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Banzuke Surfing

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Hi everybody,

This is a partially prepared message about the ongoing game of Banzuke

Surfing. I am currently on holidays which means I cannot keep track on the

dohyo happenings during Haru Basho.

Due to a major cognitive malfunctioning on my behalf I saw myself forced to

change the rules which I used for the inaugural edition of Hatsu Basho.

New players are welcomed!

Here are the modified rules:

1. This game can be played by everybody who is registered at the Sumo Forum.

2. Edited posts will not be accepted. If someone wants to change an entry,

they should delete their original posts and re-enter.

3. Prior to the beginning of a basho participants post the name of a real

rikishi they want to choose for the tournament. A simple posting of the

rikishi's name on the game thread does the job.

4. Players are always allowed to name a rikishi from the bottom 32 rikishi

in Jonokuchi division. If players were successful in prior bashos they are

allowed to pick higher-ranked rikishi, depending on the so-called "choice

point". The choice point for new players and unsuccessful players is defined

as the 33rd lowest position on the banzuke.

5. If a picked rikishi escapes from the Lowest 32 in Ozumo (as indicated by

the next banzuke), the banzuke position of the picked rikishi defines the

new choice point.

6. To make things a little easier, players are allowed to nominate up to

three jokers during their career. A joker means that you name an additional

rikishi for a given basho. The one who is on a better banzuke position in

the next basho will designate the new choice point. There is no limit for

joker per basho, i.e. you could spend all your jokers in your very first

basho by naming four rikishi instead of one.

7. If a chosen rikishi goes intai, the next choice point will be the last

banzuke position of the intai rikishi. Exception: if the last position was

among the lowest 32 in the banzuke, rule #4 applies.

8. The winner of a wave is the first to reach sanyaku. The game will continue after that point with exact rules for continuation to be determined.

9. A new, parallel game cycle starts every Hatsu Basho.

Here are the first rankings according to the Haru Banzuke (number of

asterisks indicates the number of jokers left):

Player........................Allowed Picks

1. Asashosakari*** Jd65e Kagemaru and below

2. Zentoryu*** Jd65e Kagemaru and below

3. Oshirokita** Jd65e Kagemaru and below

4. Mmikasazuma** Jd65e Kagemaru and below

5. Budinishiki** Jd65e Kagemaru and below

6. Andoreasu*** Jd65w Yamatofuji and below

7. Kintamayama*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

8. Azumaryu*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

9. Doitsuyama*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

10. furanohana*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

11. Zenjimoto*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

12. Itachi*** Jd66e Yoshida and below

13. Tamanaogijima** Jd66e Yoshida and below

14. Yubiquitoyama** Jd66e Yoshida and below

15. Mattjila*** Jd93w Taikan and below

16. Frinkanohana*** Jd95w Kawai and below

17. Svanidze*** Jd106e Omiyamoto and below

18. Yangnomazuma*** Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

19. Exil*** Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

20. Zeokage*** Jd108e Ikemoto and below

21. Kashunowaka*** Jd109w Oginome and below

22. Takanorappa*** Jd112w Takaki and below

23. Gusoyama*** Jd113e Onoarashi and below

24. Nishinoshima*** Jk21e Fujioka and below

25. aderechelsea*** Jk22w Maeamami and below

26. Gernobono*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

27. Jonosuke*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

28. Tameiki*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

29. Jakusotsu*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

30. Jejima*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

31. Kaihayaiha*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

32. Golynohana*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

33. sashimaru*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

34. Misisko*** Jk23e Dewamiyako and below

Current choice point for all new players is Jk22w, i.e. they are allowed to pick all rikishi starting from Jk23e Dewamiyako and below.

Sorry for the formatting, I'm in a terrible hurry. I have no time to check whether you entered correct picks. I can also give no advice as to any questions regarding the rules. Please find out for yourself.


Edited by Randomitsuki

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My interpretation of 'choice point' is that I can pick any rikishi ranked up to that point. Is this correct?

Well, as I did badly last time, I'm going to use all 3 of my jokers, and go with four of the best from the new crop...

Jk31e Kageyama

Jk31w Sawai

Jk32e Kadomoto

Jk33e Masutoo

Thank you ;-)

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My interpretation of 'choice point' is that I can pick any rikishi ranked up to that point.
Edited by Asashosakari

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AFAIK (and I believe this was spelled out more clearly two months ago...), you can pick anyone below your choice point, which precludes somebody latching on to a future star (e.g. Baruto) and then riding up the banzuke by picking him basho after basho.

Thank you ;-)

I should have probably dug up the old thread first...

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My picks (with one Joker) are:

Jk31w Sawai

Jk33w Fukuoka

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Jk37e Sato is my choice

and i will use Jk31w Sawai as a joker ....

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Assuming I am not allowed to ride on with Nakatani again, I will take the next highest rikishi: Jd65e Kagemaru

And burn another joker on: Jd65w Yamatofuji

- Oshirokita

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I noticed some mistakes in my initial post, and to make things clearer I have edited it to indicate explicitly which picks are allowed for each player.

Enjoy the basho while I enjoy my holiday in terrific Sydney!


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18. Yangnomazuma*** Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

19. Exil***        Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

20. Zeokage***    Jd108e Ikemoto and below

I also chose Shikinokawa last basho, however I seem to have the rikishi below him as my starting point... :(

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18. Yangnomazuma*** Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

19. Exil***        Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

20. Zeokage***    Jd108e Ikemoto and below

I also chose Shikinokawa last basho, however I seem to have the rikishi below him as my starting point... :(

You basically can't pick the same KK rikishi two basho in a row. So your starting point is the next rikishi ranked below your pick from last basho.

As mentioned before, this is done to keep players from riding a young, star prospect, basho after basho, all the way up the banzuke.

I wouldn't be too upset about not being able to pick Shikinokawa again.... you may end up being thankful you couldn't... (Punk rocker...)

Edited by Zentoryu

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18. Yangnomazuma*** Jd107w Shikinokawa and below

19. Exil***

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I'll take Takamiryu Jd 97w

As a Joker I'll take Masutoo Jk 33e.

While it is tempting to take Sawai as a second joker, I'll save my jokers for later rounds.

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