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Everything posted by Itachi
Wow! I went from 15th to 5th between the last two updates! Just when I was starting to hang my head in shame - I can't very well go mk in the game I begged for!
Ok, that was amusing. I'm Windows XP, .mpg, and Lawrence Obi! I feel pretty good about it.
Perhaps we could all start as Tsukedashi and drop down from there...
To me it's Oguruma-beya that looks the best. 8-2, they have the best record for a heya with at least 10 participating and more than half of their heya in action. Tokitsukaze at 6-1 looks good too but they only had 7 rikishi which is less than half of their total -most of them weren't on the dohyo. As a long time supporter of Nishikikaze, I've always had an affinity for Oguruma. I almost selected Takekaze in Benchsumo and now wish I had (sort of). Of course I probably would have dropped Jumonji for him and Jumonji won with the odds against him on day 1. I see Jumonji's Michinoku (4-1) is up there too but only 5 of their 15 had a bout. What heya was the winningest last tournament? To date (counting only active rikishi)? That last one should be a bit of a job for the data hounds. I don't expect an answer but I'd like to see one...
The popular selection that surprised me the most was Gokenzan, these 2 quotes are from our own Kaikitsune. The man sounds very washed up, are people hoping for a miracle? Danishiki's database was invalubale for this game, I plugged a lot of names into it <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have to agree with this comment. I was really surprised that so many favoured this broken relic in that bracket. Nakao is pretty heavy too if you were going for size and sekitori experience but those guys are kind of old and were never very good in Juryo so why expect them back? Hananosato, Hakuba, and Hoshikaze may be small but they are relatively young and may not have found their ceiling yet. Even Matsumidori seemed a better prospect to me. I have to admit I've given up on Hakuba but I may yet be proven wrong. I don't see their matches though, so I could be way off.
I am thrilled with the response to this game. 23 is more than I had hoped for too. I enjoyed browsing through the Makushita results last night while the Juryo bouts went on. Usually I end up crashing before the days matches are over and have to wait until morning to check my game results but now I had 15 little races to check on in the third division. Good fun. As for the average pick thing, I think it's important not to miss the 'obvious' good picks that most players will know about so there will be a few that all good players will have. Then, there will be some dark horses - rikishi who have gone unnoticed by most but are in a great position to win. It's better not to be with the crowd in those brackets. I never played Paper Oyakata so I can't respond to that comment but I feel I'm in good company when I look at the names of players who also often picked with the popular choices.
I just wanted to keep this topic near the top so all would be participants get a reminder when they visit this sub-forum. Also, I wonder if anyone has heard about Wakakirin. He miised all of last tournament with some sort of injury. What was it? Is he ok now? How is Gojoro? He also dropped down. I wonder if he's in free fall or if he's going to bounce back to Juryo in a few tournaments again. It's been a while since his last comeback to Sekitoridon. Him and Wakanojo dropped way way down and Gojoro came all the way back to yoyo between Makuuchi and Juryo for a while as I recall.... I have selected too many foreigners in my Makushita picks. I tend to notice them a bit more as they move up to this division but at some point, many of them slow right down and drift around in Makushita/Sandanme for a while. Does Nakanokuni still qualify as a prospect or will he just yoyo around well below Juryo until giving up and returning to China? There are several Monglolians who don't seem to mind treading water at these ranks. At what point do we stop expecting them to make a run towards the salaried ranks? There are also a few former Juryo guys who never did all that well as sekitori. Masutsuyoshi was never all that great but he did spend a lot of time in and out of Juryo. Is he done? What about Kotonomine and guys like that? I never thought he'd get there in the first place but he did and he didn't last long. Should we expect to see him up there again? As much as I'd like to pick my long time adoptee Nishikikaze, I can't say I expect much from him at his current level (in the 30s). Also there is a pretty good prospect in his bracket as I recall (it's not in front of me now). Well, I'd like to hear a bit more chatter about this division. I hope Randomitsuki's efforts won't be in vain - with no one participating. Itachi
My picks are in! Blocks 41-44, 53-56, and 57-60 were the toughest - as in no one particularly standing out to be picked. I think almost everyone will have the same pick for the 5-8 block but there is an interesting alternate choice. There are also two very tempting options in the 21-24 section. I hope I can make kachikoshi. Itachi
Thanks Randomitsuki! I can't wait to get started. I'll have an entry for you soon. I hope other lower division followers will pick up on this. Itachi
Run for cover. That does not look so good, considering the results from last year. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good point - I've come to expect the opposite of what I hear about Tochiazuma's pre-basho preparedness. Still, he has had a few decent tournaments recently. I think he'll get at least 9 but no more than 11 (what a BOLD prediction 'eh?)
I may change this pick but for the moment I'm favouring Kageyama. Tochifudo is sort of tempting but I'm not using a Joker on this one. Kageyama!
I have enjoyed playing on the Kisedo Go server when I had more time... I love the game of Go but it does require fair sized blocks of uninterrupted attention. On another note, I am currently locked out of Zelderex as I have activated 'Vacation Mode'. Hopefully Jejima and Brewdude read this as I am unable to contact them through our normal in game communications. In addition to the upcoming sumo tournament that will will commanding my attention, I have a baby due soon and an important exam to prepare for (as well as an employer and a wife who would prefer I don't log in to maintain my forces so frequently!). I'll be staying away for at least a week but more likely 2 or 3. I do have a cunning plan to return but remain inactive. I may arrange for my brother (and/or other clan members) to farm me regularly while I remain in the game but largely inactive until the end of July. As long as I can count on Ozumo Beya members to keep my bank balance at safe levels I can stay active but inactive if you know what I mean. In this way I can subsidize the efforts of my teammates even without taking time from my overriding committments. This doesn't mean I have abandonned my ambitions in this game however. To support me while visiting the game to see what it's all about that we grown busy men (and women) should feel compelled to spend our valuable time at it, click on my humble link. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549
Here I am again, trolling for clicks. That's trolling as in a fishing technique not as in being a troll in the usual chat room sense! Thanks in part to the 3 sumoforum members who have already clicked my link, I have made it to the top 100 in this game. I'm about 19 away from where the sekitori line would be but I am not strong enough to hang around here at my current support level. I will have to take it slow for a while and fall to a lower rank where I can safely accumulate the funds I need to build some stronger infrastructure. On the brighter side, my brother and I have been battling side by side against the forces of evil and for the greater glory of the Ozumo Beya Clan. He serves as Sargeant and I as Captain after our recent promotions. Daverinuk is doing a good job as interim leader while Brewdude is on a bit of a vacation. General Jejima has also been playing a major role in organizing communications and providing valuable guidance in Ozumo Beya techniques. We have 66 members now - most of whom have no connection to sumo fandom. It is a testament to our winning personalities or our winning techniques - the most important one being teamwork. Whether or not you have the time or inclination to step in and battle with us, you can help our team just by clicking on any one of our links. It just takes you to the game site so you can be tempted by it and we get a bit of extra game $ to spend on strengthening our armies and facilities. Beware, once you begin playing, it's hard to stay away. It is good harmless fun though. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549
Thanks for a third time sumo forum members! I've now received 3 clicks from viewers of this thread. Since I last groveled, I've been promoted to seargent (sp?) in the game and I've loitered in Makushita for a while before dropping down to thrash some easy Sandanme opponents. Our clan is working very well together. Brewdude, our leader, has coordinated attacks on some other clans which have been well carried out. My brother - who knows nothing of sumo but still bought me a souvenir from their Vancouver Jungyo when I was out of town (in Aomori as it happens) has joined us (as Frobro - his hair can get very curly like an afro) and has, I believe cracked the top 200 by now (in about five days of play!). It sure is getting difficult to afford new upgrades since I become a target whenever I accumulate half of what I need. Your clicks for me or Jejima, or any of us add a bit to our daily allotment which ultimately adds to the boost we get once a day where we get a scheduled influx of $$ to purchase things. If we time things right, we can dump a few things to lower our rank and then use your click funded daily bonus to buy back what we need to exploit our lower ranked neighbours and plunder enough $$ to buy our next enhancement. The Ozumo clan has been throwing its weight around quite a bit lately. Any support for any of us enhances our ability to squash the competition. Here's the link to boost me. The other players have links on their messages as well if you prefer to boost them. Hey, my brother didn't think he'd play but now he's hooked! It's quite fun. Check it out and join us. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549 Itachi
I'll second the Hikaru no Go recommendation. I love Go and I haven't been able to read many manga but I went out of my way to read that one. I read a bit of Black Jack and liked it but I've been away from Japan too long to read well anymore. I need translated manga now. GTO was a fun read. Great Teacher Oni-...zuka zuke? My students lent that series to me - I sued to be a math teacher and anime fans started hanging around asking for help with their Japanese. They shared their translated mange with me. I'd love to read some Sumo themed manga. Preferably in english but one day I'll recover my Japanese reading skills enough to enjoy it in Japanese too. Itachi
Thanks again everyone - I was able to upgrade my barracks to hold 18 soldiers. Next I'll upgrade my blacksmith beyond axe, buy transport for a larger fighting force, and then fight some bigger foes! The increased income will make it possible for me to play a variation of the yo-yo strategy Jejima and Brewdude have recommended. Why not? It sure worked for Takatoriki and Kotonishiki! Kyokushuzan has earned a decent living with it. Without Gold Membership or a tremendous flow of clicks I'm not expecting to become sanyaku in this game but who knows how far my budget consciouss but blood thirsty approach could take me. Support the senseless slaughter and plundering of scores of virtual corporate armies by clicking my link (to visit the site of the game to see what it is) or on the link of one of our forum mates above. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549 Thanks! p.s. I suppose we might have to have a clan vacation in July when the Nagoya basho starts. It's a good thing there is a provision in Zelderex for that. Itachi
Thanks whoever you are! Someone clicked for me since my last post and it could only have come from this forum. I hope you find the game fun to play, but if you are not interested in playing, then I will try to repay you with my exploits. If I can save up $6000 without being victimized then I can upgrade and make room for more soldiers! also, another 6000 would allow me to upgrade my blacksmith and buy more potent weapons - though mine seems plenty potent so far! If anyone else is willing to add to my Ozumo clan rampage fund just click on this link. No one has complained of viruses yet and I would've noticed for sure having been quite active on this site for the past week. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549 Also, though I would appreciate any help, there are other sumo forum member that are also fishing, so feel free to help them instead of me. Itachi
I earned my first enemy! Some dude whose name starts with Z. I think it's a name from planet of the apes because his corporate name is the same thing with 'ape' on it. He had almost $1000 and only 14 units without any defensive soldiers at all so I jumped on him for some cheap cash and only got a couple hundred?! So I attacked again (3rd time in a minute including the spy mission) and still got less than $200. I went in AGAIN and got nothing - no dough! Of course I did select him because he was online (players often convert to full offense while they're online) and so maybe he was spending his $$ at the time. He tried to punish me but ... I've got 11 defensive soldiers with axes! ^_^ I'm out of fuel for another night but I had fun smashing things. Help me smash Ozumo clan enemies even more by clicking on my under used link. I've only received 2 clicks ever and neither was from this forum \ ^o^ / If you haven't helped anyone else yet and you want to help add another strong sumo forum player (Jejima, Brewdude, and Aderechelsea in particular are doing well) then why not throw Itachi a bone? Enough shameless groveling... If you prefer, help one of the other sumoforum players. I think we are collectively establishing a fearsome reputation. Join us and enjoy the battle yourselves. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549 Itachi
I have a few objections to the tie breakers. It discourages advancing to a high rank in the game since outranking a co-leader for the yusho means losing the yusho and therefore the relative ranking. Do we all strive for low ranking in this game? But low rank would favor us in a tie break... this is a contradictory tie break. Also, the initial shikona alpha based tie breaker encourages everyone to choose shikona such as zzzzzzzzzzzzitachi. This is nonsense. For an initial tie breaker - how about earliest entry? Actually, I object to the first tie break, favoring the low over the high. There is no need to emphasize low when we're aiming for the middle anyway. Unless we are all aiming to be ranked at the bottom of the banzuke, the balance should tip up. Itachi p.s. As for those who seek to minimize their participation in games, pre-basho games are MUCH easier to keep up with than daily ones. I'm also having to cut my daily involvement but at the same time, I'm digging the pre-basho format since I can see results at my convenience and don't lose ground by being too busy to keep up with each bout.
I don't know if my clicking will do any good since I'm already a player, but I clicked for you. Good luck. As far as this weasel business goes, I am known by my friends as The Weasel - therefore the shikona Itachi. I consider myself an authority and agree that your plan is cunning enough for the term. If it works, I may try a variation myself. Right now I'm just getting farmed while I sleep or while at work so I'll have to modify your approach to growth a bit. Jejima wrote: I have devised a plan that is so cunning you could put a tail on it, and call it a weasel.
I went on a bit of a rampage tonight. If I'm your employee, Brewdude, I just scored a few wins. I'm out of fuel so I have to quit for tonight. Someone clicked my link - thanks if it was someone from here! I'll keep dropping my link for anyone who might want to take a look while helping me. http://zelderex.com/?topic=47549 I look forward to July when there will be more sumo related stuff to consider. Itachi
Ok everyone, I am officially active in this game. Probably not many read this who are not already involved but if you have a soft spot for underdogs I'm your guy. I clicked brewdude's link and haven't suffered any viruses. The game looks kind of interesting and so I'm playing. Click me to give me a foot hold or just to check it out for yourself. If you aren't sure about me, then help Jejima or Aderechelseamaru or Brewdude who also have links in their messages to solicit help in this game. No, there isn't much connection with sumo beyond Jejima's naming his characters after rikishi but this IS the Non-Sumo related subject / Off-topic section of the forum so live a little and try this game - or at least look at it while helping me or another sumo fan. Itachi http://ZeldereX.com/?topic=47549
I must mend my ways if I wish to remain a sekitori in this game! As for the hammers, I may need them too but I haven't got a link to use yet... perhaps I should just focus on keiko to get ready for Nagoya. As for Nagoya, I am tempted to go kyujo. It'll be the end of a tax quarter at work, I'll be at night classes 2 nights a week, including a midterm right in the middle of the tournament, and if that weren't enough, I'll be welcoming my third child into the world. Expect a few days of brief Hoshitori/Yusho Arasoi comments and droning from Wakatanuki! ...now if only I could find an Ozeki to rely on for July... Itachi (aka Wakatanuki)
Hello Jreprise, Where in Canada are you from? You say you watched Natsu 2005. How long had you been following sumo before this? Just how new are you I mean to ask? It makes a difference if you have been following sumo via internet for a year before seeing any matches and have stuck with it or if you are brand spanking new and my lose interest before the summer is over. I was only vaguely aware of sumo until I moved to Japan with my wife (who is 2nd generation Japanese Canadian). Once there, I quickly glommed onto the sport as the only thing I could make sense of in the Japanese newspapers and tv. It was fascinating as a sport and tradition of course, but it also gave me a foothold topic for conversation in Japanese. Now that I've been back in Canada for 6 years, I'm getting pretty weak with my Japanese but I still follow Ozumo very closely. I can still read just about any shikona - new or old but I'd have trouble describing a match to my in-laws. Welcome to the forum. Itachi (from Vancouver)