
Break The Curse (The Nigate Game) Nagoya 2024

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Entries received Day 4 :
(winners in bold)

One perfect guess !

  Gernobono Meisei Ryuden Kagayaki  
  Fujisan Meisei Ryuden Kagayaki  
  Tsunamiko Mitakeumi Ryuden Kagayaki  
  Sumo Spiffy Meisei Ryuden Kagayaki  
  Athenayama Meisei Mitakeumi Ryuden  
  Gaijingai Meisei Ryuden Takarafuji  
  Jakusotsu Meisei Tamawashi Ryuden  
  RaeucherLax Meisei Oho Tamawashi  
  WAKATAKE Meisei Ryuden Takarafuji  
  Bunbukuchagama Daieisho Oho Takarafuji  
  shimodahito Meisei Ryuden Kagayaki  

Standings after day 4 :
Even though RaeucherLax was the only one perfect today he didn't achieve the best score. However he still keeps the lead. Gernobono is closing the gap behind the leader.
Scores of the day : Gernobono (19), Sumo Spiffy (19), Fujisan (19), shimodahito (19), RaeucherLax (17), Jakusotsu (12), Tsunamiko (11), Bunbukuchagama (9), WAKATAKE (8),  Athenayama (8), Gaijingai (8).

  Name Base Pts Bonus Pts Total  
  RaeucherLax 38 24 62  
  Gernobono 37 21 58  
  Sumo Spiffy 36 18 54  
  Jakusotsu 30 21 51  
  Tsunamiko 26 12 38  
  Fujisan 26 12 38  
  WAKATAKE 18 18 36  
  shimodahito 19 12 31  
  Bunbukuchagama 12 18 30  
  Athenayama 14 15 29  
  Gaijingai 13 12 25  

Note to @Sakura : Just a suggestion. Maybe a small extra bonus could be granted to perfect guesses in future games? Just a thought.

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31 minutes ago, Athenayama said:

Note to @Sakura : Just a suggestion. Maybe a small extra bonus could be granted to perfect guesses in future games? Just a thought.

second that

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2 hours ago, Athenayama said:

Note to @Sakura : Just a suggestion. Maybe a small extra bonus could be granted to perfect guesses in future games? Just a thought.

That's an idea. I'll give it some thought.

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Day 5 torikumi


1: Gonoyama (vs Terunofuji)
9: Wakamtoharu (vs Hoshoryu)
12: Ura (vs Takakeisho)
5: Mitakeumi (vs Kotozakura)
1: Kirishima (vs Onosato)
2: Hiradoumi (vs Daieisho)


1: Gonoyama (vs Terunofuji)
9: Wakamtoharu (vs Hoshoryu)
12: Ura (vs Takakeisho)
5: Mitakeumi (vs Kotozakura)
4: Meisei (vs Tobizaru)
2: Shonnanoumi (vs Sadanoumi)
1: Ryuden (vs Takanosho)
1: Oho (vs Kinbozan)


1: Ichiyamamoto (vs Tamawashi)
2: Churanoumi (vs Wakatakakage)
8: Kagayaki (vs Hokutofuji)
4: Daiamami (vs Bushozan)

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2 hours ago, Sakura said:

That's an idea. I'll give it some thought.

And only for "straight" perfect guesses without any fusen involved. ;-)

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Possible dissenting opinion: I don't think there should be a bonus for a perfect guess if it's just to make it more "fair". The idea of the game is that picking someone who's been getting blown out by their opponent that day is often risky, so it's reasonable that picking two high-point options can score more than a perfect day of lower-scoring rikishi.

However, I don't pay that close attention to whether or not fire-and-forget on high-point picks is an overpowered strategy. If it is, then this idea makes more sense. Alternatively—since perfect days are hard to come by—if making lower-scoring options more appealing seems like a good idea, maybe a simpler change like increasing the bonus to four or five would serve the purpose just as well.

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7 hours ago, Sumo Spiffy said:

maybe a simpler change like increasing the bonus to four or five would serve the purpose just as well.

I decreased the bonus from four to three because I felt like that bonjus points carried too much weight.

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big points possible


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Entries received Day 5 :
(winners in bold)

Only one word today. Abysmal !

  Gernobono Ura Shonannoumi Kagayaki  
  Fujisan Wakamotoharu Ura Kagayaki  
  Tsunamiko Wakamotoharu Ura Kagayaki  
  Sumo Spiffy Ura Wakamotoharu Kagayaki  
  Athenayama Ura Meisei Kagayaki  
  Gaijingai Wakamotoharu Ura Kagayaki  
  Jakusotsu Ura Meisei Daiamami  
  RaeucherLax Wakamotoharu Meisei Daiamami  
  WAKATAKE Ura Meisei Kagayaki  
  Bunbukuchagama Ura Shonannoumi Kagayaki  
  shimodahito Ura Wakamotoharu Kagayaki  

Standings after day 5 :
Just two players scored points. One of them is our new leader, Gernobono.
Scores of the day : Gernobono (5), Bunbukuchagama (5), all the others scored zero.

The good thing about this is that I didn't lose much time preparing this report.

  Name Base Pts Bonus Pts Total  
  Gernobono 39 24 63  
  RaeucherLax 38 24 62  
  Sumo Spiffy 36 18 54  
  Jakusotsu 30 21 51  
  Tsunamiko 26 12 38  
  Fujisan 26 12 38  
  WAKATAKE 18 18 36  
  Bunbukuchagama 14 21 35  
  shimodahito 19 12 31  
  Athenayama 14 15 29  
  Gaijingai 13 12 25  

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Day 6 torikumi


4: Tobizaru (vs Terunofuji)
1: Wakamotoharu (vs Takakeisho)
3: Gonoyama (vs Kotozakura)
2: Ura (vs Hoshoryu)
1: Hiradoumi (vs Kirishima)
1: Abi (vs Daieisho)
2: Meisei (vs Onosato)


4: Tobizaru (vs Terunofuji)
1: Wakamotoharu (vs Takakeisho)
3: Gonoyama (vs Kotozakura)
2: Ura (vs Hoshoryu)
2: Meisei (vs Onosato)
2: Mitakeumi (vs Atamifuji)
3: Shonnanoumi (vs Kinbozan)
2: Oho (vs Ryuden)
2: Takanosho (vs Sadanoumi)
2: Kotoshoho (vs Tamawashi)


2: Kotoshoho (vs Tamawashi)
1: Shodai (vs Oshoma)
4: Nishikigi (vs Midorifuji)
1: Shodai (vs Oshoma)
4: Nishikigi (vs Midorifuji)
4: Churanoumi (vs Ichiyamamoto)
2: Takarafuji (vs Chiyoshoma)
1: Nishikifuji (vs Hokutofuji)
2: Bushozan (vs Endo)
1: Kagayaki (vs Wakatakakage)
2: Roga (vs Kitanowaka)

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