Tatsunami Oyakata has announced that the yearly Takanohana Ichimon rengo keiko will not be held in Osaka. Coming off the elections where Takanohana was totally humiliated, this is no surprise. It has traditionally been held at Tatsunami beya, but not this time. The yearly Ichimon pep rally is slated to be held in a few days and the hall has been reserved, but the Ichimon Oyakatas have yet to receive a concrete, detailed invitation. It looks like it's going to be a Takanohana beya pep rally. "I don't intend to go where I have not been invited. Nobody seems to be going.." said one Oyakata. That being said, Tatsunami Oyakata has no intention of leaving the ichimon. "Basically, my support of Takanohana Ichimon has not changed. I just want to hear many opinions on how to better the sumo world and would like to make the best decisions accordingly.. Shikoroyama Oyakata thinks the same," explained Tatsunami, intending to stay within the Ichimon but reserving the right to have his own thoughts as well. Shikoroyama left Tokitsukaze Ichimon and is unaffiliated at the moment and has stated his wish to be free to voice his own opinion. Tatsunami has declared in the past that he will be actively supporting Takanohana "until he becomes rijicho," but he seems to have changed his mind recently. Dark clouds over the Takanohana Ichimon unity.