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Latest set of urakata promotions - 38th Kimura Shonosuke! Tate yobidashi!

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Chris Gould’s video suggests one of the reasons Tamajiro had had it was that he was going to be evaluated alongside three other gyoji for the next promotion. So does that mean it’s not a shoe in that Yodo will be the next tate gyoji, and he’s up against Shotaro and Konosuke?

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27 minutes ago, Jemuzu said:

Chris Gould’s video suggests one of the reasons Tamajiro had had it was that he was going to be evaluated alongside three other gyoji for the next promotion. So does that mean it’s not a shoe in that Yodo will be the next tate gyoji, and he’s up against Shotaro and Konosuke?

In general, a gyoji will be promoted to the next position in line but that is not always the case. Some gyojis have jumped in front of more senior gyojis. This happens when a senior gyoji has some of their decisions reversed. I was surprised with the promotion of the new Shonosuke. He has had several decisions reversed. I think more than any gyoji in the top division. I know that a lot of comments have been made here on the forum about him making mistakes. Tamajiro was 62 and would turn 63 three months after the promotions were made. He had limited time left in sumo. It must have been a slap in the face to not get promoted.  

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2 hours ago, Jemuzu said:

Chris Gould’s video suggests one of the reasons Tamajiro had had it was that he was going to be evaluated alongside three other gyoji for the next promotion. So does that mean it’s not a shoe in that Yodo will be the next tate gyoji, and he’s up against Shotaro and Konosuke?

Mr Gould loves suggesting stuff, particularly when he's muck-raking.

I'm not saying he's wrong. I'll just wait to see who the next Inosuke actually is. In the meantime, big pinch of salt, and all that.

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NikkanSP premium for his last basho has a feature about the 38th Shonosuke


heya members with his capsule toy

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the Haru basho poster


Shonosuke this year


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as Kandayu: Kakuryu dohyo-iri, Terunofuji-Ichinojo mizu-iri

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where he has a walk; the location where he did voice training as young gyoji, at the Arakawa river terrace

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at the shindeshi kensa of his son, who had a short career as Maenokatsu


On 16/06/2019 at 12:17, Akinomaki said:

Ex-Maenokatsu, the son of the present Shikimori Inosuke, on the 1st and 2nd had an exhibition of "animal paintings dedicated to the shisho" (ex-Akinoshima). During keiko March 2011 he collapsed with subarachnoid hemorrhage and retired (after several basho banzuke-gai). Since Sep. 2017 he's involved with an NPO that helps disabled people get independent through artistic activities.


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4 hours ago, Gernobono said:

does a kimura shonosuke earn more than a shikimori inosuke?

There's a thread on here somewhere about how much they all make, it's a couple years old but it'll give you an idea.

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6 hours ago, Gernobono said:

does a kimura shonosuke earn more than a shikimori inosuke?

Usually, but not necessarily. Basic salary is in the same span, more years of being gyoji leads to more salary and Shonosuke has usually more than Inosuke, but that is only one part of the income. The rijikai decides on the additional allowance, for which the tasks performed are of importance, e.g. banzuke writing, and the record may have an influence - this Shonosuke might have a quite low allowance.

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