
Hatsu 2022 discussions (results)

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Holy shit. Congratulations to Tamawashi for scoring the first kinboshi in a while (last was Daieisho in Aki 2021), and suddenly Mitakeumi and Abi are leaders in the yusho race.

Edited by Seiyashi
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Re-post because I accidentally counted a Juryo record.

Mitakeumi has started 6-0 five times in Makuuchi now. Of the four complete basho, he ended in double-digits three times and won one yusho. Only the notorious basho where he started 7-0 but ended 8-7 to begin the ‘week one Mitakeumi’ meme goes against the grain. 

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1 minute ago, Godango said:

Wow. Didn't see Tamawashi as the one to break the streak -- good for him.

And Tamawashi takes the shield for 2022.

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Considering Tamawashi's age, is he anywhere near the record for oldest kinboshi winner?

He's also managed to take a kinboshi off every yokozuna since Harumafuji.

Edited by Seiyashi

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Too bad Tamawashi won't be able to break Kyokutenho's age record . . . this time.

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2 hours ago, since_94 said:
2 hours ago, rhyen said:


Rolls off the tongue, it does.  Less objectionable than ass-a-ashi, perhaps. What do you think about glutenage?

Nothing can top butt(t)aoshi, because it's a proper Japanese word -  打っ倒し, knock down

Edited by Akinomaki
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I always love Hatsu bashos, they are by far the most unpredictable. But no one could possibly see this coming. 


An Abi yusho? Pigs are flying. 

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9 minutes ago, pricklypomegranate said:

An Abi yusho? Pigs are flying.

I like an Akiseyama yusho better.

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Congratulations to Tamawashi (and RaeucherLax who voted for him in the poll*) on breaking Terunofuji's win streak. He wasn't even on my radar...
Although they have the same monetary value, this kinboshi is way more special than when Harumafuji was handing them out like sweets.

Mitakeumi is teasing us again. He has a track record for it.
He definitely won't be promoted to ozeki - until he is.

Some very entertaining sumo today starting, for completely the wrong reason, with Kaisei grabbing the opportunity to bring out the Brazilian Bum Crush again on desperately unlucky Bushozan.

I like Oho's tendency to yotsu. He's giving me the same sort of vibe I got from Asanoyama on his makuuchi debut.
Style-wise, he's quite unlike his dad, who I saw, and he's even taller than his granddad, who was way before my time.
It's a decent pedigree, so I've got some hopes for this kid.

I loved the look on Kiribayama's face as Ura okuridashi-ed him over the bales. He appeared to be as entertained as anyone.

Stark contrast between Abi switching to plan B and pulling it off with some nifty tawara ballet, and Shodai panicked into pulling with the predictable result.

*[Thanks @Jakusotsu]

Edited by RabidJohn

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There's just something about Brazilians and butts. I'm glad Kaisei brings that part of our culture into sumo albeit in a unique manner.

Congrats to Ironman for another kinboshi! I was rooting for him, but I didn't think he'd get it. I was pleasantly surprised.

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Why is Ishiura determined to go head to head on tachiai with the heaviest opponents? What does he expect to happen? 

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4 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

Considering Tamawashi's age, is he anywhere near the record for oldest kinboshi winner?

He's also managed to take a kinboshi off every yokozuna since Harumafuji.

Depending on how they count cancelled basho, he's leaving January 2022 with at least 78 basho's worth of kinboshi money (and no, he hasn't ever dropped below sekitori status).  *That works out to about ¥3,120,000 in retirement money -- and he'll be getting ¥960,000 a year until he retires or drops.

*Jeez, I hope my "morning math" was correct.

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4 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

Considering Tamawashi's age, is he anywhere near the record for oldest kinboshi winner?

He's also managed to take a kinboshi off every yokozuna since Harumafuji.

According to my notes, he is the 6th-oldest:

Winner			Basho, Day		Yokozuna	Age of Winner

1) Oshio		1940 Haru, Day 6	Minanogawa	39 years, 5 months, 6 days
2) Kitanonada		1961 Natsu, Day 3	Asashio		38 years, 3 months, 8 days
3) Nayoroiwa		1952 Aki, Day 5		Chiyonoyama	37 years, 11 months, 29 days
4) Dewanishiki		1963 Haru, Day 4	Taiho		37 years, 7 months, 26 days
5) Aminishiki		2016 Hatsu, Day 3	Kakuryu		37 years, 3 months, 9 days
6) Tamawashi		2022 Hatsu, Day 6	Terunofuji	37 years, 1 month, 29 days


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Great sumo by Tamawashi. Heading straight for Terunofuji's right shoulder to make him bring forward his left knee-which he has been trying to protect- then staying back to make the yokozuna put weight on it. I wonder if any others will try to follow the map?

A good day for fun kimarites! 

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Two random thoughts:

1) Nice to see Chiyoarashi so genki in getting all of Hakuyozan out of the dohyo. He might've started poorly, but he isn't giving up on keeping his salary after so long.

2) Mitakeumi's concern for Endo was so out of character, especially when he stood there for quite a bit of time and there wasn't anything particularly concerning. I really wonder if Endo's got any underlying issue the general public isn't aware of.

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5 hours ago, Seiyashi said:

He's also managed to take a kinboshi off every yokozuna since Harumafuji.

Close. All except Hakuho. His sole win against the yokozuna was when he was at S1w Hastsu 2019 

Edit: nevermind, I reread what you said. It makes sense now. 

Edited by nelimw

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On the subject of Kaisei's win today, Twitter is good for another laugh. QI's official Twitter account informs me that January 14 is the Feast of the Ass in medieval Christian tradition.

(Ass "ass" in the animal - it celebrated biblical donkeys - rather than the body part, but the joke is too good to pass up.)

Edited by Seiyashi
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1 hour ago, Koorifuu said:

2) Mitakeumi's concern for Endo was so out of character, especially when he stood there for quite a bit of time and there wasn't anything particularly concerning. I really wonder if Endo's got any underlying issue the general public isn't aware of.

Maybe he's just trying to show the Kyokai he's capable of upholding the dignity of the rank (regarding his possible promotion to Ozeki)? (Scratchingchin...) 

Edited by Hakuryuho

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9 hours ago, Jakusotsu said:

Too bad Tamawashi won't be able to break Kyokutenho's age record . . . this time.

Which age record?  Tamawashi can't ever break the "oldest first time winner".  There were presumably older Yusho winners in times past who had others to their name, or Kyokutenho would have been called oldest Yusho winner period, not oldest first time winner.  The only other record I know of Kyokutenho holding is most losses, which is obviously age-related, but not directly.

Edited by Gurowake

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5 minutes ago, Mightyduck said:

No flying zabuton because tamawashi has been in sanyaku before? Or covid?

COVID AFAIK, but they've also gradually been trying to stop it through more efficacious means than PA announcements. The Fukuoka zabuton are twofers so they're much more difficult to throw, for instance. I wouldn't be surprised if those were gradually introduced to the other venues.

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Terunofuji has looked hesitant the whole basho, except for his bout against Kiribayama. He had a few last second escapes and generally is not looking as dominant as of late. I truly hope he is not harboring an injury. Tomorrow will tell. He is 6-5  against Endou, (won 4 of the last 5 but still..) so it's going to be interesting. If he loses again, it could be a slippery slope. 

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