
Lower division celebs results

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After day 13:

 Joukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 1E.

Kitanowaka, young (21 years old) ex- high-school champion is 4-2 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 3E.

Oushouumi is 2-1-3 and makekoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 7W but went kyujo on day 3 and is returning on day 10.

hoshi_kuro.gifChiyoootori (ex-Komusubi)  is 1-6 and makekoshi at Makushita 12W. 

Rouga the Russian is 5-1 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 13E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 13W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

Atamifuji is 5-1 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank of Makushita 14W. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki,  Sandanme 100 tsukedashi May 2021, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 15W, his highest career rank.

Oushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) joins sumo this basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi and is 4-2 and kachikoshi. 

Fujiseiun,  is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 17W, his highest career rank. 23-4 career. 

Hokutenkai, Mongolian, is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 18W.

Dewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E.

Nabatame is 2-4  and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, his highest rank.

Nishikawa is 2-3 at Makushita 21W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. Did not appear for his day 9 bout.

Mudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 27W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 29E.

Shishi, Ukranian, is 3-3 at Makushita 31E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is 1-1 at Makushita  35E, his highest  career rank. Injured and kyujo.

Nihonyanagi is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 35W.

Shinohara is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 36W.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, back after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze, former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50, is 3-4 and makekoshi  at Makushita 40E.

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  kyujo at Makushita 40W.

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43E, his highest rank.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 45W, missed the last  two and a half basho due to an injury.

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 4-2 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 46W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden, back from a three basho suspension - is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 47W. Makushita yusho in his return from suspension.

Maikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-3 at  Makushita 51W

Osanai, is 2-4 and makekoshi at  Sandanme  2E, his highest rank. 20-3 career. He will not push. 

Shimoyama is 2-4 and makekoshi at  Sandanme 5E.

Fujitoushi (Suguro), is 5-1  and kachikoshi at Sandanme 24W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 42E. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 81W, his highest career rank. 

Kiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 83W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan, (Yersin) new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi from Kazakhstan, is 7-0 and kachikoshi- Sandanme yusho in his first basho.

Suguro, new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi, brother of Fujitoushi, is 5-1 and kachikoshi.

Furanshisu from the Philippines, is 3-3 at Jonidan 4E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 4-3  and kachikoshi at Jonidan 36E.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze, the oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo, is 1-6 and makekoshi at Jonidan 59W.

Satonofuji  the bow twirler is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 77W.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai.

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Well, looks like Naya kinda reverted to what was expected. He'll at least get another chance in makushita in January.

Edited by Katooshu

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After day 14:

 Joukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 1E.

Kitanowaka, young (21 years old) ex- high-school champion is 4-2 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 3E.

Oushouumi is 2-1-3 and makekoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 7W but went kyujo on day 3 and is returning on day 10.

hoshi_kuro.gifChiyoootori (ex-Komusubi)  is 1-6 and makekoshi at Makushita 12W. Announced his retirement. 

Rouga the Russian is 5-1 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 13E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 13W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifAtamifuji is 6-1 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank of Makushita 14W. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki,  Sandanme 100 tsukedashi May 2021, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 15W, his highest career rank.

Oushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) joins sumo this basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi and is 4-2 and kachikoshi. 

Fujiseiun,  is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 17W, his highest career rank. 23-4 career. 

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 18W.

Dewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E.

Nabatame is 2-4  and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, his highest rank.

Nishikawa is 2-3 at Makushita 21W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. Did not appear for his day 9 bout.

Mudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 27W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 29E.

hoshi_shiro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 31E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is 1-1 at Makushita  35E, his highest  career rank. Injured and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifNihonyanagi is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 35W.

Shinohara is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 36W.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, back after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze, former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50, is 3-4 and makekoshi  at Makushita 40E.

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  kyujo at Makushita 40W.

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43E, his highest rank.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 45W, missed the last  two and a half basho due to an injury.

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 4-2 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 46W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden, back from a three basho suspension - is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 47W. Makushita yusho in his return from suspension.

hoshi_kuro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Makushita 51W

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Sandanme  2E, his highest rank. 20-3 career. He will not push. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShimoyama is 2-5 and makekoshi at  Sandanme 5E.

Fujitoushi (Suguro), is 5-1  and kachikoshi at Sandanme 24W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 42E. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 4-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 81W, his highest career rank. 

Kiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 5-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 83W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan, (Yersin) new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi from Kazakhstan, is 7-0 and kachikoshi- Sandanme yusho in his first basho.

Suguro, new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi, brother of Fujitoushi, is 5-1 and kachikoshi.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 4-3  and kachikoshi at Jonidan 36E.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze, the oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo, is 1-6 and makekoshi at Jonidan 59W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 77W.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Final results-Kyushu 2021:

 Joukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 1E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKitanowaka, young (21 years old) ex- high-school champion is 5-2 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 3E. Promoted to Juryo.

hoshi_fusenpai.gifOushouumi is 2-2-3 and makekoshi at his highest career rank, Makushita 7W but went kyujo on day 3, returned on day 10 and went kyujo again  on the final day.

hoshi_kuro.gifChiyoootori (ex-Komusubi)  is 1-6 and makekoshi at Makushita 12W. Announced his retirement. 

hoshi_kuro.gifRouga the Russian is 5-2 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 13E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 13W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifAtamifuji is 6-1 and kachikoshi at his highest career rank of Makushita 14W. 

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizaki,  Sandanme 100 tsukedashi May 2021, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 15W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) joins sumo this basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi and is 4-3 and kachikoshi. 

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 17W, his highest career rank. 24-4 career. 

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 18W.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 19E.

hoshi_kuro.gifNabatame is 2-5  and makekoshi at Makushita 20W, his highest rank.

Nishikawa is 2-3-2 and makekoshi at Makushita 21W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. Did not appear for his day 9 bout.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 2-5 and makekoshi at Makushita 27W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 29E.

hoshi_shiro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 31E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is 1-1-5 and makekoshi at Makushita  35E, his highest  career rank. Injured and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifNihonyanagi is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 35W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Makushita 36W.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, back after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze, former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50, is 3-4 and makekoshi  at Makushita 40E.

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  kyujo at Makushita 40W.

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 3-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 43E, his highest rank.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Makushita 45W, missed the last  two and a half basho due to an injury.

hoshi_kuro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 4-3 and kachikoshi  at Makushita 46W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden, back from a three basho suspension - is 7-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 47W. Makushita yusho in his return from suspension.

hoshi_kuro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Makushita 51W

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 3-4 and makekoshi at  Sandanme  2E, his highest rank. He will not push. 

hoshi_kuro.gifShimoyama is 2-5 and makekoshi at  Sandanme 5E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 6-1  and kachikoshi at Sandanme 24W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 6-1 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 42E. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 81W, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 5-2 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 83W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan, (Yersin) new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi from Kazakhstan, is 7-0 and kachikoshi- Sandanme yusho in his first basho.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, new Sandanme 100 tsukedashi, brother of Fujitoushi, is 6-1 and kachikoshi.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 3-4 and makekoshi at Jonidan 4E.

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 4-3  and kachikoshi at Jonidan 36E.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze, the oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo, is 1-6 and makekoshi at Jonidan 59W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 4-3 and kachikoshi at Jonidan 77W.

Edited by Kintamayama
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Hatsu 2022 rankings:

Atamifuji is at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

Joukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is at Makushita 3W.

Ryuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

Dewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

Rouga, Russian, is at Makushita 7E. 

Kanno is at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

Oushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

Hokuseihou, is at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

Tomokaze, is at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is at Makushita 21E.

Ishizakis at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

Fujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is at Makushita 23W.

Fujiseiun,  is at Makushita 24E.

Shishi, Ukranian, is at Makushita 25W.

Shinohara is at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is at Makushita 30W.

Hokutenkai, Mongolian, is at Makushita 31E.

Nabatame is at Makushita 34W.

Nishikawa is at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is  at Makushita 37E.

Nihonyanagi is at Makushita 43E.

Mudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is at Makushita 44E.

Fujitoushi (Suguro), is at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

Amakaze is at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

Naya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Arauma,  Mongolian, is at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

Kinbouzan (Yersin)  is at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

Maikeru, half  Filipino, is at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is at Sandanme 21E.

Osanai, is at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

Suguro, is at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

Kiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is at Sandanme 54W, highest career rank.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

Kairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is at Jonidan 13W.

Satonofuji  the bow twirler is at Jonidan 43W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines, is at Jonidan 48W.

Hanakaze is at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai


Edited by Kintamayama
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2 minutes ago, Reonito said:

Also, he's at 7E ;-)

Not on my banzuke, he isn’t.. Oops again. I'll get it right in the end. Hopefully.

  • Haha 2

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Hatsu 2022 Day 1:

hoshi_shiro.gifAtamifuji is 1-0 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 0-1 at Makushita 3W.

Ryuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

Rouga, Russian, is at Makushita 7E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 1-0 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

Oushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_shiro.gifHokuseihou, is 1-0 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

Tomokaze, is at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is at Makushita 21E.

Ishizakis at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_kuro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 0-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 1-0 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_kuro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 0-1 at Makushita 25W.

Shinohara is at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is at Makushita 30W.

Hokutenkai, Mongolian, is at Makushita 31E.

Nabatame is at Makushita 34W.

Nishikawa is at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is  at Makushita 37E.

Nihonyanagi is at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-1 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 1-0 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

Amakaze is at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

Naya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Arauma,  Mongolian, is at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

Kinbouzan (Yersin)  is at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

hoshi_shiro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 1-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is at Sandanme 21E.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 1-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

Suguro, is at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

Kiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 0-1 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 0-1 at Jonidan 13W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines, is at Jonidan 28W.

Satonofuji  the bow twirler is at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifHanakaze is 1-0 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited by Kintamayama
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Atamifuji certainly knocking on heaven's door here. Hopefully he and Hokuseiho take it to a playoff. Does a 7-0 D from the promotion zone still result in automatic promotion to juryo? 

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6 minutes ago, Seiyashi said:

Atamifuji certainly knocking on heaven's door here. Hopefully he and Hokuseiho take it to a playoff. Does a 7-0 D from the promotion zone still result in automatic promotion to juryo? 

Usually, sure.

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After Hatsu 2022 Day 2:

hoshi_shiro.gifAtamifuji is 2-0 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 0-1 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 1-0 at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_shiro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifRouga, Russian, is 0-1 at Makushita 7E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 1-0 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 1-0 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_shiro.gifHokuseihou, is 1-0 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 1-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

hoshi_kuro.gifOushouumi is 0-1 at Makushita 21E.

hoshi_shiro.gifIshizakis 1-0 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_kuro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 0-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 1-0 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_kuro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 0-1 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-1 at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 1-0 at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 0-1 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_kuro.gifNabatame is 0-1 at Makushita 34W.

hoshi_shiro.gifNishikawa is 1-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

hoshi_shiro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-0  at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNihonyanagi is 1-0 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-1 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 1-0 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAmakaze is 1-0 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 0-1 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 1-0 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 1-0 at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

hoshi_shiro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 1-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 1-0 at Sandanme 21E.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 1-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, is 1-0 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_shiro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 1-0 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 0-1 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 0-1 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 1-0 at Jonidan 28W.

hoshi_shiro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-0 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifHanakaze is 1-0 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited by Kintamayama
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Atamifuji looking very good so far. Bar a meltdown he's almost definitely going to be sekitori next basho for an 8-basho run, which should put him amongst the rikishi with fastest progress to sekitori.

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After Hatsu 2022 Day 3:

Atamifuji is 2-0 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 0-2 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 2-0 at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-1 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

Rouga, Russian, is 0-1 at Makushita 7E. 

Kanno is 1-0 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_kuro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 1-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

Hokuseihou, is 1-0 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 2-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

hoshi_fusenpai.gifOushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Did not show up for his bout today.

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizakis 1-1 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

Fujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 0-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 2-0 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_shiro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 1-1 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-2 at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 1-0 at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 0-2 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNabatame is 1-1 at Makushita 34W.

Nishikawa is 1-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-0  at Makushita 37E.

Nihonyanagi is 1-0 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-21 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 1-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAmakaze is 2-0 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

Naya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 0-1 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 2-0 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 2-0 at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

Maikeru, half  Filipino, is 1-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 2-0 at Sandanme 21E.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 2-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, is 2-0 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_kuro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 1-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 1-1 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

Kairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 0-1 at Jonidan 13W.

Furanshisu from the Philippines, is 1-0 at Jonidan 28W.

Satonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-0 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifHanakaze is 2-0 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

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After Hatsu 2022 Day 4:

Atamifuji is 2-0 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 0-2 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 2-0 at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-1 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifRouga, Russian, is 1-1 at Makushita 7E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 2-0 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_kuro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 1-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokuseihou, is 1-1 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 2-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

hoshi_fusenpai.gifOushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Did not show up for his bout today.

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizakis 1-1 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 1-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 2-0 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_shiro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 1-1 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-2 at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 2-0 at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 0-2 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNabatame is 1-1 at Makushita 34W.

hoshi_shiro.gifNishikawa is 2-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

hoshi_kuro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-1  at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_kuro.gifNihonyanagi is 1-1 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-2 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_kuro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 1-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAmakaze is 2-0 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-1 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_shiro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 2-0 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 2-0 at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

hoshi_shiro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 2-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 2-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 2-0 at Sandanme 21E.

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, is 2-0 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_kuro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 1-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 1-1 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 1-1 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 1-1 at Jonidan 28W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-1 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_shiro.gifHanakaze is 2-0 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited by Kintamayama
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After Hatsu 2022 Day 5:

hoshi_kuro.gifAtamifuji is 2-1 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 1-2 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 3-0 at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

Dewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-1 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

Rouga, Russian, is 1-1 at Makushita 7E. 

Kanno is 2-0 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

Oushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 1-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

Hokuseihou, is 1-1 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 3-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Kyujo.

Ishizakis 1-1 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 2-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 3-0 at Makushita 24E.

Shishi, Ukranian, is 1-1 at Makushita 25W.

Shinohara is 0-2 at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 3-0 at Makushita 30W.

Hokutenkai, Mongolian, is 0-2 at Makushita 31E.

Nabatame is 1-1 at Makushita 34W.

Nishikawa is 2-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

hoshi_kuro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-2  at Makushita 37E.

Nihonyanagi is 1-1 at Makushita 43E.

Mudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-2 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 2-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

Amakaze is 2-0 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

Naya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-1 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

Arauma,  Mongolian, is 2-0 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

Kinbouzan (Yersin)  is 2-0 at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

Maikeru, half  Filipino, is 2-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 3-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 2-1 at Sandanme 21E.

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

Suguro, is 2-0 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_shiro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 2-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 1-1 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-1 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 2-1 at Jonidan 28W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-2 at Jonidan 43W.

Hanakaze is 2-0 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited by Kintamayama
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25 minutes ago, Kintamayama said:

Makushita 5 Ryuuden , on his quick way back to the top divisions, faced Makushita 1 Atamifuji, the guy who is fast-tracking it to Juryo, today. Reading Atamifuji's remarks after the bout, it sounded like he was totally overwhelmed. Well, I think as celeb trackers, we must watch this bout. New guy,  8 bashos, against Ryuuden the philanderer.. Both at 2-0.


And to be fair, that's what it looked like in the end. Atamifuji was short of breath and Ryuden was absolutely normal, like he had just walked to the dohyo. It might've been lengthy, but at no point it really looked like Atamifuji had the upper hand.

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1 hour ago, Koorifuu said:

And to be fair, that's what it looked like in the end. Atamifuji was short of breath and Ryuden was absolutely normal, like he had just walked to the dohyo. It might've been lengthy, but at no point it really looked like Atamifuji had the upper hand.

OTOH, it took Ryuuden more than a minute to win. In no way was it one -sided or dominant sumo. Atamifuji didn't have the upper hand, but was not overwhelmed either. 

Edited by Kintamayama
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Considering the highest previous bout Atamifuji had was against the bum end of juryo, Ryuden really is the first real test of his abilities and staying power as a sekitori. And that bout spells good things, IMO. Ryuden probably needs the win more, being ranked lower, and I would have thought it would have been an upset if Atamifuji had actually beat him, but Atamifuji definitely gave a good showing.

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On 09/01/2022 at 01:30, Seiyashi said:

Atamifuji certainly knocking on heaven's door here. Hopefully he and Hokuseiho take it to a playoff. Does a 7-0 D from the promotion zone still result in automatic promotion to juryo?  

It's obviously out of the question now, but how exactly would there be a playoff between Atamifuji and Hokuseiho at 7-0?  How in the world would they not be paired during honwari bouts?  Are they secretly brothers?

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After Hatsu 2022 Day 6- nearly EVERYONE on the list that fought today lost..:

hoshi_kuro.gifAtamifuji is 2-1 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 1-2 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 3-0 at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-2 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifRouga, Russian, is 1-2 at Makushita 7E. 

hoshi_kuro.gifKanno is 2-1 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 2-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_shiro.gifHokuseihou, is 2-1 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 3-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Kyujo.

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizakis 1-2 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 2-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiseiun,  is 3-0 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_kuro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 1-2 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-3 at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 3-0 at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_shiro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 1-2 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_kuro.gifNabatame is 1-2 at Makushita 34W.

hoshi_shiro.gifNishikawa is 3-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

hoshi_kuro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-2  at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_kuro.gifNihonyanagi is 1-2 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_kuro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 0-3 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 2-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze is 2-1 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

hoshi_kuro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-2 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 2-1 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 3-0 at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

hoshi_shiro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 3-0 at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

hoshi_kuro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 2-1 at Sandanme 21E.

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_kuro.gifSuguro, is 2-1 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_shiro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 2-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 1-2 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-1 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 2-1 at Jonidan 28W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-2 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze is 2-1 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

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After Hatsu 2022 Day 7: 

hoshi_kuro.gifAtamifuji is 2-2 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 1-3 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

Dewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-2 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

Rouga, Russian, is 1-2 at Makushita 7E. 

Kanno is 2-1 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 3-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokuseihou, is 2-2 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

Tomokaze, is 3-0 at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Kyujo.

Ishizakis 1-2 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

Fujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 2-1 at Makushita 23W.

Fujiseiun,  is 3-0 at Makushita 24E.

Shishi, Ukranian, is 1-2 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

Akiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 3-0 at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 1-3 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNabatame is 2-2 at Makushita 34W.

Nishikawa is 3-0 at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

Itadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-2  at Makushita 37E.

Nihonyanagi is 1-2 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 1-3 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 3-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze is 2-2 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

Naya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 1-2 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 2-2 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

Maikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-0 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

Yoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 2-1 at Sandanme 21E.

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, is 3-1 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

Kiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 2-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

Shunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 1-2 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_kuro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-2 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 3-1 at Jonidan 28W.

Satonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-2 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze is 2-2 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited by Kintamayama
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After Hatsu 2022 Day 8 : 

hoshi_kuro.gifAtamifuji is 2-2 at Makushita 1W,  his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifJoukouryuu (ex-Komusubi) is 1-3 at Makushita 3W.

hoshi_shiro.gifRyuuden ( ex- Komusubi)  is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 5E, came back from a three basho suspension last basho.

hoshi_kuro.gifDewanoryuu,  Mongolian, is 1-3 at Makushita 6E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifRouga, Russian, is 2-2 at Makushita 7E. 

hoshi_shiro.gifKanno is 3-1 at Makushita 9W, his highest career rank. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in March 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifOushouma, (Delgerbayar, Mongolian) is 3-1 at Makushita 12E, his highest career rank. Joined sumo last basho at Makushita 15 tsukedashi.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokuseihou, is 2-2 at Makushita 12W, Mongolian giant, did a very shot stint in Juryo and was injured.

hoshi_shiro.gifTomokaze, is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 15E. Ex- Maegashira 3 piano player, returned a few basho ago after a serious injury that sidelined him for 6 bashos.

Oushouumi is 0-2 at Makushita 21E. Kyujo.

hoshi_kuro.gifIshizakis 1-3 at Makushita 23E. Entered at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in May 2021.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujiazuma, veteran (18 years)  ex-Makuuchi rikishi, is 3-1 at Makushita 23W.

hoshi_kuro.gifFujiseiun,  is 3-1 at Makushita 24E.

hoshi_kuro.gifShishi, Ukranian, is 1-3 at Makushita 25W.

hoshi_kuro.gifShinohara is 0-4 and makekoshi at Makushita 29E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifAkiseyamaex-Makuuchi, is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 30W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHokutenkai, Mongolian, is 1-3 at Makushita 31E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNabatame is 2-2 at Makushita 34W.

hoshi_shiro.gifNishikawa is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 35E. Started off at Sandanme 100 tsukedashi (special rank for college achievers) in March 2021. 

hoshi_kuro.gifItadaki, Canadian father, eleven years in sumo, is 1-3  at Makushita 37E.

hoshi_shiro.gifNihonyanagi is 2-2 at Makushita 43E.

hoshi_shiro.gifMudouhou, Taihou's other grandson (youngest) is 1-3 at Makushita 44E.

hoshi_shiro.gifFujitoushi (Suguro), is 3-1 at Makushita 45W, his highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifAmakaze is 2-2 at Makushita 49E  - former Juryo stalwart with one basho in Makuuchi was injured in July 2018 and dropped all the way down to Jonidan 50.

hoshi_shiro.gifNaya, Taihou's third grandson (second eldest) is 2-2 at Makushita 51W.  There is another grandson, Yukio, but he's a pro-wrestler.

hoshi_kuro.gifArauma,  Mongolian, is 2-2 at Makushita 55E, his highest rank. First ever foreigner at  Isenoumi beya.

hoshi_shiro.gifKinbouzan (Yersin)  is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Makushita 59W, his highest rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021 from Kazakhstan .

hoshi_kuro.gifMaikeru, half  Filipino, is 3-1 at  Sandanme 2E.

Hagiwara, half Turkish, is at Sandanme 6E and kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifOsanai, is 4-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 19E. He will not push. 

hoshi_shiro.gifYoshii, 18 year old ex-Junior high Yokozuna boy wonder,  is 3-1 at Sandanme 21E.

Shimoyama is at  Sandanme 31E and is kyujo.

hoshi_shiro.gifSuguro, is 3-1 at Sandanme 39W, his highest career rank. Sandanme 100 tsukedashi in November 2021, brother of Fujitoushi.

hoshi_shiro.gifKiryuukou, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 1, is 3-1 at Sandanme 48W, highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifMiyagi, 3-1 at Sandanme 59E, highest career rank.

hoshi_shiro.gifShunrai, ex-Tokitsukaze's son number 2,  is 2-2 at Sandanme 62E, his highest career rank. 

hoshi_shiro.gifMukainakano, 4-0 and kachikoshi at Sandanme 81W. Highest career rank.

hoshi_kuro.gifKairou - Mark Aaron Justin Toma- Brazilian-Filipino, is 2-2 at Jonidan 13W.

hoshi_shiro.gifFuranshisu from the Philippines, is 3-1 at Jonidan 28W.

hoshi_kuro.gifSatonofuji  the bow twirler is 1-3 at Jonidan 43W.

hoshi_kuro.gifHanakaze is 2-2 at Jonidan 89W. The oldest guy  in sumo, 51 years old, 35 years on the dohyo.

Kagamiou (yes, he's still active..) Mongolian ex-Maegashira with injuries, has been out more or less since day 5 of July 2020,  banzuke-gai

Edited 22 hours ago by Kintamayama

Edited by Kintamayama
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