
March basho 2021

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I haven’t been as active on the boards as I would have liked the last few months but I’ve done my best to stay plugged into sumo world and wanted to share my thoughts on the basho. 

Congrats to Terunofuji as he is clearly the man to beat now. I think he’ll be my pick to win each basho now, replacing Takakeisho. 

Super happy to see Aoiyama have his annual super basho. Someone else already mentioned this but once a year he makes noise and almost surprises the world. Maybe next March (or sooner!) he’ll be holding a trophy. 

Tochinoshin not walking away with a KK but doing enough to hang with the pack. I’ve said it before and hope to say it again in May, but this man wants to be here. 

Hokutofuji, a really great showing that kind of slid under the radar. I wish he would have won on day 15 because 10 wins just has a bigger mental appeal than 9. 

And sliding down the banzuke, Oshoryu has another bad showing. What’s going on?

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Blog post on March (Haru) Basho is complete. I have added a section on Terunofuji's Basho, Day by Day results, Kimarite, times of matches. Record v san'yaku and Magaeshira. Also added some Post Tournament treats, including two single links to all 295 Full match videos (available via NHK until April 12). Also added info on other important Day 15 matches. Also added some After Basho goodies.

Can't wait for May.

Any and all feedback welcomed



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On 27/03/2021 at 11:52, Arn said:

Aaargh...the influence of Hiro Morita?!! I dont think I have ever heard that expresion somewhere else, but he uses it at least once in every broadcast, if not more. Soon you will start talking about running out of real estate too...

Since it is between basho I would like to wax about another sumo commentator with strange but entertaining language skills.
In a resent basho, (I'll call him) 'Roger' corrected his previous inaccurate comment with the observation that the loser has gone down on "all threes".  Now the 'all' implies an amputee but I give points for linguistic nimbleness.
I am posting (if allowed) an audio segment thumb-raja - Copy.mp3 (with some lengthy pauses removed to pare the sample down to a minute) with a Shakespearean coining of a new phrase that I am considering submitting to the Oxford English Dictionary.  Alas, 'Roger' has dropped the phrase from his repertoire.
I thank all the NHK sumo commentators (if they see this) for their hard work.  It is appreciated.

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