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Turn The Tide - Banzuke November 2020

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Two wins had to be added in Juryo and below. It might look a bit weird in some places, but it all fell into place quite easily after all.

Kitakachiyama (YOe 10-5 -> 10-5)      YO    
                                      O     Andoreasu (Ow 6-9 -> 6-9)
Flohru (Se 10-5 -> 10-5)              S     Pandaazuma (Sw 8-7 -> 8-7)
Ganzohnesushi (M7e 13-2 -> 13-2)      K     Konosato (M2e 9-6 -> 9-6)

Susanoo (M3e 9-6 -> 9-6)              M1    Kotononami (Kw 7-8 -> 7-8)
Chishafuwaku (M6w 10-5 -> 10-5)       M2    Kishikaisei (M1e 7-8 -> 7-8)
Bill (M4w 8-7 -> 8-7)                 M3    Metzinowaka (M3w Kosho)
Chankoyama (M5e 8-7 -> 8-7)           M4    Andrasoyamawaka (M1w 5-10 -> 5-10)
Asashosakari (M4e 7-8 -> 7-8)         M5    Kuroimori (Ke 4-11 -> 4-11)
Fujiyama (M2w 5-10 -> 5-10)           M6    Golynohana (M14e 10-5 -> 10-5)
Kasamatsuri (M11e 8-7 -> 8-7)         M7    Jakusotsu (M6e 6-9 -> 6-9)
GONZABUROW (M5w 5-10 -> 5-10)         M8    Unkonoyama (M8e 7-8 -> 7-8)
ScreechingOwl (M7w 6-8-1 -> 6-9)      M9    Jejima (M9e 7-8 -> 7-8)
Taka (M9w 7-8 -> 7-8)                 M10   Gaijingai (M8w 6-9 -> 6-9)
Kaiowaka (M10w 7-7-1 -> 7-8)          M11   Kaito (J5w 11-4 -> 13-2)
Achiyama (M11w 6-9 -> 6-9)            M12   Yassier (M10e 5-10 -> 5-10)
Nantonoyama (M12w 6-9 -> 6-9)         M13   Korinokoishi (J1w 8-7 -> 10-5)
Sakura (M13w 7-8 -> 7-8)              M14   Fujisan (M12e 5-10 -> 5-10)
Kintamayama (J1e 7-8 -> 9-6)          M15   Oortael (J2e 7-8 -> 9-6)
Futtokazan (M15e 6-9 -> 6-9)          M16   Asapedroryu (M16e 7-8 -> 7-8)
Ariakenoumi (M14w 5-10 -> 5-10)       M17   Manatsumai (M17e 7-8 -> 7-8)
Takanorappa (M17w 7-8 -> 7-8)         M18   Anjoboshi (J3e 6-9 -> 8-7)

Pitinosato (M18w 7-8 -> 7-8)          J1    Kyoju (J6e 7-8 -> 9-6)
Chelseayama (J4e 6-9 -> 8-7)          J2    Frinkanohana (M16w 4-11 -> 4-11)
Oskahanada (J10e 8-6-1 -> 10-5)       J3    Joaoiyama (J10w 8-7 -> 10-5)
Wamahada (J8w 7-8 -> 9-6)             J4    Athenayama (J11w 8-7 -> 10-5)
Taxinohana (J2w 4-11 -> 6-9)          J5    Chocshoporyu (J7w 6-9 -> 8-7)
Andonishiki (J11e 7-8 -> 9-6)         J6    Shimodahito (J4w 4-9-2 -> 6-9)
Profomisakari (J5e 4-11 -> 6-9)       J7    Haidouzo (M13e Kyujo)
Gernobono (M18e 2-13 -> 2-13)         J8    Gawasukotto (J8e 5-10 -> 7-8)
Domichi (ms3w 9-6 -> 11-4)            J9    Tenshinhan (M15w Kyujo)
Taikanute (J13e 6-9 -> 8-7)           J10   Ruziklao (J9w 4-11 -> 6-9)
Mmikasazuma (ms3e 7-8 -> 9-6)         J11   Rikishimiezi (J9e 3-12 -> 5-10)
Balon (mz 9-6 -> 11-4)                J12   Wolfgangho (J12w 4-10-1 -> 6-9)
Kutoyama (J12e 3-10-2 -> 5-10)        J13   Hana-ichi (J13w 3-12 -> 5-10)
RaeucherLax (J14e 4-11 -> 6-9)        J14   Oshirokita (J14w 4-11 -> 6-9)

Oyama (ms1e 4-11 -> 6-9)              ms1   Denho (ms1w 4-10-1 -> 6-9)
Holleshoryu (ms2e 4-11 -> 6-9)        ms2   Okamnoitamashi (ms2w 4-9-2 -> 6-9)
Atenzan (mz 7-8 -> 9-6)               ms3   Gansekiiwa (J3w Kyujo)
Chesuko (ms4e 4-9-2 -> 6-9)           ms4   Hakuryuho (mz 6-9 -> 8-7)
Kashunowaka (mz 6-8-1 -> 8-7)         ms5   Kamogawa (ms4w 3-10-2 -> 5-10)
Saruyama (ms5e 3-10-2 -> 5-10)        ms6   Hokushu (ms6w 4-11 -> 6-9)
Kobashi (J6w Kyujo)                   ms7   Mariohana (J7e Kyujo)
Kajiyanosho (mz 5-9-1 -> 7-8)         ms8   Gaanaa (mz 5-10 -> 7-8)
Palletta (ms9e 4-9-2 -> 6-9)          ms9   Hagamachikuni (ms6e 2-13 -> 4-11)
Terarno (mz 4-11 -> 6-9)              ms10  Yeyisoshin (mz 3-9-3 -> 5-10)
Tsuchinoninjin (ms7e 1-4-10 -> 3-12)  ms11  WAKATAKE (ms8e 1-13-1 -> 3-12)
Shitaan (ms9w 1-3-11 -> 3-12)         ms12  Rantar (mz 1-2-12 -> 3-12)
Neko (ms5w Kyujo)                     ms13  
Gurowake (ms7w)                       
Sebunshu (ms8w)                       


Edited by Jakusotsu
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By day 13 Andonishiki was leading alone, after day 14 he was joined by another two players, but nobody expected the Brazilian Inquisition sending come-from-behind Joaoiyama to best them all - congratulations!

J3w Joaoiyama (10-5) (Yushowinner...)

ms5e Kashunowaka (10-5)
J6e Andonishiki (10-5)
J2e Chelseayama (10-5)

J3w Joaoiyama (13)
ms5e Kashunowaka (13)

M5e Asashosakari (11-11)

ms5e Kashunowaka (3.781)

Thank you for playing, see ya next year!

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I was really gunning for this after day 12, on the last day i had to make very hard picks to match the tie factor while hoping for the top 3 to lose, i'm very happy i did!(Firstprize...)


Thank you Jakusotsu, Kashunowaka, Chelseayama and Adonishiki, it was a fun basho to play. (Signofapproval...)

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Due to sheer blindness of this ole gyoji, there was an error with the Shukun-sho award! Here's the correct winner:

J3w Joaoiyama (6.391)

Sincere apologies to Kashunowaka! (Blushing...)(Thinkingindepth...)

  • Haha 1

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