
Abema TV all sumo live

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Again the usual basho broadcasts appeared very late on the Abema schedule, but for the whole basho now. https://abema.tv/search?q=大相撲

Now 3 parts plus a digest: jk- juryo  - this part with unblemished hall sound, makuuchi, m.-climax (sanyaku) - with a commentator and as expert a retired rikishi, and sometimes more guests. 2 versions for the same part, one on the (world-)sports channel and one on the sumo channel, which only exists during the basho, not yet. The digest is repeated on the news channel.

The shonichi/day 1 makuuchi broadcast has Waka on the program icon - so he'll be expert guest (again on nakabi/day 8, day 14 and senshuraku/day 15) - those day will have more guests.

Free VOD for 7 days after broadcast - I was afraid they'd make that Pay-TV at once (maybe they'll do that next year), because  the Natsu basho makuuchi repeats were not made available as free VOD this time, one day each day for the last 10 or so days, today day 15, 21:50h-0:50 JST.

I get Abema in good quality (most of the time) with the Tsukuba University free SoftEther VPN client manager  https://www.softether.org/

Edited by Akinomaki
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20 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

The shonichi/day 1 makuuchi broadcast has Waka on the program icon - so he'll be expert guest (again on nakabi/day 8, day 14 and senshuraku/day 15) - those day will have more guests.

Waka is not guest, he's MC

12 hours ago, code_number3 said:

I’m confused about this kind of VPN. How to use this VPN?

Install the client manager - it installs SoftEther VPN clients, take care they are not disabled by some other tool in your system. From the program main screen  choose: VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers

Select one listed under  Region Japan, click on the Region header to group together all from Japan, arrow-up to get it into view again. Then look for one with good line speed: double click to connect to the server - some servers have 2 options of how to connect, try which gives the least errors (usually TCP).

Several windows appear, the one you wait for is that which shows you the IP address you got - then you can use the VPN. Your system will likely show a dialog message to have you decide on privacy settings - all these dialogs disappear quickly.

If there is an error and you can't connect, try another server.

Once connected you can look for the properties of the server  - copy the data of those you want to use regularly: for that you have to create a new VPN connection setting on the main screen (right click menu).

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On 06/07/2019 at 12:38, Akinomaki said:

 jk- juryo  - this part with unblemished hall

Unfortunately below juryo now also with pure hall experience -  no replay anymore, so far replay started in sandanme

Edited by Akinomaki

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During haru basho I still could access abema with my cheap ass VPN (I used psiphon back then). Then I bought NordVPN hoping I can use that watching abema during natsu basho, but it couldn't be used like some people posted here before.

8 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Install the client manager - it installs SoftEther VPN clients, take care they are not disabled by some other tool in your system. From the program main screen  choose: VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers

I've tried this method to watch Abema and it works! (Applauding...)

Thank you very much for sharing this information!

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A few details to correct

Now there are only 3 parts (plus a digest): jk- juryo, makuuchi, m.-climax (sanyaku)

Waka is there as as MC on all weekends, Sa & Su - his assistant for technique demonstrations is sumo entertainer Akatsu あかつ, who has no sumo background, but is good at mimicking it

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The schedule for the whole basho appeared on the Abema page https://abema.tv/search?q=大相撲

The 3 parts plus digest are the format again: jk-juryo  - this part with hall experience: no commentators and pure hall sound (and no beer sellers near the mikes in the kokugikan) and most likely again no bout repeats below juryo (hopefully still at least there). Then the 2 makuuchi parts, plain and m.-climax (sanyaku) - with a commentator and as expert a retired rikishi, and sometimes more guests. 2 versions for the same part, one on the (world-)sports channel and one on the sumo channel, which only exists during the basho, not yet. The digest is repeated on the news channel.

Waka is again MC for the weekends and will surely do his technique demonstrations. No repeats of the previous basho anymore in the week before the start, but the videos from last basho of those technique demonstrations of Waka with his assistant Akatsu are for free - of course outside of Japan still only with VPN, like all broadcasts - live with time for Dr. Takasu and Prof. Leben, and then VPN for a week without the CMs (except maybe one CM per video display from Abema itself).

Edited by Akinomaki
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Last day's countdown to the start of Aki basho. Vid featuring Ryuden, Shohozan, and Nishkigi.

Edited by Otokonoyama

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On 04/09/2019 at 19:18, Akinomaki said:

The 3 parts plus digest are the format again: jk-juryo  - this part with hall experience: no commentators and pure hall sound (and no beer sellers near the mikes in the kokugikan) and most likely again no bout repeats below juryo (hopefully still at least there).

There goes this hope - this basho they reduced further and also juryo has no repeat anymore - but in return the CM load seems to be reduced

Edited by Akinomaki

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Apparently only one change this basho: Waka is not on a program icon to show he's on schedule for the weekends - but he's guest on day 1, with his assistant Akatsu https://abema.tv/channels/sumo/slots/9y2RVPZZscjBMH

The schedule for the whole basho on the Abema page https://abema.tv/search?q=大相撲

The 3 parts plus digest are the format: jk-juryo - this part with hall experience: no commentators and pure hall sound and no bout repeats below and most likely again only 1 or 2  near the end of juryo. Then the 2 makuuchi parts, plain and m.-climax (sanyaku) - with a commentator and as expert a retired rikishi, and sometimes more guests. 2 versions for the same part, one on the (world-)sports channel and one on the sumo channel, which only exists during the basho, not yet. The digest is repeated on the news channel.

Edited by Akinomaki
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After day 1, Abema showed again replays for a greater part of the juryo bouts and even for the makushita joi. The last weekend Waka has in for Akatsu another assistant for his technique demonstrations,  also but more real sumo comedian Marvin Jr. http://www.sumoforum.net/forums/topic/7928-marvin-jr-joins-ozumo/

マービンJr. looks rather like a foreign amateur though, while Akatsu was (as always) in proper style

Edited by Akinomaki
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Another year to have the full coverage on Abema, apparently no changes, they found their format and have established their fan-base, likely they will continue to expand it at the expense of NHK.

The schedule for day 1 of the basho appeared on the Abema page https://abema.tv/search?q=大相撲

At the moment with Kyushu basho repeats, then the basho with the 3 parts plus digest: jk-juryo - this part with hall experience: no commentators and pure hall sound and nearly no bout repeats below, but in juryo last time again more repeats - especially for interesting bouts, that sometimes also in the top makushita. Then the 2 makuuchi parts, plain and m.-climax (sanyaku) - with a commentator and as expert a retired rikishi, and sometimes more guests. 2 versions for the same part, one on the (world-)sports channel and one on the sumo channel, which only exists during the basho, not yet. The digest is repeated on the news channel.

Waka and his assistant Akatsu for technique demonstrations are a regular feature for the weekends, but we could have a day again where Akatsu is being replaced by マービンJr.

Day 1 makuuchi: https://abema.tv/channels/sumo/slots/CcQWFLV3bePsBu

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I tried watch Abema using the VPNGate. After connected, I tried to watch any abema channel but it says only accessible in japan

Is it just my ISP or Abema is getting smarter?

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1 hour ago, code_number3 said:

I tried watch Abema using the VPNGate. After connected, I tried to watch any abema channel but it says only accessible in japan

Is it just my ISP or Abema is getting smarter?

I tried 5 different servers, different browsers, cookie reset etc., but Abema always refused. Could somebody with a different VPN have a try?

I hope Miselet can still connect, else we have a big problem this basho.

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This happened to me, too.  Apparently, the university that runs VPNGate has a lot of their own exit nodes now.  If you look at the Operator's Name/message section, (either in the client or in the VPNGate website listing,) you'll notice the nodes are "for academic use only."  It's possible Abema and the university cooperated to block those nodes, or something along those lines.  If you're using the software client, you'll actually have to maximize the window where you select what VPN exit node you're going to use, I'd sort by country so all of the ones that exit in Japan are grouped together, then look for one that's NOT affiliated with the university.  Since the university nodes, naturally, have the highest capacity, they're currently sorting to the top.  I'm going to try and include a screenshot below, but since this is my first post, I apologize if it doesn't work.

I'm using a non-university node right now and Abema's working just fine :)


Edited by Muzical
Forgot my closed paren ^^;;;
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One streams Abema, the other streams NHK, so whatever suits your fancy :) I'll even move over to the NHK feed once mbovo's up, Because English ^^;;;

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1 minute ago, Muzical said:

One streams Abema, the other streams NHK, so whatever suits your fancy :) I'll even move over to the NHK feed once mbovo's up, Because English ^^;;;

Japanese, english...doesn't matter, had sumo ^^

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11 minutes ago, Benihana said:

Japanese, english...doesn't matter, had sumo ^^

So desu ne

(aahh, missing the time when Mbovo’s comments were filled by “so desu ne” and “hai)

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9 hours ago, code_number3 said:

So desu ne

(aahh, missing the time when Mbovo’s comments were filled by “so desu ne” and “hai)

I guess I could make it happen again but I don't think the majority would like it :D

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12 hours ago, Muzical said:

I'm using a non-university node right now and Abema's working just fine :)

Thank you for your advice! (Signofapproval...)

Now I'm using this technique to watch ATP Cup Final on Abema.

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Abema has the schedule for the basho as usual, 3 parts plus digest: jk-juryo - as hall experience: no commentators, pure hall sound and nearly no bout repeats below juryo, then the 2 makuuchi parts, plain and m.-climax (sanyaku) - with a commentator and as expert a retired rikishi. I don't expect more guests in Corona times. As the regular feature for the weekends, Waka and just maybe also now his assistant Akatsu for technique demonstrations. 2 versions for the same part, one on the (world-)sports channel and one on the sumo channel, which only exists during the basho, not yet. The digest is repeated on the news channel.

The schedule for the whole basho on the Abema search page: https://abema.tv/search?q=大相撲 - pop ups grow more annoying on the Abema site.

Till the basho starts, with repeats over and over of the 3 part series in place of the canceled May basho.

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I'm hesitant to post this, because I don't want to jinx anything, but...

I was having success watching AbemaTV in between bashos using the 'obfuscated server' option with NordVPN. I haven't tried it yet watching sumo, but I cannot imagine the results would be different based on program. 


Edit to add: It does indeed still work. You can find the toggle under the advanced settings. I watch with an incognito browser, as well, though I don't know enough about computers to know if that part is necessary. 

Edited by Benevolance

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On 10/03/2018 at 09:37, Valdenor said:

What is the best free VPN for this purpose?

There are no good free VPN, they sell your information. Go with NordVPN or PIA.

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