
Natsu jungyo 2019

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14 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

You can't expect the list of possible translations shown to be always fitting for the sentence at hand. Neither fragile nor sentimental really covers the case here, but fragile is far better. In such a case I might use some more general word, like weak or immature.

I asked a couple of japanese friends before you commented and finally got an answer this morning. From what I was told "weak" seems to be the closest translation :)

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10 hours ago, Rainoyama said:

I asked a couple of japanese friends before you commented and finally got an answer this morning. From what I was told "weak" seems to be the closest translation :)

We're getting off to the translation topic again, but one last comment. I wouldn't translate the word at all if I find no really fitting term for it and use a phrase that conveys what I want to transmit. I'd say "he can't take much yet".

Edited by Akinomaki
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On 19/02/2019 at 11:30, Akinomaki said:

On Aug. 14th the jungyo tour is in Itayanagi, Aomori, after 8 years again, at the Tsugaru apple market  Jungyo man Sendagawa on the 18th was at the town hall to tell it to the town headman. http://www.toonippo.co.jp/articles/-/154152


Old post, but I just saw it - and I'm sad that man's sideburn game subsided with age.

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Butsukari geiko Tochiozan and Mitakeumi. Mitakeumi seems to have lost a bit of weight but still a few kilos to go Imo.


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Day 3 Kusatsu - local NHK vid http://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/otsu/20190730/2060003172.html

(watch for a roundhouse punch slap attempt by Shohozan vs Enho)

saved by Inhashi to stay for longer: Ob7ogsmDiKxJbvxK.jpg:thumbvid


Kakuryu at preparations


Kizakiumi with Kotonowaka


Mitakeumi really wants to train now, to get 10 wins next basho and restart the challenge for ozeki. With Ryuden


Next makuuchi Tsurugisho didn't train - back pain. With real name Abiko his nickname as a youth was Abi(-chan etc.) - Abi calls by spectators now will confuse him a bit


fan service

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Takayasu will most likely be kyujo the whole jungyo - he's doing some basics in the heya and instructs the young ones




Hakuho with Ichiyamamoto




Okinoumi with Mitakeumi


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Today, it was Tomokaze's turn to borrow Hakuhou's chest and train. Before that, Tomokaze faced Kakuryuu and was 2-3, quite respectable.  Hakuhou proceeded to treat him to a 7 minute experience of intense training. They have not faced each other on the dohyo during a basho or even in training, but they will next basho. "I'll be happy if he forever remembers this," said Hakuhou later. "I am honored. There are Makuuchi rikishi who never get called out, so I'm happy. It's a valuable experience. I have felt the greatness of the Yokozuna," said Tomokaze, as an edited insert. Hakuhou has been training the new Juryo rikishi these last few days. "This whole jungyo would be a success if they feel a little that they were able to gambarize by being led by their elders.." he added. He still hasn't faced the other two Juryo up and comers Ryuukuo and Kizakiumi. Ryuukuo has an injury and has returned to Tokyo. "I told Kizakiumi I was  thinking of training with him today and he laughed nervously.. Well, the jungyo has just started so plenty of time left for that.." he added.  Today they started with the "group moshiai" so Makuuchi rikishi had more time to train.

"So, no makekoshi so far, huh?"


Edited by Kintamayama
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Loads of pictures and videos to cover the tour this time.

Mitakeumi continues to train hard (yes you read that right). Today butsukari geiko with Abi

"Promoted to Komusubi last basho thanks to some Banzuke luck" Ryuden vs "likely not promoted to Komusubi next basho thanks to banzuke bad luck" Hokutofuji.

Asanoyama vs Abi

Training for the new Beyonce clip

Chiyomaru (warning: do not watch if you are squeamish, very intense footage)


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8 minutes ago, Rainoyama said:

Chiyomaru (warning: do not watch if you are squeamish, very intense footage)


"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down!"

  • Haha 2

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Day 4 Echizen

kawaigari for Tomokaze

201907310000687-w200_0.jpgo 201907310000620-w200_0.jpgo201907310000687-w200_1.jpgo

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EAxTMhJUEAAouV2.jpg:thumbo EAxTMhNU4AAYxnI.jpg:thumbo



fan service


EAyVJFZU0AAkJPs.jpg:thumbo EAyVJGAVUAEBG_o.jpg:thumbo EAyU5vxU4AABN34.jpg:thumbo


Sales of Enho goods explode

EAxiTHAU0AAK2SM.jpg:thumbo EAxFSujVAAAQFCW.jpg:thumbo

Kototsurugi design is now standard for sumo goods

EAxFSugU8AAnLdO.jpg:thumbo EAxFB6uU8AAgobP.jpg:thumbo EAxFB6vU0AAsBgG.jpg:thumbo EAxFB6wU8AAm7kW.jpg:thumbo

EAyUnzbU4AAEMBc.jpg:thumbo EAyS_ueU8AAQd_z.jpg:thumboEAyLc9vUYAAmdMa.jpg:thumbo EAyCjvLVUAAiZWv.jpg:thumbo 

relax time

EAyMFLuVAAAWu8T.jpg:thumbo EAyaJ6PUYAACwR_.jpg:thumbo EAyYvdUU4AADtcI.jpg:thumbo EAyYRCDU4AA1ruh.jpg:thumbo


Kokonoe-beya has a minute of silence at the death anniversary of Chiyonofuji

EAyDDjPVUAAQ4eY.jpg:thumbo EAyDDjMU4AElymP.jpg:thumbo

Aki basho PR by Hokutofuji


Chiganoura-oyakata declared that Takakeisho will put rehabilitation first: "No thought of the jungyo"


Kyujo for him the whole jungyo is practically assured

That leaves Tochinoshin and Goeido for possible reentry



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The dohyo was prepared today for the Toyama jungyo tomorrow

38fe4f15-a8cd-4600-9d18-2dee8b24a1b3.jpgo 20190801-00000002-hokuriku-000-1-view.jpgo

Edited by Akinomaki
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Day 5 Toyama - of course again a triumph tour for Asanoyama

full set of Asanoyama nobori

EA1udTfVAAAOdLX.jpg:thumbo 20190801-00000003-bbt-000-3-view.jpgo

some  nobori for a few others


spectators come for the local hero


the local paper shows the whole of Asanoyama:

local NHK http://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/toyama/20190801/3060002398.html

from Inhashi qCojgbFBwcWBQ_RH.jpg:thumbvid



keiko with Onosho


water for Hakuho


and butsukari-geiko with Hakuho

dzyi3l0Xr4INrfNJ.jpg:thumbvid201908010000569-w200_2.jpgo201908010000569-w200_0.jpgo201908010000698-w200_0.jpgo16f0b4bb-0323-48c7-818c-25fc808e1f59.jpgo 201908010000569-w200_1.jpgo

fan service

CaGB9C1XFqLmLtOi.jpg:thumbvid EA13L44U0AEcwii.jpg:thumbo

40f4cc96-4bde-4747-b419-b52ce84c8562.jpgoEA2AGZ_UwAAxFQx.jpg:thumbo ddee6744-84e0-43e8-8b18-eee967cc8c95.jpgoEA13L44UIAI_j5H.jpg:thumbo



winning the torikumi with Hokutofuji




here Asanoyama goods sell like hot cakes

EA1vN6xU8AABqB1.jpg:thumbo EA1vN6xU8AENvw5.jpg:thumbo EA1u-aXUEAAlLnp.jpg:thumbo

EA1u-aWVUAALC1y.jpg:thumbo EA1u-aXUIAEu3Tg.jpg:thumbo


the others

Ryuden with tsukebito


with Endo


Chiyomaru with Tobizaru


Ichiyamamoto with Chiyonoumi


Hakuho comes to greet the jungyo bosses


Tamawashi -  with Shotaro, Shohozan, Shiranui


fan service - Kumagatani, Hakuho, Kotoeko

EA29G8ZVUAA9PHK.jpg:thumbo A6IP8HPY7Ay3R6MF.jpg:thumbvid EA2LqI5UEAEqdQe.jpg:thumbo

Toyonoshima with Asanoyama fans


Enho, Takarafuji, Abi

EA2AzjYVAAATGdM.jpg:thumbo EA2AzjZUYAAdo6s.jpg:thumbo EA2APwWU0AEkFOA.jpg:thumbo

Akiseyama, Daishomaru, Endo, Ichinojo

1MKu5R6wz0ppL95v.jpg:thumbvid b05PrFLqcD3Tz_d5.jpg:thumbvid

Chiyomaru, Shohozan



another local - jd Tsunekawa



a spectator posted several videos from a mediocre seat: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmeSilkNIZewZt-egFumSONZ1XzvV1sbA - mainly dohyo-iri, shokkiri, jinku


Takakeisho is at his old school Saitama Sakae high for rehabilitation


Edited by Akinomaki
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So much content for this jungyo.

No sure if it was reported already but Takanosho who is in line to return to makuuchi next basho injured his right knee the other day and therefore pulled out of the jungyo yesterday.

His stablemate Takagenji who was out from the start is not joining any time soon. According to his oyakata "The pain in his ankles is not gone yet".

As for Takakeisho, as it's been reported above he is very unlikely to join. "His right knee is doing better day after day" according to the oyakata, for now he is receiving treatment and doing rehabilitation with specialists.

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Day 6 Matsumoto - Mitakeumi area

the dohyo was prepared yesterday


local NHK: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/nagano/20190802/1010009700.html

Inhashi: vD4fkpWWF6NpEiOj.jpg:thumbvid

EA8IUCSVUAAHffx.jpg:thumbo ichiban daiko: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHVq0bw6h3M

Taiko demonstration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAqTKPsUado


Mitakeumi for safety does butsukari-geiko rather with Kakuryu (not that it is him to chose though)


201908020000718-w200_0.jpgo 201908020000718-w200_1.jpgo

Mitaekumi with Onosho, Hokutofuji and Ryuden


Onosho, Shohozan, Nishikigi, Kotoeko


Wakatakakage with Ishiura


Kotoshogiku outside with a young rikikshi - yamageiko - also without a mountain

201908020000706-w200_0.jpgo 201908020000706-w200_1.jpgo

fan service

EA8I1k3U4AEbu6P.jpg:thumbo EA8I1kxUIAIFkgn.jpg:thumbo EA8IqfaUEAIzFXq.jpg:thumbo EA8IqfZVAAEGoZN.jpg:thumbo

Mitakeumi & mom

201908020000631-w200_0.jpgo  20190802-OHT1I50100-N.jpgo  


Aki basho PR by Enho And Kotoyuki

oFaZVhdVEXPLmkJe.jpg:thumbvid AUardeBf9or1xVdS.jpg:thumbvid


Toyama with about 5700 spectators

PK2019080202100183_size0.jpgo PK2019080202100205_size0.jpgo 4.jpgoNEWS000002071701.jpgo 51f77ff4-6cb6-4480-866a-2ea13f32a078.jpgo


this year's Nikkan  rikishi summer diary

Tamawashi: a bee = hachi, which is also 8 (wins)


Hokutofuji watched Lion King 5 times already and will once more after the jungyo


Tomokaze: unagidon


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Day 7 Tokorozawa, Saitama - about 3200 spectators - home of Hokutofuji
b_12576868.jpgo sum19080405010001-m1.jpgo 20190803-OHT1I50205-N.jpgo 81630c840fa9c4a6f3289684d783edaf-365x450.jpgo

he  thus was the one to do butsukari-geiko with a yokozuna - Kakuryu again


at keiko 4-4 with Mitakeumi, Abi (also from Saitama pref.) etc

b_12575475.jpgo201908030000410-w200_1.jpgo 4.jpgo

Mitakeumi 6-2


Asanoyama 6-3


Hakuho did tachiai checks with Okinoumi



Matsumoto had about 5000 spectators


torikumi with Shodai

oPK2019080202100300_size0.jpgo 20190802-OYTNI50060-1.jpg?type=mediumo


Kakuryu in Gifu


Edited by Akinomaki
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Day 8 Togane, Chiba


Asanoyama, Mitakeumi

201908040000523-w200_0.jpgo  20190804s00005000285000p_thum.jpgo



On 09/03/2019 at 12:31, Akinomaki said:

On Aug. 7th, a Chichibu jungyo takes place after 29 years again  - special appearance by local Souga is expected.

Ikazuchi-oyakata (Kakizoe) and local ex-Tsurugidake topic/kakizoe-and-tsurugidake-intai   topic/sumo-related-ryokan  were at the city hall of Chichibu for PR



4 hours ago, Otokonoyama said:

Uploaded today. Date and location not stated.

Judging from the yokozuna dohyo-iri attendants (not Nishikigi) + the previous Inosuke, from about 2 years ago - a same day posted video is about yokozuna Kisenosato

Edited by Akinomaki
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9 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:


Man, love that slow motion

3 hours ago, Otokonoyama said:

Uploaded today. Date and location not stated.

2017ish? Because I don’t know who the tate gyoji was.

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Does the NSK report gyoji kyujo for jungyo? I don't know. It could be that old, or it could be yesterday. More clues welcome.

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8 hours ago, Otokonoyama said:

Uploaded today. Date and location not stated.


the forward drive of kakuryu.... (Iamnotworthy...)    who else does that to hakuho currently?

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9 hours ago, Otokonoyama said:

Does the NSK report gyoji kyujo for jungyo? I don't know. It could be that old, or it could be yesterday. More clues welcome.

The Inosuke in the video was suspended and then firedretired and last on the jungyo dohyo of winter 2017

Edited by Akinomaki
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A couple of videos posted today but filmed on day 3 (August 3rd) Tokorozawa, Saitama prefecture.

Suriashi training (polka dancing) Enho

(Not) next ozeki Shodai finally doing what needs to be done to get to that next level...

Training bouts

Hometown boy Hokutofuji vs Abi then Daieisho

Kakuryu lending his chest to Hokutofuji

Hakuho calmly showing Okinoumi who's the boss


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Same as in the previous post:  videos posted today but this time filmed yesterday day 4, Togane- Chiba prefecture.

Mitakeumi training hard again, this time lending his chest to Makushita guys.

Keiko bouts.


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Today the jungyo has a break

Ikioi  at the kokugikan, from where the buses head to nearby Tachikawa, Tokyo, the next jungyo location


here the others come

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at the zenya-sai welcome party in Tachikawa



Togane with 3300 spectators - the city last had a jungyo 40 years ago

local pro-wrestler Yuji_Nagata gave an address on the dohyo - and was in the pic with the yokozuna

b_12578156.jpgo EBIzTXgU4AAZQUn.jpg:thumbo 0f9f0e1a3e8c52dbd4052d942a49d890-450x307.jpgo




the NSK had a Twitter break and catches up


fan service corners

EBMjkRtUEAAOyTl.jpg:thumbo EBMjY28UYAAjKxw.jpg:thumbo




Tobizaru, Kakuryu

  EBMZN1zUEAUXIYE.jpg:thumbo  N7OMdCErSlUDQNF6.jpg:thumbvid

Edited by Akinomaki
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Day 9 Tachikawa, Tokyo

EBPXF7gUwAAsq7E.jpg:thumbo EBPXG7IUwAAt_nS.jpg:thumbo

news clip posted by Inhashi


all the golf fans (Hakuho, Kakuru, Ikioi of course, ...) congratulate British Open winner Hinako Shibuno: "Yokozuna at age 20"


Ikioi smiles, maybe in better shape now after cellulitis and an injured left Achilles tendon in March

Asanoyama 5-4 with Mitakeumi (and others) - and butsukari of the 2



fans of tubes for preparation


Mitakeumi, Onosho

EBQJBWmU8AAZgsV.jpg:thumbo EBQJBWkUwAUWdj-.jpg:thumboEBQG3jvVUAAVmm6.jpg:thumbo

friendly talk by yokozuna

EBQGaGfVUAAnDsA.jpg:thumbo     b_12583830.jpgo

Hakuho has Sadanoumi to do butsukari-geiko with


Nishikigi-Myogiryu, Kiribayama-Takanofuji

Hj-iB1NMUUhlpw0u.jpg:thumbvid VHwUsnBPWOKHATfv.jpg:thumbvid

fan service - Aoiyama, Azumaryu

EBQPeHDU8AEEURP.jpg:thumbo EBQPeHDUwAEpjl2.jpg:thumbo

relax time - Tochiozan can't imitate the original sleeping cuddly one on the right

EBQ8HtKUYAAN0ZE.jpg:thumbo EBQ6sXtUEAAbs-k.jpg:thumbo EBQk5HsVUAANZwp.jpg:thumbo

hairdo in private (almost)

EBQjJJmU8AADOCw.jpg:thumbo EBQjAGpU8AAyQlR.jpg:thumbo

and public -Terutsuyoshi and Enho as models for mage making

EBQnAmaU8AA0I-Q.jpg:thumbo EBQmvy3U0AEIl0M.jpg:thumbo


EBRA6JMU0AU-IMR.jpg:thumboEBQmK_gUIAEJ4up.jpg:thumbo EBRA6JFVAAAxLy1.jpg:thumbo

EBRBCx7VAAEdxWY.jpg:thumbo EBRBCx4UIAAZKzL.jpg:thumbo

photo with local dignitaries

yesterday on the way



Jungyo man Tanigawa was at the city hall of Koriyama to do PR for the jungyo there on the 9th

Local TV news vid: http://www.fukushima-tv.co.jp/localnews/?mode=detail&news_id=2019080600000003

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