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Some 25 rikishi with losing records in Maka'uchi...

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I have not seen any matches since January 15th, but there sure are a lot of rikishi with losing records. Seems like a few diamonds in a wide patch of rough this basho...

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taking advantage of this topic i wanted to ask what is the record number or percentage of rikishi being MK in a basho ?

i am talking about Makuuchi rikishi of course ...

i remeber that in Aki the MK rikishi were 26 out of 42 ... that seemed to me pretty low back then. Does anyone have such stats available?

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Does anyone have such stats available?

Here are the worst offenders (percentage-wise) back to the 50's, as best I can do with my data.

Basho	   Year	   #MK	 #Maku	  %
Nagoya	  2002	   26	   40	   65%
Aki		 2005	   26	   42	   62%
Aki		 1963	   25	   41	   61%
Hatsu	   1972	   21	   35	   60%
Natsu	   2000	   24	   40	   60%
Aki		 2000	   24	   40	   60%
Haru		2002	   24	   40	   60%
Natsu	   1967	   20	   34	   59%
Aki		 1980	   21	   36	   58%
Natsu	   1960	   25	   43	   58%
Hatsu	   1983	   22	   38	   58%
Aki		 1966	   23	   40	   58%
Kyushu	  1991	   23	   40	   58%
Kyushu	  1993	   23	   40	   58%
Kyushu	  1997	   23	   40	   58%
Haru		2000	   23	   40	   58%
Hatsu	   2001	   23	   40	   58%
Nagoya	  2001	   23	   40	   58%
Hatsu	   2003	   23	   40	   58%
Nagoya	  2003	   23	   40	   58%
Aki		 2003	   23	   40	   58%

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thanks a lot Takanorappa-san. I am amazed anytime i ask something that comes into my mind and there is actually someone ready to give me the answer. This forum never seazes to impress me.

btw .... the example i used was rather high on that list, wasn't it? Glad to know that i felt something was weird when i made the comparison of MK-KK.

IIRC it was hell to make the banzuke at GTB

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