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Everything posted by Tsubame

  1. Tsubame

    Promotion/Demotion and Yusho discussion Aki 2017

    While I think your are right, I just want to mention that he also got his ozeki promotion with just 32 wins!
  2. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    The typical side effects of steroids. The younger Ama didn't had some. Then, with the success in makuuchi, he somehow gain alot weight for such a slim bodytype, become (temporary) a little bit vicious on the dohyo and he showed some acne. As a fan of Ockhams razor I prefer the obvious explanation. I don't think that he is still using it, but I am sure that he once "boosted" his career with some help from the medicine cabinet.
  3. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    With such a great jinx he will lose his very first bout next basho! But on the other hand he maybe will walk in Haguroyama footsteps, who won a yusho in every single division below makuushi in just one basho each. Who knows...
  4. Tsubame

    Trivia bits

    If Harumafuji manage to win this Aki Basho, he would be the first yusho winner giving away four kin boshi! [query]
  5. Tsubame

    Most kinboshi given

    But he still has (manually) exclude all the fusen-pai from his table to show the exact values of kinboshi given. For example: He stated correctly that Kitanoumi lost 58 times to a maegashira. But this query also includes five losses by fusen. So Kitanoumi only gave 53 kinboshi away, not 58. I guess a combination (or to be correct a substraction) of these two queries would be sufficient: total yokozuna losses to maegashira and yokozuna losses to maegashira by fusen.
  6. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    consistency in inconsistency
  7. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    I myself have reason to believe that with his inconsistency at the ozeki rank, plus having JUST been kadoban, the YSK will not consider him for promotion. And four yokozuna has to do with it too. If an ozeki (even Goeido) can win two consecutive yusho, they will promote him! I have no doubt on that. But I rather doubt that if Goeido wins the very next two tournaments, that the remaining four yokozuna are still there in january. With Kakuryu and also Harumafuji are close to their intai (Kakuryu managed to participate for 15 days only in a single basho this year and achieved then just 10 wins), and even an intai of Kisenosato wouldn't really surprise me at all.
  8. Tsubame

    Ozeki demotion

    Funny fact: It were the ozeki back then and their too often used (some would even say missused) "kosho" status to avoid demotion.
  9. Tsubame

    Promotion/Demotion and Yusho discussion Aki 2017

    And now imagine Onosho wins the yusho in a convincing manner!
  10. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    Funny, how you accidently misspelled Hakuho!
  11. Tsubame

    matta, matta, matta

    I would guess that the rikishi can distinguish some shouts coming from the audience or from a person standing two meters away from you. Even in the heat of battle...
  12. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    The answer is five! Musashimaru gave five kin boshi away in Aki 2001. He is followed by a lots of guys who lost four times (please mind fusen): Query. edit: I wonder if there is a possibility to exclude fusen-pai from such a query? Any help is welcome.
  13. Tsubame

    Pick The Yusho Winners Aki 2017

    Did you not get my message? My picks for you two games came in one message. Or am I so bad that I am not on the table?!
  14. Tsubame

    Basho Talk - Aki 2017 (SPOILERS)

    I rather think that he saw that both of Kotoshogiku's hands never touchted the ground (and they were not even close) and clearly expected that this will be judged as a matta.
  15. Tsubame

    Long Kachikoshi Streaks - Aki 2017

    Asanoyama KK Kizaki KK Abi MK Kotodaigo KK Chiyosakae KK Takayasu 12-3 Mitakeumi 11-4 Yoshikaze 10-5 Onosho KK Meisei MK TB: 10
  16. Tsubame

    21 Aki 17, The Results

    A A B B B B A B B B B B A A B X A B B B X
  17. Tsubame

    Chiyo brothers

  18. Tsubame

    Chiyo brothers

    Thanks for the small enlightment.
  19. Tsubame

    Chiyo brothers

    I have never heard that close relatives do not have to fight each other. ofc. stablemates... sure... and I guess brothers or relatives tend to join same Heyas, so they never have to face each other. But can some give me a example of relatives who were not in the same Heya (or Ichimon in the past) and didn't see their relatives despite the fact that they could/should because of their banzuke ranking?!
  20. Tsubame

    Construction of a dohyo

    Does the constructor(s) of the dohyo now have to commit seppuko?
  21. Tsubame

    Top 10 Sumo Records Natsu 2017 Edition

    I guess this query will answer your question. But you have to substract the fusen-losses.
  22. Tsubame

    21 Nagoya 17, The Results

    A A A A B A B B B A B A A A A X A B B B B
  23. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    I am always fascinated by the modern misconception of being successful in something, is generally connected with the assumption that this person have positive character traits.
  24. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    Exactly two years ago: Natsu 2015. Ichinojo and Tochiozan both finished 8-7 as komusubi.
  25. Tsubame

    BASHO TALK -- Natsu 2017 -- SPOILERS

    And hair. Don't forget the hair!