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The weirdest match so far, by far

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Maybe it was the same gyoji with major influence on assigning banzuke slot M6W. And maybe his birthname was Khuchitbaatar...

...or maybe he just messed up, and the shinpan didn't want to further his embarassment. Poor Tosanoumi.

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I thought it would elicit a huge reaction, but nobody so farĀ  (Dribbling...)

I guess one reason is that the bouts are not up on dale's site yet and many members here did not see it live...

the interesting point is that ven tokitenku seemed to stop at a point but continued when he realized there was no "matta"-call from the gyoji...

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It seemed to me that the sound of Hakkeyoi came early and independently on the situation - not as a reaction to rikishi's tachiai. Probably since the Hakkeyoi was out already, they let the show go on and finish it like that.

This case was weired but if Tosanoumi was Hokutouriki it would be alright. His opponents have to start like that. Waiting for his hands down would be fatal.

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His opponents have to start like that. Waiting for his hands down would be fatal.

Cause it never seems to happen. :-O

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Same thing happened today in Juryo- Katayama rushed out in his match against Ushiomaru. Confusion-they stop for a second, but Katayama goes on to win. Yes? No. After all of this happens, the chief shimpan calls for a new start. Katayama wins that too. This is the first time I have ever seen a match go all the way (if 3 seconds can be called that.), with a rikishi pushing out the other rikishi after a bout, that this is called. Maybe they learned something from the obvious mis-handling of the Tosanoumi-Tokitenkuu match.

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Same thing happened today in Juryo- Katayama rushed out in his match against Ushiomaru. Confusion-they stop for a second, but Katayama goes on to win. Yes? No. After all of this happens, the chief shimpan calls for a new start.

Did not hear a hakkeyoi (or a matta) on the first effort. Suspect Katayama may be in for a trip to the woodshed on this for not backing off on the first charge.

Edited by Asojima

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Personally from me, the weirdest match recently was the Tochisakae -Wakatoba match of a 10.

Tochisakae seemed to jump out of the ring on his own accord, it looked like sumo suicide to me! Granted he did overrun Waka but there was plenty of opportunity to recover, he seemed to give up and jumped out to seal his fate. the look in his eyes after he had realised what he had done was priceless

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It's up on now. I think the head judge (is it Kokonoe?) says "matta, matta" and nods to the gyoji. But the gyoji seems to be even more confused than Tosanoumi... There was a match several years ago where Chiyotaikai lost against Takanowaka pretty the same way. Maybe there is a rule that the hakke-yoi order cannot be overuled by a shimpan?

found it, Day 5 Nagoya Basho 2000 Chiyotaikai-Takanowaka


Edited by Araiwa

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It happened again today! Kotomitsuki was nowhere near starting and he was blasted out by Kakizoe.

Guess the moral of the story is dont dilly dally, gets your hands down!

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It happened again today! Kotomitsuki was nowhere near starting and he was blasted out by Kakizoe.

Guess the moral of the story is dont dilly dally, gets your hands down!

Over the past few years there seems to have been a notable increase in mattas. Is it a coincidence that in the same time frame there's been an increase in henkas? Both trends seem to me to represent the same shift in attitude--from straight-forward clash to wily strategizing. Since the rikishi causing the matta is usually the slower one, playing a mind game with the opponent who is ready to go, could it be that a quiet crackdown is underway? If they randomly don't call mattas, that should be a corrective. The rikishi who would delay and minipulate will have to reconsider that tactic.

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Since the rikishi causing the matta is usually the slower one...

You're assuming that matta are generally caused by the non-starting rikishi? I don't think that's true at all. There are plenty of very twitchy guys (Takamisakari, Hokutoriki, often anyone who desperately needs a win and isn't good at henka) who simply aren't able to synchronize properly, no matter if the other guy intentionally delays or not.

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Since the rikishi causing the matta is usually the slower one...

You're assuming that matta are generally caused by the non-starting rikishi? I don't think that's true at all. There are plenty of very twitchy guys (Takamisakari, Hokutoriki, often anyone who desperately needs a win and isn't good at henka) who simply aren't able to synchronize properly, no matter if the other guy intentionally delays or not.

Right. I guess I was just indulging in wishful thinking. So there's nothing they can do to control the twitchy mattas. But the non-starters are proliferating and I think it's part of the zeitgeist that's producing the henkas.

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