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Hello from Middle-Germany

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B-) Hello everybody! I'm a member at the sumo forum since a few days and so I want to tell you a few things about me. At the first I must say sorry, my english ist not the best, but I hope you can understand me.

I come from a little town in the middle of gemany. It is named K

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Welcome to the forum, this is a great place to ask question, the people are very helpful. (I was stupid...)

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;-) to the Forum, Tikozan! I hope you enjoy all the great stuff here.... I've never heard of that town in Germany, but we have many sumo fans in Germany and I'm sure they will know.

Asashoryu was born 1980/September 27.... :-P So that makes you 16 years older than him! (I was stupid...) You're making me do MATH???? (Whistling...) (Hugging...)

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Edited by ilovesumo

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(I was stupid...) to the forum! And your English is fine. In fact, it is better than mine (Whistling...) .

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(I was stupid...) I am located a little right beside the B6 button. (Whistling...)

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Welcome to the forum Tikozan (Hugging...)

Chuck in your salt (I was stupid...) and join the fray.

Dont worry about your English because the only persons bad English that bothers me is mine and I was born and bred in England. (Whistling...)

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First of all, welcome to the forum and ... in second place...

It would be much appreciated, in case you want, to make clear exactly where you live at K

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Although living in Germany myself, I never heard of 'K

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Welcome to the forum Tikozan (Laughing...)

Chuck in your salt (Neener, neener...) and join the fray.

Dont worry about your English because the only persons bad English that bothers me is mine and I was born and bred in England. (In jonokuchi...)

Oh yeah, it's the same in germany. The badest german are speaking the german people. When you come to Germany you will hear it.

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Although living in Germany myself, I never heard of 'K
Edited by Tikozan

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(Laughing...) to the Forum, Tikozan! I hope you enjoy all the great stuff here.... I've never heard of that town in Germany, but we have many sumo fans in Germany and I'm sure they will know.

Asashoryu was born 1980/September 27.... (Futeno...) So that makes you 16 years older than him! (Neener, neener...) You're making me do MATH???? (In jonokuchi...) (Futeno...)

(Laughing...) Absolutely correct. I'm 41 and too old to become an opponent for Asashoryu.

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(To all non-German-speakers here, be sure, what ever we talk in German wouldn't be interesting for anyone else. (Neener, neener...)

Right, and for that the forum does have the PM feature. Please continue your chat there.

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Welcome to the Forum. I have never been to Koethen but I have driven on the E51 up past Halle airport so I guess it was close. Enjoy your time on the forum and be sure to look out for sumo tournaments that will be held in Riesa (as ilovesumo has mentioned in the German above )

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Welcome in Forum, Tikozan.

I think I was in very short time in Koethen some years back. But I can remember very little (because of few bottles of good German beer).

If I remember correctly Koethen has a very nice little Naturkunde (natural history) Museum one of the oldest in Germany, right ? :-S

Edited by Coo-cook

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Welcome in Forum, Tikozan.

I think I was in very short time in Koethen some years back. But I can remember very little (because of few bottles of good German beer).

If I remember correctly Koethen has a very nice little Naturkunde (natural history) Museum one of the oldest in Germany, right ? (Neener, neener...)

The museum called "Naumannmuseum" and it's a special museum about birds and the history of Johann Friedrich Naumann a famous ornithologe. More about this you can read here. Koethen is also well-known for the musician Johann-Sebastian Bach who lived in Koethen. I hope, I could help you.

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Danke schoen, Tikozan fuer das Naumann Museum website link.

Eigentlich ist es schoen lange hier dass ich das Naumann Museum besucht habe. (Irgendwie, habe ich die Name des Museums vergessen gewesen.)

Mich wunderte besonders die Voegelsammlungen und viele schoene Aquarelle die damals gefertigt wurden.

Ich freue mich auch besonders darauf dass die Museums Mongolei- Verbidungen immer noch existieren.

Ich hatte die Gelengenheit in vorigen Sommer mit Prof. Stubbe aus Halle (Martin Luther Universitaet), wer eigentlich mein Mentor war, in der Mongolei zu treffen. Und, er ist der Mann der mich zum Naumann Museum gefuehrt und gezeigt hat.

Wie Verena schon gesagt hat, die Welt ist manchmal zu klein. Nicht war ?

Entschuldige mich bitte, Verena,falls Sie mein Post auch lesen, ich wusste nicht das Sie aus Halle-Saale sind.(Ich war wohl blind nicht die Zuschriften unter dem Avatar zu lesen). Ich bin auch ein Hallenser Halunke und ich habe einige meine besten Zeiten in Halle verbracht. Ich traume immer noch Halle-Saale wieder einmal zu besuchen.

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