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updated sekitori avatars?

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I am very appreciative of all the work that went and continues to go into the setup and upkeep of this forum.

As for the avatars, I would like to select some surrent sekitori who are not among those appearing in the choices available.

In particular, I would like Iwakiyama to represent me but I am stuck with Jumonji - the next closest to my loyalties as a former Aomori resident.

Probably there is a way for me to access an Iwakiyama image to use but I don't know much about this and so it is much more convenient for me to choose form the available images on the menu.

My wish is that whoever set up the menu that allowed me to choose Jumonji update it so I can change to Iwakiyama.

Thank you.


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Sorry about the long delay between requests and action but now there are new avatars available.

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Nice new avatars, thanks. got my new one already. Go Shogiku!!!

(not to sound ungrateful or anything, but the next time they're updated, would it be possible to add a few of the "old guys"? ever since i joined the board i've wanted a Kotonishiki avatar, since he was my original favorite....)

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not to sound ungrateful or anything, but the next time they're updated, would it be possible to add a few of the "old guys"? ever since i joined the board i've wanted a Kotonishiki avatar, since he was my original favorite....)

Sure! Definitely should be some more past rikishi too and why not even yobidashi etc. S

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Fantastic job! Good selection of pictures.

The only thing is that the images themselves look kind of blurry, with stripes across. (Being unsure...)

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The stripes are TV scan-line effects according to the maker of the avatars. Made on purpose.

If someone has good images of which good avatars could be made, let me know. Those could be used as basis for new avatars.

Edited by Rijicho

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I'm not a particularly big fan of the interlacing effect (reminds me too much of my first computer...), but the new avatars do look very stylish, I have to say that. Good job, unnamed Avatar Maker! (Being unsure...)

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Thanks Rijicho.

I am very happy with my Iwakiyama avatar.

I would like to see some of the lower division rikishi available too. I realize the images would be difficult to obtain but there is a lot of interest amongst forum members in those lower divisions lately.

In particular, the Banzuke surfing and Guess the Yusho Winners games have drawn many of the most active sumo game players into following rikishi from the unsalaried ranks.

This is not so much a call for you personally to locate those images for us but for anyone who can get them to make them accessible someplace for use to forum members who may want to get a good seat on the band wagon for up and coming stars just as you have with your Kisenosato avatar.

Not saying that I would change, but if there were a nice Nishikaze or Sasaki avatar (my two adopteds) I might be tempted. Also, I'm sure Baruto's mug would be popular.

I appreciate your efforts - this forum adds lots of value to my enjoyment of sumo.


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I would like to see some of the lower division rikishi available too. [...] I'm sure Baruto's mug would be popular.

I just created a Baruto avatar... Feel free to use it. :'-(

I could easily paint a few more on request, but it's really difficult to find good photos of lower division rikishi.


Edited by Odoriou

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If you are still looking for a new avatar (although those in the forum gallery are wonderful) maybe you will find one

on this website

I created a couple of avatars just for fun. I hesitated to make them public as I am no artist and don't possess the best graphic program.

If you should like one... feel free to use it. If not... ignore it.

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If you are still looking for a new avatar (although those in the forum gallery are wonderful) maybe you will find one

on this website

I created a couple of avatars just for fun. I hesitated to make them public as I am no artist and don't possess the best graphic program.

If you should like one... feel free to use it. If not... ignore it.

Very nice! (I am not worthy...)

Um nicht zu sagen GANZ toll! (Nodding yes...)

Alle sehen erhaben aus, haben diese g

Edited by ilovesumo

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I hesitated to make them public as I am no artist

Allow me to disagree...... (I am not worthy...) I just added it to my favourites (Sign of approval)

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If you are still looking for a new avatar (although those in the forum gallery are wonderful) maybe you will find one

on this website

I hesitated to make them public as I am no artist and don't possess the best graphic program.

If you should like one... feel free to use it. If not... ignore it.

Wow!! What great avatars! If you add to them or update them with younger rikishi please let me know! These are excellent! (I am not worthy...)

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I just had a look. I really liked them.

I'm pretty pleased with the squinting Iwakiyama image I use now but there are some very tempting avatoars available on that page!

I like the addition of mountains or flowers in some of them. I'd like to see a nice image of Iwakiyama and his namesake - Mt. Iwaki!

How about an image of Jumonji along with Hashikami-dake - he used to share a kanji with that mountain when he was called Kaigatake.


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First of all... thank you very much for your positive comments! e035.gif

If you add to them or update them with younger rikishi please let me know! These are excellent!

I will upload new avatars regularly. A few minutes ago I added some new ones on both avatar-sites (Ama, Kotooshu, Kaiho, Kotonishiki, Terao... more will follow soon). It's a bit empty in the "newcomers' corner" - only Masuto and Sawai at the moment. As Odoriou mentioned before, it is very difficult to find pictures of lower ranked rikishi.

I like the addition of mountains or flowers in some of them. I'd like to see a nice image of Iwakiyama and his namesake - Mt. Iwaki!

How about an image of Jumonji along with Hashikami-dake - he used to share a kanji with that mountain when he was called Kaigatake.

I like the idea very much! Does anyone know where I can find pictures of those mountains that I may use for this purpose?

c010.gif Heitaikai

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