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Sekitori Quadrumvirate - Technical problem ?

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This basho SQ is very hard.(^^;)

10-5 is enough to Yusho.

Kachikoshi player may not reach 10% finally.

Kachitakai could still get 11-4 (or even 12-3), of course, but yes, it looks likely 10-5 could be enough...which would be the first time.

What intrigues me even more is that Kachitakai has a realistic chance to win all three sansho, simply because so many competitors won't reach kachi-koshi...

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Well, I'm sitting here with freshly reloaded S4 results for day 13, and after 23 out of 35 bouts we're at this sad state:

140 players, 0 shiroboshi (0.0%)

27 players still with a chance to win!

I don't think I've ever seen zero winners this late into the torikumi, usually there's at least one right after Juryo even if the day goes really bad...and now we're even eight bouts into Makuuchi already, sheesh.

Edit: Bout #26 finally delivers the first two winners right after naka-iri, courtesy of Futeno. Still, we're already headed for the second-worst day ever, and with a couple more upsets we'll have the worst.

Edit #2: I see we're actually already assured the worst-ever day...Kotoshogiku-Kakizoe and Kisenosato-Ama will kill at least 3 players no matter who wins the bouts, so we're down to at most 15 winning players now, or 10.7% (previous worst day 11.3%)...

Edit s'more: Well, it's official now:

140 players, 6 shiroboshi (4.3%)

8 players still with a chance to win!

Oh, and I'm one of those 6 players. (Clapping wildly...)

Edit yet again: And Kyokutenho's loss knocks out another two players, Miyabiyama-Shuzan was going to kill one player either way...down to at most 11 winners now.

Edit even more: Kotomitsuki's loss destroys the hopes of 4 of the remaining 5 players, so the only thing standing between us and a sub-5% winning percentage is Kaio now.

Edit, finally: We're finishing in style with a Kaio loss, and the carnage ends with 6 winners out of 140, for a truly stunning 4.3% winning percentage. Congrats to Tamanaogijima for actually scoring a Four today. (Clapping wildly...) 124 of 149 total players are make-koshi now.

Edited by Asashosakari

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What intrigues me even more is that Kachitakai has a realistic chance to win all three sansho, simply because so many competitors won't reach kachi-koshi...

He won't. I aim for the kanto-sho. I can do it (Showing respect...) I can do it (Whistling...) I can do it ;-)

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We, Izzies, excepted Terarno (7-7), are all make-koshi ! Incredible ! Go Terarno, save our honour !

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And the yusho with the amazing score of 9-6 goes to...Anjoboshi, who was still two wins behind after Day 13. Congrats!

We're finishing this up with scores that are pretty much three wins below average, as about half the players are 5-10 or better, and the other half 4-11 or worse. Final kachi-koshi rate: 7 out of 149, or 4.7%...

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Thought I was finishing with a win, but unfortunately the naughty shinpan refused to uphold the gyoji's decision regarding Ama's win... :'-( (I think the torinaoshi was the right decision though)

Ironically, at ISP, nearly 80% of the players are kachi-koshi this time...

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And the yusho with the amazing score of 9-6 goes to...Anjoboshi, who was still two wins behind after Day 13. Congrats!

We're finishing this up with scores that are pretty much three wins below average, as about half the players are 5-10 or better, and the other half 4-11 or worse. Final kachi-koshi rate: 7 out of 149, or 4.7%...

Thank you very much, but to be honest: I was quite suprised when I saw the results page. I never thought about the possibility of the yusho - my goal was a KK (and sanyaku return). :)


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Damn, I'm an idiot.

From 7-4 to 7-8... This is the second time I do that. (Protesting...)

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