


Highest rank M6W 1 Gino-sho

168 cm 98 kg Style : Acrobatic ninja ( hidari yotsu, shitatenage...)

M6W 8-7  The little guy made a big jump in the rankings after his performance last basho but still managed to get his KK on day 15 with a win against Daieisho - meaning he'll continue to climb the ranks. Enho benefited from the kyujo of many top guys and didn't face many guys ranked above him (only 4, one of them being the other M6) but he'll be ranked higher next basho and that will be a major test for him. I thought he was a little bit less inspired than usual but his shitatenage on Terutsuyoshi was a thing of beauty.

Shodai Naoya (28) Tokitsukaze-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake 1Jun-yusho 3 Kanto-sho 1 Kinboshi

183 cm 167 kg Style : Migi Yotsu yori

M10W 11-4 JK At this low rank and at home Shodai did what was expected of him and bounced back from his terrible Aki performance racking up 11 wins (including a cool Uchari), getting his first jun-yusho,  and his 3rd Kanto-sho with a win against Asanoyama on senshuraku. He should be back closer to the top next time, let's see if he can build up from this performance or if he'll get his ass beat again...

Disappointing prospects

Onosho Fumiya (23) Oonomatsu- Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi 3 Kanto-sho 1 kinboshi

177cm 159 kg (-1) Style : Tsuki oshi

M6E 7-8 Another disappointing performance from Onosho, another MK and balance problems that are yet to be solved... No improvement whatsoever.

Yutakayama Ryota (26) Tokitsukaze Beya


Highest rank M2E  1 Jun Yusho, 1 Kanto-sho

184 cm 177 kg Style: Tsuki oshi

M9W 8-7 Ok performance from Yutakayama, second straight makuuchi KK, his sumo looked a bit more refined this basho but I think he can do better than 8-7.

Terutsuyoshi Shoki (24 ) Isegahama


Highest rank M9 E  1Jun yusho 1 Kanto-Sho

169 cm 116 kg Style : acrobatic ninja ( migi-maemitsu/nage )

M14E 8-7   Not his best basho for sure but Terutsuyoshi bounced back with a KK after his poor performance last time. He looked healthier too which is good to see. 

Kagayaki Taishi (25 )Takadagawa


Highest rank M4w

M13W 10-5 Good performance from now 25 Kagayaki for a change, 10 wins ( well one of them was a fusen) let's see if it was not a fluke and if he can actually improve.


I dropped Yago and Takagenji who are down to juryo and underperforming there. Hopefully Kotonowaka and Kizakiumi will make the list soon, these guys are talented.


Edited by Rainoyama
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That was fast, the first basho of the new decade is already in the books. 33 years old veteran Tokushoryu took everyone by surprise and clinched the yusho from the last maegashira spot, but Hatsu 2020 confirmed even more  the rise of the young generation and the fall of the old. Both Yokozuna were out again, Goeido lost his rank and is apparently retiring intention,  the vast majority of the rikishi over 30 finished the basho with a makekoshi or performing poorly. Many of the younger guys on the other end did really well, a lot of them should be ranked in jo-i/ sanyaku zone next basho and with only one ozeki and two yokozuna at the end of the road on the banzuke, now is the perfect time to get on a run for a top rank.


Takakeisho Mitsunobu (23)  - Chiganoura beya


Highest rank : Ozeki    1 Yusho, 3 Jun Yusho , 8 special prizes (3 Gino-sho, 3 Shukun-sho ,  2 Kanto-sho) 3 kinboshi

175 cm 169 kg  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

Oe 11-4  This basho was arguably Takakeisho's first fully healthy basho as an ozeki and, with both Yokozuna pulling out early and fellow ozeki Goeido struggling, the 23 years old was the natural favourite to get the cup. He was still on the race until his loss to Asanoyama on day 14 and failed to stop Tokushoryu to clinch the yusho on Senshuraku. If we look at the content of his sumo we can see that his dominant oshi attack was less prevalent this basho, Takakeisho tried different things, beating Okinoumi via Yorikiri and Tochinoshin via hearty Kotenage on day 12. I don't know if he is trying to diversify is sumo to become Yokozuna or if was just the result of his oshi being less dominant this time but trying something else didn't work every time as illustrated by his losses on day 14 and 15. With that being said, no yusho yes, but an overall solid performance for the little guy, and his first double digit basho as an ozeki.


Mitakeumi Hisashi (27) - Dewanoumi-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake  2 Yusho, 8 Special prizes (2 Gino-sho, 5 Shukun-sho ,1 Kanto-sho) 2 kinboshi

180 cm, 175 kg (-2)  Favourite style : Tsuki-Oshi

M2w 7-8 Last basho was the end of Mitakeumi's incredible spell in the sanyaku rank, back to the maegashira ranks he couldn't seize the opportunity presented by the kyujo of noth yokozuna, Goeido's struggles, and Takayasu and Abi's poor condition to come back to sanyaku right away. On the contrary, Mitakeumi posted a second straight makekoshi that will see him fall a little bit more down the ranks.Hi's knee definitely seemed to bothered him a lot again this basho which can explain his poor performance. If he manages to get healthy again I reckon he'll be back in Sanyaku soon.All things considered 7 wins with one leg at this rank is quite respectable.

Asanoyama Hideki (25)- Takasago-beya


Highest Rank: Sekiwake   1 Yusho, 1 Jun-Yusho,  6 special prizes ( 2 Shukun-Sho, 1 Gino-sho 3 Kanto-sho) 1 kinboshi

188 cm 177 kg (+6)  Favourite style : Migi yotsu-yori

S1e 10-5 Things started quite well for Asanoyama on his sekiwake debut, three straight wins to start the basho. However, he hit a rough patch midway through and ended up 6-5 and out of the race by day 11. Still,  he managed to regroup and won his last 4 to post his second straight double digit basho in sanyaku. His win against Takakeisho on day 14 and the dominant one against Ryuden on senshuraku were really crucial wins for him. 11 wins last basho, 10 this time, he needs 12 next time get to 33,  but with such a depleted Yokozuna/Ozeki field he might get the nod with less.


Interesting prospects

Hokutofuji Daiki (27) Hakkaku-Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi  1 Jun-Yusho 2 Gino-sho 7 kinboshi

183cm 162 kg (+1)  favourite style : Oshi

M2 11-4 G Hokutofuji was back to the Maegashira ranks this time but secured his immediate ticket back to sanyaku with an incredible 11-4 performance and was rewarded by his 7th kinboshi (!) and his second Gino-sho. More of the same next basho please !

Shodai Naoya (28) Tokitsukaze-beya


Highest rank: Sekiwake 2Jun-yusho 4 Kanto-sho 1 Kinboshi

183 cm 171 kg (+4) Style : Migi Yotsu yori

M4w 13-2 JK Dare I say it ? Shodai "the next ozeki" is back baby ! Second straight jun yusho (it could have been a yusho if not for the incredible Tokushoryu), second straight Kanto sho, strong, confident sumo, much improved tachi ai, what more can I say ? He is in the zone and should be back in sanyaku for the first time since Haru 2017. Let's hope his dissapointment of not getting the yusho this time will drive him to  continue in this direction next time and to try get an actual ozeki run going...

Daieisho Hayato (26) Oitekaze-beya


Highest rank Komusubi 1 Shukun-Sho  2 kinboshi

182 cm 165 Kg (+5)  Style : Oshi-tsuki

K1w 7-8  Daieisho finished makekoshi on his sanyaku debut but still showed good sumo pretty much every day, even when losing. I think he'll continue to stick to the top of the banzuke.

Abi Masatora (25)-  Shikoroyama beya


Highest rank: Komusubi   2 kanto-sho 2 kinboshi

185 cm 155 kg (+3)  favourite style : Tsuki/oshi

K1e 5-10 Overall disappointing basho from Abi who should fall back to the maegashira ranks next basho. He fought with an injured leg all basho however, so he should be back to the top if he manages to get healthier.

Intriguing prospects


Enho Akira (25) Miyagino beya


Highest rank M5w 1 Gino-sho

168 cm 99 kg (+1) Style : Acrobatic ninja ( hidari yotsu, shitatenage...)

M5w 8-7 I thought this tournament would be a very tough one for the little man and, with the depleted Sanyaku field, he actually faced some serious guys. In the end it didn't even matter, Enho beat an ozeki, both sekiwake and a komusubi to secure his fourth makuuchi KK in a row. Wow ! I am currious to see how he'll do next basho !

Yutakayama Ryota (26) Tokitsukaze Beya


Highest rank M2e  1 Jun Yusho, 1 Kanto-sho

184 cm 179 kg (+2) Style: Tsuki oshi

M9w 11-4  That's more like it ! Excellent basho from Yutakayama, with so many candidates he was a bit unlucky not to be even selected for a sansho but he showed some good sumo all the way through this basho. His style looks finally more refined , his balance is better and he is going for the belt more and with success. I like that version of him a lot more than the over agressive brat that cannot do a proper bow one ... Third straight makuuchi kk for him. 

Meisei Chikara (24) Tatsunami beya


Highest rank M2w

179 cm 150 kg (+3) Style: Hidari yotsu-yori

M5e 1-7-7 Nightmare basho for Meisei, clearly nursing a nasty arm injury. He should have watched from home but showed up anyway. That was dangerous, frustrating and painful to watch. He only managed a win against Tochinoshin's ghost and is therefore in danger of demotion for next basho.



Ok prospects

Onosho Fumiya (23) Oonomatsu- Beya


Highest rank : Komusubi 3 Kanto-sho 1 kinboshi

177cm 157 kg (-2) Style : Tsuki oshi

M7w 9-6 Ok basho from Onosho who is slowly climbing his way back up. Things didn't look good for him at at first( bad sumo and 4 losses to start),  but Onosho performed better in the second half and actually looked much better. 5 straight wins to end the basho. Let's hope for him that he can keep up this good form next basho.

Kagayaki Taishi (25 )Takadagawa


Highest rank M4w

192 cm 166 kg

M11w 10-5 Two basho ago, Kagayaki looked completely lost, he certainly turned this around since then, second straight solid basho from him.

Terutsuyoshi Shoki (25) Isegahama


Highest rank M9e  1Jun yusho 1 Kanto-Sho

M14e 8-7 169 cm 116 kg Style : acrobatic ninja ( migi-maemitsu/nage )

Still ranked at M14e despite a 8-7 record last time, Terutsuyoshi showed some really good stuff in the first half and quickly secured his KK. Despite that, he still ended up with the same 8-7 record t this time, losing his last four.

Takanosho Nobuaki (25) Chiganoura


Highest rank M9e

183 cm 163 kg

M9e 7-8 First time making the list for "onigiri man", Takakeisho's heyamate finished with a makekoshi at his highest rank ever but looked quite good overall, I think he has some potential. 

Edited by Rainoyama
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This is really cool, glad you updated this. You should mention rikishi coming up to Juryo like you did with the Mongolian edition. Speaking of which hope that gets updated soon, think Roga deserves a mention at least 

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53 minutes ago, R.G said:

This is really cool, glad you updated this. You should mention rikishi coming up to Juryo like you did with the Mongolian edition. Speaking of which hope that gets updated soon, think Roga deserves a mention at least 

Thank you so much for your comment !  I may add some of the juryo guys but this is a lot of work so I cannot garantee when. On the other hand,  I'll  update the mongolian version for sure !  I slacked off last time and so many things have changed ( Terunofuji, Roga...)

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I'm halfway convinced that Kagayaki's turnaround since Fukuoka has to do with his scary looking oyakata being on head shimpan duty.

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