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Elections January 2018

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Updating my counts from a month ago as well...Shotenro and Kitataiki in, Kobo out:

Dewanoumi     30  33 -3     (borrowing: ex-Hochiyama in Kimigahama, ex-Sadanofuji in Nakamura, ex-Shotenro in Kasugayama)
Nishonoseki   21  20    +1  (loaned out: Nakamura to ex-Sadanofuji)
Tokitsukaze   14  15 -1     (borrowing: ex-Tosayutaka in Sanoyama)
Takasago      14  12    +2  (loaned out: Kimigahama to ex-Hochiyama, Sanoyama to ex-Tosayutaka)
Isegahama     11  10    +1  (loaned out: Kasugayama to ex-Shotenro)
Takanohana     8   8
"independent"  3   3

Still assuming Nakagawa to be part of Isegahama-ichimon...if that's wrong, it's 10 for them and 15 for Tokitsukaze.

Summarizing the candidates, non-incumbents in bold:


Dewanoumi - Dewanoumi (ex-Oginohana), Kasugano (ex-Tochinowaka), Sakaigawa (ex-Ryogoku), Yamahibiki (ex-Ganyu)
Nishonoseki - Oguruma (ex-Kotokaze), Shibatayama (ex-Onokuni, deputy director)
Tokitsukaze - Kagamiyama (ex-Tagaryu)
Takasago - Hakkaku (ex-Hokutoumi)
Isegahama - Takashima (ex-Koboyama, iin)
Takanohana - Onomatsu (ex-Masurao, iin), Takanohana

Takanohana of course isn't currently a director anymore, but he was among those elected two years ago, so I haven't marked him as a non-incumbent. Isegahama (ex-Asahifuji) is the other 2016 electee who's not on the board now (and not running), and Nishonoseki (ex-Wakashimazu) is also not on the ballot due to his health issues. Takashima was the losing 11th nominee last time.

deputy director

Dewanoumi - Fujishima (ex-Musoyama)
Nishonoseki - Hanakago (ex-Daijuyama, iin)
Tokitsukaze - Izutsu (ex-Sakahoko, iin)

"independent" - Shikoroyama (ex-Terao, iin)

With Shibatayama intending to upgrade and Tamanoi (ex-Tochiazuma, Dewanoumi-ichimon) not running again there will be some turnover here. Izutsu was defeated in the 2016 election.

On a side note, I think that's the first time that two brothers are contesting an election against each other.


45 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

The elections are all over the wide shows now - and they make careless mistakes (...)

Sports Hochi inexplicably credited Nishonoseki-ichimon with an extra oyakata a few days ago, too, at the expense of Dewanoumi.

Edited by Asashosakari
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2 hours ago, Asashosakari said:

On a side note, I think that's the first time that two brothers are contesting an election against each other.

Please explain.

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14 minutes ago, Bumpkin said:

Please explain.

Izutsu vs Shikoroyama.

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Just happened to catch a little NHK morning news segment on the elections.



I wasn't really paying attention, though...

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10 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

The elections are all over the wide shows now - and they make careless mistakes: Viking named Michinoku as 12th, but only 11 candidates filed the application as candidate at the kokukikan

The Michinoku thing was apparently started by Reiko Yokono - or "30-year reporting veteran Reiko Yokono", as Sports Hochi annoyingly calls her in every single report - early today in a TV appearance, presenting it as "the latest news". She had to eat some crow and apologized for her bogus info in yet another TV appearance later in the day.

(Ever since Hochi started carrying summaries of the various wide shows' coverage of sumo during the current scandal season, Yokono seems to be guesting on one of them nearly every day. Maybe it's unfair to judge her by these banal chatter shows, but those summaries regularly make her contributions sound like little more than opinionated rambling, so today's rumour misadventure hasn't come as a big surprise.)

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10 minutes ago, rhyen said:

Anyway, Takanohana Lost.

he only got 2 votes. 

That's got to hurt. Although I expect him to claim it doesnt.

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15 minutes ago, The Fat Cyclist said:

That's got to hurt. Although I expect him to claim it doesnt.

He essentially did yesterday already, saying something along the lines of "it's important that there be a voting process at all" rather than 10 candidates simply decided by acclamation, and he wanted to facilitate that with his entry into the contest.

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Takanohana is rejected by his own section, he only got 2 votes.

He was disciplined by the kyokai to be demoted  from riji rank only a month ago. In my opinion,  by making himself a candidate, he wanted people to know that he did not accept it.

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The results:



Dewanoumi - Dewanoumi 9, Kasugano 9, Sakaigawa 11, Yamahibiki 8

Nishonoseki - Oguruma 10, Shibatayama 10

Tokitsukaze - Kagamiyama 11

Takasago - Hakkaku 11

Isegahama - Takashima 12

Takanohana - Onomatsu 8, (Takanohana 2)

Deputy directors

Dewanoumi - Fujishima 30

Nishonoseki - Hanakago 26

Tokitsukaze - Izutsu 31

independent - (Shikoroyama 14)

Edited by Asashosakari
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Well, I'm glad this is over. Now Takanohana can get back to running Jugyo where he belongs. 

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3 minutes ago, Rocks said:

Well, I'm glad this is over. Now Takanohana can get back to running Jugyo where he belongs. 

He'd have to be on the board of directors for that. Perhaps he could be the assistant jungyo head, but considering what a cock-up his final spin as director-in-charge of jungyo was, he's probably best left to reflect on his shortcomings and get his stuff together.

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Only 2 votes? Couldn't have happened to a nicer fellow.

Besides his own vote, I wonder who else cast a vote for the Dai-Yokozuna?

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Either ex-Daido or the Takanohana in-house oyakata?

Edited by rhyen

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31 minutes ago, rhyen said:

Either ex-Daido or the Takanohana in-house oyakata?

Wide show speculation has tabbed Jinmaku (Takasago-ichimon), whose daughter is married to Takanohana's son, for what little that's worth with a secret election.

More interesting in any case is that Onomatsu + Takanohana didn't even get the 11 total votes that were supposedly in their own camp.

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I can understand why they voted against Takanohana. But with him getting so few votes you have to wonder how badly he wanted to be a director. If Takanohana is going to keep exposing stuff to get his reforms it's more effective for him to be on the "outside" pointing in then to be on the inside taking the heat. 

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I don't quite understand how they voted. Each candidate only got around 10 votes except Takanohana, the total is 101 votes. Since there are totally 101 voters, apparently each voter only voted for one candidate. Does this voting system make any sense?

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1 hour ago, Rocks said:

I can understand why they voted against Takanohana. But with him getting so few votes you have to wonder how badly he wanted to be a director. If Takanohana is going to keep exposing stuff to get his reforms it's more effective for him to be on the "outside" pointing in then to be on the inside taking the heat. 

That's true, although he'd also be more vulnerable as a mere regular member. It'll be interesting to see if Hakkaku gives Takanohana an executive post again or if he gets dropped from the inner circle altogether.

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1 hour ago, Dapeng said:

I don't quite understand how they voted. Each candidate only got around 10 votes except Takanohana, the total is 101 votes. Since there are totally 101 voters, apparently each voter only voted for one candidate. Does this voting system make any sense?

Yes, they aren't voting for "who will the directors will be" they are voting for "who should be a director" with the top 10 vote getters being named one of the 10. That is why traditionally there wasn't even an election. With only 10 people running, and the assumption all 10 candidates would vote for themselves, no candidate would receive 0 votes and so was automatically a director.

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The way people in the NSK felt about how Takanohana handled the whole thing between him, HMF, Takonoiwa, and his attitude toward the board was certainly expressed. I for one do feel things could have been handled differently, and these were the consequences. Whatever reform Takanohana was out to do, certainly wasn’t felt by the other oyakata. It may be a long two years for him.

Elsewhere, I don’t think anybody is going to challenge Hakkaku for rijicho this time around.

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6 minutes ago, WAKATAKE said:

The way people in the NSK felt about how Takanohana handled the whole thing between him, HMF, Takonoiwa, and his attitude toward the board was certainly expressed. I for one do feel things could have been handled differently, and these were the consequences...

Agreed. I feel his heart was in the right place --- making sure there was a consequence for injuring his Rikishi --- but his execution was off. Taking a break form running things is probably a good idea.

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The voting system is terribly designed, and no corporation that elects directors would ever adopt it now.  The top 10 vote getters get elected, and each guy has one vote.  This means that the various ichimon need to carefully collude to elect their guys, etc.  But, like voting systems in countries, good luck changing it.

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4 hours ago, Ryoshishokunin said:

The voting system is terribly designed, and no corporation that elects directors would ever adopt it now.  The top 10 vote getters get elected, and each guy has one vote.  This means that the various ichimon need to carefully collude to elect their guys, etc.  But, like voting systems in countries, good luck changing it.

Requiring everyone involved to collude is probably seen as a good thing.

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