
Basho Talk - Nagoya Basho 2016 +++ Spoiler Alert! +++

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Could I trouble someone to summarize the mono-ii announcement in this one? Kinda curious on what grounds they decided on the torinaoshi.

I think he tried to explain that one guy's foot turned so that it's upper side (what is this part called in english? instep?) touched the dohyo at the same time when the other guy was flying out of the dohyo.

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An NHK commentator just said that Chiyonokuni's injury will take a month to heal.

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I think he tried to explain that one guy's foot turned so that it's upper side (what is this part called in english? instep?) touched the dohyo at the same time when the other guy was flying out of the dohyo.

Thanks. That's the thing I was looking for, except I thought the top of his foot was in the clay long before he managed to twist down his opponent... Maybe some kinda-sorta-shinitai benefit towards the attacker?

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Could I trouble someone to summarize the mono-ii announcement in this one? Kinda curious on what grounds they decided on the torinaoshi.

I think he tried to explain that one guy's foot turned so that it's upper side (what is this part called in english? instep?) touched the dohyo at the same time when the other guy was flying out of the dohyo.

Hmmm.... Looked like the foot was dragging long before the exit occurred.

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Makushita Yusho Update:

lower Makushita prevailed over upper Makushita as

Ms44w Ryusei toppled ms8w Yamaguchi to take the Makushita Yusho.

Ryusei's highest banzuke position so far was Makushita 35 so he will be catapulted to a new career high banzuke position at the Aki 2016 basho.

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Daiki just clinched kachikosh in his Juryo debut! Let's see if he can repeat that from a higher Juryo rank in September.

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Seirou got his Kachikoshi in a beatiuful red bout. Red mawashi in both sides and a gyoji all in red tones composing the Dohyo (Laughing...) . Couldn't help to notice.

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Ishiura played the ragdoll style and is very effective! Azumaryuu just gently put him out.

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Lower division yusho:

Makushita yusho- Ryuusei(Ms44W,7-0), 30 years old veteran, 13 years in sumo. Has a Jonidan yusho in the past.

Sandanme yusho- Asakouki(16W,7-0)- won the Jonidan yusho twice..

Jonidan yusho –Playoff between two rising stars: Ikegawa(10E,7-0) Unbeaten since joining sumo- 14-0 -Kizaki(38E,7-0), only one loss so far, to Ikegawa..

Jonokuchi yusho- Shuuji(7-0), back from a 6 basho absence due to injury.

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Does anyone knows how the Yokozunae's dohyo-iri rules are?Like why Kaisei and Takarafuji are always the sword holders and this kind of stuff? it is related to rank?

Edited by taresu

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Does anyone knows how the Yokozunae's dohyo-iri rules are?Like why Kaisei and Takarafuji are always the sword holders and this kind of stuff? it is related to rank?

The sword-bearer (tachimochi; not to be confused with Moti-tachi, which refers to an Israeli band) and dew-sweeper (tsuyuharai) are chosen at the behest of the yokozuna, but it is expected that they will be from the same heya, or at least ichimon, as the yokozuna. The same-ichimon guideline can be fulfilled pretty much at all times, but the same-heya one cannot, as both the tachimochi and the tsuyuharai should be ranked in makuuchi but below ozeki. However, there can be ozeki assistants at a yokozuna's very first dohyo-iri.

The tachimochi is always higher-up than the tsuyuharai on the banzuke.

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Just noticed that the gyoji in the Hidenoumi-Nishikigi bout is a bit of a chunky chap.

Aren't they usually built like sticks?

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Ryusei at his Yusho interview was the most relaxed and honest rikishi i ever saw :-D . The guy laughed and made funny comments with the reporter.

Edited by taresu

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Makushita Yusho winner Ryusei is spotting a nice beard! first time to see this (sideburns excluded)

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Does anyone knows how the Yokozunae's dohyo-iri rules are?Like why Kaisei and Takarafuji are always the sword holders and this kind of stuff? it is related to rank?

The sword-bearer and the dew sweeper are normally makuuchi selected from the yokozuna's own heya/ichimon. I believe the function they perform is a mutual consent option among the participants. If the yokozuna is scheduled to fight one of his regular attendants, a substitute is used for that day.

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Does anyone knows how the Yokozunae's dohyo-iri rules are?Like why Kaisei and Takarafuji are always the sword holders and this kind of stuff? it is related to rank?

The sword-bearer (tachimochi; not to be confused with Moti-tachi, which refers to an Israeli band) and dew-sweeper (tsuyuharai) are chosen at the behest of the yokozuna, but it is expected that they will be from the same heya, or at least ichimon, as the yokozuna. The same-ichimon guideline can be fulfilled pretty much at all times, but the same-heya one cannot, as both the tachimochi and the tsuyuharai should be ranked in makuuchi but below ozeki. However, there can be ozeki assistants at a yokozuna's very first dohyo-iri.

The tachimochi is always higher-up than the tsuyuharai on the banzuke.

Thank you for this very complete answer, it always bugged me. Thank you.

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Does anyone knows how the Yokozunae's dohyo-iri rules are?Like why Kaisei and Takarafuji are always the sword holders and this kind of stuff? it is related to rank?

If the yokozuna is scheduled to fight one of his regular attendants, a substitute is used for that day.

That's a nice new info. Thank you very much.

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Makushita Yusho winner Ryusei is spotting a nice beard! first time to see this (sideburns excluded)

Maybe it's because Mediterranean people are a bit closer to our common ancestor with the monkeys than the rest of you, but come on. I had a more complete beard than Ryuusei at 14.

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Makushita Yusho winner Ryusei is spotting a nice beard! first time to see this (sideburns excluded)

Maybe it's because Mediterranean people are a bit closer to our common ancestor with the monkeys than the rest of you, but come on. I had a more complete beard than Ryuusei at 14.

I should have been more precise, what I meant was that you do not see rikishi sporting beards very often...

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Makushita Yusho winner Ryusei is spotting a nice beard! first time to see this (sideburns excluded)

Maybe it's because Mediterranean people are a bit closer to our common ancestor with the monkeys than the rest of you, but come on. I had a more complete beard than Ryuusei at 14.

I should have been more precise, what I meant was that you do not see rikishi sporting beards very often...

Excluding Shohouzan right? That guy has been cultivating a goatee for a while now.

Edit: saw Shohouzan bout today and realized that sadly he took off the goatee.

Edited by taresu

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Monoii is called in Chiyootori x Sadanoumi bout and the shimpans gave it to Chiyootori. In the NHK replay looked like Chiyoo toe touched out first but im not certain.

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Makushita Yusho winner Ryusei is spotting a nice beard! first time to see this (sideburns excluded)

Beards are sometimes cultivated for good luck. They are frequently grown for the duration of a winning or losing streak.

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Ichinojo won today and im starting to believe that he may get double digits this basho...

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