
Hakuho retires

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The 12th of the yearly TBS Hakuho documentaries tomorrow focuses on the intai-zumo event - Forever Hakuho

20230303-OHT1I51002-N.jpgo 20230303-OHT1I51003-N.jpgo


TBS as PR has posted 20 highlight videos from earlier Hakuho documentaries youtube.com/results?search_query=白鵬ドキュメント歴代名場面


Today Miyagino is on NTV's Another Sky https://www.ntv.co.jp/anothersky/



short clips in advance


Edited by Akinomaki
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Again easy-to-come-by videos are hard to find, but TVer has both Hakuho programs as VOD for a week, Another Sky is also on Bilibili, TVer always has the best quality https://tver.jp/episodes/epziacfg60


youtube-dl -q -o v.mp4 "https://manifest.prod.boltdns.net/manifest/v1/hls/v4/aes128/4031511847001/76e8b452-1b10-4162-9e80-f832cdfb9449/7236cdae-bc06-4e49-821c-69aa8dd35eb7/10s/rendition.m3u8?fastly_token=NjQyN2YzOWFfNGNjNjBhMGIwOTAyYWRmNzFiZmNmMzMzOTlkMTk5YjUzNTZmM2QwYjU2MzRjM2I0ODkwN2Y3Njk4ZDg0YjNjOQ%3D%3D"
youtube-dl -q -o a.mp4 "https://manifest.prod.boltdns.net/manifest/v1/hls/v4/aes128/4031511847001/76e8b452-1b10-4162-9e80-f832cdfb9449/ade492b0-a1c1-4076-906f-3043a10340b5/10s/rendition.m3u8?fastly_token=NjQyN2YzOWFfMDgzNThiOGJiOTc5NjYwN2FjZGFmZDUxMjE1N2YzODIyZGY0MDBmYjk0NGZjNzQwZmZlNmYxYmQ5ZTMxZWViMA%3D%3D"
ffmpeg -i "v.mp4" -i "a.mp4" -c copy -map 0:v  -map 1:a  "白鵬ドキュメント「不滅の白鵬」 3月4日.mp4"

the talk on Another Sky was shot a week after the danpatsushiki, the main thing he found out was that he only needs a handful of shampoo now, so far it was one bottle for washing the hair. Miyagino told that this was maybe the last interview and that he wants to vanish from the TV screen - concentrate on his job as shisho o - likely except for sumo programs, but maybe he wants to behave like Nishonoseki, who as shimpan doesn't even appear there anymore.


The Hakuho documentary http://www.tbs.co.jp/sports/sumo/ - the day of the danpatsushiki, starting in the morning, nothing from the party - as usual he does part of the narration himself. With plenty of Ochiai, the new mini-Hakuho.

VOD: https://tver.jp/episodes/ep5634on4b


youtube-dl -q -o v.mp4 "https://manifest.prod.boltdns.net/manifest/v1/hls/v4/aes128/4031511847001/76e8b452-1b10-4162-9e80-f832cdfb9449/7236cdae-bc06-4e49-821c-69aa8dd35eb7/10s/rendition.m3u8?fastly_token=NjQyN2YzOWFfNGNjNjBhMGIwOTAyYWRmNzFiZmNmMzMzOTlkMTk5YjUzNTZmM2QwYjU2MzRjM2I0ODkwN2Y3Njk4ZDg0YjNjOQ%3D%3D"
youtube-dl -q -o a.mp4 "https://manifest.prod.boltdns.net/manifest/v1/hls/v4/aes128/4031511847001/76e8b452-1b10-4162-9e80-f832cdfb9449/0f7a0817-1bec-4142-bee5-9fafa6641961/10s/rendition.m3u8?fastly_token=NjQyN2YzOWFfNWFkOGNlNTk4ODNmYTQwOGFiODQ4MmJlMWEwYmYwZTRhNmJiNzZhOGFjY2RkNTNjMGFmZjFiZmE0NzQyNTlkZQ%3D%3D"
ffmpeg -i "v.mp4" -i "a.mp4" -c copy -map 0:v  -map 1:a  "白鵬ドキュメント「不滅の白鵬」 3月4日.mp4"


Edit: now on Bilibili https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1YL41117fm/

Edited by Akinomaki
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