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Roto Sumo Hatsu 2024

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Ozeki Pandaazuma continues his Yokozuna run with at least 10 wins.  He needs an overall Yusho for promotion at this point or at least 10 wins to continue the run.

Ozeki Andoreasu scored only one point below an overall Yusho and is also on a Yokozuna run.  In light of the stronger performance than Pandaazuma's at the beginning of his Yokozuna run, he needs only another Makuuchi Yusho for promotion before scoring less than 10 wins.

Sekiwake Golynohana is promoted to Ozeki, easily reaching the win total needed. 

Sekiwake Kajiyanosho keeps his rank and is at 23.2 wins over the last two tournaments, or within 10 of the currently necessary 33 wins for promotion, so only 10 wins are needed for promotion next basho.

Joaoiyama is promoted to the west Sekiwake slot.  He was MK last tournament and thus not up for promotion next tournament. 

Kitakachiyama maintains his Komusubi ranked and is joined by the KK M1e Oskahanada.

There weren't nearly good enough scores by anyone else to force extra lower sanyaku slots.

Andoreasu(O2e, 14.95 wins) O Konosato(Ow, 11.44 wins)
Pandaazuma(Oe, 11.06 wins) O2 Chishafuwaku(O3e, 10.85 wins)
Sakura(O2w, 10.04 wins) O3 Golynohana(Se, 13.87 wins)
Kajiyanosho(Sw, 9.93 wins) S Joaoiyama(M5w, 12.14 wins)
Kitakachiyama(K2w, 7.99 wins) K Oskahanada(M1e, 8.85 wins)


Oshirokita(M2w, 9.39 wins) M1 Kintamayama(M2e, 8.9 wins)
Gaijingai(M3w, 8.74 wins) M2 ScreechingOwl(Kw, 6.53 wins)
Oortael(M9e, 10.58 wins) M3 Ganzohnesushi(M10w, 10.09 wins)
Bunbukuchagama(M15e, 12.25 wins) M4 Bill(M4w, kosho)
Susanoo(M3e, 6.15 wins) M5 Hakuryuho(M16w, 12.68 wins)
Ketsukai(M8e, 7.82 wins) M6 Kotononami(J1w, 12.7 wins)
Mariohana(Ke, 1.19 wins) M7 Balon(M7e, 6.85 wins)
Athenayama(M15w, 10.95 wins) M8 BlackPinkMawashi(M4e, 5.13 wins)
Asapedroryu(M8w, 7.18 wins) M9 Norizo(M6e, 5.77 wins)
Flohru(M14e, 9.55 wins) M10 Kobashi(M1w, 1.13 wins)
Zannah(J4e, 12.78 wins) M11 GONZABUROW(M5e, 4.05 wins)
Beeftank(J9w, 15 wins) M12 Metzinowaka(M11e, 7.07 wins)
Unkonoyama(M13e, 7.51 wins) M13 Papayasu(J10w, 14.74 wins)
Shatsume(M11w, 6.37 wins) M14 Choshu-yuki(M9w, 4.59 wins)
Asashosakari(M6w, 1.51 wins) M15 Taliesin(J7w, 12.1 wins)
Kōrinokoishi(J10e, 13.17 wins) M16 Yarimotsu(J2w, 8.61 wins)


Torafujii(M7w, 0 wins) J1 Terarno(M10e, 2.43 wins)
Ruziklao(J8e, 11.21 wins) J2 Frinkanohana(M12w, 4.26 wins)
Hidenotora(J3e, kosho) J3 Kaiowaka(M12e, 3.35 wins)
TochiYESshin(J1e, 6.52 wins) J4 Next-ozeki-ura(J12w, 11.89 wins)
Saruyama(J5e, kosho) J5 Achiyama(Ms3e, 13.45 wins)
Oyama(J6e, 7.51 wins) J6 Hironoumi(J6w, kosho)
Gansekiiwa(M16e, 2.75 wins) J7 Kaito(M14w, 1.13 wins)
Kuroimori(M13w, 0 wins) J8 Anjoboshi(J8w, kosho)
Arawaka(J5w, 6.9 wins) J9 Unagiyutaka2(J3w, 5.58 wins)
Itchynotoe(Ms1e, 11.57 wins) J10 WAKATAKE(J12e, 9.59 wins)
Kishikaisei(J11w, 9.33 wins) J11 Tetsuba(Ms1w, 11.32 wins)
Kiriazuma(Ms6w, 13.28 wins) J12 Konya ga Yamada(Ms5w, 12.3 wins)
Nantonoyama(J2e, 1.53 wins) J13 Kutoyama(J4w, 1.11 wins)
Wamahada(J9e, 5.07 wins) J14 Gusoyama(Ms3w, 8.26 wins)


Reijinguoshan(Ms6e, 9.4 wins) Ms1 BariiHachiBenson(J13w, 5.63 wins)
Fujisan(J13e, 4.39 wins) Ms2 Chumsinomaru(Ms2w, 7.07 wins)
Kashunowaka(Ms2e, 6.34 wins) Ms3 Furanohana(Ms10e, 10.1 wins)
Profomisakari(Ms9w, 9.56 wins) Ms4 Andonishiki(Ms4w, kosho)
Takanorappa(J11e, 0.89 wins) Ms5 Hogashi(J14e, 3.28 wins)
Chankoyama(J7e, kyujo) Ms6 Waraukuri(Ms13w, 9.65 wins)
Doreikishi(Ms4e, 4.21 wins) Ms7 Akishiki(Ms7w, kosho)
Netsuzakura(Ms8w, kosho) Ms8 Kyodaitimu(J14w, 0 wins)
Veshana(Ms9e, 6.66 wins) Ms9 CaptSmarta$$(Ms12w, 7.4 wins)
Stusan(Ms7e, 4.13 wins) Ms10 Asset(Ms10w, kosho)
Katasukashi(Ms11e, kosho) Ms11 Tomisakae(Ms12e, kosho)
Hakunojo(New, 10.5 wins) Ms12 Edamamejin (New, 10.22 wins)
Sherlockiama(Ms13e, kosho) Ms13 Rowitoro(Ms8e, 0 wins)
Gaanaa(Ms14w, 5.72 wins) Ms14 EdwardUrahara(Ms17w, 6.7 wins)
Kamibaka(Ms19w, 7.6 wins) Ms15 Kisama(Ms5e, kyujo)
Shimodahito(Ms16e, kosho) Ms16 Joputosu(New, 6.83 wins)
Hagamachikuni(Ms14e, 0 wins) Ms17 Randomaru(Ms17e, 2.9 wins)
Suwihuto(Ms20e, 3.02 wins) Ms18  


Glacier(Ms11w, kyujo) Bg
Sumorabbi(Ms15e, kyujo) Bg
Mokuseinoisu(Ms15w, kyujo) Bg
AlphaHo(Ms16w, kyujo) Bg
Marushiki(Ms18e, kyujo) Bg
Kohaku(Ms18w, kyujo) Bg
Hi5(Ms19e, kyujo) Bg
Edited by Gurowake
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Top Score = 1440

Makuuchi median = 1340.5 - step size = 13.2666...

Player Score Wins
Oskahanada 1440 15
ScreechingOwl 1425 13.87
Kajiyanosho 1419 13.42
Norizo 1419 13.42
Pandaazuma 1417 13.27
Golynohana 1416 13.19
Andoreasu 1416 13.19
Oshirokita 1414 13.04
Sakura 1408 12.59
Athenayama 1393 11.46
Kōrinokoishi 1383 10.7
Asashosakari 1372 9.87
Ganzohnesushi 1364 9.27
Chishafuwaku 1364 9.27
Metzinowaka 1357 8.74
Kotononami 1353 8.44
Taliesin 1352 8.37
Gaijingai 1352 8.37
Joaoiyama 1349 8.14
Kobashi 1346 7.91
Unkonoyama 1343 7.69
Kintamayama 1338 7.31
Ketsukai 1334 7.01
Flohru 1333 6.93
Susanoo 1332 6.86
Konosato 1328 6.56
Balon 1325 6.33
Yarimotsu 1319 5.88
BlackPinkMawashi 1317 5.73
Mariohana 1312 5.35
Choshu-Yuki 1308 5.05
Papayasu 1299 4.37
Oortael 1294 3.99
Hakuryuho 1292 3.84
Beeftank 1285 3.32
Bill 1270 2.19
Zannah 1268 2.04
Bunbukuchagama 1268 2.04
GONZABUROW 1257 1.21
Shatsume 1252 0.83
Asapedroryu 1231 0
Kitakachiyama 1220 0


Juryo Median = 1331 - step size = 14.5333....

Player Score Wins
Frinkanohana 1432 14.45
Konya ga Yamada 1430 14.31
Kuroimori 1422 13.76
Kiriazuma 1419 13.56
Itchynotoe 1377 10.67
Gansekiiwa 1373 10.39
Hironoumi 1367 9.98
Kishikaisei 1358 9.36
Kaito 1355 9.15
Achiyama 1344 8.39
Kutoyama 1339 8.05
Wamahada 1337 7.91
Next-ozeki-ura 1331 7.51
Terarno 1331 7.51
Nantonoyama 1327 7.22
Kaiowaka 1300 5.37
Oyama 1298 5.23
Arawaka 1290 4.68
TochiYESshin 1282 4.13
Unagiyutaka2 1260 2.61
Tetsuba 1258 2.48
Gusoyama 1247 1.72
Saruyama 1240 1.24
Hidenotora 1238 1.1
Torafujii 1211 0


Makushita median = 1276 - step size = 21.8666...

Player Score Wins
Kashunowaka 1430 14.54
Kyodaitimu 1407 13.49
Hisui 1383 12.39
Gaanaa 1364 11.52
Andonishiki 1354 11.07
Kohaku 1353 11.02
Kamibaka 1342 10.52
Netsuzakura 1335 10.2
Hagamachikuni 1331 10.02
Chumsinomaru 1318 9.42
Fujisan 1312 9.15
Suwihuto 1302 8.69
Profomisakari 1293 8.28
Reijinguoshan 1287 8
Joputosu 1282 7.77
Akishiki 1276 7.51
Veshana 1271 7.27
Edamamejin 1264 6.95
Doreikishi 1243 5.99
Hogashi 1243 5.99
Anjinsan 1233 5.53
Jejima 1222 5.03
Sherlockiama 1213 4.62
Takanorappa 1210 4.48
CaptSmarta$$ 1208 4.39
Shibai 1182 3.2
EdwardUrahara 1176 2.93
BariiHachiBenson 1160 2.2
Tomisakae 1155 1.97
Rowitoro 1113 0.05
Hakunojo 1099 0
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