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Sumo Pond reform

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Sumo Pond has been reformed. The Sumo Information-section is now open to replies but regular members can't start new threads. The idea is that long threads that may have some interest are easier found in one section.

For now there are threads like:

Sumo pictures - huge selection of various sumo-related pictures

Toshiyori-kabu system - members who wish to update the toshiyori situation are encouraged to do it there

Tamanoi-bloq - It is very large and Madorosumaru asked whether it could be stored somewhere as it was already so big.

Itai's book translations - one massive yaocho discussion thread

and others...

So far only those as I quickly went through the most replied threads and decided to add those. Any suggestions of which other threads to add in that section? Use the Public feedback thread for feedback.

Foreigners in sumo is a thread I thought of updating often but the task is too major to do by myself so that thread is open to anyone who wish to update it.

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