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Kintamayama last won the day on January 26

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    Ramat Gan, Israel
  • Interests
    Fleeing from women, eating rice with one chopstick.


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    Musashigawa, Sadogatake
  • Favourite Rikishi
    Atamifujן, Shoudai, Abi, Kotozakura

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  1. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Takayasu beat Endou in the second round, Takanoshou in the third round, and in the fourth round, he beat Houshouryuu by yoritaoshi.. In the semi-finals, he beat Abi via tsukiotoshi. In the finals, he beat Wakamotoharu by yorikiri. "I never thought I would be able to win. I'll take this as encouragement and continue to train my body with good vibes for Haru." Looking back on the bout in which he defeated Houshouryuu, he said, "I was able to concentrate. I'm happy I was able to beat the Yokozuna," he said while smiling.
  2. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Well, he did win this yusho.. Maybe this is a sign of what may come..
  3. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Which of them are you referring to?
  4. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Report of what was different because of the scandal: Although Fuji Television canceled its broadcast of the event, it was a great success, with a sold-out audience of 9,630 people. Ryuuden won the Juryo tournament, and Takayasu won the Makuuchi tournament. A series of problems have arisen surrounding Fuji Television, triggered by trouble between former entertainer Nakai Masahiro and a woman. Sponsorship companies withdrew one after the other, and no company names were listed on the tournament's official website, and on January 30th the cancellation of the broadcast was announced. As a result of the cancellation of the broadcast, there were no reports on the hanamichi or interviews with the winners. The traditional old boys match was not held, and was replaced by a tsuna tying show.. The sponsors' prize banners and the yobidashi's kimono with the sponsor's name written on them were changed to plain colors. The "Fuji Television Award", which in the past involved a cow as a prize, was not awarded as well.. There were also major changes to the pamphlet. Last year, a greeting from Hieda Hisashi, chairman of the Japan Grand Sumo Tournament Executive Committee and representative of the Fujisankei Group, was printed at the beginning, but this year it was only Hakkaku's greeting. Despite being the organizer, there was no mention of Fuji Television or the group's symbol. There were no advertising pages whatsoever. Even inside the Kokugikan, "Fuji Television" was not announced. According to a source, "Fuji Television refrained from doing so in light of the uproar." This was an unusual tournament in which Fuji Television's influence was completely hidden. Prize money was the same as in previous years, with 2.5 million yen awarded to the winner of the Makuuchi tournament. This was because the prize money was not provided by sponsors, but rather raised by the Fuji Television business division. There was a disturbance in the kitchen.
  5. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Houshouryuu lost in the fourth round to Takayasu, who eventually won the tournament.
  6. Kintamayama

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    Be that as it may, it is now totally public and widely read. I'm pretty sure it was meant for other eyes as well. If this will help in any way is another story.
  7. Kintamayama

    49th Fuji TV (?) Grand Sumo Tournament (2025)

    Juryo won by Ryuuden. He beat Daishouhou and Hidenoumi in a three-way playoff. 500,000 yen ($3300) prize. The TV broadcast was cancelled a while ago as sponsors pulled out because of a scandal involving Masahiro Nakai and a woman. The show itself was sold out.
  8. Kintamayama

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    Nikkan is now all over the story. Tobizaru's koenkai issued a statement pretty much mirroring what Tobizaru said. " To all members - A notice regarding the article in the Shukan Shincho (February 13th issue) - We are extremely sorry for causing you so much concern because of the article. There were many statements in the report that were not true, and we are extremely sorry that such an article was published. The origins of this article lie in the fact that Tobizaru's current tsukebito went directly to the Kyokai to complain about Tobizaru and a former tsukebito complained as well. As a result, Tobizaru and Oitekaze Oyakata were called to the compliance committee to hear their side of the story. Tobizaru said he answered all questions regarding his dealings with his tsukebito honestly and sincerely, without lying. Some have suggested that Tobizaru will be let off with a severe reprimand but the final decision will be made by a third party committee. Both the current and former tsukebitos have no intention of leaving the heya at this point. There are other tsukebitos that testified that there was no bullying.. In any case, there is no doubt this has caused great concern to our members, so we have decided to post this. When you become famous, you attract a lot of attention, and with that attention comes criticism. However, honorary koenkai Chairman Fukuda gave Tobizaru great encouragement, saying, "Be strong! You have no choice but to become stronger!" Tobizaru himself declared: "No matter what, I will not be swayed by others, I will think only of myself, practice hard, and become stronger!" All of our members must have seen Tobizaru countless times, desperately trying to get back up even after falling in the dohyo, being pushed off the dohyo, or being knocked down by a Yokozuna. He also loves children, has a kind personality, a charming and innocent smile, and is a rikishi who can naturally interact with all of our members without discrimination. I think you all know this better than anyone. I sincerely ask all of our members to please continue to support Tobizaru. We will report on the decisions of the third-party committee as soon as they are known, " read the letter, posted on the Koenkai's homepage. Steak- at least one basho suspension.
  9. Kintamayama

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    Nikkan spoke to Tobizaru, who denied the allegations. "Most of what was written is not true, * he said. When asked if he intends to sue the tabloid, he said he hasn't thought about it yet.
  10. But it's a Tuesday this time, so we can all be thankful for that..
  11. Kintamayama

    Promotion/Demotion and Yūshō Discussion Hatsu 2025

    How about 3 Sekiwakes to round things up tidily and keep a minimal 8 man sanyaku? Impossible? Seems possible record-wise and Banzuke-luck wise. And Gounoyama-Abi as Komusubi? Wish I had the kintamas to go with that, but if it doesn't happen..
  12. Less than two weeks. 12 days, to be precise. Reminder- the site is not heya (stable). So yalla.
  13. Kintamayama

    New Juryo for Haru 2025

  14. Kintamayama

    Flying Monkey Trouble - Tobizaru Accused of Bullying

    More sordid details*: "Go buy some sanitary napkins and women's panties." The bullying wasn't limited to physical ones. "I heard that when a bath was too hot, Tobizaru made a point of calling Satsumashou and forcing him to get in the bath first, saying, 'You get in the tub,'" said an Oitekaze stable source . Looking back, it seems that Tobizaru had also repeatedly subjected other young rikishi to some serious harassment. "It's not just Satsumashou, but his behavior towards his other tsukebito has also been arrogant and disrespectful. He would notice even the smallest mistake and yell abuse at them, or ignore them for days, repeatedly engaging in serious bullying. Also, perhaps because he wants to avoid spending money on eating out as much as possible, Tobizaru often invites women to his home. When he does this, he even gets the younger tsukebitos to cook hotpot and other dishes, and as soon as it's ready he sends them home. I've heard that he would often force tsukebito to do odd jobs unrelated to sumo, such as suddenly telling them to 'go buy some sanitary napkins and women's underwear'" Abusive behaviour towards his junior tsukebito, both physical and mental. And so, Tobizaru has finally been questioned by the 'authorities'. What will the man himself have to say to this? We spoke to Tobizaru just before noon on February 2nd, as he was about to walk to the Oitekaze stable, which is just a stone's throw away from his home. -"Were you called in by the Kyokai's compliance committee??" -"We're in a hurry right now." --"We heard that four tsukebito have quit." -"Quit? From my stable? That's not true." --"Is Satsumashou also planning to quit being a tsukebito? " -"Ah, I don't know about that." As Tobizaru said this, he ran into the Oitekaze stable as if fleeing. When we contacted the Sumo Association in writing about the quitting of four of Tobizaru's tsukebito, the reality of the bullying, and the investigation by the Compliance Committee, we received a phone call saying, "Please consider this to be a no-answer period." That is a troublesome answer from the Sumo Association "It seems the sumo association is trying to put an end to this by just issuing a severe warning to Tobizaru. If that is the case, one cannot help but think that they want to put a lid on the situation," said an association official. It is still fresh in our memory that when the "Weekly Shincho" reported on issues such as "alcohol harassment" at Nishonoseki beya in May of last year, the association's tendency to cover up was also apparent. The "self-purification ability" of the sumo world, which has been called into question many times before, is being put to the test once again. The February 6 issue of "Weekly Shincho" contains a detailed report on the full extent of Tobizaru's brutal harassment. *- grain of salt, as of now, please.
  15. Kintamayama

    Sumo obituaries

    Kuniazuma the Brazilian has died of a heart attack at the age of 49. Very eventful career, worth checking out- one of my favorite foreign rikishi in the day. 1.92/ 180 kilos. 5 yushos!! 1 in Jonokuchi, 1 in Sandanme, then Jonokuchi again, back to back next basho in Jonidan, and later in Makushita. 10 bashos in Juryo. Injuries galore. Missed 146 days in all, 45 of them during his tenure at Juryo. RIP.. After leaving sumo, he became a businessman, dividing his time between Japan and Brazil.