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Day 9 results and day 10 pairings

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Yokozuna Asashoryu gave away his first and probably only kinboshi of this basho against fellow Mongolian Kyokushuzan. The Yokozuna is scheduled to face the Sekiwake and Ozeki on the last six days. He still is in the sole lead, but now five rikishi are one win behind with the two Ozeki Chiyotaikai and Kaio and Sekiwake Wakanosato the most notable pursuers.

The two longtime Makuuchi Kotonowaka and Akinoshima showed unusual aggressiveness today resulting in convincing wins.

No less than 22 of the 36 remaining Makuuchi rikishi are 5-4 or better, normally it's the other way around. Takanotsuru and Shimotori are helping the cause with them collecting the losses, and Kotomitsuki and Musoyama also gave away losses in the upper half of the Makuuchi.



Makuuchi yusho arasoi

One loss Two losses Three losses Four losses

------------- ------------- ------------- -------------

Asashoryu Chiyotaikai Dejima Tochiazuma

Kaio Kotonowaka Kyokutenho

Wakanosato Aminishiki Tochinonada

Toki Jumonji Tamanoshima

Buyuzan Asanowaka Miyabiyama







Day 9


J13e Sumanofuji (1-8) oshidashi Ms5e Asahibenten (2-3)

J12w Gokenzan (4-5) oshidashi Ms4w Kotonomine (2-3)

J7w Tamakasuga (7-2) yorikiri J13w Kaito (5-4)

J6e Kakizoe (6-3) oshitaoshi J10w Kokkai (5-4)

J11e Futeno (4-5) uwatenage J5w Wakatoba (2-7)

J5e Hayateumi (5-4) yoritaoshi J12e Toyozakura (5-4)

J4w Tochinohana (6-3) yorikiri J11w Nakao (6-3)

J10e Dewanofuji (5-4) okuridashi J4e Hamanishiki (2-7)

J9e Senshuyama (6-3) yorikiri J3w Kobo (5-4)

J3e Tochisakae (7-2) oshidashi J9w Oikari (3-6)

J2w Ushiomaru (6-3) tsukidashi J8w Wakakosho (2-7)

J2e Kinkaiyama (5-4) yorikiri J6w Komahikari (1-8)

J1e Kasuganishiki (6-3) hikiotoshi J7e Harunoyama (4-5)


M15w Akinoshima (5-4) yorikiri M14e Takanotsuru (0-9)

M11e Toki (7-2) hikkake M12w Aogiyama (3-6)

M14w Otsukasa (5-4) kotenage M10w Wakanoyama (3-6)

M9w Iwakiyama (4-5) kotenage M13w Asasekiryu (5-4)

M12e Buyuzan (7-2) oshidashi M9e Jumonji (6-3)

M13e Yotsukasa (5-4) tsukiotoshi M8e Tamarikido (5-4)

M7w Aminishiki (6-3) hikiotoshi M11w Shimotori (1-8)

M10e Kotoryu (5-4) yorikiri M6e Kasugao (2-7)

M15e Asanowaka (6-3) hikiotoshi M5w Hokutoriki (3-6)

M4e Kaiho (3-6) oshidashi M8w Gojoro (3-6)

M4w Kotonowaka (6-3) oshidashi M1e Tochinonada (5-4)

K1w Kyokutenho (5-4) yorikiri M5e Miyabiyama (5-4)

S1w Dejima (6-3) oshidashi M2w Takanonami (2-7)

S1e Wakanosato (7-2) yorikiri M1w Takamisakari (4-5)

O2w Tochiazuma (5-4) oshidashi O2e Musoyama (3-6)

O1w Kaio (7-2) hatakikomi K1e Tosanoumi (3-6)

O1e Chiyotaikai (7-2) oshidashi M3w Tamanoshima (5-4)

M3e Kyokushuzan (4-5) hikiotoshi Y1e Asashoryu (8-1)

Day 10


Ms21e Ryukai (2-2) Ms22w Tenichi (2-2)

Ms21w Wakainami (3-1) Ms15w Yoshiazuma (3-1)

Ms14e Tochifudo (3-1) Ms19e Toyonokuni (3-1)

Ms14w Raiko (2-2) Ms11w Hochiyama (2-2)

Ms6e Kotokanyu (2-2) Ms9e Fukkoyama (2-2)


J12w Gokenzan (4-5) J11w Nakao (6-3)

J13w Kaito (5-4) J9w Oikari (3-6)

J13e Sumanofuji (1-8) J8w Wakakosho (2-7)

J12e Toyozakura (5-4) J7w Tamakasuga (7-2)

J6e Kakizoe (6-3) J9e Senshuyama (6-3)

J5e Hayateumi (5-4) J10e Dewanofuji (5-4)

J6w Komahikari (1-8) J5w Wakatoba (2-7)

J11e Futeno (4-5) J4w Tochinohana (6-3)

J3e Tochisakae (7-2) J10w Kokkai (5-4)

J7e Harunoyama (4-5) J3w Kobo (5-4)

J2e Kinkaiyama (5-4) J4e Hamanishiki (2-7)


M15e Asanowaka (6-3) J2w Ushiomaru (6-3)

J1e Kasuganishiki (6-3) M15w Akinoshima (5-4)

M14e Takanotsuru (0-9) M11w Shimotori (1-8)

M10e Kotoryu (5-4) M13w Asasekiryu (5-4)

M9e Jumonji (6-3) M11e Toki (7-2)

M12w Aogiyama (3-6) M9w Iwakiyama (4-5)

M8e Tamarikido (5-4) M14w Otsukasa (5-4)

M12e Buyuzan (7-2) M8w Gojoro (3-6)

M13e Yotsukasa (5-4) M7w Aminishiki (6-3)

M6e Kasugao (2-7) M10w Wakanoyama (3-6)

M3e Kyokushuzan (4-5) M5w Hokutoriki (3-6)

M5e Miyabiyama (5-4) M3w Tamanoshima (5-4)

K1e Tosanoumi (3-6) M2w Takanonami (2-7)

M1w Takamisakari (4-5) K1w Kyokutenho (5-4)

S1e Wakanosato (7-2) M1e Tochinonada (5-4)

O1e Chiyotaikai (7-2) M4w Kotonowaka (6-3)

O2e Musoyama (3-6) M4e Kaiho (3-6)

O2w Tochiazuma (5-4) O1w Kaio (7-2)

Y1e Asashoryu (8-1) S1w Dejima (6-3)

Edited by Doitsuyama

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O2w    Tochiazuma (5-4)                  O1w    Kaio (7-2)

This should be interesting: will we see the strong Tochiazuma of pre-basho training and the first couple of days, or the Tochiazuma of the past couple of days? I think Kaio takes it.

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I thought he looked good against Kotomitsuki (easy feat this basho) and Tosanoumi (who's over-ranked), so I guess you're right. But he did defeat Dejima and Musoyama as well. So it's inconsistent Tochiazuma this basho, and dim prospects of a KK. (Ranting...)

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