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22 minutes ago, RabidJohn said:

Lol - now you tell us!

I shall have to read posts more carefully...

Well, I for one enjoyed the above off-topic exchange. :)

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Araiso yesterday was in ShikokuChuo city, Ehime, to meet with the locals - in proper oyakata attire.


Today he posed as Kisenosato for a talk-show at the kappa matsuri home in Ushiku

but at a summer festival, yukata is formal wear for anybody - so also for oyakata.


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One talk-show after the other for Araiso - usually oyakata are eager to appear in public before their danpatsu-shiki to assure a full house - he does it even though he needs not fear a single unsold ticket, regardless of any additional PR.

He talked in the Ibaraki pref. Museum of Modern Art in Mito about the manga hero villain Rao (the one on his kesho mawashi) and the influence on his life

4.jpgo4.jpgo AS20190731002554_commL.jpgo 20190801-00000002-ibaraki-000-4-view.jpgo


video from the local paper

longer and audible from local NHK:

saved by Inhashi for longer accessHg0YMO7zCKqif38m.jpg:thumbvid 0ZuJi0zWSOoYpKW_.jpg:thumbvid

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Man, I love these pics! At the same time that I hate to see him not fighting anymore, I love to see him doing so well in this "new" life!


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On 12/08/2019 at 20:44, Akinomaki said:

20190809s00041000019000p_thum.jpgo  20190809-OHT1I50072-N.jpgo

which channel is TBS on miomio?

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I was never much of a Kisenosato fan. I think that was because he appeared to be uncommunicative much of the time. He hardly ever seemed to smile in public. In the last year of his career, considering the hell he was going through coping with an injury that never fully healed and which hugely affected his performance, that was understandable. But since his retirement, my opinion of him has changed. He has shown a very pleasant personality, communicating extremely well, and above all, often smiling and even laughing. I have come to the conclusion that a rikishi I once didn't care for because he seemed to be so dull and unsociable is actually is a very nice, outgoing person. As I said before, I wasn't a big fan of Kisenosato. I am however, a huge fan of Araiso.

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Araiso-oyakata had his final tsuna-uchi today at Tagonoura-beya, the rope for the yokozuna dohyo-iri at his danpatsu-shiki on the 29th

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with sempai Nishiiwa

b_12636804.jpgoo b_12636805.jpgo   o


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A special one today of the many talk shows and events with Araiso - at the Ibaraki pref. antenna shop in Tokyo, IBARAKI sense. PR for Ibaraki produce, which he received plentiful while active - and also now, and support for those who suffered from the 2 recent heavy typhoons.

local NHK vid

NNN vid

20191025s00005000284000p_thum.jpgo f03918378c5936817b0b3409349872dc-450x350.jpgo

I wonder if by now he gets spared the inevitable question about finding an okamisan


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the other day he was dancing at at an event of the makers of his favorite watch, Audemars_Piguet

EHNYccKVAAAr--L.jpg:thumbo  EHSOKZcVAAESLb8.jpg:thumbo

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Yesterday it was announced that Araiso has passed the entry exam to Wasada university graduate school (without having graduated from university). Next April he'll start in the 1 year sports science research master's course. This course is for people with practical experience, independent from their academic background, if they have high level abilities in sports management or as sports coach. Araiso will study in between his work in the NSK.

He wants to study NFL training methods, as he said earlier this year

On 20/02/2019 at 17:36, Akinomaki said:

ex-Kise declared that he plans to adopt American football NFL training methods to rear his (future) deshi. His plans for after the danpatsu-shiki end of September: "The NFL uses the latest training methods. I'd like to go to learn." "Sumo builds the body with keiko, but the built of the Japanese has become like the people from overseas, so we should be able to use these methods in sumo as well."

and also from baseball, soccer and more

That he really will start a heya already next year looks improbable with this. He follows Osh's path

On 03/04/2015 at 12:43, Akinomaki said:

Naruto-oyakata (Kotooshu, 32) was at the Nittaidai entry ceremony, the Japan national university for physical education. He'll be 3rd year in martial arts science, continuing his studies from the Bulgarian national university for physical education. He said he wants to put into ozumo the forefront coaching and training skills, keeping the old that's good, also "How to form sumo wrestlers who don't get injured."

On 29/03/2017 at 18:17, Akinomaki said:

Osh didn't properly graduate - he didn't get the credits from all the necessary courses. But because of his achievements and work in society, he contributes to the development and fame of the university and is treated like a graduate. The other specials are Sonny Chiba, a canoe athlete and a football commentator - he's the 4th.

Good PR for his new heya, which starts on the 1st.

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20 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

A special one today of the many talk shows and events with Araiso - at the Ibaraki pref. antenna shop in Tokyo, IBARAKI sense. PR for Ibaraki produce, which he received plentiful while active

Abema TV has an 8min. report from the event with Araiso and the governor of Ibaraki: (VPN needed)



of course a handshake event as well, also with fans


News Every: G6lvJRFkpP7NTQnj.jpg:thumbvid

his local paper

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Araiso, who entered sumo after middle school graduation, will hold a high school tournament, the Kisenosato Winter cup. On Dec. 23rd in the kokugikan, for 50 teams with 250 1st and 2nd year high school students. He is tournament president. The kokugikan regularly hosts primary, middle school university student tournaments, but none for high school so far.

To teach the kids a proper tachi-ai, the event has a special rule: after the sonkyo crouch, one "matta" and redo, shikiri naoshi, like in an ozumo bout, and then a tachi-ai in breathing sync, the ozumo tachi-ai. In amateur sumo it's one go at the signal of the referee, but some athletes use to play games to disturb the rhythm of the other. Individuals and team events, 1 foreign student per team allowed - in amateur sumo it's usually only below 50%:  up to 2 in a team of 5, 1 in one of 3 - and here only 3 fight in the team, 1 is replacement and 1 reserve. 4 of each team can take part in the individuals. No participation fee.

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On 08/11/2019 at 20:50, Akinomaki said:

the Kisenosato Winter cup. On Dec. 23rd in the kokugikan, for 50 teams with 250 1st and 2nd year high school students. He is tournament president. The kokugikan regularly hosts primary, middle school university student tournaments, but none for high school so far.

To teach the kids a proper tachi-ai, the event has a special rule: after the sonkyo crouch, one "matta" and redo, shikiri naoshi, like in an ozumo bout, and then a tachi-ai in breathing sync, the ozumo tachi-ai. In amateur sumo it's one go at the signal of the referee, but some athletes use to play games to disturb the rhythm of the other. Individuals and team events, 1 foreign student per team allowed - in amateur sumo it's usually only below 50%:  up to 2 in a team of 5, 1 in one of 3 - and here only 3 fight in the team, 1 is replacement and 1 reserve. 4 of each team can take part in the individuals. No participation fee.

The Kisenosato Winter cup has to be postponed till next year or further. Araiso revealed it today at a talk-show in Chiba. Preparation time was too short, assurance is lacking should participants get injured.

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Araiso instead of having his high school Kisenosato cup was helping Nakamura on the 21st at his 7th Yoshikaze cup for primary and middle school kids - like the Hakuho cup

EMXj3FJU8AAfRMH.jpg:thumbo o 


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11 minutes ago, Katooshu said:

Winners get a pillow?

The sponsor is Magniflex

On 08/01/2016 at 16:45, Akinomaki said:

The first time that this appeared in the sumo news of the Japanese papers: A sponsored article.
And who does again PR for his sponsor? - Yoshikaze for Magniflex, after the "Thanks to Magniflex, please write it!"

to the press last year day 3 of the Aki basho, when he defeated Kakuryu after having beaten Hakuho the day before.
He has an advisor contract with Magniflex since last summer, so his message in this article is: "After I encountered the wonderful bedding of Magniflex, the quality of my sumo changed" and so on.

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