
Hatsu 2024 discussion (results)

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That was a pretty fabulous day of sumo, with some spectacular bouts and excellent outcomes. Really enjoyed that, leads to a great day tomorrow.

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Day 14 was close to sumo at its best. Basho seems to be coming down to the most predictable outcome- yokozuna and ozeki sorting out the cup- and it still all seems to go haywire.  

Sets up a super fun final 2 matches tomorrow!

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i hope kotonowaka and kirishima win their matches, as i do not think kotonowaka can beat terunofuji in a ketteisen


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3 minutes ago, Gernobono said:

i hope kotonowaka and kirishima win their matches, as i do not think kotonowaka can beat terunofuji in a ketteisen


He CAN, but he would have to enter the bout not thinking about who his opponent is.  He just looked afraid/star-struck/intimidated in their first match up this basho. 

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I think i'll set my alarm to 07:30am on a sunday for the first time in a while. I still hope a 12-3J/D will be enough. I think they were well aware of Takakeisho's limitations, when they didn't promote him after Hatsu '23. Kirishima is quite the opposite of Takakeisho. He's been spared from serious injuries so far, his overall health and form is much better, he is a versatile fighter and he's improving. Takakeisho on the other hand is a one, maybe two trick pony. It seems he never really tried to diversify his repertoire. To reach Ozeki, he put on too much weight and ruined his body. It was obvious at the point of no-promotion, that he wouldn't have a very successful Yokozuna career.

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9 hours ago, Hankegami said:

Whelp, I didn't expect for a 12-2 arasoi co-leader to be paired against a KK seeking guy. However, as @Seiyashi just pointed out in the other thread, their F2F is much closer than one would expect (7-6). Things could get further spiced up if Tobizaru enters the pitch with a shot for san'yaku and some will to fight hard to get it. All he needs is for M5w Nishikigi and M7w Asanoyama to lose their bouts, and hope for Kotonowaka to be promoted to Ozeki with 32 wins. Now, Nishikigi is against Wakamotoharu (3-7), while Asanoyama faces Daieisho (7-13). Chances are good. This way, the lineup for san'yaku would look like Wakamotoharu (M-4e), Abi (at least M1w), Tobizaru (M3e), Nishikigi (M4w) and Asanoyama (M4w). With Wakamotoharu going up to fill Kotonowaka's old spot, the two Komusubi slots would go to Abi and Tobizaru. Sure, if Kotonowaka is denied his promotion all would be for naught, but a Monkey should try.

I want you to look me in the eye and tell me you REALLY believe Tobizaru is more of a threat to Kotonowaka than Asanoyama. :-D

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6 hours ago, Old Shatterhand is dead said:

Very honestly asking what the heck do you see in Atamifuji's sumo? I can't understand this hype around him. I feel like when Chiyotairyu burst into the sumo world and was proclaimed the next yokozuna.


I can see it (Atamifuji being someone to look forward to). He's clearly just settling in. Give him time to feel comfortable on the biggest stage. Also, if you look at his record after reentering Makuuchi, he lost 16 bouts in three basho. Only one of which was against an eventual MK opponent.

Chiyotairyu AFAIR was volatile from the get go. Doesn't come to my mind in comparison at all.

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7 hours ago, Old Shatterhand is dead said:

Very honestly asking what the heck do you see in Atamifuji's sumo? I can't understand this hype around him. I feel like when Chiyotairyu burst into the sumo world and was proclaimed the next yokozuna.


He gets to base (c) (aka he wins). Or rather he did till now.

And the hype will be back as soon as he gets back on track.

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6 hours ago, Sakura said:

Asanoyama has 9 wins and nothing much to gain by winning.

Except a better position for a return to sanyaku. 

There is never a "nothing to gain" situation for a Maegashira rikishi. Especially an ex-Ozeki who still has ambitions.

And Tobizaru will still be leapfrogged by Asanoyama and/or Nishikigi if they win (if we are thinking about a possible Komusubi slot).

Edited by Bunbukuchagama

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3 minutes ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

There is never a "nothing to gain" situation for a Maegashira rikishi.

Oh, there are plenty of those situations, but not in these occasions.

Edited by Jakusotsu

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In Juryo, 6 rikishi have 7-7 records going into the last day -- all in the top half (J1 - J7).  J1w Mitoryu, J5w Oshoma and J6w Shirokuma have met all the others; J1e Daiamami and J2w Tohakuryu have met each other but they haven't met J7w Shishi.

So, in the only Darwin match, J1e Daiamami meets J7w Shishi, while J2w Tohakuryu gets J12e Chiyomaru (5-9).

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19 minutes ago, Yamanashi said:

In Juryo, 6 rikishi have 7-7 records going into the last day -- all in the top half (J1 - J7).  J1w Mitoryu, J5w Oshoma and J6w Shirokuma have met all the others; J1e Daiamami and J2w Tohakuryu have met each other but they haven't met J7w Shishi.

So, in the only Darwin match, J1e Daiamami meets J7w Shishi, while J2w Tohakuryu gets J12e Chiyomaru (5-9).

More interesting than 7-7 matchups is the fact that all rikishi fighting demotion have been matched against 7-7s, and in at least one case, a KK and promotion seeking rikishi has been matched against a demotion avoiding one. So it's even more dramatic than just a "heads you KK, tails I do" situation. 

I've always found talk of 7-7 matchups overblown because while there is a world of difference between a KK and an MK, it's not usually of that much import to a rikishi's rank unless the rikishi is in a very specific position on the banzuke, much less 2 of them. It's much more compelling to put a 7-7 rikishi against someone else with something to fight for, and there's a lot more of that going around this basho.

Edited by Seiyashi
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Onosato not looking too stable today, getting almost thrown by a fading but still dangerous Sadanoumi. He managed to stabilise but needs to work out a better way to fight against grappling rikishi.

Mitakeumi has been nonexistent these few days. Is his mind also already on retirement?

Very nice katasukashi today by the master of the technique himself, Midorifuji. It's not been the best basho for him but hopefully he can end it on a high note.

Wakamotoharu did all the work pushing Abi around but ended up with nothing as Abi moved backwards too nimbly. Abi has been backpedalling a lot more recently, it's not pretty sumo but he's gotten a kachikoshi and a potential return to sanyaku out of it.

Shodai vs Ura was supremely entertaining tawara to tawara sumo. It was so exciting I couldn't even pick who I would liked to see win. Ura deserved it though in the end.

Jeez, what is Kinbozan still doing on the dohyo? It could've gone much worse for him against a powerful pusher like Daieisho.

Omg Kotonowaka! I was sure that after two matta his nerves made him toast already before the bout had actually started. It showed in the very hesitant upright tachiai, which Kirishima surprisingly didn't take advantage of. When Kotonowaka realised that he still had a second chance, he changed gears, timed his pull perfectly and emphatically sent Kirishima out. We are gonna get a hell of a final day. This basho does not disappoint! 

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4 minutes ago, dingo said:

a potential return to sanyaku out of it

I would go as far as to take the word "potential" out of the line. We're short KK candidates in the joi and both komusubi must go down.

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13 hours ago, WAKATAKE said:

Takerufuji becomes the juryo yusho winner in his debut. Last person to do that was Tochimusashi in 2022


While Tochimusashi hasn't made it yet after that achievement, there's a fairly illustrious list of other rikishi who share the same achievement, quite a few of whom made it to sanyaku or even top ranks. Hope Takerufuji follows those examples rather than Tochimusashi's.

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5 minutes ago, dingo said:

Mitakeumi has been nonexistent these few days. Is his mind also already on retirement?

It's worrisome. Everytime you think he got over whatever ailed him, there's another meltdown.

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I got to 30 seconds in, thought he really deserved it, and then saw that the clip was over 2 minutes long. Good lord.

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Sansho prediction

Onosato newcomer kantosho, Shimazuumi if he wins

Kotonowaka ginosho

Wakamotoharu shukunsho

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I felt a pang of pain after Takarafuji's loss today. The way he fell and how he took a moment to stand up, felt like a farewell to Makuuchi to me. I will miss him.

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4 hours ago, Bunbukuchagama said:

Except a better position for a return to sanyaku. 

There is never a "nothing to gain" situation for a Maegashira rikishi. Especially an ex-Ozeki who still has ambitions.

And Tobizaru will still be leapfrogged by Asanoyama and/or Nishikigi if they win (if we are thinking about a possible Komusubi slot).

If Asanoyama wins a theoretical matchup with Kotonowaka on Day 15 then there might not be an Ozeki promotion anyway and the two sanyaku slots would be Wakamotoharu and Abi. 

If Asanoyama lost this theoretical matchup, then the third Sanyaku slot could easily be taken by Nishikigi or Tobizaru. 

Plenty of maegashira fight like they have nothing to gain on Day 15, because aside from a few rank changes by gaining an extra win, there isn't anything to gain.

Anyway, the banzuke is the key thing and Tobizaru is in the joi and fighting for a KK. 

Asanoyama may be the better opponent as a match-up physically and as a challenge, but that doesn't mean it's the right choice.

Edited by Sakura
I can't spell.
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19 minutes ago, Kotomiyama said:

I felt a pang of pain after Takarafuji's loss today. The way he fell and how he took a moment to stand up, felt like a farewell to Makuuchi to me. I will miss him.

I will be happy to see him go - I’ve never enjoyed his style. 

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Hear me.

Tomorrow Kirishima wins and Kotonowaka loses. Next Kotonowaka defeat Kirishima and Terunofuji.

Kirishima gets the rope (Y+D); Kirishima turns Ozeki with 32 wins + Yusho; Terunofuji gets a D (:-P) proving with a worthy Y


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7 minutes ago, Edwardoho said:
27 minutes ago, Kotomiyama said:

I felt a pang of pain after Takarafuji's loss today. The way he fell and how he took a moment to stand up, felt like a farewell to Makuuchi to me. I will miss him.

I will be happy to see him go - I’ve never enjoyed his style. 

His sumo isn't flashy, true, but at some point longevity compels respect. Something of the "James Bond meets Q in Skyfall" vibe about it.

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