
Rikishi Status - 2022 Nagoya Basho

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Two sekitori are sidelined for this basho - Takayasu and the rest of Tagonoura-beya is COVID-kyujo for the second time this year, while Ishiura is out for the second consecutive basho due to injury.

M4w Takayasu

J10w Ishiura

Lower division absentees, with the rest of Tagonoura-beya listed separately:

Ms5w Shohozan - intai
Ms13w Yutakasho
Ms25e Hatooka
Ms33e Amanoshima - intai

Sd5w Daiyusho
Sd10w Komanokuni
Sd21w Kaizen
Sd30w Asashiyu
Sd32w Nakashima
Sd33w Amakaze
Sd35e Nakaishi
Sd36e Kototaiga
Sd66w Kyokutaisei
Sd69e Izumigawa
Sd70w Roman
Sd72w Fujinotani
Sd73w Ryuseio
Sd77w Miyabishin - intai
Sd86w Kiyota

Jd2w Chiyodaigo
Jd21e Oshozan
Jd23e Chikureisen
Jd56e Tairikuyama
Jd60w Chikunokura
Jd65w Tsugunohana
Jd66w Fujinonami
Jd77e Urutora
Jd80w Tanaka
Jd92e Shokeima
Jd94w Sawanofuji
Jd107e Hokuozan
Jd107w Wakakaneko
Jd108e Kototaiko - possibly intai

Jk6e Raikisho
Jk11w Nishihara
Jk14w Yamane
Jk15w Reonmaru
Jk18e Machi

Tagonoura-beya COVID-kyujo:

Ms52e Kaishin
Sd62w Kojikara
Sd89e Takanoryu
Jd3e Sekizuka
Jd22e Iitsuka
Jd23w Ojiyama
Jd33w Takasu
Jd70w Shishimaru
Jd93e Matsugi
Jd98w Terunosato
Jd106e Matsuzawa
Jk5e Takaarashi
Jk10e Yamada
Jk14e Tagomaru

Edited by Yubinhaad
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So disappointing for Takayasu. Finally able to train properly leading up to a basho and now this. 

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Lower Divisions


Ms13w Yutakasho

Ms25e Hatooka (Winner of Sandanme in July 2021.) 

Ms33e Amanoshima 

Ms52e Kaishin (Covid)

Sd5w Daiyusho (Second Basho Out In A Row)

Sd10w Komanokuni 

Sd21w Kaizen 

Sd30w Asashiyu (Former Juryo) 

Sd32w Nakashima 

Sd35e Nakaishi 

Sd36e Kototaiga 

Sd62w Kojikara (Covid)

Sd66w Kyokutaisei (Former Makuuchi and Juryo, Probably going to retire in all honesty) 

Sd69e Izumigawa 

Sd70w Roman (Should be in the middle of Makushita, but injuries keep hampering his career badly. Also Kinbozan's first pro loss.)

Sd72w Fujinotani

Sd73w Ryuseio 

Sd77w Miyabishin 

Sd86w Kiyota 

Sd89e Takanoryu (Prospect who just made it to Sandanme) (Covid)

Jd2w Chiyodaigo (Another Makushita guy hampered by injuries)

Jd3e Sekizuka (Covid)

Jd21e Oshozan

Jd22e Iitsuka (Covid)

Jd23e Chikureisen 

Jd23w Ojiyama (Covid)

Jd33w Takasu (Covid)

Jd56e Tairikuyama 

Jd60w Chikunokura 

Jd65w Tsugunohana 

Jd66w Fujinonami 

Jd70w Shishimaru (Covid) 

Jd77w Urutora 

Jd80w Tanaka (His second basho) 

Jd92e Shokeima  

Jd93w Matsugi (Covid) 

Jd94w Sawanofuji 

Jd98w Terunosato (Covid)

Jd106e Matsuzawa (Covid) 

Jd107e Hokuozan (Makushita guy who will probably rush through JK in 2 months) 

Jd107w Wakakaneko 

Jd108e Kototaiko 

Jk5e Takaarashi (2nd Basho, Covid) 

Jk6e Raikisho (2nd Basho) 

Jk10e Yamada (2nd Basho, Covid) 

Jk11w Nishihara 

Jk14e Tagomaru (Covid) 

Jk14w Yamane

Jk15w Reonmaru 

Jk18e Machi (Just returned from Banzuke-Gai) 

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The medical certificate from the 29th tells that Ishiura still needs about 4 weeks of medical treatment for his central chord syndrome spinal chord injury 中心性頸髄損傷, he is undergoing rehabilitation treatment at the moment. http://www.sankei.com/article/20220710-ZDR5UXW3WZMUNPPNCJRHIH2NIY/


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Anyone know what happened to Hokuozan? He's been gone so long.

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On 08/07/2022 at 17:52, Kaninoyama said:

So disappointing for Takayasu. Finally able to train properly leading up to a basho and now this. 

IMO it is always an advantage to be able to sit out with COVID kyujo - pretty much all rikishi(especially those below Yok/Ozeki who can't just choose to sit out) are carrying some level of injury. Being given two more months to rest and heal instead of having to fight 15 times is a huge advantage.

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5 hours ago, Churaumi said:

Anyone know what happened to Hokuozan? He's been gone so long.

Foot injury and Naruto Stable policies mean he's out for a bit, he should've been back by now but not so. 

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5 minutes ago, Kamitsuumi said:

M16w Daiamami out

Left foot joint ligament injury, one week rest needed, may be back this basho.

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2 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

Left foot joint ligament injury, one week rest needed, may be back this basho.

automatic Make-Koshi then. Sad for him, as he looked to be really getting into it last basho. 

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Two withdrawals from the lower divisions ahead of Day 3:

Jd97w Wakayahara

Jk2e Itakozakura (fusenpai Day 1)

This is only the second time Itakozakura has been away from the dohyo in his 28-year career, previously his only absence was sitting out the 2007 Haru basho.

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On 11/07/2022 at 07:03, Kintamayama said:

Left foot joint ligament injury, one week rest needed, may be back this basho.

Daiamami is back tomorrow.

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Two more withdrawals in the lower divisions ahead of Day 5:

Ms44e Mudoho (fusenpai Day 4) - was favouring his right arm or shoulder after a hard landing on Day 2

Sd2e Hokutoryu (fusenpai Day 4)

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This time there are three withdrawals from the lower divisions, ahead of Day 7:

Sd40w Kanryu

Sd68w Anzai (fusenpai Day 5)

Jd30e Kakutaiki (fusenpai Day 6)

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West Ozeki
(Dewanoumi Beya)
has withdrawn the Day 7 of the July Tournament.

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Apparently it is COVID related, which throws his Ozeki status up in the air. Tough to demote him when he isn't given a full chance to clear his kadoban.

Get well soon Mitakeumi and those effected in Dewanoumi

Edited by Tiger Tanaka
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West Maegashira 1
(Tokiwayama Beya)

has withdrawn the Day 7 of the July Tournament.

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Just now, Konosato said:
West Maegashira 1
(Tokiwayama Beya)

has withdrawn the Day 7 of the July Tournament.

That's not COVID related too, is it? Or just a regular injury? 

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1 hour ago, Seiyashi said:
1 hour ago, Konosato said:
West Maegashira 1
(Tokiwayama Beya)

has withdrawn the Day 7 of the July Tournament.

That's not COVID related too, is it? Or just a regular injury? 

Well he did fight Mitakeumi on day 1, but otoh the rest of Tokiwayama are still in, so probably not COVID.

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2 minutes ago, Tigerboy1966 said:

Well he did fight Mitakeumi on day 1, but otoh the rest of Tokiwayama are still in, so probably not COVID.

NHK reported that Takanosho has injured his shoulder and decided to go kyujo after morning practice.

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7 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

NHK reported that Takanosho has injured his shoulder and decided to go kyujo after morning practice.

He injured the right shoulder when he got thrown by Kotonowaka yesterday,
Wakatakakage fusensho today.


landing on his left shoulder


Edited by Akinomaki

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Oyakata kyujo - the rikishi of Dewanoumi-beya are all kyujo already , but the oyakata apparently was not (triple post actually)

1 minute ago, Akinomaki said:

After Mitakeumi yesterday, today the NSK announced that Dewanoumi-oyakata has been infected with the virus. Michinoku-oyakata replaces him as Nagoya-basho responsible, so he was still doing that, while the heya went kyujo. https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXZQOKC1712F0X10C22A7000000/

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Ahead of Day 9 we find one quick return and one presumably "normal" kyujo:


Jd30e Kakutaiki (fusenpai Day 6, withdrew Day 7)


Jd13e Tochimitsuru (fusenpai Day 8)

Of course the big news is COVID, Dewanoumi-beya were the first to fall so here are their lower division withdrawals (minus Sd86w Kiyota who was absent from the start):

Ms17w Dewanoryu (fusenpai Day 7)
Ms29e Kairyu (fusenpai Day 8)
Ms51e Oginosho (fusenpai Day 7)
Ms55e Oginohama (fusenpai Day 8)
Sd1e Dewanojo (fusenpai Day 7)
Sd2w Dewataikai (fusenpai Day 7)
Sd23w Suio (fusenpai Day 8)
Sd41e Nagata (fusenpai Day 8)
Sd53e Ryuseiyama (fusenpai Day 8)
Sd87w Dewanosora (fusenpai Day 7)
Jd38w Yamato (fusenpai Day 8)
Jd39w Ogitora (fusenpai Day 8)
Jd67w Kiyonohana (fusenpai Day 7)
Jd82w Wakasa (fusenpai Day 7)
Jd96w Okanojo (fusenpai Day 7)
Jk10w Sano (fusenpai Day 7)
Jk20e Yamadaumi (fusenpai Day 8)

Naruto-beya is joining them on the sidelines following Oshoma's positive test result, but there won't be a mass fusenpai event for them as the torikumi committee reset the next round of torikumi. They're not actually on the Kyokai's kyujo list yet (likely on the pre-Day 11 update), but their lower division withdrawals are:

Ms10w Oshoryu
Ms35w Hoshuzan
Ms38w Mishima
Sd45w Mukaida
Sd50e Murayama
Sd63w Honma
Sd74w Marusho
Sd75w Kawamura
Sd81w Sakurai
Jd6w Oshoumi
Jd80e Kanazawa
Jk18w Oyamada

(Sd68w Anzai withdrew earlier in the basho, while Jd21e Oshozan, Jd107e Hokuozan and Jk14w Yamane were absent from the start)

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