Susanoo 369 Posted July 7 Pre-registration for the first-time participants. Entry page. Very active rikishi[choose one rikishi among the rikishi who are ranked Sekiwake or below banzuke.] 20 points per 1 win, -10 points per 1 loss, 50 points per 1 Sansho.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Active rikishi[choose 1-3 rikishi among ....] 10 points........, -10 points........, 30 points........[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Non-active rikishi[choose 1-3 ........] 10 points per 1 loss, -10 points per 1 win.[Yasumi(rest)is not counted] Entry lists [confirm] Norizo Cup - Entry lists ( A precaution to make your participation certain. First, Log in from the icon "Entry page" in NC home page.>Pick your choices in Series 142 entry page.>Press the icon "Entry confirm" at the bottom of the page.>In Entry confirm page [check lists for your pick], press the icon "Confirm OK" at the bottom of the page.>Press the icon "Entry lists" in NC home page. You can confirm your entry which was certainly recieved by it. 事前登録(初参加時) Norizo Cup - Pre-Register ( 投票ページ Norizo Cup - Entry Page ( 投票状況 のりぞう杯/投票状況 ( 最も活躍する力士を関脇以下から1人選択。 1勝につき20点、1敗につき-10点、三賞受賞1つにつき50点(休みは含めず) 活躍力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき10点、・・・-10点、三賞・・・30点(休みは含めず) 活躍しない力士を関脇以下から1~3人選択。 1勝につき-10点、・・・+10点(休みは含めず) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 7 (edited) Realise or not あるない Realize[Yes]=20Points, Not realize [No]=10points ある20点、ない10点 1) At least one Rikishi who will lose against 3 Sekiwake ,and will win in all oppotunities of the matches against Yokozuna-Ozeki. 3関脇に負け対戦機会のある横綱大関戦の全てに勝つ力士 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 3) At least 3 Rikishi who will have 5-0 on day5 in Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi. 三役以上で初日から5連勝以上する力士が3人以上 4) There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 5) In the matches among 5 Sekiwake-Komusubi, someone will get 4 wins and at least 1 Rikishi will have 0 wins. 関脇と小結5力士間の対戦で誰かが4勝、誰かは0勝 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 7) In the results of matches among 5 Rikishi[Terunofuji, Kotozakura, Houshouryuu, Ounosato and Kirishima], there will be at least 3 kinds of Kimarite with a word "-nage". 照ノ富士、琴櫻、豊昇龍、大の里、霧島の5力士間の対戦で「投げ」の付く決まり手は3種類以上 8) Wakamotoharu[M2e] or Takayasu[M3e] will have 2 wins at the earlieast against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experiences. 幕内優勝経験者から最も早く2勝するのは若元春(東前2)か高安(東前3) 9) Tamawashi[M9e] who is almost 40 will have at least 1 loss against the Rikishi who are in their 20s with the Kimarite with a word “Oshi-“ or “Tsuki-“. 玉鷲(西前9)39歳、20代の力士から「押し」「突き」の付く決まり手での黒星 10) Asanoyama[M12e] will have at least 8 wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke lower than him. 朝乃山(東前12)自身より番付下位の力士から8勝以上 11) There will be at least 1 match it takes at least 50 seconds in the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M3-6. 前頭3~6枚目の8力士間で50秒以上掛かる取組 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 13) There will be at least 2 matches between the Rikishi who have exactly 6 wins and the Rikishi who have exactly 7 wins on day 15, and the later will win all that maches. 千秋楽6勝の力士と7勝の力士の対戦が2番以上有り全て7勝の力士が勝利 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 15) There will be at least 1 match between 2 Rikishi who fought at least 5 times in the past but there were no matches in the past 1 year, and the winning rate of one side was 20% or less, and this time the one with the worse win rate will win in a match under those conditions in Makuuchi. 過去5回以上対戦があり一方の力士の勝率2割以下でここ1年は対戦がなかった取組が今場所幕内で実現し分の悪かった力士が勝利 Edited July 12 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 7 (edited) Special Question 特別 Score distribution. 得点配分 1000 points are divided per number of the correct answers.[the maximum points to a correct answer is 200 points] 1000点を正解者数で頭割り(上限200点) [Question] Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 設問新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!?At least 6 wins. 6勝以上 Exactly 5 wins [include exactly 3 wins or at most 1 win against Ozeki]. 5勝(大関から3勝または1勝以下) Exactly 5 wins [include exactly 2 wins against Ozeki]. 5勝(大関から2勝) Exactly 4 wins [include at least 2 wins against Sekiwake]. 4勝(関脇から2勝以上) Exactly 4 wins [include at most 1 wins against Sekiwake]. 4勝(関脇から1勝以下) Exactly 3 wins [include at least 2 wins against Yokozuna-Ozeki]. 3勝(大関以上から2勝以上) Exactly 3 wins [include exactly 1 win against Yokozuna-Ozeki]. 3勝(大関以上から1勝) Exactly 3 wins [include 0 wins against Yokozuna-Ozeki]. 3勝(大関以上から0勝) Exactly 2 wins against Yokozuna-Ozeki. 2勝(大関以上から2勝) Exactly 2 wins [include exactly 1 win against Yokozuna-Ozeki and exactly 1 win against Sekiwake]. 2勝(大関以上から1勝、関脇から1勝) Exactly 2 wins against Sekiwake. 2勝(関脇から2勝) Exactly 2 wins [include exactly 1 win against Yokozuna-Ozeki-Sekiwake and exactly 1 win against Komusubi] 2勝(関脇以上から1勝、小結から1勝) Exactly 1 win against Yokozuna-Ozeki. 1勝(大関以上から1勝) Exactly 1 win against Sekiwake-Komusubi. 1勝(関脇以下から1勝) 0 wins. 0勝 Edited July 12 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 8 (edited) Matchups 対戦 There are 3 choices [either side or no matches]. 1 win of lower banzuke side decides a win of lower side. 1 loss of higher banzuke side decides a loss of higer side. 下位側は1勝で勝ち、上位側は1敗で負け。 20 points par a correct answer. 30 points to the case of correct answer rate are at most 30%. 40 points to that are at most 20%. 50 points to at most 10%. At most 30 points to the correct answer with "no matches". どちらか又は対戦無しの3択。正解+20点、正解率30%未満+30点、20%未満+40点、10%未満+50点。「対戦なし」正解時は最高30点まで。 Sekiwake or above only East[Teruno, Kotozaku, Abi, Kirishi] vs Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴桜、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) Sekiwake or above only West[Hosho, Takakei, Onosato] vs Atamifuji[M1w] 関脇以上番付西方のみ(豊昇、貴景、大里)―熱海富士(西前頭1) Komusubi[Daieishou, Hiradoumi] vs Mitakeumi[M2w] 小結(大栄翔、平戸海)-御嶽海(西前頭2) Wakamotoharu[M2e] vs M4[Tobizaru, Ura] 若元春(東前頭2)-前頭4(翔猿、宇良) Takayasu[M3e] vs M5-7 only East[Onosho, Takanosho, Kotoshoho] 高安(東前頭3)-東前頭5~7(阿咲、隆勝、琴勝) Gounoyama[M3w] vs M5-6 only West[Oho, Sadanoumi] 豪ノ山(西前頭3)-西前頭5~6(王鵬、佐田の海) M8[Ryuden, Kinbozan] vs Ichiyamamoto[M11e] 前頭8(竜電、金峰山)-一山本(東前頭11) Oushouma[M9e] vs M11-12 only West[Nishikigi, Churanoumi 欧勝馬(東前頭9)-西前頭11~12(錦木、美ノ海) M10[Shoudai, Midorifuji] vs Bushouzan[M16w] 前頭10(正代、翠富士)-武将山(西前頭16) M13-14 only Banzuke East[Hokutofuji, Wakatakakage] vs Rouga[M15w] 前頭13~14枚目番付東方のみ(北勝富士、若隆景)-狼雅(西前頭15) Edited July 12 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 8 (edited) Yuushou優勝 100points 100点 Terunofuji with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 照ノ富士13勝以上で優勝決定戦無し Terunofuji with other cases. 照ノ富士、その他のケースで Kotozakura with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 琴櫻13勝以上で優勝決定戦無し Kotozakura with other cases. 琴櫻、その他のケースで Houshouryuu with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 豊昇龍13勝以上で優勝決定戦無し Houshouryuu with other cases. 豊昇龍、その他のケースで Takakeishou. 貴景勝 Abi. 阿炎 Ounosato with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 大の里13勝以上で優勝決定戦無し Ounosato with other cases. 大の里、その他のケースで Kirishima with 13-15 wins without Yuushou-kettei-sen. 霧島13勝以上で優勝決定戦無し Kirishima with other cases. 霧島、その他のケースで Komusubi [Daieishou, Hiradoumi]. 小結(大栄翔、平戸海) Someone in M1-11. 前頭1~11枚目 Someone in M12-17. 前頭12~17枚目 Edited July 12 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaito 269 Posted July 13 I had a suspicion that I've been doing great in the Realize or Not questions, so I looked into it. Then I figured I may as well make a self-serving post sharing the data since I took the time compiling it and I do indeed rule. So this is everybody's Realize or Not results since my first time competing (Jan. 2020). Total Points # of basho Avg. Points Kaito 3260 26 125.4 Athenayama 2980 26 114.6 tohru 2920 26 112.3 Pandaazuma 2890 26 111.2 Yanen 2890 26 111.2 Oskanohana 2890 26 111.2 Flohru 2860 26 110 kawaji 2850 26 109.6 Eeve 2840 26 109.2 Hironoumi 2830 26 108.8 Norizo 2790 26 107.3 yosouou 2780 26 106.9 Oortael 2780 25 111.2 Susanoo 2740 26 105.4 Kitakachiyama 2740 25 109.6 ooborayama 2730 25 109.2 yukihyou 2720 26 104.6 Asashosakari 2720 26 104.6 Kaiowaka 2710 25 108.4 big-jordan 2690 26 103.5 reeeen 2680 26 103.1 Ganzohnesushi 2670 24 111.3 Kunibiki 2670 26 102.7 wakaiouzenjou 2660 26 102.3 kotochikushi 2660 26 102.3 daisyouyama 2650 26 101.9 Kintamayama 2640 25 105.6 Wamahada 2610 25 104.4 Iepii 2600 26 100 kaiou 2600 26 100 joaoiyama 2590 25 103.6 kikkuzakankurou 2570 25 102.8 yamanoyama 2560 25 102.4 Kotononami 2500 25 100 tsupparitaro 2490 25 99.6 Bill 2480 26 95.4 Kishikaisei 2480 26 95.4 chishafuwaku 2470 26 95 GONZABUROW 2460 26 94.6 Asshet De Rosa 2450 26 94.2 Choshu-Yuki 2420 22 110 kotohirayama 2390 26 91.9 Fujisan 2380 23 103.5 ma-tyan 2370 22 107.7 Balon 2330 20 116.5 ScreechingOwl 2330 22 105.9 Frinkanohana 2320 25 92.8 sengyoumi 2290 26 88.1 Kajiyanosho 2270 21 108.1 Ruziklao 2270 23 98.7 DAI 2240 23 97.4 Anjoboshi 2240 21 106.7 ogawa 2210 24 92.1 Gansekiiwa 2200 22 100 Terarno 2200 22 100 Shatsume 2170 19 114.2 hashi 2130 21 101.4 Takanorappa 2020 21 96.2 Oyama 2000 18 111.1 Seki Haruaki 1980 18 110 Nantonoyama 1920 20 96 Metallica 1800 19 94.7 Yarimotsu 1730 15 115.3 WAKATAKE 1670 15 111.3 JYONO 1660 19 87.4 Netsuzakura 1560 14 111.4 miyabi 1480 14 105.7 hagiwara 1470 15 98 Hidenotora 1470 14 105 Onosho 1420 13 109.2 Kyoju 1380 13 106.2 utinonami 1380 15 92 Unkonoyama 1360 13 104.6 sugawara isaocchi 1340 13 103.1 andonishiki 1190 11 108.2 BlackPinkMawashi 1170 12 97.5 Kirinoumi 1140 10 114 Asapedroryu 1070 10 107 TochiYESshin 1060 11 96.4 Golynohana 1060 10 106 Jejima 1040 11 94.5 Bariihachibenson 990 9 110 Bunbukuchagama 930 8 116.3 kitaguni 890 10 89 Beeftank 820 8 102.5 Tetsuba 800 7 114.3 Suwihuto 790 8 98.8 kurobikarinamazu 770 6 128.3 Onzoushi_oyakata 730 7 104.3 yuusyuuzan 680 6 113.3 ottottoto 650 7 92.9 Joputosu 380 4 95 Tsuchinoninjin 340 3 113.3 Hakunojo 260 4 65 komasachan 240 3 80 kannpei 210 2 105 kuroimori 210 2 105 Tenshinhan 180 2 90 Warusaru 180 2 90 Kashunowaka 140 1 140 fujiyama 120 1 120 Gurowake 120 1 120 glacier 100 1 100 WAKUDOYAMA 90 1 90 Haidouzo 90 1 90 Kazejihi 80 1 80 Kakushoyama 60 1 60 Pahomu 40 1 40 Unfortunately for me, while Realize or Not feels like the most unique and meatiest part of the game, I don't think it carries a lot of weight in deciding the winner. This is just something I can pat myself on the back for after bungling my most/least active picks every basho. Also, I should hope Gusoyama's prediction game gets Super Banzuke status someday. 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 13 2 hours ago, Kaito said: I had a suspicion that I've been doing great in the Realize or Not questions, so I looked into it. Then I figured I may as well make a self-serving post sharing the data since I took the time compiling it and I do indeed rule. So this is everybody's Realize or Not results since my first time competing (Jan. 2020). Unfortunately for me, while Realize or Not feels like the most unique and meatiest part of the game, I don't think it carries a lot of weight in deciding the winner. This is just something I can pat myself on the back for after bungling my most/least active picks every basho. Also, I should hope Gusoyama's prediction game gets Super Banzuke status someday. Konnnichiwa Kaito-san, I read your summary with great interest. Almost all of the questions in NC are my ideas currently. I have always been keeping aneye on the performance in this 'Reakize or not', and this is reflected in my own personal Sansho awards here, albeit in a small way. I would be happy if I could share with everyone the joy of sumo, which is not just about winning and losing. I would also like to thank you for shining a spotlight on my humble work with the products of my senses. I will continue to look for new perspectives. Susanoo 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 14 (edited) Day1 Matchup Sekiwake or above only West[●Hosho, Takakei, Onosato] vs ○Atamifuji[M1w] [41/75] 関脇以上番付西方のみ(●豊昇、貴景、大里)―○熱海富士(西前頭1) Realize or not 3) At least 3 Rikishi who will have 5-0 on day5 in Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi. Poll results [Yes 31:44 No] 三役以上で初日から5連勝以上する力士が3人以上 There are only 3 left. Teru vs Meisei Daiei vs Takakei Kirishi vs Mitake It’s like a candle flickering in the wind. 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East got 3wins : West got 0 wins! 8) Poll results [Yes 38:37 No] Wakamotoharu[M2e] or Takayasu[M3e] will have 2 wins at the earlieast against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experiences. 幕内優勝経験者から最も早く2勝するのは若元春(東前2)か高安(東前3) Takarafuji○won on day1. Tamawashi○won on day1. Mitakeumi○won on day1, and vs Kirishima on day2. Wakamotoharu○won on day1, and vs Ounosato on day2. Atamifuji○won on day1, and vs Kotozakura on day2. Daieishou○won on day1, and vs Takakeishou on day2. Meisei○won on day1, and vs Terunohuji on day2. It will be decided tomorrow. There is a possibility that it will be settled either YES or NO. Edited July 15 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 15 Dasy2 Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, Kotozaku, Abi, Kirishi] vs ●Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) 10) [East 54:21 Rouga] M13-14 only East[Hokutofuji,○ Wakatakakage] vs ●Rouga[M15w] 前頭13~14枚目番付東方のみ(北勝富士、若隆景)-狼雅(西前頭15) Realize or not 3) At least 3 Rikishi who will have 5-0 on day5 in Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi. Poll results 三役以上で初日から5連勝以上する力士が3人以上 Only Terunofuji left. No[44/] 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 7 : 2 West after day2. 8) Wakamotoharu[M2e] or Takayasu[M3e] will have 2 wins at the earlieast against the Rikishi who have the Makuuchi-Yuushou experiences. 幕内優勝経験者から最も早く2勝するのは若元春(東前2)か高安(東前3) Takarafuji○ Tamawashi○ Mitakeumi○● Wakamotoharu○○ Atamifuji○● Daieishou○● Meisei○● Yes[ 38/] 15) There will be at least 1 match between 2 Rikishi who fought at least 5 times in the past but there were no matches in the past 1 year, and the winning rate of one side was 20% or less, and this time the one with the worse win rate will win in at least 1 match under those conditions in Makuuchi. 過去5回以上対戦があり一方の力士の勝率2割以下でここ1年は対戦がなかった取組が今場所幕内で実現し分の悪かった力士が勝利 Churanoumi●●●●●Nishikigi [results in Juryo in 2020.11~2021.9] The unexpected man in an unexpected match took revenge and made this question a reality. Yes [36/] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 16 (edited) Day3 Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, ○Kotozaku, Abi, Kirishi] vs ●●Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 10 : 5 West after day3. Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Sekiwake. Edited July 16 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 17 Day4 Realize or not Matchups 1) [East 29:46 Meisei] Sekiwake or above only East[○Teruno, ○Kotozaku, ●Abi, Kirishi] vs ●●○Meisei[M1e] 関脇以上番付東方のみ(照富、琴櫻、阿炎、霧島)-明生(東前頭1) [46/] Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 13 : 6 West after day4. 10) Asanoyama[M12e] will have at least 8 wins against the Rikishi who are ranked in the Banzuke lower than him. 朝乃山(東前12)自身より番付下位の力士から8勝以上 No[47/] Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 2 wins against Sekiwake. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 19 Day5 Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 16 : 9 West after day5. 5) In the matches among 5 Sekiwake-Komusubi, someone will get 4 wins and at least 1 Rikishi will have 0 wins. 関脇と小結5力士間の対戦で誰かが4勝、誰かは0勝 Daieisho●○○ Hiradoumi○○● Ounosato○●○ Kirishima●● Abi● No[41/] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 20 Day6 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 3 wins against Sekiwake. Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 19 : 12est after day5. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 won on day6 9) Tamawashi[M9e] who is almost 40 will have at least 1 loss against the Rikishi who are in their 20s with the Kimarite with a word “Oshi-“ or “Tsuki-“. 玉鷲(西前9)39歳、20代の力士から「押し」「突き」の付く決まり手での黒星 defeted agniust Kotoshouhou[24yo] Yes[66/] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 20 Day7 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Ouzeki and 3 wins against Sekiwake. Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 24 : 14est after day7. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 won on day6-7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 21 Day8 Matchups 10) [East 54:21 Rouga] M13-14 only East[●Hokutofuji,○ Wakatakakage] vs ●○Rouga[M15w] 前頭13~14枚目番付東方のみ(北勝富士、若隆景)-狼雅(西前頭15) [21/] Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 27 : 18est after day8. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○ from day 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 22 Day9 Special question Hou many wins will [New Komusubi] Hiradoumi get against Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking Rikishi? 新小結の平戸海、ズバリ今場所の役力士戦は何勝!? He got 1 win against Ouzeki and 3 wins against Sekiwake. Exactly 4 wins [include at least 2 wins against Sekiwake]. 4勝(関脇から2勝以上) 200pts to [3/] =Kotohirayama-san, Yosouou-san and Takanorappa-san! Good job! Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 31 : 20 West after day9. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○○ from day6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 25 Day10-11 Realize or not 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 37 : 26 West after day11. 6) Terunofuji will get at least 5 wins in 6days[day 6-11]. 照ノ富士、6日目~11日目の6日間に5勝以上 ○○○○○● from day6 Yes[21/] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 25 (edited) Day12 Matchups Komusubi[Daieishou, Hiradoumi] vs Mitakeumi[M2w] 小結(●大栄翔、平戸海)-○御嶽海(西前頭2) [19/] Wakamotoharu[M2e] vs M4[Tobizaru, Ura] ●若元春(頭2)-前頭4(○翔猿、宇良) [21/] Realize or not 1) At least one Rikishi who will lose against 3 Sekiwake ,and will win in all oppotunities of the matches against Yokozuna-Ozeki. 3関脇に負け対戦機会のある横綱大関戦の全てに勝つ力士 All the Rikishi up to M5 are already out of this requirement, and the Rikishi below M6 does not have a single match yet. No[60/] 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Churanoumi[M12w] on day 13 and has a match against Shounannoumi[M5w] on day 14. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Wakatakakage[M14e] on day 13 and has no match for this question on day14. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] so far and no match for this question on day 13-14. 4) Poll results [Yes50 : 25 No] There will be at least 1 day when the total number of wins from day 1 of all 4 Sanyaku or above Banzuke ranking only West Rikishi equal to or more than it of all 5 Sanyaku or above only East. 西方三役以上4力士の初日からその日までの合計勝星が東方三役以上5力士のそれと同じまたは上回る日 East 49 : 29 West after day12. No[25/] 7) In the results of matches among 5 Rikishi[Terunofuji, Kotozakura, Houshouryuu, Ounosato and Kirishima], there will be at least 3 kinds of Kimarite with a word "-nage". 照ノ富士、琴櫻、豊昇龍、大の里、霧島の5力士間の対戦で「投げ」の付く決まり手は3種類以上 Terunofuji [Kotenage] Kirishima Houshouryuu [Kubinage] Kotozakura Kotozakura [Uwatenage] Ounosato Yes[51/] 11) There will be at least 1 match it takes at least 50 seconds in the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M3-6. 前頭3~6枚目の8力士間で50秒以上掛かる取組 Due to the two rikishis Kyuujou, the number of matches itself is also few. 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 None of Katasukashi has come out yet. 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-4 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 Ounoshou-0× Tamawashi-6 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-5 Rouga-6 Edited July 26 by Susanoo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaito 269 Posted July 25 Gounoyama[M3w] vs M5-6 only West[Oho, Sadanoumi] 豪ノ山(西前頭3)-西前頭5~6(王鵬、佐田の海) There's a mistake here. Oho and Sadanoumi are M6W and M7W, not M5W and M6W. Gonoyama faces the actual M5W today, Shonannoumi. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 25 (edited) 1 hour ago, Kaito said: Gounoyama[M3w] vs M5-6 only West[Oho, Sadanoumi] 豪ノ山(西前頭3)-西前頭5~6(王鵬、佐田の海) There's a mistake here. Oho and Sadanoumi are M6W and M7W, not M5W and M6W. Gonoyama faces the actual M5W today, Shonannoumi. Sorry for my mistake. This question is invalid unless the results of two different questions are settled as a victory for the same side at the end. Edited July 25 by Susanoo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 26 Day13 Matchups Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and has a match against Churanoumi[M12w] on day 13 and has a match against Shounannoumi[M5w] on day 14. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Wakatakakage[M14e] so far and has no match for this question on day14. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] so far and no match for this question on day 14. 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0× Tamawashi-6 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6 Rouga-7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 27 Day14 Matchups 5) Takayasu[M3e] vs M5-7 only East[Onosho, Takanosho, Kotoshoho] 高安(東前頭3)-東前頭5~7(阿咲、隆勝、琴勝) No matches [5/] This is an unavoidable outcome by Takayasu’s Kyuujyou. 6) Gounoyama[M3w] vs M5-6 only West[Oho, Sadanoumi] 豪ノ山(西前頭3)-西前頭5~6(王鵬、佐田の海) It was invalidated due to a mistsake in the question. 7) M8[Ryuden, Kinbozan] vs Ichiyamamoto[M11e] 前頭8(竜電、金峰山)-一山本(東前頭11) No matches [3/] 8) Oushouma[M9e] vs M11-12 only West[Nishikigi, Churanoumi 欧勝馬(東前頭9)-西前頭11~12(錦木、美ノ海) No matches [3/] Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Churanoumi[M12w] and has a match against Ouhou[M6w] on day 15. Hiradoumi got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Wakatakakage[M14e] and has a match against Kotoshouhou[M7e] on day 15. Wakamotoharu got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 1 loss against Takanoshou[M6e] and a match against Ryuuden[M8e] on day 15. 11) There will be at least 1 match it takes at least 50 seconds in the matches among the Rikishi who are ranked in M3-6. 前頭3~6枚目の8力士間で50秒以上掛かる取組 No matches on day14-15. No[25/] Shounannoumi vs Takanoshou[35s] on day1 is the longest in them. By the way there ara 3 matches in all makuuchi Rikishi by day14. Oushouma- Midorifuji[54s] on day4 Oushouma-Rouga[58s] on day11 (it’s the longest by day14.) Chiyoshouma-Kinbouzan[51s] on day12 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 Kastasukasshi itself hasn’t appeared yet. 13) There will be at least 2 matches between the Rikishi who have exactly 6 wins and the Rikishi who have exactly 7 wins on day 15, and the later will win all that maches. 千秋楽6勝の力士と7勝の力士の対戦が2番以上有り全て7勝の力士が勝利 Not even a single match is scheduled. No[48/] 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0× Tamawashi-7 vs Kirishima on day15 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6 vs Wakatakaskage on day15 Rouga-8× Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 28 Day15 Matchups 9) M10[Shoudai, Midorifuji] vs Bushouzan[M16w] 前頭10(○正代、○翠富士)-●●武将山(西前頭16) [52/] Realize or not 2) At least one Rikishi who will have both at least 2 wins against Sekiwake and at least 2 losses against M5-17. 関脇から2勝以上し前頭5枚目以下から2敗以上する力士 Daieishou got 2 wins against Sekiwake and 2 losses against Churanoumi[M12w] and Ouhou[M6w]. Yes[43/] 12) There will be at least 1 Makuuchi Rikishi who lose with Katasukashi for the first time. 初めて肩透かしで負ける幕内力士 It finally never appeared! No[31/] 14) At least 1 Rikishi among the Rikishi who had exactly 7 wins as the final result in the previous Basho will finish this Basho with exactly 7 wins, too. 先場所7勝止まりで終わった幕内8力士の誰かは今場所も最終成績7勝 Yes[64/] Atamifuji-5 wins Takayasu-0 × Ura-4 × Ounoshou-0× Tamawashi-7 Shoudai-8× Hokutofuji-6× Rouga-8× Yuushou Terunofuji with other cases. 照ノ富士、その他のケースで [2/] 100pts to both Yarimotsu-san and Osukanohana-san. Good job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susanoo 369 Posted July 29 (edited) NC saikou-yuushou kotohirayama-san[13-2] Shukun-shou yosouou-san[[9-6] Kantou-shou kiriniuomi-san[12-3] Ginou-shou Yarimotsu-san[11-4] Congratulations to avobe winners and many thaks to all participants. Until next Basho, stay keep healthy. Edited July 29 by Susanoo 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites