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Break The Curse (The Nigate Game) Natsu 2023

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Entries received Day 6:
(winners in bold)

Tsunamiko had the only perfect guess today This will have consequences in the standings as you will see further below.

  Jakusotsu Wakamotoharu Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  
  Tsunamiko Shodai Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  
  Gernobono Wakamotoharu Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  
  Athenayama Kiribayama Nishikifuji Chiyoshoma  
  Bunbukuchagama Kiribayama Wakamotoharu Myogiryu  
  RaeucherLax Wakamotoharu Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  
  WAKATAKE Kiribayama Kotoshoho Tsurugisho  
  Henshu-sha Wakamotoharu Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  
  Sumo Spiffy Kiribayama Wakamotoharu Chiyoshoma  
  shimodahito Wakamotoharu Endo Chiyoshoma  
  Tetsuba Wakamotoharu Kiribayama Chiyoshoma  

Standings after day 6:
AS I said Tsunamiko thanks to her perfect day switched ranks with WAKATAKE. and is our new leader. Some small changes in the ranks below that I let you discover in the table. Everyone is close to everyone. 
Scores of the day : Tsunamiko (21), Jakusotsu (14), Gernobono (14), Tetsuba (14), Sumo Spiffy (14), Henshu-sha (14), RaeucherLax (14), Athenayama (14), Bunbukuchagama (11), shimodahito (8), WAKATAKE (6).

  Name Base Pts Bonus Pts Total  
  Tsunamiko 46 29 75  
  Jakusotsu 40 29 69  
  WAKATAKE 37 30 67  
  Gernobono 37 23 60  
  Tetsuba 35 23 58  
  Bunbukuchagama 28 27 55  
  Sumo Spiffy 27 27 54  
  Henshu-sha 30 23 53  
  shimodahito 32 20 52  
  RaeucherLax 27 23 50  
  Athenayama 25 24 49  

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Day 7 torikumi


8: Ura (vs Takakeisho)
3: Daieisho (vs Kotonowaka)
1: Wakamotoharu (vs Nishikifuji)
4: Kiribayama (vs Shodai)
1: Endo (vs Hoshoryu)


8: Ura (vs Takakeisho)
1: Wakamotoharu (vs Nishikifuji)
1: Endo (vs Hoshoryu)
2: Abi (vs Midorifuji)
1: Nishikigi (vs Tobizaru)
1: Tamawashi (vs Kotoshoho)
1: Meisei (vs Sadanoumi)


2: Hiradoumi (vs Aoiyama)
3: Daishoho (vs Ryuden)
1: Takarafuji (vs Oho)
1: Tsurigisho (vs Hokuseiho)
2: Kotoeko (vs Kagayaki)
6: Mitoryu (vs Chiyoshoma)
1: Myogiryu (vs Enho)

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Entries received Day 7:
(winners in bold)

And Jakusotsu is our next player who got perfect guesses this basho.

  Jakusotsu Daieisho Meisei Hiradoumi  
  Tsunamiko Kiribayama Ura Mitoryu  
  Gernobono Kiribayama Ura Hiradoumi  
  Athenayama Daieisho Abi Hiradoumi  
  Bunbukuchagama Kiribayama Wakamotoharu Kotoeko  
  RaeucherLax Daieisho Abi Mitoryu  
  WAKATAKE Daieisho Abi Mitoryu  
  Henshu-sha Kiribayama Wakamotoharu Mitoryu  
  Sumo Spiffy Kiribayama Wakamotoharu Kotoeko  
  shimodahito Kiribayama Meisei Takarafuji  
  Tetsuba Kiribayama Ura Mitoryu  

Standings after day 7:
A rather low scoring day but 2 players took advantage of it. Jakusotsu of course, thanks to his "perfection" today, achieved the best score and he  takes the lead to scoreless (today) Tsunamiko. . Second best score of the day, Athenayama gained 6 ranks (I may not have the chance to say that again so let me enjoy it) ! The scores are all very close though so we can expect many more changes as the days go by. Stay tuned!
Scores of the day :  Jakusotsu (15), Athenayama (11), WAKATAKE (6), RaeucherLax (6), Gernobono (5), Bunbukuchagama (4), Sumo Spiffy (4), Henshu-sha (4), shimodahito (4), Tsunamiko (0), Tetsuba (0).

  Name Base Pts Bonus Pts Total  
  Jakusotsu 46 38 84  
  Tsunamiko 46 29 75  
  WAKATAKE 40 33 73  
  Gernobono 39 26 65  
  Athenayama 30 30 60  
  Bunbukuchagama 29 30 59  
  Sumo Spiffy 28 30 58  
  Tetsuba 35 23 58  
  Henshu-sha 31 26 57  
  RaeucherLax 30 26 56  
  shimodahito 33 23 56  
Edited by Athenayama

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Won't be around for the official list, but I think these picks fit:




If I'm blanking and any of them don't, please replace them with whatever the highest-scoring option is in that bracket.

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Day 8 torikumi


4: Kotoshoho (vs Terunofuji)
8: Shodai (vs Takakeisho)
4: Nishikigi (vs Wakamotoharu)
1: Ura (vs Kiribayama)
6: kotonowaka (vs Hoshoryu)
1: Midorifuji (vs Daieisho)


4: Kotoshoho (vs Terunofuji)
4: Nishikigi (vs Wakamotoharu)
1: Ura (vs Kiribayama)
1: Midorifuji (vs Daieisho)
1: Tobizaru (vs Abi)
1: Kinbozan (vs Nishikifuji)
7: Onosho (vs Mitakeumi)
1: Hiradoumi (vs Meisei)
1: Tamawashi (vs Ryuden)
2: Takanosho (vs Hokutofuji)
9: Sadanoumi (vs Takarafuji)


7: Onosho (vs Mitakeumi)
1: Hiradoumi (vs Meisei)
1: Tamawashi (vs Ryuden)
9: Sadanoumi (vs Takarafuji)
2: Daishoho (vs Kagayaki)
1: Hokuseiho (vs Asanoyama)
1: Tsurugisho (vs Chiyoshoma)



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