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Yaocho by mobile scandal-

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The lead article in today's Friday magazine is entitled "No special government treatment! Please dissolve the Nihon Sumo Kyokai!" My "radical" viewpoint is becoming the message that the mainstream media is feeding the public...

Did I miss the memo where Friday went from "bunch of scuzzy shit-stirrers" to "mainstream media"?

Why can't they be both?

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Fallout-Azumazeki-beya suspends its online blog (which includes periodical quirky posts from Takamisakari), Toyonoshima thinking of postponing his wedding party.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Watch in awe as a very good looking person talks about the scandal on Israeli Television

Luckily it was all so lovely to look at, because try as I might I couldn't understand a word. Were you miming a large salt throw?

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Watch in awe as a very good looking person talks about the scandal on Israeli Television

Seems I made a mistake, I only learnt Old-Hebrew at university (In a state of confusion...)

Cello and Hebrew! We are learning about some unexpected skills here. :-(

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Watch in awe as a very good looking person talks about the scandal on Israeli Television

Luckily it was all so lovely to look at, because try as I might I couldn't understand a word. Were you miming a large salt throw?

Let's say that was it..

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More questioned today- the target number of 76 people to be questioned was enlarged by two as they asked the two additional sekitori from November 2009 to see them as well. As for the punishment that may or may not be dealt to the three admitters on the 14th, one of the committee members has now said that he is not convinced they will be able to reach final conclusions by then, as they may have to have another round of interviews.

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Hanaregoma Riji has persistently said that yaocho is a new issue and something that has not happened in the past, yesterday it became known that Special Committee is investigating not only the currently known case of yaocho, but also yaocho that may have happened in the past. Because of their focus on the past, the interview sessions that were originally intended to last an hour have lasted upwards of two hours.

Some of the details of the investigation itself are also becoming known. According to rikishi that have submitted the optional requested bankbook investigation have asked detailed questions about individual transactions, such as "What was the purpose of this one?" "What kind of company or organization is this?"

The interviews of 70 of the 75 rikishi to be questioned have been completed, with the remaining 5 scheduled to be completed today. Though they will work to create their report immediately after, it is thought that they will not have enough time to compile the information for the Riji meeting on the 14th to be able to hand down punishments for the 4 assumed guilty rikishi.

The cell phones that have been collected thusfar have not been returned. As they will continue to investigate suspected cases of yaocho in the past, it seems that the full accounting of yaocho that was promised is still a long ways off.

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The cell phones that have been collected thusfar have not been returned.

The Kyokai intends to hand them over to the "manufacturers" who will attempt to recreate any erased messages. They have not been handed over to them yet, so we may assume this is going to take a long time.

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The Kyokai announced today that the three rikishi/oyakata that have admitted to yaocho will continue to receive their salary as normal until their punishments are handed down.

Some Riji members have voiced their strong opposition to this, so it will be debated in Monday's special rijikai. They intend to add Kiyoseumi (who has not admitted it, but the evidence against him is overwhelming) to the three rikishi who could. Talk is of suspending at least the first installment. "I myself have nothing to say about that, but if members will bring this up, we will definitely discuss it," said the rijicho on condition of remaining anonymous. A small problem-nowhere in the kyokai bylaws is there a salary suspension provision. In all past scandals, the culprits always received their salaries. Some were fined and their salaries cut, but never has a salary been suspended. It would be another historical first. There are, of course, two alternatives: that the relevant Oyakata convince the yaocho deshi to give up their salaries on their own, or have the Oyakata decide that for them.

Days will tell, as we say in Hebrew.

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The cell phones that have been collected thusfar have not been returned.

The Kyokai intends to hand them over to the "manufacturers" who will attempt to recreate any erased messages. They have not been handed over to them yet, so we may assume this is going to take a long time.

I'm still confused about the cell phones and bankbooks... I thought Bushuuyama said they declined his? Are these just the ones belonging to the original 14 suspects, or are they asking the other sekitori for them after all?

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I'm still confused about the cell phones and bankbooks... I thought Bushuuyama said they declined his? Are these just the ones belonging to the original 14 suspects, or are they asking the other sekitori for them after all?

Apparently, as a sign of his honesty, they did not take Bushuuyama's, but it is now clear that they did take others'. There are so many different news sources with differing stories and it's hard to make out what really is going on, but these things tend to solve themselves eventually.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Kyoko news conducted a national poll on the 11th and 12th on the subject, that gives a good idea of how the general population feels.

Though Hanaregoma Riji has sid that he believes that yaocho was not an issue in the past, most people do not believe that. 76.1% of respondents said that, even before the phone mail information was made public, they believed that yaocho has/had happened in the past, while only 18.6% did not think that there was yaocho before this incident came to light.

Also troubling is that 62.3% of the respondants believe "it is okay to take away sumo's status as a Special Organization." In response to these troubling numbers, Riji said "We also think that we cannot continue in the current state. I think we must solve this problem before moving on."

Other results show that 69.2% believe the response of canceling the March basho and all jungyo for the year was "appropriate", and 58.7% of respondents say that "yaocho must absolutely be eliminated", more than double the 27.8% who share the view that "it is a part of the character of sumo, and cannot be helped" This last one doesn't seem to jive with the

Edited by Peterao

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Just in case some of you did not catch this 20 minute piece on yaocho when it came out:

My favorite part is at the 9:40 mark of part 2 when itai says so matter-of-factly, "ALL of us in sumo can tell just by looking." That says it all...

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Just in case some of you did not catch this 20 minute piece on yaocho when it came out:

My favorite part is at the 9:40 mark of part 2 when itai says so matter-of-factly, "ALL of us in sumo can tell just by looking." That says it all...

Let us remember, however, that Itai's restaurant business was in deep financial trouble when he decided to "come clean" -- following in the footsteps of his former stablemaster. The whole of that time was a mess of a few retired men trying to make money out of stirring the pot. I'm not saying it wasn't necessarily a lie -- just that the men spilling the beans had been some of the worst offenders -- and everybody knew it.

Did any of you catch the wonderful NHK programme last night (or was it the night before? -- things here in sumoland are getting a bit compacted) -- with historical footage, e.g. of the notorious Maedayama- Kotozakura match that is the first to be mentioned in this context; and problems going back to the almost-legendary Raiden. Can one of our Internet-savvy members fish it out?

Orion who would like to send a bomb to the person who keeps ringing just before six in the morning and rings off just as she is reluctantly coming awake.... (I am not worthy...)

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Did any of you catch the wonderful NHK programme last night (or was it the night before? -- things here in sumoland are getting a bit compacted) -- with historical footage, e.g. of the notorious Maedayama- Kotozakura match that is the first to be mentioned in this context; and problems going back to the almost-legendary Raiden. Can one of our Internet-savvy members fish it out?

I believe you meant Maenoyama, former Takadagawa oyakata and Kotozakura, former Sadogatake oyakata. Both were specifically singled out as they were ozeki for so-called "Mukiryoku Sumo" (Un-motivated Sumo). At 1972 March basho, Maenoyama was in a dire strait. He injured his right foot a while back and he could no longer compete at this level, repeating 8-7 basho and in this basho he was in danger of falling out of ozeki. Kotozakura appeared not to be in his usual combative mode as he never initiated any offensive move, simply satisfied to stay in a yotsu position and in the end he was rather easily thrown out.

The Kyokai sent out a note of caution to both shisho for "Mukiryoku Sumo" but this is not exactly a yaocho. Actually the Kyokai still refused to use the term, Yaocho, instead preferring to categorize it with an euphemism, "Koi ni yoru Mukiryoku Sumo", literally meaning "intentional unmotivated sumo" but for Maenoyama vs Kotozakura, they did not include the term "Koi", so I am not sure if one can call the bout as a yaocho as in the Kyokai's view it was not "intentional". Of course we may be splitting the Mage here.

Edited by Jonosuke

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The whole of that time was a mess of a few retired men trying to make money out of stirring the pot. I'm not saying it wasn't necessarily a lie -- just that the men spilling the beans had been some of the worst offenders -- and everybody knew it.

This is around 2000, when Akebono was reviving his winning ways, Musoyama was ascending, and Takatoriki was a hiramaku champ?

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One thing I will say about that documentary is that I believe Itai's affirmation of yaocho a LOT more than I believe Akebono's denial of yaocho. And this impression is coming from someone who works in a prison who is lied to for a living!

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Thanks for the movie links.

I have to agree. Akebono's denial looks as trustworthy as my son's sincere confirmation that my wife has in fact allowed him to get some chocolate before lunch.

The yaocho-journalist - forgot the name - seems to be a very thoughtful and sincere person.

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From Monday, Feb 14 Japan Times (Kyodo News):

"JSA considers freezing salaries of three involved in bout-fixing" (link)

Apparently on Sunday (Feb 13) the JSA said it would consider freezing the salaries of ex-Kasuganishiki, Chiyohakuho, and Kiyoseumi. Enatsukasa is mentioned as having also admitting to match fixing, but there's nothing about his salary.

The big report will be presented Monday (Feb 14) night.

ETA: As I've been reminded, there's no reason for them to consider freezing Enatsukasa's salary because he doesn't get one.

Edited by Fukurou

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The Special Investigation Committee has officially confirmed that there is still more investigating to be done. The riji are meeting as I type to discuss their next course of action.

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Now confirmed. The ceremonial events scheduled in April for Isegami Shrine and Yasukuni Shrine are cancelled, though it is possible that the Yasukuni event may be rescheduled for autumn.

In other news, an anonymous hotline will been established for the purpose of receiving yaocho related information. The phone hotline will be manned by three lawyers, who will take the callers name and attempt to set up a face-to-face meeting. They have pledged that the sources would not be revealed to their oyakata, the Riji, or anybody else.

I have no complaints with that idea. Good thinking.

Edited by Peterao

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In other news, an anonymous hotline will been established for the purpose of receiving yaocho related information. The phone hotline will be manned by three lawyers, who will take the callers name and attempt to set up a face-to-face meeting. They have pledged that the sources would not be revealed to their oyakata, the Riji, or anybody else.

I have no complaints with that idea. Good thinking.

That is quite.... interesting. An anonymous hotline where you have to give your name?

Edited by Fukurou

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In other news, an anonymous hotline will been established for the purpose of receiving yaocho related information. The phone hotline will be manned by three lawyers, who will take the callers name and attempt to set up a face-to-face meeting. They have pledged that the sources would not be revealed to their oyakata, the Riji, or anybody else.

I have no complaints with that idea. Good thinking.

That is quite.... interesting. An anonymous hotline where you have to give your name?

Well, anonymous to all but the three lawyers, I guess...

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Six people (of 78) have admitted to have "heard rumors about yaocho" in answer to the Kyokai's questionnaire. They will be summoned for clarifications.

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