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Oshu vs Shoryu...

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Was rather dissapointed at this bout Oshu hasn't shown that he can win a big bout when the pressure is on the line yet, and Shoryu didn't exactly dominate him for the win either, oh well..too bad Kisenosato couldnt have won yesterday it would be great to see a 3 way playoff (by the way whens the last time we've had a playoff of more than just two rikishi?) Anyways guess the real question is can the "chokemeister" hold on for the Yusho........

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it would be great to see a 3 way playoff (by the way whens the last time we've had a playoff of more than just two rikishi?)

That can still happen. For starters, we need Kisenosato to beat Osh tomorrow and Asa winning. Then Osh and Asa losing on senshuraku with Kisenosato winning. Three with 12-3. Or Taikai beating Asa tomorrow, and Asa winning on senshuraku..But Taikai will probably have Osh, so that won't work..Unless Osh loses tomorrow, and then loses to Taikai, making it a three way playoff with Taikai instead of Kisenosato. Or Armstrong.

Edited by Kintamayama

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I think it was a very good bout, personally. Good aggression by Osh, good completion by Asa. I thought it was especially interesting the way he took the kensho, very deliberately with his left hand, and I seem to think with an extra bit of defiance. All in all a great, evenly fought match.

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it would be great to see a 3 way playoff (by the way whens the last time we've had a playoff of more than just two rikishi?)

That can still happen. For starters, we need Kisenosato to beat Osh tomorrow and Asa winning. Then Osh and Asa losing on senshuraku with Kisenosato winning. Three with 12-3. Or Taikai beating Asa tomorrow, and Asa winning on senshuraku..But Taikai will probably have Osh, so that won't work..Unless Osh loses tomorrow, and then loses to Taikai, making it a three way playoff with Taikai instead of Kisenosato. Or Armstrong.

Or Kaiho. Incidentally, Doitsuyama outlined the possibility of a four-way playoff in his Day 13 results. (Whistling...)

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I think that Kotooshu wasted a great chance to finish off the yokozuna when he was behind him. I also did not like his aiming for the mawashi at all cost: he thus made it easier for Asa who just had to move away from Kotooshu, let him stretch and grab his neck and slap him down. I thin that next time Osh should go with more tsuppari if he is to destabilize the yokozuna and win convincingly.

Still a lot to learn, but plenty of time to do so, too. Now, he has two more days to prove that he deserves to be promoted to ozeki, but I think that he won't be promoted unless he wins both of the remaining bouts.

Edited by kotooshu_bulgaria

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I also thought it was a rather good bout. Asashoryu did a complete spin to escape Oshs okuri-trap. Most rikishi would be too slow to spin around so fast. Amazing how Asashoryu recovered to take the match by kubihineri. Oshu was a lot better than against Wakanosato last basho. He has learned to handle pressure. I really like Kisenosato but he should be no match for him.

Also a rare kimarite...especially for the musubi. I wonder when the last time a yokozuna used this technique?

Edited by Araiwa

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I think oshu was really nervous today.

He almost tripped and fell over the tawara as he was doing his first shikiri-sen, and he was also doing the shikiri-sen rather quickly and avoiding looking at shoryu.

I knew he was going to lose then.

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I think oshu was really nervous today. 

He almost tripped and fell over the tawara as he was doing his first shikiri-sen, and he was also doing the shikiri-sen rather quickly and avoiding looking at shoryu.

I knew he was going to lose then.

I noticed that too. I pretty much knew he had lost his concentration and that Asa had the match. Osh still has a little ways to go to get rid of that pressure bug.

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Kotooshu needs more time and experience and he will be unbeatable. I hope he will be yokozuna some day. (Applauding...) (Applauding...) (Applauding...)

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It's a good bout (Applauding...)

I have never been so excited watching a bout.

I really disliked Oshu's style. I really can't imagine him ever be a yokozuna with that style.

He was literally hanging on to Asa's arm and then waist. His face was facing down the entire bout. Then, the way he hang onto Asa's waist looks so desperate.

I really hoped Asa would gave him one of those back throwing like those of Judo when Oshu is behind him. That would have been awesome.

Edited by Joeblack

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It was a excellent bout, Kotooshu gave it all he had, Asashoryu came close to losing, if Kotooshu had gotten more than two fingers on Asashoryu's mawashi, it could have pulled off a win. I wanted Koto to win it, but at the same time, I expected to Asashoryu to serious bout, and it was!

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It was a excellent bout, Kotooshu gave it all he had, Asashoryu came close to losing, if Kotooshu had gotten more than two fingers on Asashoryu's mawashi, it could have pulled off a win.  I wanted Koto to win it, but at the same time, I expected to Asashoryu to serious bout, and it was!

Totally off-topic--Welcome Kawika-great to have you here and hope you stick around!

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