
Banner/background photo

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I'm trying to figure this out, as well but the same exact situation. I see Saburo hasn't nailed it yet or I'd pester them.  :)


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1 hour ago, Kaminariyuki said:

I'm trying to figure this out, as well but the same exact situation. I see Saburo hasn't nailed it yet or I'd pester them.  :)


No changes as of today. Just weird, quirky message board glitches. OTOH I can still fill in my AIM and MSN chat handles! :-D

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I've been on SF for 4 years and I'm still figuring out how some of this works. Just today, after some computer torture, I figured out that I could not drop a photo into a forum ost if you already have hit your content store limit of 500 KB. One has to delete a can existing image to add another out of the profile's access.

Like most computer problems the banner issue will be trivial once one of us figures it out or the moderators adjust the code, gui, etc.

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FYI I checked my profile page and still have no Cover Photo option. Assume my account is just wired that way...


Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10-00-40 Saburo - Sumo Forum.png

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