
Aki 2022 discussion (results)

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9 minutes ago, Yarimotsu said:


This guy's the real deal... that was amazing. I wish they'd checked whether his heel touched down, but perhaps it was obvious from the shimpan's angle.

Heel definitely did not touch. Clean win at the dohyo's edge. 

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Don't know if this was already decided and known, but the NHK broadcast confirmed that Tamawashi's consecutive match streak remains alive, despite last bash's covid-related kyujo. 

Edited by Kaninoyama
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Perhaps he´s trying to troll us differently  this basho, like 7W, then 7L, then W on senshuraku.;-)


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11 minutes ago, Tigerboy1966 said:

It's going to be a long basho for our M1s. A combined score of around 10 wins looks likely.

Likely? I would guess 'generous'

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1 hour ago, rhyen said:

Atamifuji finally gets to wear an oicho-mage, just that his topknot is precariously balanced on the top of his skull.

Looks like a Lego hairdo to me.

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The musubi no ichiban didn't disappoint. Kiribayama must be wondering what more he's got to do to beat Terunofuji...I think this might be the closest he's been.

Other than Ichinojo and Meisei I don't think anyone has beat the Yokozuna on the belt, so fair play to Kiribayama for giving so much effort each time.

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That was impressive technique from Endo to use a leg hook as a defense against Aoiyama's kotenage attempt.

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5 hours ago, Yarimotsu said:

Oho's monoii was incredibly close, I was thinking torinaoshi would be in order.

It was indeed close, but I think they made the right call judging from the replays. First Chiyoshoma's nage, then his body (arm?), and *then* Oho's shoulder followed by nage. Looked clearcut to me in the end.

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Watching the Kinbozan-Oshoma bout made me wonder what the head shimpan would say after a mono-ii for suspected hansoku if a rikishi has no mage yet which can be grabbed - that and not hair pull is what they always say. The rule says touhatsu, but would the head shimpan use it or say mage as he is used to, even though there is none yet.

And Tochimusashi-Roga also looked a bit odd, because the fresh sekitori still only had a simple chonmage and the makushita an oicho for the occasion.

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1 hour ago, Kashunowaka said:

It was indeed close, but I think they made the right call judging from the replays. First Chiyoshoma's nage, then his body (arm?), and *then* Oho's shoulder followed by nage. Looked clearcut to me in the end.

What was close was Oho's foot leaving the dohyo at the same time as Chiyoshoma's nage touching down (to cause a torinaoshi) - but I didn't go back to check exactly how close.

Edited by Yarimotsu

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Such a nice nove by Wakamotoharu, i remember him trying the same thing last basho but failed it on a close call (was it vs Kiribayama ? can't remember)

Down in juryo, Atamifuji loooked good and if he can keep up and have a good basho, he could go up to top division already ! From jk in january 2021 to makuuchi in november 2022, that would be something. I am less than two years old as a sumo viewer so i cant tell what is the record for the fastest promotion to top division for those who started down in jonokuchi but i guess that would put him in decent place

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22 minutes ago, Bakayokozuna said:

I am less than two years old as a sumo viewer so i cant tell what is the record for the fastest promotion to top division for those who started down in jonokuchi

There's a Wikipedia article for that. Unfortunately I believe Atamifuji has already missed that boat off the top of my head, without checking the article; the record holders should be something like Jōkōryū, Hokutofuji, or Kotoōshū in something like single digit basho. 

EDIT: Yep. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sumo_record_holders#Fastest_progress_to_top_division. Record is 9. 11 basho will put him in at joint 4th, which is actually pretty good still.

Edited by Seiyashi
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In my half asleep, semi-inebriated haze at 1:30am, I thought Shodai looked pretty convincing in his win. 

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This was a great first day compared to Nagoya, the daigeiko and Junygo (pardon my spelling) sessions have definitely paid dividends on the quality of Sumo.

Shodai , Takayasu playoff for the Yusho forthcoming.

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9 hours ago, Yarimotsu said:


This guy's the real deal... that was amazing. I wish they'd checked whether his heel touched down, but perhaps it was obvious from the shimpan's angle.

While I like Wakamotoharu, I have to say as a big fan of Sadanoumi I was rooting against him. But with an utchari like that, I can't even be upset about it! 

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1 hour ago, Benevolance said:

In my half asleep, semi-inebriated haze at 1:30am, I thought Shodai looked pretty convincing in his win. 

Apropos that and Mitakeumi's win, I thought both M1s played themselves out of the bout. They both looked like they were trying to throw chaos into the bout to exploit mistakes but didn't have any plan for when the two ōzeki didn't commit a mistake. If they continue with that game plan against the rest of the sanyaku they'll not just crash and burn, they won't have learnt anything from the experience.

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2 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

Apropos that and Mitakeumi's win, I thought both M1s played themselves out of the bout. They both looked like they were trying to throw chaos into the bout to exploit mistakes but didn't have any plan for when the two ōzeki didn't commit a mistake. If they continue with that game plan against the rest of the sanyaku they'll not just crash and burn, they won't have learnt anything from the experience.

I think they're in too far over their hands to have workable plans against mistake-free Ozeki.

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7 hours ago, Bakayokozuna said:

Kawazoe facing Asanoyama for his first ozumo bout tomorrow. No warm up allowed for the college yokozuna (Laughing...)

Huh.  Unless Chiyoarashi is secretly Asanoyama's brother or something, they intentionally broke the pattern to match those two up.  They'd probably meet eventually, so it's strange that they'd force it so early.

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9 hours ago, Yarimotsu said:

What was close was Oho's foot leaving the dohyo at the same time as Chiyoshoma's nage touching down (to cause a torinaoshi) - but I didn't go back to check exactly how close.

You could say that


Chiyoshoma lost by a hair.


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It looks like they goofed (or at least changed their pattern in dealing with these things) with Tomokaze, provisionally giving him a sekitori opponent for Day 2, but then it turning out that a single sekitori withdrawal means he's left without an opponent for either Day 1 or Day 2.  They'll presumably make it up eventually, but this missing of a bout usually doesn't happen in Makushita because they take a Makushita rikishi that fought the previous odd day for a sekitori fill-in opponent if one is needed for the following even day; this is why typically all the Makushita joi is in action on odd days until the last round.

Well, if he's actually withdrawn, it wasn't reported in the usual thread, so I assume the above is what happened.  It's consistent with the single sekitori fusen day 1 and Tomokaze being the second available makushita rikishi to be taken for a Juryo match.

Edited by Gurowake
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Some very enjoyable sumo on display on day 1. Standouts: Wakamotoharu, Kotonowaka, Ichiyamamoto, Tamawashi, the Oho/Chiyoshoma bout, the mosubi no ichiban where Kiribayama really put the Yokozuna to the test, Shodai actually looking somewhat determined and aggressive, the list goes on…

Wow! What a great day in Makuuchi!

Can’t believe I fell asleep during the latter half before the Ozeki bouts! Thank the gods for YouTube and those who shall not be named!

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