
TORCHBEARER 2023: invitation, rules, and your picks

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rank pick: makushita 40 east
rikishi pick: kaishin

A reminder that the deadline is one minute before the first 2023 TORCH MATCH --  Jonokuchi 16 East Shokeima's first bout.
New players welcome!

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Excuse me! 
I had the same pick as Wamahada!

But  Toshunryu and Ms1w

Edited by Profomisakari

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Since I'm not familiar with most of the rikishi in Ms and a few in J, I did some research and narrowed it down to two.  I did not look at anyone else's guess until I settled on who I chose and the rank.  I was so surprised to see that my guess was exactly the same as @Sumo Spiffy

(Setonoumi, J12W).  Not wanting anyone to think that I copied from another member, I have decided that my guess will still be Setonoumi but at the rank J12E.

I must admit, though, it Sumo Spiffy wins this game with their guess of J12W, it will take me a while to get over my jealous snit! lol

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10 hours ago, sumojoann said:

Since I'm not familiar with most of the rikishi in Ms and a few in J, I did some research and narrowed it down to two.  I did not look at anyone else's guess until I settled on who I chose and the rank.  I was so surprised to see that my guess was exactly the same as @Sumo Spiffy

(Setonoumi, J12W).  Not wanting anyone to think that I copied from another member, I have decided that my guess will still be Setonoumi but at the rank J12E.

I must admit, though, it Sumo Spiffy wins this game with their guess of J12W, it will take me a while to get over my jealous snit! lol

For what it's worth, I braindumped so hard that my original wrestler pick was Asanoyama. Took days to remember that he'd be long gone from the division before the torch ever got there. Mostly kept J12W because that was his rank and I figured I should at least keep part of my original guess.

Although, if it does land at J12W, I suppose that won't help the snit... :-D

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As arranged before his passing..... Kofuji-ICAN's rikishi pick is Nishikifuji (his highest ranking adapted rikishi).  Kofuji-ICAN's rank pick is Sandanme 39 East (the average of all his active adapted rikishi's ranks).  For every point he scores, a donation is made to the international cancer advocacy network (ICAN).

 For those curious, his adopted rikishi were always: rikishi with “kifuji” or “kofuji” in their shikona -- (Tsubakifuji, Nishikifuji, Masakifuji); and any rikishi from "Kofu-shi" in Yamanashi-ken -- (Ryuden).

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  • No TORCH match on Day 1 (Shokeima is not on the torikumi), so all have at least an extra 24hours to join or update picks!  Happy 2023!

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Apparently Fujitoshi is kyujo. I happened to see it by chance, while looking for Ishiura.

Yuma, Ms19e.


Edit: I just realised that does not matter. Overworked brain at midnight, let's go... keeping the change anyway.

Edited by kot

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