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Hakuhou-Wakanosato match

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1. In both bouts, Hakuhou totally jumped the gun. Hands were nowhere near the ground, he was on Sato's side before Sato could budge. TWO classic mattas if there ever were..

2. Wakanosato did a perfect split in bout one, and seemed to come out of it uninjured. He suddenly seemed to collapse in the second bout, and it looks like he hurt his ankle.

A totallly weird second bout.

3. Undecided.

Edited by Kintamayama

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Second bout looked very strange indeed. Lets hope its not his old knee-injury.

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Hakuho won - Wakanosato's calf touched down first (right calf)

Do you mean in the second bout? No doubt about that, just seemed to cave in for no reason. The "undecided" was because I couldn't decide what point number three was..

Edited by Kintamayama

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Second bout looked very strange indeed. Lets hope its not his old knee-injury.

I had the impression it was the perfect split that injured him, he was slightly limping between the two bouts but I think he was trying to hide the injury as much as possible, in order to have a chance in the tori-naoshi. Then I think it was quite obvious he was injured from the start of the second bout, he totally avoided yotsu-zumo which is not like him at all...

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Then I think it was quite obvious he was injured from the start of the second bout, he totally avoided yotsu-zumo which is not like him at all...

To me, it looked like Hakuhou was avoiding the yotsu, because of HIS prior injury..

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Second bout looked very strange indeed. Lets hope its not his old knee-injury.

I had the impression it was the perfect split that injured him, he was slightly limping between the two bouts but I think he was trying to hide the injury as much as possible, in order to have a chance in the tori-naoshi. Then I think it was quite obvious he was injured from the start of the second bout, he totally avoided yotsu-zumo which is not like him at all...

I agree with Azumaryu. He overextended his right leg. Had to be carried out of the Kokugukan by wheelchair to the hospital. Hakuho didn't really do anything in the torinaoshi. Wakanosato just collapsed. Doesn't look good...


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Then I think it was quite obvious he was injured from the start of the second bout, he totally avoided yotsu-zumo which is not like him at all...

To me, it looked like Hakuhou was avoiding the yotsu, because of HIS prior injury..

Yes, well, that's probably true too. Hakuho was avoiding it, and Wakanosato wasn't really trying anything...

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I totally agree with Azumaryu. Wakanosato was clearly limping between the bouts and tried to hide it. No doubt about that. The second bout seemed to aggravate it.

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Hakuho won - Wakanosato's calf touched down first (right calf)

Do you mean in the second bout? No doubt about that, just seemed to cave in for no reason. The "undecided" was because I couldn't decide what point number three was..

sorry - no, meant in the first - 3 replays (back angle twice only left question about Hakuho's elbow going gown and front angle (once) showed it didn't)

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I totally agree with Azumaryu. Wakanosato was clearly limping between the bouts and tried to hide it. No doubt about that. The second bout seemed to aggravate it.

Papers are saying kyujo is a certainty- "We'll see after tonight and decide tomorrow morning", said Wakanosato, who couldn't walk up the hanamichi unaided after the bout.

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It seemed in the second bout Wakanosato's legs were already very weak(due to the injury in the 1st bout) and hakuho just displayed a simple mongolian wrestling that when he pulled down his head a little sato just crumbled.Replay showd it very clearly.

Edited by Bataa

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It seemed in the second bout Wakanosato's legs were already very weak(due to the injury in the 1st bout) and hakuho just displayed a simple mongolian wrestling that when he pulled down his head a little sato just crumbled.Replay showd it very clearly.

Right. I got the impression Hakuho knew Wakanosato was severly injured and so he just decided not to take any chances...knowing Waka couldn't continue very long.

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Right thigh biceps tear? (右大腿二頭筋断裂)- 6 weeks to recover. It looks like he will miss Las Vegas. "Instead of bemoaning the injury, I'd like to see him look positively toward getting healed", said Naruto Oyakata.

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Judging by how quickly Sato got in that deep left hand grip at the outset he should have had no problem taking care of Hakuho and winning the match no problem without giving "Mr. resourcefull" a chance. He didnt however and he just stood there waiting for Hakuho to make the first move, which ended up not only costing him the match but what appears to be a nasty groin pull injury as well. - (Eating...)

Edited by Ryukaze

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Right thigh biceps tear? (????????)- 6 weeks to recover. It looks like he will miss Las Vegas. "Instead of bemoaning the injury, I'd like to see him look positively toward getting healed", said Naruto Oyakata.

If the injury was a tear of the thigh biceps, it's a very familiar one. The thigh biceps which is also known as the biceps femoris, and two other muscles, the semitendinosus and semimembranosus, form the hamstring muscles. A torn or pulled hamstring refers to an injury to any or all of them. Kaio suffered the same type of injury as Wakanosato apparently did--to either the same or the other muscles. But the effect is the same. These muscles all flex the leg at the knee, extend the thigh, and adduct the leg (move it to the midline). When you can't do those things, you can't do sumo, no matter how good you may be. Why Kaio was allowed to enter the basho with a torn hamstring makes no sense. Why he was allowed to compete for three days, possibly injuring himself even more, is beyond belief.

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