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Yaocho by mobile scandal-

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I'm not sure, and this is just my opinion but... this is Japan and I personally do not see these guys coming forward.. scared or not.. usually in schools, businesses, etc.. this "tell all" just doesn't happen. Someone steps up, takes responsibility and fixes the problem. There is always someone who is judging the people doing the tattling..

And if anyone has given a match, for no money but for a friend even if it was their "gift" and not discussed prior to the bout or whatever they may feel that could be perceived as guilty..

Again I don't know but in basic Japan experience I don't see the rush for Kise, et al to run down and tell their stories... just a Japanese thing...

And I could be wrong, could be breaking news in 5 hours, who knows???

Are they worried about katakiuchi,

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The yaocho hotline is now active. What I assumed was a phone hotline is actually an "e-mail, fax, and letter" hotline. It's scheduled to remain open until March 15th.

One of the measures being kicked around by the Preventative Committee: a complete ban on the use of cell phones during honbasho.

And happy 63rd birthday to Hanaregoma! "It's my birthday? I forgot all about it." said he, with a bitter laugh.

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The yaocho hotline is now active. What I assumed was a phone hotline is actually an "e-mail, fax, and letter" hotline. It's scheduled to remain open until March 15th.

One of the measures being kicked around by the Preventative Committee: a complete ban on the use of cell phones during honbasho.

And happy 63rd birthday to Hanaregoma! "It's my birthday? I forgot all about it." said he, with a bitter laugh.

Actually, he said "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,", is what he said.

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It seems that Takagi Daijin has upped the stakes a bit. After the Riji meeting to discuss the Governance committee's recommendations to overhaul the Ozumo infrastructure, Hanaregoma Riji met with Mr. Daijin to discuss. Riji said "We are in the middle of a difficult problem now, so I would like to resolve that to a conclusion and then work on the reorganization." But Mr. Daijin replied "A new structure is required to regain the public's trust. So I would like you to work on both problems concurrently."

So it could be that the resumption of honbasho is not only dependent on a full resolution of the yaocho, but also on the implementation of a new Kyokai structure as well...

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It seems that Takagi Daijin has upped the stakes a bit. After the Riji meeting to discuss the Governance committee's recommendations to overhaul the Ozumo infrastructure, Hanaregoma Riji met with Mr. Daijin to discuss. Riji said "We are in the middle of a difficult problem now, so I would like to resolve that to a conclusion and then work on the reorganization." But Mr. Daijin replied "A new structure is required to regain the public's trust. So I would like you to work on both problems concurrently."

So it could be that the resumption of honbasho is not only dependent on a full resolution of the yaocho, but also on the implementation of a new Kyokai structure as well...

Do you mean Mr. Takaki - as in Takaki Yoshiaki ( 高木 義明 ), the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? AFAIK, Daijin ( 大臣 ) is a title used for cabinet ministers.

Edited by Otokonoyama

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Do you mean Mr. Takaki - as in Takaki Yoshiaki ( ?? ?? ), the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? AFAIK, Daijin ( ?? ) is a title used for cabinet ministers.

Yes, that Daijin.

I admit to getting confused between Takagi and Takaki pronunciations. To this day I still pronounce Ibaraki as "Ibaragi" sometimes...

(and I'm not as clever as the creator of Mr. Ben Goshi)

Edited by Peterao

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(and I'm not as clever as the creator of Mr. Ben Goshi)

Bait. Are you saying there is no Ben Goshi? Why he's the Kyokai's lawyer and does all their litigation (sometimes does the other side too). Next , you'll be saying there is no Metropolitan Hotel where all rikishi have their parties either. And you are straying from the real issue here (as usual..), it being you, a Japanese expert and fluent in their ways, called a guy by his title instead of his name..Hehehehe.. ;-) Talk about egg.. But don't fret, it happens to the best of us, even to the cleverer ones.

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One of the measures being kicked around by the Preventative Committee: a complete ban on the use of cell phones during honbasho.

How stupid this would be. No sekitori can communicate with their tsukibito, koenkai or oyakata telling them that okyakusan are waiting at the heya.... koenkai members can't call to ask them to dinner functions... when they forgot something they can't call someone to bring it to them..

Young boys calling their parents and emailing them minutes after their match to tell them they won or lost... since their matches aren't on TV or the internet until much later.

The boys of all ages and divisions are on their phones constantly during a basho...

What is even more stupid is that if yaocho will go on it won't happen by mobile phone in the future anyway. I think they were stupid to talk about it on mobile phone/email in the first place. But my guess is that if/when it happens in the future it will be face to face talk....

If anyone in the public thinks that by banning cell phones they will be making sure rikishi don't do yaocho then the public is stupid....

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One of Hakuhou's tsukebitos (a sandanme rikishi) was questioned today, following an allegation in a weekly that he and one other person "surrounding" Hakuhou were go-betweens in Makuuchi yaocho matches. The tsukebito denied everything.

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The drug dealers here tried the same thing (to hide connections, contacts etc)... much to their unpleasant surprise everything, even "deleted" msgs, on "broken" phones, were readable and useable as evidence in court.. maybe in 15 or 20 years when they get out they'll be smarter. ;-) ;-( [they also found that dumping the phones in a lake didn't save them - once dried out, the memory was perfectly readable.... about the only thing that seemed to save them was to dissolve them in acid or shred them.]

what a shame nothing could be restored from my failed phone... even IF I paid 50,000 yen they couldn't guarantee anything would be restored completely.

On the other hand now I save everything to my 16gb mini sd card so the police can take that! LOL

I suspect the problem you ran into w/re (not) being able to restore was the word: guarantee, ie, if they're going to charge you that much, and weren't able to restore 100.0%, then you'd sue them or whatever. I suspect that if they're chaged you 10,000 and said that they'd restore what they could, then it would have been a done deal. But at least here, the cell phone have become one of the police's best source of evidence... and it seems even the apps which allow one to encrypt "sensitive" data, have counter parts which the police already have to make said data as available as unencrypted data. Bottom line: cell phones have made law enforcement's job much easier.

I agree cell phones make law enforcement's job much easier in every country.

As for my phone, at first they thought they could maybe restore it but later the company called me directly and said it was unlikely anything could be restored as it was power failure. They couldn't prove it and it was only 3 weeks old but they thought I did something wrong. I didn't do anything wrong but I did buy a new charger (for the past some odd years if you continue with the same maker you keep your old charger) I wondered if it had a short in it...

But anyway, that was a catastrophe. I ended up with a brand new phone to replace the brand new phone... lost all my Nagoya basho stuff. I suppose guilty rikishi could be so lucky to have such power failure. Should I give them that old charger?

Smart move? two people on the list of people who are still innocent until proven guilty changed to different cell phone providers at the end of the year. :-) I got those emails "I changed my phone to xx and my new email is xx but number is the same... maybe they were the smartest ones... provided nothing happened with them in hatsubasho!! :-)

Course at least a dozen in the lower ranks did the same thing. Good way to purge your old info!!!

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Do you mean Mr. Takaki - as in Takaki Yoshiaki ( ?? ?? ), the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology? AFAIK, Daijin ( ?? ) is a title used for cabinet ministers.

Yes, that Daijin.

I admit to getting confused between Takagi and Takaki pronunciations. To this day I still pronounce Ibaraki as "Ibaragi" sometimes...

(and I'm not as clever as the creator of Mr. Ben Goshi)

Ah, you were calling him Mr. Minister. Missed that. I hear both pronunciations of the name, but usually see it written Takaki.

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

which is probably why the rikishi who aren't doing yaocho don't want to give up their phones. You just never know what is on the phone and what becomes public...

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

So here comes my sex scandal after all..

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

So here comes my sex scandal after all..

yeah I remember talking about this last time... with Washuyama as well...

What is the next prediction after the sex scandal?? ;-)

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

So here comes my sex scandal after all..

yeah I remember talking about this last time... with Washuyama as well...

What is the next prediction after the sex scandal?? (Shaking head...)

First gaijin rijicho- Peterao!

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

So here comes my sex scandal after all..

yeah I remember talking about this last time... with Washuyama as well...

What is the next prediction after the sex scandal?? (Shaking head...)

If it's not inclusive now - the gays being forced to come out.

The whole stuff goes into privacy...

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The denizens of ni-channel have been discussing allegations of teenage prostitution set to follow the current yaocho scandal.

This is starting to remind me of a Simpsons episode.

"Extortion, prostitution, money laundering--the kid liked to wet his beak into everything."

I'm becoming convinced that sumo as we know it is finished.

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The "Freakonomics" guy said that the frequency of fixed matches diminished for a year or so after the publication of his book, since the sumo world knew that they were being scrutinized as a result of his analysis. Of course, as soon as everyone forgot about it, the higher frequency of fixed matches resumed.

This means that if/when sumo resumes we should have at least a year or two of "true" sumo!

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Yaocho is the result of rikishi being spoiled too much! So claims an unidentified but current okamisan.

"There are no rikishi doing yaocho in my heya. But as for the existence of yaocho, I think that the okami share the blame.

In other times there were more than 10 rikishi in our heya, but now it's much less than that. Since the heya doesn't want the new recruits to leave, new recruits will be called to eat whatever they want in the oyakata's room. Before you had to get to a certain level to be allowed a cell phone, but now anyone can have one. I think you can say that is spoiling them, but if we don't they'll just go back to their homes.

In the past all the Makushita and below slept and resided in the same room. Of course there was only one television, so even if there was some show they wanted to watch, they'd have to go without. Now the room is separated by curtains, and everyone has their own TV." says she.

A note to all those who say they don't want sumo's tradition to go away: it's already gone.

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Ok, so this unnamed Okamisan is basically telling how she is spoiling the kids with personal TVs and luxury chanko, but the others are to blame because her deshi don't do yaocho?

Gimme a break . . .

Edited by Jakusotsu

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Some oyakata seem to check all the mobile phones of their rikishi. Even the phones from Jonidan and Sandanme rikishi are inspected. That's what rikishi from different stable mailed me.

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It seems that in the National Diet today during discussions over a draft of a basic sports law presented by House of Councillors member Tani Ryoko of judo fame, JOC vice-chairman Fukuda Tomiaki blasted the NSK for poor handling of the problems of drugs, violence, gambling, and now yaocho. He seemed to be of the opinion that sumo's special status as a public-service corporation be removed.

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Some oyakata seem to check all the mobile phones of their rikishi. Even the phones from Jonidan and Sandanme rikishi are inspected. That's what rikishi from different stable mailed me.

I barely ever use the e-mail function of my cell phone. I use it to access my GMail account, as it beats having to maintain two separate accounts.

I doubt that the current cell phone examinations are taking that type of usage into account...

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Some oyakata seem to check all the mobile phones of their rikishi. Even the phones from Jonidan and Sandanme rikishi are inspected. That's what rikishi from different stable mailed me.

I barely ever use the e-mail function of my cell phone. I use it to access my GMail account, as it beats having to maintain two separate accounts.

I doubt that the current cell phone examinations are taking that type of usage into account...

At least in one case they did, as they also had to tell the password of their email accounts - of course you never know if they see all accounts they have ...

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