Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 17, 2004 Those of you on the sumo mailing list have seen my posts from time to time. Anyway, who am I? I live in the 'burbs' of Dallas TX. I was stationed in Japan while serving in the military in the late 80's and came back to the USA in 1990. I really enjoyed my time in Japan. I became a sumo fan quite by accident. A combination of watching sumo on NHK and buying Sumo World when I was in Japan. My wife, who is from Japan, is not interested in sumo. Kind of ironic huh? A little more about me and I will leave you all alone. I have two sons both of them have been diagnosed with Autism. Great kids but a challenge. :-) Other than my spouse, children, work and sumo..... (I have 2 jobs) I have one other note-worthy hobby. I love model trains. I have a large N scale collection. My railroad of choice is the Burlington Northern. (Applauding...) So now you all know too much about me.... You are all so lucky! :-O (In a bad mood...) I am not really in a bad mood... It is just raining like "cats and dogs" outside and it doesn't look like it will stop for a few days! Well, hope I did not bore you all to death! Whitney in TX (Eating...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 :-P i always thought you were a woman. you know like WHITNEY huston (also a texas connection haha) i worked as a counsellor for people with autism for 6 years in ireland and america. you have my respect and admiration. i know how tough it can be for the parents. i saw this week there was a big breakthough. they think they know how to diagnose autism now at a very early stage. way before the child begins to exhibit signs of having it. something to do with swelling in the brain. hopefully its not another false dawn and things will progress from there. on the sumo side. welcome to the forum. i know you are a mailing list regular. i think you will enjoy it here. it really is a source of great wisdom (as well as a lot of nonsense) and a lot of fun. john Hi John, Thanks for the kind words! I am one of those "old" Whitney's. That darn Whitney Houston (Scratching chin...) had to ruin it for all of us Guy Whitney's. I was born in the late 60's... way before anyone knew Whitney Houston existed. As for the forum... I can see already it is a good place. I wish I had found it sooner. :-( I hope they can find a true breakthrough in Autism research. Secretin (Spelling?) was supposed to be a big thing..... :-( Oh well... Life goes on. :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Otokonoyama 2,735 Posted November 18, 2004 (edited) Welcome! Many of us are familiar with having loved ones who don't quite get our fascination with sumo (Scratching chin...). A good friend of mine (and avid player of Fantasy Sumo) is married to a Japanese woman who doesn't like sumo one little bit. He compensated by teaching their two-year-old daughter to stick out her tummy and growl whenever he says "sumo!" :-( Edited November 18, 2004 by Otokonoyama Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jonosuke 28 Posted November 18, 2004 (edited) i worked as a counsellor for people with autism for 6 years in ireland and america. Nishi san, I knew you had a quality to be a Dai-Yokozuna, not just "ish". I guess more we find out about each other, more we find something endearing about the person...well I should perhaps say most of us (Scratching chin...) And Whitney, I hope you are having as great time as I am here...the only problem is my wife may be wondering what I am doing all evening with a computer :-( Edited November 18, 2004 by Jonosuke Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Onnagumo 4 Posted November 18, 2004 :-P it's good that I read this BEFORE I said something like "always good to have another lady on board" :-D I too thought you were a woman. I hope you can forgive me for that (Blushing...) Welcome to this great forum! Wow, I can understand raising your sons can be a challenge sometimes. My eldest son has Asperger's Syndrom (related to autism). He is a wonderful kid too, but sometimes I wish these kids came with a manual :-) How old are your sons? Mine are 7 and almost 10. My house shows ample signs of their "sumo practice" :-D i saw this week there was a big breakthough. they think they know how to diagnose autism now at a very early stage. way before the child begins to exhibit signs of having it. something to do with swelling in the brain. hopefully its not another false dawn and things will progress from there. Nishinoshima-zeki, if you hear/read anything else about this, could you post a link, maybe? I would be really grateful. This sounds interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 :-/ it's good that I read this BEFORE I said something like "always good to have another lady on board" (Punk rocker...) I too thought you were a woman. I hope you can forgive me for that (Clapping wildly...) Welcome to this great forum! Wow, I can understand raising your sons can be a challenge sometimes. My eldest son has Asperger's Syndrom (related to autism). He is a wonderful kid too, but sometimes I wish these kids came with a manual (Punk rocker...) How old are your sons? Mine are 7 and almost 10. My house shows ample signs of their "sumo practice" ;-) i saw this week there was a big breakthough. they think they know how to diagnose autism now at a very early stage. way before the child begins to exhibit signs of having it. something to do with swelling in the brain. hopefully its not another false dawn and things will progress from there. Nishinoshima-zeki, if you hear/read anything else about this, could you post a link, maybe? I would be really grateful. This sounds interesting. Thank you for the nice welcome! My sons are 13 and 11. I to wish their was a manual but you would have to have a manual for each kid (Punk rocker...) ! My two sons are completely different. One is hyper-sensitive to pain and the other one feels almost no pain! (Showing respect...) The younger one bruises himself and will be bleeding sometimes and we are like, "What happened?" Of course he does not answer but we are left going (Whistling...) I know their will be a breakthrough, I just hope it is sooner than later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 A good friend of mine (and avid player of Fantasy Sumo) is married to a Japanese woman who doesn't like sumo one little bit. He compensated by teaching their two-year-old daughter to stick out her tummy and growl whenever he says "sumo!" :-/ (Whistling...) It would be so funny to see her do that! Thank you for the kind welcome! ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 And Whitney, I hope you are having as great time as I am here...the only problem is my wife may be wondering what I am doing all evening with a computer ;-) Normally I would not make so many posts but I have been off for a few day from my full time job and I actually have some time TO post. I have gotten "the look" from my wife a few times (in regards to being on the computer). Sometimes she even talks to me! (Whistling...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exil 301 Posted November 18, 2004 (Whistling...) and apologies for this thread-hijacking. Nishinoshima-zeki, if you hear/read anything else about this, could you post a link, maybe? I would be really grateful. This sounds interesting. Related to this, perhaps? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 (Whistling...) and apologies for this thread-hijacking.Nishinoshima-zeki, if you hear/read anything else about this, could you post a link, maybe? I would be really grateful. This sounds interesting. Related to this, perhaps? NO apology needed! Thank you for the valuable link! Hi-jack all you want! (Sign of approval) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sasanishiki 57 Posted November 18, 2004 Welcome Whitney! I always thought you were a man, and a certain singer never crossed my mind! I suppose it is because I have seen some of your posts on the mailing list. As for your wife being worried, just show her that it is a bunch of sumo freaks chatting and not anything like kiddie porn and I'm sure she'll let you indulge! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 (edited) As for your wife being worried, just show her that it is a bunch of sumo freaks chatting and not anything like kiddie porn and I'm sure she'll let you indulge! I was letting her look at all of the smilies earlier so I think she has stopped worrying for now.... (Showing respect...) Thanks for the welcome! Edited November 18, 2004 by Whitney Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jakusotsu 5,969 Posted November 18, 2004 I was letting her look at all of the smilies earlier so I think she has stopped worrying for now.... Don't let her look at Kaikitsune's toilet thread though - she would instantly change her mind! (Showing respect...) Welcome aboard! ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 18, 2004 I was letting her look at all of the smilies earlier so I think she has stopped worrying for now.... Don't let her look at Kaikitsune's toilet thread though - she would instantly change her mind! (Spooky TV program...) Welcome aboard! (Punk rocker...) Thank you for the welcome! Is this the same thread with the pee-aids? :-D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Onnagumo 4 Posted November 18, 2004 Related to this, perhaps? (Punk rocker...) Thank you! (Spooky TV program...) Yes I know.... :-D I won't do it again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sasanishiki 57 Posted November 19, 2004 I was letting her look at all of the smilies earlier so I think she has stopped worrying for now.... I'm really only here for the Smilies...some are pretty cool (Spooky TV program...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 19, 2004 (edited) I was letting her look at all of the smilies earlier so I think she has stopped worrying for now.... I'm really only here for the Smilies...some are pretty cool :-O This one is my favorites! (Blowing up furiously...) Edited November 19, 2004 by Whitney Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MGLSekitori Posted November 19, 2004 Howdy! And greetings from fellow forumer from Lonestar State. (Blowing up furiously...) I live in Forth Worth which is not far from Dallas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 19, 2004 Howdy! And greetings from fellow forumer from Lonestar State. :-D I live in Forth Worth which is not far from Dallas. Howdy! I am vaguely aware of a city called Fort Worth :-) Just kidding of course. I have been to the zoo twice... Very nice but not cheap... :-) Whitney (Hugging...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taizeniki 0 Posted November 22, 2004 A big "Howdy" from Houston.... maybe you and I and kagamifugi should form the "Texas Ichimon?" (Bye, bye...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 22, 2004 A big "Howdy" from Houston.... maybe you and I and kagamifugi should form the "Texas Ichimon?" (Whistling...) (Laughing...) Sounds fine with me! I have been to the fine city of Houston only once so far. I took some people (family & friends) to the Space museum. Quite fun and quite expensive (Bye, bye...) . Is Kagamifuji in Houston? My shikona by the way is Kishinoyama :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Okamisan Posted November 22, 2004 Hajimesashite Whitney san (Whistling...) Wow so you were in Japan when I was there. I was born in Tokyo and lived there for about 15 years. My mother (she's Japanese) doesn't like Sumo either. Neither did my Japanese grandmother... my great-grandmother loved pro-wrestling way back when Wajima wore his golden speedo-wrestling-briefs (or whatever you call them). Didn't seem like many ladies in Japan liked sumo until the waka-taka-akebono era. Now when I watch sumo on TV or listen to the radio, I can hear lots of women shouting and screaming "Gambateee" :-) whereas before, it was predominantly men and children shouting. Could be that Japanese women were more quiet back then! (Bye, bye...) ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kishinoyama 595 Posted November 22, 2004 Hajimesashite Whitney san (Laughing...) Wow so you were in Japan when I was there. I was born in Tokyo and lived there for about 15 years. My mother (she's Japanese) doesn't like Sumo either. Neither did my Japanese grandmother... my great-grandmother loved pro-wrestling way back when Wajima wore his golden speedo-wrestling-briefs (or whatever you call them). Didn't seem like many ladies in Japan liked sumo until the waka-taka-akebono era. Now when I watch sumo on TV or listen to the radio, I can hear lots of women shouting and screaming "Gambateee" (Whistling...) whereas before, it was predominantly men and children shouting. Could be that Japanese women were more quiet back then! (Bye, bye...) ! Yea I was there.... I loved Japan..... It was my wife that wanted to come stateside. Their are only two things that keep me from going back over there and staying. Money and the language. I really don't have command of either one. My biggest regret ... not seeing sumo live! And I actually had the chance once and decided not to go.... (Oops! ) Whitney :-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taizeniki 0 Posted November 23, 2004 Is Kagamifuji in Houston? No, kaga is not in houston, but I know that he is from somewhere in TX... maybe out west. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yangnomazuma 79 Posted November 23, 2004 (edited) Guess you can add me to the list of Lone Star folks. I'm in San Angelo. BTW Whitney...more rain coming your way. Came through us in normal Texas fashion about two hours ago. Edited November 23, 2004 by Yangnomazuma Share this post Link to post Share on other sites