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Banzuke Surfing Aki 2005

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Welcome to a new round of Banzuke Surfing. Here are the standings after Nagoya Basho. Lone leader Oshirokita can pick out of almost 50 Makushita rikishi, whereas the rest of us sticks in Sandanme at best.

New players are always welcome.

Rules can be found here.

New players are allowed to pick any rikishi from jk28w Hirai and below.

Please send your entries until shonichi 6AM JST!!

Banzuke Surfing: Standings Aki Basho 2005
Rank Shikona (*=Jokers) Last Surfer Position Allowed Picks
1. Oshirokita* Sawai ms37w ms38e Tatsuyutaka and below
2. Zentoryu** Tochifudo sd17e sd17w Kurazono and below
3. Nishinoshima*** Nakanishi sd27e sd27w Maenoyu and below
4. sashimaru*** Nakanishi sd27e sd27w Maenoyu and below
5. furanohana** Nakanishi sd27e sd27w Maenoyu and below
6. Tamanaogijima** Nakanishi sd27e sd27w Maenoyu and below
7. Azumaryu Nakanishi sd27e sd27w Maenoyu and below
8. Itachi** Kageyama sd36e sd36w Hiyoriyama and below
9. Golynohana** Kageyama sd36e sd36w Hiyoriyama and below
10. Kachitakai** Kageyama sd36e sd37w Hiyoriyama and below
11. Yubiquitoyama Kaishoryu sd48w sd49e Yuki and below
12. Kashunowaka** Shima sd56e sd56w Wakayuki and below
13. Doitsuyama** Kagemaru sd63e sd63w Tatsutsukasa and below
14. Gernobono*** Yonemura sd68e sd68w Kumanosato and below
15. Susanoo** Towanoyama sd78e sd78w Uchi and below
16. Andoreasu*** Towanoyama sd78e sd78w Uchi and below
17. Asashosakari* Towanoyama sd78e sd78w Uchi and below
18. aderechelsea* Towanoyama sd78e sd78w Uchi and below
19. Jejima Towanoyama sd78e sd78w Uchi and below
20. Randomitsuki* Goki sd88e sd88w Ryutei and below
21. Jakusotsu*** Fukuoka sd95e sd95w Fukunaga and below
22. Zenjimoto* Fukunaga sd95w sd96e Ogurayama and below
23. Kaikitsune Makoto*** DNP (2nd) jd25e jd25w Masuryu and below
24. kotooshu_bulgaria*** Takahashi jd33e jd33w Tagonofuji and below
25. Tomoe* Hidaka jd34e jd34w Fusahikari and below
26. Frinkanohana** Hokutonada jd42w jd43e Minemura and below
27. Gusoyama*** Ichinoya jd59w jd60e So and below
28. Takanorappa*** Yamada jd61w jd62e Nakanose and below
29. Leonishiki*** DNP (2nd) jd61w jd62e Nakanose and below
30. Kaihayaiha*** Nakajima jd66e jd66w Amanowaka and below
31. Exil* Hokuo jd73e jd73w Tsukinowa and below
32. Misisko*** Osanoumi jd77w jd78e Kaishinho and below
33. Torideyama*** Chiyonishiki jd82w jd83e Takeuchiyama and below
34. Feginowaka*** Chiyonishiki jd82w jd83e Takeuchiyama and below
35. Mattjila*** Tokizakura jd83w jd84e Omiyamoto and below
36. Mmikasazuma** DNP (1st) jd88e jd88w Tsubasaumi and below
37. charliki** Matsushima jd101e jd101w Yokota and below
38. Hakuyobaku*** DNP (2nd) jd105w jd106e Tominoumi and below
39. Kintamayama*** Kamakari jd122e jd122w Asanozawa and below
40. fukunoyama*** DNP (1st) jd122e jd122w Asanozawa and below
41. Zeokage*** DNP (1st) jd129e jd129w Yudai and below
42. Jonosuke*** Kotokuroda jk2w jk3e Tomonofuji and below
43. Norizo*** Tanemaru jk3w jk4e Kotonarita and below
44. Takamueda*** Tamabuzan jk30e jk28w Hirai and below
45. Tameiki*** Oka off jk28w Hirai and below
Edited by Randomitsuki

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I think you forgot charliki's "and below". Unless, you know something I don't...

Edited by Mattjila

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(Neener, neener...) sd78w Uchi please

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Jd110w Iitani

joker : Jk41e Seiro

Edited by charliki

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Hi !

Jonokuchi 29 east Fujimura, please.


Terarno (A sekitori...)

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Wow...looks like I did pick my surfer well (or everyone just wants to be like me). I guess that means a few other people will be joining me down the banzuke once the Mattjila luck causes Kawataka to break a collarbone or something.

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