
Nagoya 2024 discussion (results)

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28 minutes ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

If he gets a KK now, a smashing performance in Aki should still get him the promotion. There will be no more "M5 start to the run" hurdle then.

Ideally he'd want 10 wins. I think with a bare minimum kachikoshi all the talk about lack of experience and the need to prove himself will resurface. 

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27 minutes ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

Both Hoshoryu and Kotozakura will have the pleasure of being entertained by the Yokozuna. In a way, their fate is still in their hands (if they help each other, of course).

Yes but since they get to face each other tomorrow, whomever loses that match will pretty much be out of contention... especially if Terunofuji wins against Abi.

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3 hours ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

If he gets a KK now, a smashing performance in Aki should still get him the promotion. There will be no more "M5 start to the run" hurdle then.

Yup, an 8-7 sandwiched between two strong basho isn't a dealbreaker

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3 hours ago, dingo said:

Ideally he'd want 10 wins. I think with a bare minimum kachikoshi all the talk about lack of experience and the need to prove himself will resurface. 


16 minutes ago, Reonito said:

Yup, an 8-7 sandwiched between two strong basho isn't a dealbreaker

I agree with you both; I think the deciding factor will be the shape of the ozeki corps and Terunofuji's potential intai. This, couple with Onosato's potential and popularity, could definitely lead to them being happy with a by the numbers 33 rather than any additional factors. 

Anything less than 10 wins here though and I think he MUST get the 33 total, or 32 with another Y/D/J.

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Kirishima needs to run the tables to return to Ozeki but only Abi remains as a Sanyaku opponent. Not impossible. 

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Another thing to keep in mind regarding Onosato's potential ozeki run is that in his admittedly short ozumo career he's never scored more than 12 wins, even in juryo. Getting an 8-7 kachikoshi would require him to surpass that record to reach 33 in 3 basho. I guess clinching a career record 13 wins could be the kind of test that could convince the Kyokai, but 9 or 10 wins this basho would give him more leeway and perhaps lower the pressure. 

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Hoshoryu snaps his year-long losing streak against Kotozakura, but I wonder if he hurt himself doing so. He was slow to get up, was looking down at his knees, and his expression wasn't one of satisfaction like he usually has when he gets an important win.

Edited by Leoben
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Endo claimed his kachikoshi with an impressive escape from Hokutofuji's pushing attack. Whatever ailed Endo when he dropped to juryo seems to be behind him. Meanwhile Hokutofuji is probably also eager to put this basho behind him, hopefully with at least one more win to ensure a maegashira rank.

Never in my life did I expect to see Tamawashi using tsuridashi to win a bout, but he's getting really adventurous in his second youth, isn't he? Great effort all the same and he even made it look easy. 

Shodai made good use of his second chance via torinaoshi and clinched a kachikoshi with three days to go! What is he going to do with that unexpected three-day cushion? Go play golf? Watch some movies? Lend some extra bouts to Nishikigi who might need additional wins to stay in makuuchi?

Oho made excellent use of his bigger frame and weight to resist Midorifuji at the tawara and stay in the bout until he managed to leverage his power and yori his opponent out. Midorifuji will be disappointed, but I suppose he has long ago accepted that he's fighting with a size handicap against most maegashira. 

Wakamotoharu with a few exceptions isn't having a good basho and with today's kachikoshi has to move down the ranks further away from his former sekiwake rank. He might end up fairly close to his brother on the next banzuke.

Mitakeumi was largely anonymous after the first day surprise win and now suddenly found the rabbit in his hat instead of all the other stuff he's been pulling out so far. Good win against Daieisho. 

Can Hiradoumi force a sekiwake slot in his first komusubi basho? Three days to go and his fearless sumo makes it a real possibility. Tomorrow Wakatakakage will be a tough test but I'd give him a 50-50 chance to win that bout. 

Kirishima is still clinging on to a potential ozeki return, defeating Atamifuji who has been unusually weak this basho. 

Kotozakura did everything right until Hoshoryu pulled a throw on him and he didn't get a good enough grip to counter. That was an enjoyable ozeki matchup, but with this bout I believe the yusho has been decided unless Hoshoryu believes in miracles. 

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Oho is still giving me the impression of progress. That was a great bit of escapology against Midorifuji, whose normally-effective level 10 katasukashi spells just bounced off.

I love Tamawashi's new secret weapon tsuridashi! Proper Spanish Inquisition moment for Nishikifuji there.

Mitakeumi's performance is so digital - it's either on or off!

Are they going to have to add new kimarite for Hoshoryu? You know, shitatekakenage and now kubikakenage. Brilliant escapology again, but I believe he came close to hurting himself. He seemed wary of the straight leg getting up.

KK for Hiradoumi. Well done, son. Not impossible for him to force his way into a very crowded sekiwake slot from here.

Edited by RabidJohn

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Akinoshima was really busy yesterday at his juryo shift: 2 times 2 bouts in a row with mono-ii, each time the first a torinaoshi, the 2nd a sashi-chigae - might be some kind of record for a head shimpan.

Shonosuke used up all his extra strength on the first 3 days - after doing the kaobure each day there, he took 3 days off, did it once again on day 7 and likely for a last time today. But he managed to stay free of sashi-chigae so far this basho.

Edited by Akinomaki
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13 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

Shonosuke used up all his extra strength on the first 3 days - after doing the kaobure each day there, he took 3 days off, did it once again on day 7 and likely for a last time today.

To be fair, there simply wasn't enough time yesterday.

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14 hours ago, Kaninoyama said:

Kirishima needs to run the tables to return to Ozeki but only Abi remains as a Sanyaku opponent. Not impossible. 

Not impossible, but his opponent tomorrow is Takanosho who won 13 out of 15 matches they had... that would not be an easy matchup for Kirishima even without Takanosho needing a win to stay in Yusho race! And he might also face Tobizaru against whom he also have a loosing record.

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1 hour ago, Jakusotsu said:

To be fair, there simply wasn't enough time yesterday.

Never let facts get in the way of a cherished narrative.

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19 hours ago, Reonito said:

Yup, an 8-7 sandwiched between two strong basho isn't a dealbreaker

Sure, but none of those three had particularly noteworthy Ozeki careers. Why the first two didn't even manage to stay Ozekis for 5 tournaments running, and the third only managed a single yusho in his remaining career!

Edited by itchyknee
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Jonidan is incredibly fierce this basho. Brutal mix of capable guys coming back from time off and plenty of capable up and comers.

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6 hours ago, Asashosakari said:

Never let facts get in the way of a cherished narrative.

And never miss the chance for a pompous remark, unrelated to the narrative.

Not only top gyoji Kimura Shonosuke (64y10m) frequently gets in the way of the rikishi, also the bottom one, at first lackluster new gyoji Kimura Yunosuke already does that at his early age of 16. On day 11 he had to do the whole of jonokuchi, and in the penultimate bout, Enho elegantly bowled him from the dohyo by tossing Hakuryu at him - he got back on the dohyo without help and continued with his work.

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41 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

at first lackluster new gyoji Kimura Yunosuke already does that at his early age of 16. On day 11 he had to do the whole of jonokuchi, and in the penultimate bout, Enho elegantly bowled him from the dohyo by tossing Hakuryu at him - he got back on the dohyo without help and continued with his work.

On that note, I'm happy to sashichigae my too-quick-judgement that he wouldn't stick around for long, Yunosuke looks to be growing into the role. Generally gets the decision right and is much more audible. (Applauding...)

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I just realised, barring something wholly unexpected; no kinboshi given away by Terunofuji this tournament. Good for him.

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12 minutes ago, Godango said:

I just realised, barring something wholly unexpected; no kinboshi given away by Terunofuji this tournament. Good for him.

Hoshoryu or Kotozakura would have to withdraw for another chance to arise, as I don't think any of the maegashira candidates are hot enough for them to skip either match up.  Though if Hoshoryu was hurt today...

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1 hour ago, Akinomaki said:

And never miss the chance for a pompous remark, unrelated to the narrative.

Ah, if you think that was pompous, wait until you see all the comments by the guy who believes he can tell what every member of the sumo world thinks and feels. Now that's pompous.

Edited by Asashosakari
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Does anyone else think that Konosuke’s tachiai hakkiyoi has a different, interesting inflection this basho?

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5 hours ago, Tsuchinoninjin said:

Does anyone else think that Konosuke’s tachiai hakkiyoi has a different, interesting inflection this basho?

Kounosuke is the man. Every now and then he changes the tone  and style. That's what I like about him-he certainly is different, kneeling and all.

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6 hours ago, Gurowake said:

Hoshoryu or Kotozakura would have to withdraw for another chance to arise, as I don't think any of the maegashira candidates are hot enough for them to skip either match up.  Though if Hoshoryu was hurt today...

Be careful, you might have people who believe in manifestation showing up at your door.

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