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Guess Kotonowaka's Aite - November 2023 edition

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Down the hills and round the bends, Ura and his friends.

Profomisakari (S2w) 4-3
Reonito (Y1e) 3-4
Gurowake (YOe) 3-4
Sakura (YOw) 3-4
Sumo Spiffy (S1e) 3-4
Bunbukuchagama (S1w) 3-4
Hakuhonofan (M1e) 3-4
Jakusotsu (M1w) 3-4
Fashiriteta (M3e) 3-4
Seiyashi (M5e) 3-3-1
The Kyokai (M5w) 3-4
Jejima (M2e) 2-4-1
shimodahito (M2w) 2-2-3
WAKATAKE (M3w) 2-1-4
Ryoshishokunin (M4e) 2-3-2
Athenayama (M4w) 2-5
rokudenashi (M6e) 0-4-3
Tetsuba (K1e) kosho
Oshirokita (K1w) kosho

Kotonowaka's aites: 1. Tobizaru, 2. Takayasu, 3. Meisei, 4. Abi, 5. Daieisho, 6. Hokutofuji, 7. Ura

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Edited by shimodahito

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There are rumors of Asanoyama making an ill-advised return on Day 8, but they ought to feed him to Takakeisho, so it shouldn't affect

8. Shodai

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The ginosho points for Wakamotoharu didn't happen.

Profomisakari (S2w) 5-3
Reonito (Y1e) 4-4
Gurowake (YOe) 4-4
Sakura (YOw) 4-4
Sumo Spiffy (S1e) 4-4
Bunbukuchagama (S1w) 4-4
Jakusotsu (M1w) 4-4
Fashiriteta (M3e) 4-4
Seiyashi (M5e) 4-3-1
Hakuhonofan (M1e) 3-5
Jejima (M2e) 3-4-1
Ryoshishokunin (M4e) 3-3-2
The Kyokai (M5w) 3-5
shimodahito (M2w) 2-3-3
WAKATAKE (M3w) 2-1-5
Athenayama (M4w) 2-6
rokudenashi (M6e) 0-4-4
Tetsuba (K1e) kosho
Oshirokita (K1w) kosho

Kotonowaka's aites: 1. Tobizaru, 2. Takayasu, 3. Meisei, 4. Abi, 5. Daieisho, 6. Hokutofuji, 7. Ura, 8. Shodai

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