Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 14, 2021 Day 1 09.1s M16w Daiamami (1-0) oshidashi J1e Tokushoryu (0-1) 17.4s M15w Hidenoumi (1-0) uwatenage M16e Kaisei (0-1) 06.3s M15e Yutakayama (1-0) yoritaoshi M14w Tsurugisho (0-1) 02.0s M14e Kotoeko (1-0) oshitaoshi M13w Chiyoshoma (0-1) 04.6s M12w Aoiyama (1-0) kotenage M13e Terutsuyoshi (0-1) 03.6s M12e Akiseyama (1-0) tsukiotoshi M11w Kotoshoho (0-1) 06.8s M11e Chiyotairyu (1-0) katasukashi M10w Ryuden (0-1) 00.5s M10e Midorifuji (1-0) tsukiotoshi M9w Hoshoryu (0-1) 03.2s M9e Chiyonokuni (1-0) oshidashi M8w Tobizaru (0-1) 04.2s M7w Kagayaki (1-0) tsukidashi M8e Kotonowaka (0-1) 04.5s M6w Ichinojo (1-0) uwatenage M7e Tochinoshin (0-1) 04.4s M5w Okinoumi (1-0) isamiashi M6e Tamawashi (0-1) 01.6s M4w Myogiryu (1-0) oshidashi M5e Endo (0-1) 19.6s M3w Shimanoumi (1-0) oshidashi M4e Kiribayama (0-1) 19.3s M3e Meisei (1-0) kakenage K1e Takayasu (0-1) 03.2s S1w Takanosho (1-0) oshidashi M2w Wakatakakage (0-1) 08.0s S1e Terunofuji (1-0) shitatenage M2e Hokutofuji (0-1) 03.6s O2e Takakeisho (1-0) oshidashi M1w Onosho (0-1) 02.5s O1w Asanoyama (1-0) tsukiotoshi M1e Takarafuji (0-1) 10.3s K1w Mitakeumi (1-0) yoritaoshi O1e Shodai (0-1) 01.8s Y1e Hakuho (1-0) yoritaoshi K2w Daieisho (0-1) 3 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 15, 2021 Day 2 13.4s M16e Kaisei (1-1) okuridashi J1w Akua (1-1) 35.4s M15w Hidenoumi (2-0) yorikiri M16w Daiamami (1-1) 14.6s M14e Kotoeko (2-0) tsukiotoshi M15e Yutakayama (1-1) 04.9s M13w Chiyoshoma (1-1) yorikiri M14w Tsurugisho (0-2) 25.3s M12e Akiseyama (2-0) okuridashi M13e Terutsuyoshi (0-2) 03.5s M12w Aoiyama (2-0) tsukidashi M11w Kotoshoho (0-2) 02.3s M10e Midorifuji (2-0) oshidashi M11e Chiyotairyu (1-1) 38.1s M9w Hoshoryu (1-1) abisetaoshi M10w Ryuden (0-2) 14.1s M8e Kotonowaka (1-1) hatakikomi M9e Chiyonokuni (1-1) 07.4s M7w Kagayaki (2-0) okuritaoshi M8w Tobizaru (0-2) 08.3s M6e Tamawashi (1-1) hatakikomi M7e Tochinoshin (0-2) 07.3s M6w Ichinojo (2-0) kimedashi M5w Okinoumi (1-1) 21.1s M4e Kiribayama (1-1) sukuinage M5e Endo (0-2) 05.5s M4w Myogiryu (2-0) yorikiri M3w Shimanoumi (1-1) 03.5s K1w Mitakeumi (2-0) oshidashi M3e Meisei (1-1) 04.9s S1e Terunofuji (2-0) oshidashi M2w Wakatakakage (0-2) 10.0s M2e Hokutofuji (1-1) hatakikomi S1w Takanosho (1-1) 04.0s O1e Shodai (1-1) oshidashi M1w Onosho (0-2) 06.6s O2e Takakeisho (2-0) tsukiotoshi K2w Daieisho (0-2) 28.1s K1e Takayasu (1-1) yoritaoshi O1w Asanoyama (1-1) 25.1s Y1e Hakuho (2-0) kotenage M1e Takarafuji (0-2) 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 16, 2021 Day 3 25.8s J2e Ishiura (2-1) uwatehineri M15w Hidenoumi (2-1) 03.9s M16w Daiamami (2-1) tsukiotoshi M15e Yutakayama (1-2) 13.5s M16e Kaisei (2-1) yorikiri M14w Tsurugisho (0-3) 08.1s M13e Terutsuyoshi (1-2) oshidashi M14e Kotoeko (2-1) 18.3s M13w Chiyoshoma (2-1) sukuinage M12w Aoiyama (2-1) 03.6s M11e Chiyotairyu (2-1) tsukiotoshi M12e Akiseyama (2-1) ------ M10w Ryuden (1-2) fusen M11w Kotoshoho (0-3) 04.3s M9e Chiyonokuni (2-1) yoritaoshi M10e Midorifuji (2-1) 10.9s M8w Tobizaru (1-2) tsukidashi M9w Hoshoryu (1-2) 05.4s M7e Tochinoshin (1-2) oshidashi M8e Kotonowaka (1-2) 02.0s M6w Ichinojo (3-0) sukuinage M7w Kagayaki (2-1) 05.6s M6e Tamawashi (2-1) tsukidashi M5e Endo (0-3) 19.1s M4w Myogiryu (3-0) yorikiri M5w Okinoumi (1-2) 02.0s M3e Meisei (2-1) yoritaoshi M4e Kiribayama (1-2) 02.5s K1e Takayasu (2-1) oshidashi M3w Shimanoumi (1-2) 05.8s S1w Takanosho (2-1) oshidashi K1w Mitakeumi (2-1) 03.5s S1e Terunofuji (3-0) yoritaoshi K2w Daieisho (0-3) 04.5s O1w Asanoyama (2-1) oshitaoshi M2e Hokutofuji (1-2) 04.6s O1e Shodai (2-1) yorikiri M1e Takarafuji (0-3) 10.4s M2w Wakatakakage (1-2) yorikiri O2e Takakeisho (2-1) ------ M1w Onosho (1-2) fusen Y1e Hakuho (2-1) 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rocks 1,805 Posted March 16, 2021 Ishiura winning the longest bout? Who da thunk it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 17, 2021 Day 4 05.0s J2w Daishomaru (1-3) tsukiotoshi M15e Yutakayama (1-3) 13.1s M14e Kotoeko (3-1) yorikiri M16w Daiamami (2-2) 06.8s M14w Tsurugisho (1-3) yorikiri M15w Hidenoumi (2-2) 09.6s M16e Kaisei (3-1) yorikiri M13w Chiyoshoma (2-2) 05.4s M13e Terutsuyoshi (2-2) oshidashi M11e Chiyotairyu (2-2) 08.5s M12w Aoiyama (3-1) hatakikomi M10e Midorifuji (2-2) 07.8s M12e Akiseyama (3-1) yorikiri M10w Ryuden (1-3) 05.5s M9e Chiyonokuni (3-1) okuritaoshi M9w Hoshoryu (1-3) 64.5s M8w Tobizaru (2-2) shitatenage M8e Kotonowaka (1-3) 05.1s M7e Tochinoshin (2-2) sukuinage M7w Kagayaki (2-2) 11.7s M5e Endo (1-3) yorikiri M6w Ichinojo (3-1) 13.1s M4e Kiribayama (2-2) kotenage M5w Okinoumi (1-3) 04.9s M4w Myogiryu (4-0) hikiotoshi M6e Tamawashi (2-2) 02.7s K1w Mitakeumi (3-1) yorikiri M2w Wakatakakage (1-3) 05.9s K1e Takayasu (3-1) tsukiotoshi K2w Daieisho (0-4) 16.2s S1e Terunofuji (4-0) kotenage M3e Meisei (2-2) 05.3s S1w Takanosho (3-1) oshidashi M3w Shimanoumi (1-3) 07.0s O2e Takakeisho (3-1) oshidashi M1e Takarafuji (0-4) 03.3s O1w Asanoyama (3-1) tsukiotoshi M1w Onosho (1-3) 06.5s M2e Hokutofuji (2-2) oshidashi O1e Shodai (2-2) 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 18, 2021 Day 5 33.4s M16e Kaisei (4-1) yoritaoshi M16w Daiamami (2-3) 02.8s J3e Chiyomaru (4-1) tsukidashi M14w Tsurugisho (1-4) 16.3s M15w Hidenoumi (3-2) uwatenage M14e Kotoeko (3-2) 06.9s M13e Terutsuyoshi (3-2) yorikiri M15e Yutakayama (1-4) 12.3s M13w Chiyoshoma (3-2) uwatedashinage M12e Akiseyama (3-2) 04.8s M12w Aoiyama (4-1) oshidashi M11e Chiyotairyu (2-3) 03.7s M9e Chiyonokuni (4-1) tsukitaoshi M10w Ryuden (1-4) 143.4s M8w Tobizaru (3-2) yorikiri M10e Midorifuji (2-3) 26.9s M9w Hoshoryu (2-3) tsukiotoshi M8e Kotonowaka (1-4) 06.3s M6e Tamawashi (3-2) oshitaoshi M7w Kagayaki (2-3) 21.0s M7e Tochinoshin (3-2) yorikiri M5w Okinoumi (1-4) 07.4s M4w Myogiryu (5-0) yorikiri M6w Ichinojo (3-2) 03.8s M5e Endo (2-3) yorikiri M3w Shimanoumi (1-4) 03.9s K1e Takayasu (4-1) tsukidashi M4e Kiribayama (2-3) 03.9s K2w Daieisho (1-4) oshidashi K1w Mitakeumi (3-2) 05.9s S1w Takanosho (4-1) oshidashi M1e Takarafuji (0-5) 11.1s M1w Onosho (2-3) oshidashi S1e Terunofuji (4-1) 05.8s M2w Wakatakakage (2-3) yorikiri O1e Shodai (2-3) 09.6s M2e Hokutofuji (3-2) oshitaoshi O2e Takakeisho (3-2) 07.0s O1w Asanoyama (4-1) yorikiri M3e Meisei (2-3) 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 19, 2021 Day 6 04.2s M15w Hidenoumi (4-2) okuritaoshi M15e Yutakayama (1-5) 09.5s M14e Kotoeko (4-2) oshidashi J1e Tokushoryu (1-5) 03.7s M14w Tsurugisho (2-4) yorikiri M13e Terutsuyoshi (3-3) 03.3s M13w Chiyoshoma (4-2) tsukiotoshi M16w Daiamami (2-4) 06.3s M12e Akiseyama (4-2) okuridashi M16e Kaisei (4-2) 09.8s M10w Ryuden (2-4) oshidashi M12w Aoiyama (4-2) 02.1s M9w Hoshoryu (3-3) oshidashi M11e Chiyotairyu (2-4) 02.5s M8e Kotonowaka (2-4) oshitaoshi M10e Midorifuji (2-4) 12.0s M8w Tobizaru (4-2) okuridashi M7e Tochinoshin (3-3) 02.7s M9e Chiyonokuni (5-1) hikiotoshi M7w Kagayaki (2-4) 05.6s M6w Ichinojo (4-2) hatakikomi M6e Tamawashi (3-3) 11.4s M5w Okinoumi (2-4) yorikiri M5e Endo (2-4) 15.8s M2e Hokutofuji (4-2) oshidashi M4w Myogiryu (5-1) 12.0s K1e Takayasu (5-1) uwatedashinage K1w Mitakeumi (3-3) 11.7s M1e Takarafuji (1-5) oshitaoshi K2w Daieisho (1-5) 20.9s S1e Terunofuji (5-1) tsuridashi M4e Kiribayama (2-4) 04.4s S1w Takanosho (5-1) yorikiri M1w Onosho (2-4) 03.9s O1w Asanoyama (5-1) yorikiri M2w Wakatakakage (2-4) 14.7s M3e Meisei (3-3) yorikiri O1e Shodai (2-4) 03.8s O2e Takakeisho (4-2) oshidashi M3w Shimanoumi (1-5) 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 21, 2021 Day 7 03.9s M16w Daiamami (3-4) oshitaoshi J1w Akua (3-4) 24.7s M15e Yutakayama (2-5) shitatenage M16e Kaisei (4-3) 05.3s M13e Terutsuyoshi (4-3) shitatenage M15w Hidenoumi (4-3) 01.9s M11e Chiyotairyu (3-4) hatakikomi M14w Tsurugisho (2-5) 20.4s M14e Kotoeko (5-2) kimedashi M10w Ryuden (2-5) 01.5s M13w Chiyoshoma (5-2) makiotoshi M10e Midorifuji (2-5) 14.7s M9w Hoshoryu (4-3) yorikiri M12w Aoiyama (4-3) 03.4s M9e Chiyonokuni (6-1) kotenage M12e Akiseyama (4-3) 11.0s M8w Tobizaru (5-2) oshidashi M6w Ichinojo (4-3) 09.0s M6e Tamawashi (4-3) oshidashi M8e Kotonowaka (2-5) 05.7s M7w Kagayaki (3-4) yorikiri M5w Okinoumi (2-5) 03.1s M5e Endo (3-4) shitatedashinage M7e Tochinoshin (3-4) 20.3s M2w Wakatakakage (3-4) tottari M4w Myogiryu (5-2) 10.1s M2e Hokutofuji (5-2) oshidashi M1w Onosho (2-5) 176.9s K1e Takayasu (6-1) uwatedashinage M1e Takarafuji (1-6) 06.3s K2w Daieisho (2-5) oshidashi S1w Takanosho (5-2) 09.0s S1e Terunofuji (6-1) yorikiri K1w Mitakeumi (3-4) 09.1s M3e Meisei (4-3) oshidashi O2e Takakeisho (4-3) 02.1s M4e Kiribayama (3-4) okuridashi O1w Asanoyama (5-2) 12.5s O1e Shodai (3-4) uwatenage M3w Shimanoumi (1-6) 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 22, 2021 Day 8 12.4s J3w Chiyonoo (5-3) uwatenage M16e Kaisei (4-4) 03.9s M15e Yutakayama (3-5) oshitaoshi M13w Chiyoshoma (5-3) 04.7s M16w Daiamami (4-4) yorikiri M12e Akiseyama (4-4) 04.0s M14w Tsurugisho (3-5) tsukiotoshi M12w Aoiyama (4-4) 01.3s M11e Chiyotairyu (4-4) hatakikomi M14e Kotoeko (5-3) 26.2s M10w Ryuden (3-5) yorikiri M15w Hidenoumi (4-4) 33.2s M13e Terutsuyoshi (5-3) oshidashi M8w Tobizaru (5-3) 03.1s M10e Midorifuji (3-5) hikiotoshi M7e Tochinoshin (3-5) 03.6s M6e Tamawashi (5-3) tsukidashi M9w Hoshoryu (4-4) 18.1s M6w Ichinojo (5-3) kotenage M9e Chiyonokuni (6-2) 04.7s M5e Endo (4-4) oshidashi M7w Kagayaki (3-5) 08.6s M8e Kotonowaka (3-5) katasukashi M5w Okinoumi (2-6) 06.3s M3w Shimanoumi (2-6) isamiashi M2e Hokutofuji (5-3) 02.9s M2w Wakatakakage (4-4) oshidashi M1w Onosho (2-6) 46.8s K1w Mitakeumi (4-4) oshidashi M1e Takarafuji (1-7) 18.1s K1e Takayasu (7-1) yorikiri S1e Terunofuji (6-2) 04.3s M3e Meisei (5-3) oshidashi S1w Takanosho (5-3) 12.1s O1e Shodai (4-4) yorikiri M4e Kiribayama (3-5) 09.7s O2e Takakeisho (5-3) oshidashi M4w Myogiryu (5-3) 03.1s K2w Daieisho (3-5) oshitaoshi O1w Asanoyama (5-3) 1 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 22, 2021 Day 9 05.4s M15w Hidenoumi (5-4) yorikiri J2w Daishomaru (3-6) 02.6s M14w Tsurugisho (4-5) hatakikomi M14e Kotoeko (5-4) 02.7s M13e Terutsuyoshi (6-3) katasukashi M13w Chiyoshoma (5-4) 13.1s M12w Aoiyama (5-4) yorikiri M12e Akiseyama (4-5) 04.1s M15e Yutakayama (4-5) tsukidashi M11e Chiyotairyu (4-5) 05.5s M10e Midorifuji (4-5) kainahineri M16w Daiamami (4-5) 05.1s M16e Kaisei (5-4) hikiotoshi M7w Kagayaki (3-6) 19.5s M10w Ryuden (4-5) yorikiri M7e Tochinoshin (3-6) 17.8s M9w Hoshoryu (5-4) shitatenage M6w Ichinojo (5-4) 03.7s M9e Chiyonokuni (7-2) hikiotoshi M6e Tamawashi (5-4) 19.3s M8w Tobizaru (6-3) hikiotoshi M5w Okinoumi (2-7) 16.5s M5e Endo (5-4) yorikiri M8e Kotonowaka (3-6) 07.5s M2w Wakatakakage (5-4) tsukidashi M3e Meisei (5-4) 08.6s M2e Hokutofuji (6-3) okuridashi M1e Takarafuji (1-8) 04.6s K1e Takayasu (8-1) hatakikomi M1w Onosho (2-7) 02.4s S1w Takanosho (6-3) oshidashi M4e Kiribayama (3-6) 06.1s S1e Terunofuji (7-2) kimedashi M4w Myogiryu (5-4) 03.3s O1w Asanoyama (6-3) yorikiri M3w Shimanoumi (2-7) 05.0s K2w Daieisho (4-5) oshidashi O1e Shodai (4-5) 06.8s O2e Takakeisho (6-3) oshidashi K1w Mitakeumi (4-5) 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 23, 2021 (edited) Day 10 08.9s J2e Ishiura (7-3) hikiotoshi M15e Yutakayama (4-6) 07.4s M16w Daiamami (5-5) kimedashi M13e Terutsuyoshi (6-4) 02.1s M12w Aoiyama (6-4) oshidashi M14e Kotoeko (5-5) 11.6s M15w Hidenoumi (6-4) oshitaoshi M10e Midorifuji (4-6) 05.1s M14w Tsurugisho (5-5) kotenage M10w Ryuden (4-6) 06.2s M9w Hoshoryu (6-4) shitatenage M16e Kaisei (5-5) 10.6s M8w Tobizaru (7-3) komatasukui M13w Chiyoshoma (5-5) 20.0s M12e Akiseyama (5-5) shitatenage M7e Tochinoshin (3-7) 01.6s M11e Chiyotairyu (5-5) hatakikomi M7w Kagayaki (3-7) 06.6s M6w Ichinojo (6-4) hatakikomi M8e Kotonowaka (3-7) 06.6s M5w Okinoumi (3-7) oshitaoshi M9e Chiyonokuni (7-3) 07.8s M4e Kiribayama (4-6) sotogake M6e Tamawashi (5-5) --------- M3e Meisei (6-4) fusen M5e Endo (5-5) 03.2s M2w Wakatakakage (6-4) yoritaoshi M1e Takarafuji (1-9) 02.2s K2w Daieisho (5-5) oshidashi M2e Hokutofuji (6-4) 03.7s K1w Mitakeumi (5-5) yorikiri M1w Onosho (2-8) 24.8s M3w Shimanoumi (3-7) tsukiotoshi S1e Terunofuji (7-3) 150.7s K1e Takayasu (9-1) uwatenage O2e Takakeisho (6-4) 03.6s O1w Asanoyama (7-3) sukuinage S1w Takanosho (6-4) 06.5s O1e Shodai (5-5) katasukashi M4w Myogiryu (5-5) Edited March 23, 2021 by Misahiro 3 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hakutorizakura 583 Posted March 23, 2021 That must be one of the longest bouts in Takakeisho's career... Unfortunately for him, stamina is Takayasu's middle name. Don't blow it, big guy! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 25, 2021 (edited) Day 11 15.7s M15w Hidenoumi (7-4) yorikiri M13w Chiyoshoma (5-6) 08.0s M16e Kaisei (6-5) yorikiri M13e Terutsuyoshi (6-5) 14.8s M12w Aoiyama (7-4) oshitaoshi M15e Yutakayama (4-7) 03.9s M14w Tsurugisho (6-5) yorikiri M12e Akiseyama (5-6) 03.4s M16w Daiamami (6-5) oshidashi M9e Chiyonokuni (7-4) 19.6s M8w Tobizaru (8-3) tsukiotoshi M14e Kotoeko (5-6) 06.0s M10w Ryuden (5-6) yorikiri M8e Kotonowaka (3-8) 02.2s M7w Kagayaki (4-7) oshitaoshi M10e Midorifuji (4-7) 03.9s M7e Tochinoshin (4-7) hatakikomi M11e Chiyotairyu (5-6) 07.6s M9w Hoshoryu (7-4) sukuinage M5w Okinoumi (3-8) 13.4s M3e Meisei (7-4) yorikiri M6w Ichinojo (6-5) 06.2s M2w Wakatakakage (7-4) oshidashi M6e Tamawashi (5-6) 36.4s M1e Takarafuji (2-9) oshidashi M3w Shimanoumi (3-8) 05.1s K2w Daieisho (6-5) tsukiotoshi M1w Onosho (2-9) 04.6s M2e Hokutofuji (7-4) oshidashi K1w Mitakeumi (5-6) 02.6s S1e Terunofuji (8-3) yorikiri S1w Takanosho (6-5) 04.9s O1e Shodai (6-5) tsukiotoshi K1e Takayasu (9-2) 04.9s O2e Takakeisho (7-4) tsukidashi M4e Kiribayama (4-7) 05.4s O1w Asanoyama (8-3) yorikiri M4w Myogiryu (5-6) Edited March 26, 2021 by Misahiro 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 25, 2021 (edited) Day 12 06.4s M14e Kotoeko (6-6) yorikiri M16e Kaisei (6-6) 13.1s M14w Tsurugisho (7-5) yorikiri J3w Chiyonoo (6-6) 07.6s M12w Aoiyama (8-4) oshitaoshi M16w Daiamami (6-6) 03.3s M15w Hidenoumi (8-4) okuridashi M11e Chiyotairyu (5-7) 03.2s M11w Kotoshoho (1-3-8) okuridashi M13e Terutsuyoshi (6-6) 19.4s M10w Ryuden (6-6) oshitaoshi M15e Yutakayama (4-8) 12.3s M12e Akiseyama (6-6) yoritaoshi M9w Hoshoryu (7-5) 15.3s M8e Kotonowaka (4-8) uwatenage M13w Chiyoshoma (5-7) 04.4s M6w Ichinojo (7-5) yorikiri M10e Midorifuji (4-8) 06.2s M9e Chiyonokuni (8-4) tsukiotoshi M4w Myogiryu (5-7) 04.4s M3e Meisei (8-4) oshidashi M8w Tobizaru (8-4) 04.2s M7w Kagayaki (5-7) yorikiri M3w Shimanoumi (3-9) 62.9s M7e Tochinoshin (5-7) shitatenage M1e Takarafuji (2-10) 30.8s M4e Kiribayama (5-7) sukuinage M1w Onosho (2-10) 05.1s K1e Takayasu (10-2) oshidashi M2e Hokutofuji (7-5) 04.2s M2w Wakatakakage (8-4) hatakikomi K2w Daieisho (6-6) 11.6s S1e Terunofuji (9-3) tsukiotoshi M6e Tamawashi (5-7) 04.1s O1w Asanoyama (9-3) yorikiri K1w Mitakeumi (5-7) 04.0s O1e Shodai (7-5) hatakikomi S1w Takanosho (6-6) 08.1s O2e Takakeisho (8-4) oshidashi M5w Okinoumi (3-9) Edited March 26, 2021 by Misahiro 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amamaniac 2,078 Posted March 25, 2021 (edited) 7 hours ago, Misahiro said: Day 12 15.7s M15w Hidenoumi (7-4) yorikiri M13w Chiyoshoma (5-6) 4 hours ago, Misahiro said: Day 13 06.4s M14e Kotoeko (6-6) yorikiri M16e Kaisei (6-6) Methinks you are a bit ahead of the game. Edited March 25, 2021 by Amamaniac 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 26, 2021 (edited) Side note: thank you for pointing out, @Amamaniac! Corrections done! And for now, the real deal: Day 13 05.5s M14e Kotoeko (7-6) hikiotoshi J3e Chiyomaru (9-4) 11.1s M12e Akiseyama (7-6) yorikiri M15e Yutakayama (4-9) 15.6s M15w Hidenoumi (9-4) uwatenage M11w Kotoshoho (1-4-8) 03.0s M16w Daiamami (7-6) yorikiri M11e Chiyotairyu (5-8) 21.8s M13w Chiyoshoma (6-7) yorikiri M10w Ryuden (6-7) 02.3s M16e Kaisei (7-6) okuridashi M10e Midorifuji (4-9) -------- M14w Tsurugisho (8-5) fusen M9e Chiyonokuni (8-5) 04.5s M12w Aoiyama (9-4) oshidashi M8w Tobizaru (8-5) 12.8s M8e Kotonowaka (5-8) oshidashi M13e Terutsuyoshi (6-7) 12.6s M9w Hoshoryu (8-5) uchigake M7w Kagayaki (5-8) 13.0s M7e Tochinoshin (6-7) yoritaoshi M4e Kiribayama (5-8) 15.9s M3w Shimanoumi (4-9) oshidashi M5w Okinoumi (3-10) 14.7s M2e Hokutofuji (8-5) oshidashi M6w Ichinojo (7-6) 03.7s M1w Onosho (3-10) oshidashi M1e Takarafuji (2-11) 06.4s K2w Daieisho (7-6) oshidashi M3e Meisei (8-5) 05.5s K1w Mitakeumi (6-7) oshidashi M6e Tamawashi (5-8) 22.8s M2w Wakatakakage (9-4) yoritaoshi K1e Takayasu (10-3) 08.8s M4w Myogiryu (6-7) hatakikomi S1w Takanosho (6-7) 19.9s O2e Takakeisho (9-4) hatakikomi O1w Asanoyama (9-4) 02.6s S1e Terunofuji (10-3) yorikiri O1e Shodai (7-6) Edited March 26, 2021 by Misahiro 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 27, 2021 Day 14 13.4s M14e Kotoeko (8-6) yorikiri M12e Akiseyama (7-7) 64.8s M16e Kaisei (8-6) yorikiri M11e Chiyotairyu (5-9) 07.6s M13w Chiyoshoma (7-7) yorikiri M11w Kotoshoho (1-5-8) 27.0s M14w Tsurugisho (9-5) kimedashi M10e Midorifuji (4-10) 08.9s M16w Daiamami (8-6) yorikiri M9w Hoshoryu (8-6) -------- M8e Kotonowaka (6-8) fusen M15e Yutakayama (4-10) 18.1s M7e Tochinoshin (7-7) yorikiri M15w Hidenoumi (9-5) 05.5s M13e Terutsuyoshi (7-7) tsukiotoshi M7w Kagayaki (5-9) 09.2s M3e Meisei (9-5) yorikiri M6e Tamawashi (5-9) 09.2s M2e Hokutofuji (9-5) yorikiri M10w Ryuden (6-8) 04.7s M12w Aoiyama (10-4) kotenage M2w Wakatakakage (9-5) 06.3s M1e Takarafuji (3-11) yorikiri M5w Okinoumi (3-11) 02.4s M1w Onosho (4-10) tsukidashi M3w Shimanoumi (4-10) 51.1s M8w Tobizaru (9-5) kubihineri K1e Takayasu (10-4) 06.4s M4e Kiribayama (6-8) uwatenage K2w Daieisho (7-7) 02.9s K1w Mitakeumi (7-7) oshidashi M4w Myogiryu (6-8) 02.7s S1w Takanosho (7-7) yorikiri M6w Ichinojo (7-7) 05.1s O2e Takakeisho (10-4) oshidashi O1e Shodai (7-7) 19.5s S1e Terunofuji (11-3) yorikiri O1w Asanoyama (9-5) 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misahiro 2,331 Posted March 29, 2021 Day 15 02.6s J1e Tokushoryu (7-8) tottari M11w Kotoshoho (1-6-8) 23.8s M15w Hidenoumi (10-5) sukuinage M9w Hoshoryu (8-7) 03.9s M8w Tobizaru (10-5) shitatenage M16e Kaisei (8-7) 41.3s M16w Daiamami (9-6) yorikiri M8e Kotonowaka (6-9) 09.1s M7w Kagayaki (6-9) yorikiri M14e Kotoeko (8-7) 03.0s M13e Terutsuyoshi (8-7) yorikiri M6e Tamawashi (5-10) 09.1s M10e Midorifuji (5-10) oshidashi M5w Okinoumi (3-12) 25.6s M4w Myogiryu (7-8) yorikiri M10w Ryuden (6-9) 02.1s M11e Chiyotairyu (6-9) hatakikomi M3w Shimanoumi (4-11) 13.5s M3e Meisei (10-5) yorikiri M14w Tsurugisho (9-6) 02.7s M2w Wakatakakage (10-5) oshidashi M2e Hokutofuji (9-6) 04.5s M13w Chiyoshoma (8-7) uwatenage M1w Onosho (4-11) 09.1s M4e Kiribayama (7-8) okurihikiotoshi M1e Takarafuji (3-12) 05.6s K2w Daieisho (8-7) tsukidashi M12e Akiseyama (7-8) 06.0s K1w Mitakeumi (8-7) oshidashi M6w Ichinojo (7-8) 05.6s M12w Aoiyama (11-4) hatakikomi K1e Takayasu (10-5) 02.6s S1w Takanosho (8-7) oshidashi M7e Tochinoshin (7-8) 06.2s S1e Terunofuji (12-3) oshidashi O2e Takakeisho (10-5) 12.9s O1w Asanoyama (10-5) uwatenage O1e Shodai (7-8) 4 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amamaniac 2,078 Posted March 30, 2021 (edited) Takayasu's bout-lengths in the 2021 March Tournament were as follows: Day 1: 19.3s; Day 2: 28.1s; Day 3: 2.5s; Day 4: 5.9s; Day 5: 3.9s; Day 6: 12.0s; Day 7: 176.9s; Day 8: 18.1s; Day 9: 4.6s; Day 10: 150.7s Day 11: 4.9s; Day 12: 5.1s; Day 13: 22.8s; Day 14: 51.1s; Day 15: 5.6s Grand total: 515.6s (i.e., 8m35.6s) Five of his sanyaku opponents came in the first 10 days, and he defeated all of them. He only had one sanyaku opponent (i.e.,Shodai) in the last five days, and he lost to him on Day 11 after a second marathon bout on Day 10. He ended the tournament with three consecutive losses to rank-and-filers. His average bout time in the first ten days was 42.2s, and in the last five days was 17.9s. From this it may be concluded that Takayasu's staying power was strongest in the first 10 days, during which time he was able to endure and win long bouts. But after that second marathon, the former Ozeki's tank was near empty, and his body seemed as though it was not up to the challenge from those final opponents who had not spent near as much time in the ring prior to their meetings. Just by way of comparison: In the 2014 Autumn Tournament (for which @Akinomaki archived the bout times), Hakuho spent a total of 126.4s in his yusho performance (i.e., one quarter of the time Takayasu spent/wasted in his March 2021 performance). His average bout time in the first ten days of that tournament was 6.4s, and 12.6s in the last five days. This shows that the Yokozuna needed to spend more time and energy in the last five days of that tournament, whereas he tore through the opposition in the first ten days. It is worth pointing out that on Day 4 of the 2014 Autumn Tournament, Takayasu lasted 40.5 seconds before Hakuho managed to dispatch him. Without that bout, Hakuho's average bout-length in the first ten days would have been something like 2.3s (n.b., compared to Takayasu's 42.2s average!). Yes, Hakuho's technique was far superior to most and his opponents in the first ten days tended to be less challenging, thus he was able to wrap things up quickly. But he also knew that the secret to winning tournaments was conserving energy, especially since the biggest challenges for a Yokozuna come in the final five days. While victories in sumo depend on a variety of factors, I would argue that bout-lengths over 15 days are one of the key ones. Edited April 1, 2021 by Amamaniac 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hakutorizakura 583 Posted March 30, 2021 Someone should make an infographic showing bout length vs win probability for a sample of rikishi, taking into account which day during the 15, opposition etc. Would be an interesting project if I had the time Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seiyashi 4,068 Posted March 30, 2021 25 minutes ago, hakutorizakura said: Someone should make an infographic showing bout length vs win probability for a sample of rikishi, taking into account which day during the 15, opposition etc. Would be an interesting project if I had the time My hypothesis is that bar exceptions like Takayasu and Takakeisho, the chance of a bout being decided either way goes to 50-50 the longer it stretches. The problem is that unless Misahiro makes the data available on the Google sheets, it's a pain in the rear to have to scrape this data off the forum threads to an extent to make the results rigorous. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hakutorizakura 583 Posted March 31, 2021 11 hours ago, Seiyashi said: My hypothesis is that bar exceptions like Takayasu and Takakeisho, the chance of a bout being decided either way goes to 50-50 the longer it stretches. The problem is that unless Misahiro makes the data available on the Google sheets, it's a pain in the rear to have to scrape this data off the forum threads to an extent to make the results rigorous. Sure. I mean it would be nice to have confirmation from the data that for example Takakeisho excels in the 2-5s time bin while Takayasu 20-30s. But yeah the data preprocessing is usually not the fun part. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites