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Basho attendance

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All days sell-out as usual, and the TV rankings got a bit better in the 2nd week: day 14, where Kakuryu got the yusho, reached 18.3% - after that a drop to a low of 14.8% for the last day - sumo like that is no match anymore for Shoten, which got with 16.2%.

I'll add the Kansai data later

  Haru 18          
Day Kanto % peak Kansai % peak
1 14. 13.7        
2 24. 13.5        
3 24. 13.5        
4 30. 12.9        
5 19. 14.3        
6 6. 15.7   20. 14.2  
7 15. 14.8        
8 10. 15.2   19. 14.5  
9 12. 15.2        
10 11. 15.5        
11 5. 17.8        
12 10. 15.6        
13 15. 15.1        
14 3. 18.3        
15 17. 14.8        
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The tickets for the Natsu basho were gone in an instant again, the scandals haven't affected sales (or did they even increase the interest because of sumo in the main news each day?)

No minutes given yet - I managed to get for the 2nd week my targeted 1-person masu seat A, of which only about 20 are available for each day - for the 1st week the ticket chance lottery brought me one result of 3 tries (accounts) with 3 chances each - the 1 person masu seats are not included in there. I might have even got a B one for day 1 or C for day 15 - but it was a matter of seconds when sales started at 10a.m. JST (3.a.m. for me) and the site gives "crowded" errors all the time, which force you to start again.

Edited by Akinomaki
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1 hour ago, Akinomaki said:

No minutes given yet - I managed to get for the 2nd week my targeted 1-person masu seat A, of which only about 20 are available for each day 

Don't forget to give my regards to Takanohana..And we were right about the ticket sales, weren't we?

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So, one may say that all scandals notwithstanding, the top guys' unclear current condition notwithstanding, there are no tickets left, even not with standing.

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All tickets sold out, which doesn't mean that all seats were occupied: in the two 4-person masu seat boxes next to me, parties of 3 persons were having parties the whole time after makuuchi dohyo-iri (before that, the hall is still quite empty anyway).

The TV ratings -  from the Kanto top 30 and Kansai top 20, 2nd half of makuuchi:

    Natsu 18      
Day Kanto % peak Kansai % peak
1 7. 14.8   12. 14.4  
3 23. 12.7        
4 28. 12.4        
5 18. 13.3        
6 12. 13.7        
7 9. 14.0   13. 14.6  
8 6. 14.9   15. 14.2  
9 22. 13.2        
10 13. 14.1        
11 11. 14.5        
12 8. 15.5   12. 15.2  
13 16. 13.9   20. 13.9  
14 5. 15.7        
15 11. 14.5   20. 13.9

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3 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

Nagoya could still become a total sell-out

Akiseyama really packs them in! :-D

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On 7/7/2018 at 20:14, Akinomaki said:

Nagoya could still become a total sell-out

And it did - all 15 days a sell-out

Hall capacity: 7629 spectators

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The TV ratings -  from the Kanto top 30 and Kansai top 20, 2nd half of makuuchi (I'll add the last for Kansai later)
A slow start - and quite some differences between Kanto and Kansai for what is ranked in

  Nagoya 18        
Day Kanto % peak Kansai % peak
1 / 10.6   20. 14.0  
4 16. 13.7        
5 29. 12.0   15. 13.9  
6 16. 13.7        
7 18. 13.6        
8 22. 12.9        
9 8. 14.9   13. 14.7  
10 19. 12.8        
11 14. 13.7   19. 14.0  
12 13. 14.0        
13 19. 12.8        
14 7. 15.2   9. 15.7  
15 4. 15.5   11. 15.3

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On 8/6/2018 at 04:56, Asashosakari said:

Aki sold out completely already, if the availability table is to be believed.

Wait, what? They sold over 160,000 tickets with more than a month to go 'till the basho? That's pretty good.

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Everyone wants to see the last hurrah of Kisenosato.  I wonder what day people are preferring for their best chance to see it.  5? 8?

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5 hours ago, Shio-kago said:

Wait, what? They sold over 160,000 tickets with more than a month to go 'till the basho? That's pretty good.

It’s been like this for the last year or so.

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As usual all days of the basho a sell out - the TV ratings from the Kanto top 30 and Kansai top 20, 2nd half of makuuchi

Top was day 10 with the kachi-koshi of Kisenosato - 19.7%, 2nd this year after 20.2% for Hatsu day 14, the top for Nagoya was just 15.5%.

Only one day was not ranked in: day 15 - just 12.8% - nothing interesting left for the fans, so they rather watched ever popular Shoten (17.7%), which had dropped out for the other Sundays.

Again quite some differences between Kanto and Kansai (where Goeido and Ikioi originate from) - also for day 14, where Goeido still had a chance for the yusho

  Aki 18          
Day Kanto % peak Kansai % peak
1 8. 15.9   7. 17.2  
2 9. 16.7        
3 8. 17.0        
4 11. 16.1   18. 14.9  
5 5. 17.2   12. 15.9  
6 5. 17.2   2. 18.9  
7 3. 17.5   5. 17.1  
8 5. 17.2   11. 16.0  
9 3. 19.3   3. 18.3  
10 2. 19.7   9. 15.7  
11 12. 16.4   9. 15.7  
12 5. 19.0   4. 18.1  
13 8. 17.6   6. 17.5  
14 8. 17.6   5. 17.7  
15 31. 12.8


Edited by Akinomaki
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Attendance figures so far (from the Sanspo morning articles)

Day  1 6986 (sell-out)
Day  2 6600
Day  3 6200

TV ratings from the Kanto top 30 for day 1 were 15.8% (6th), about the same as last basho (15.9%), when 3 yokozuna were present.

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On 16/08/2018 at 09:29, Gurowake said:

Everyone wants to see the last hurrah of Kisenosato.  I wonder what day people are preferring for their best chance to see it.  5? 8?

Day 5 could turn out to be a good guess.

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3 hours ago, Eikokurai said:

Day 5 could turn out to be a good guess.

Too bad that guess was for last basho...

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The low was on day 5 this basho, the full house streak is safe now, the attendance figures from day 4-10, sell-outs in bold

Day  4 6200
Day  5 6150
Day  6 6986
Day  7 6986
Day  8 6986
Day  9 6200
Day 10 6200

Kansai has no data so far - the TV ratings for the first week. Last basho with Kise back after 4 basho kyujo, no day was below 16% from day 2-8, this time the 16% were reached only 2 times.

  Kyushu  18
Day Kanto %
1 6. 15.8
2 13. 14.1
3 8. 15.3
4 4. 16.2
5 14. 14.0
6 18. 13.6
7 9. 15.1
8 3. 16.3
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Yesterday the NSK posted a video on their new channel to announce (with thanks) that all (remaining) advance tickets for the basho have been sold out

thus days 12-15 are a guaranteed sell-out, day 11 had 6650 spectators

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The full house 2 year winning streak has been preserved - the basho had 8 sell-outs.

Day 15 17h-18h (which on senshuraku is just half of the 2nd half of makuuchi) had TV ratings of 22.6%  for the Kanto region (with Tokyo) and 23.8% for Kansai, with Takakeisho's hometown Ashiya, and a peak at the time of the last bout which decided the yusho - 17:34h - of 27.7% for Kanto and 28.4% for Kansai. 

Last basho day 15 had the same (Kanto) ratings as last year Kyushu day 15, 12.8% - both with yusho by Hakuho already decided o

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The TV ratings for the last week of the basho - Sankei Kansai has not posted data any more - with the last day of sumo the top program after quite a while again (Kise's miracle 2nd yusho Haru 2017)

  Kyushu  18        
Day Kanto % peak Kansai % peak
8 4. 17.9   2. 17.3  
9 9. 15.8   20. 13.6  
10 9. 15.8   10. 16.1  
11 8. 15.9   14. 14.7  
12 5. 16.4   16. 14.1  
13 4. 17.1   6. 17.0  
14 3. 19.2   5. 18.0  
15 1. 22.6 27.7 1. 23.8 28.4
Edited by Akinomaki
Kansai added
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On 26/11/2018 at 05:32, Akinomaki said:

The full house 2 year winning streak has been preserved - the basho had 8 sell-outs.

Just out of curiosity, what constitutes as a 'full house' -- more sold out days than not (KK)?

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1 hour ago, Flyric said:

Just out of curiosity, what constitutes as a 'full house' -- more sold out days than not (KK)?

That's a decision for each given day. It is more or less simply determined by the present mood of the NSK administration and varies from one venue to the other, esp. Tokyo and regional, and may vary over the years: from 75% (there recently was an article that told of cases with even less, or in the past of at least 80%) to 95% (not anymore - in the past maybe, and voices of "it should be", 90% is enough now) of a sellout on that day: if they feel that the quota is reached at about 14h, they lower the man-in onrei banners before makuuchi.

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