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Kotoseiya Yuichi

Natsu Basho 2002


14 members have voted

  1. 1. Natsu Basho 2002

    • Musashimaru
    • Kaio
    • Chiyotaikai
    • Musoyama
    • Tochiazuma
    • Asashoryu
    • Wakanosato
    • Hokutoriki
    • Asanowaka
    • Someone else, who?

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So who will it be?

I haven't yet heard anything conclusive about Takanohana's participation but as you can see I made the selections assuming he will skip still one more basho.

This one promises to be interesting. (Laughing...)

Too bad about Kotomitsuki. (Nervous...)

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Guest Kaikitsune

Lot of trust on Kaio! Already three votes for him.

I do think Takanohana will participate. Like he said it is 15 day tournament and after so long period of rest he will make physical progress if not daily, at least weekly. It is another matter what his oyakata thinks.

I can`t help wondering why Takanohana doesn`t train with Takatoriki or Takanonami. Is he self-conscious about losing in training? Very strange. Akinoshima is a perfect opponent to him as he doesn`t push, he is not strong and he is short making it very easy for Taka to use yotsu-sumo.

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I voted for Musoyama. I can feel it ! He deserves it after so many regular results ... One thing is sure : this will be another very tight basho with the absences of Takanohana and Kotomitsuki ... Maru and Tochiazuma are both favourites but I feel for Muso ! Come on, Muso !

Kaikitsune-zeki, I'm sure you're the world number one fan of Kaio and why not Kaio that time, back to Yokozuna ambitions ?

So, I would say :

Muso 4/1

Kaio 4.5/1

Maru 5/1

Tochiazuma 5.5/1

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I voted for Musashimaru because he simply was the strongest rikishi lately and I didn't hear of an injury... As to going on quotes here are my (pre-basho) y

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Regarding betting on Sumo.

I'm sure it's done in Japan, but I don't really know. What I DO know is that it's fully possible to do on the net, on the english (I think) bookmaking company ssp. The odds and plays are only available on the Japanese site, but I have asked about it and it seems it's possible to be registered in your own language and type of money but still gamble on sumo. I have not actually done it though.

Before the basho you can bet on the winner. During the basho there is a play very similar to sumotipspiel for every day. 8 matches of which you should pick 5, 6, 7 or 8 in which you pick the winners. If you get them all right, you win. For 5 matches you get 15 times back, so to go even you'd have to win once per basho (assuming you play every day in the same amount). I think it would be reasonably possible, but far from easy.

Edit: Forgot the URL...

Hm. This seems to be down this basho. I can't read the Japanese so I don't know if it's permanent, but it seems it's at least gone for now.

Edit again:

It's in fact there as usual. I just happened to pass by when they updated the days matches...

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Guest Kaikitsune
Before the basho you can bet on the winner. During the basho there is a play very similar to sumotipspiel for every day. 8 matches of which you should pick 5, 6, 7 or 8 in which you pick the winners. If you get them all right, you win. For 5 matches you get 15 times back, so to go even you'd have to win once per basho (assuming you play every day in the same amount). I think it would be reasonably possible, but far from easy.

Wow! Sounds very good! I only have experience with Centrebet really so I haven`t gotten familiar with SSP or others. Definitely an opportunity to place money on sumobouts would add the excitement even further.

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Still believe Musoyama will win it. He had a bad start as ever, but he always finishes very well. For Chiyotaikai, he needs only 5 wins on 12 to be kachi-koshi, and that's important for him to stay Ozeki that time ! I don't think he can win the basho because two basho ago he was leading and lost twice (including kettei-sen) against Tochiazuma and I said myself : "if Chiyotaikai can't win that one, he couldn't win any other one" Well, I don't know why, but I am very confident for Muso, but it's surely because I'm a great fan of him because both real favourites are Musashimaru and Tochiazuma, of course ! Come on, Muso !!!

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One thing is sure after this 8th day : Chiyotaikai is kachi-koshi and will be Ozeki for two basho to come at least !

That's the great Chiyonofuji who must be satisfied !

Can Chiyo hold on ? and Kyokushuzan, he's got a lot of skills and can he hold on too ..? I still hope Muso can win it because he's one of the bests at the end of each basho !

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Guest Gotomizuumi

My vote dosn't come till day 12.  But With a three way tie up till now, I think we are going to see some Mongolian Magic.



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