
Rikishi-kai reports

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At the rikishi-kai today, the sekitori wrote their wishes for Tanabata - just like last year

On 07/07/2018 at 17:26, Akinomaki said:

the special Tanabata dohyo matsuri

the wishes shown already at the rikishi-kai were activated on the Tanabata wish tree - Tochinoshin and Mitakeumi


Tochinoshin wishes for the yusho

but he forgot the center -shin/kokoro (heart) 心 part in the kanji for yusho 勝 - Kotoyuki added a paper: important is the heart

This year Tanabata is on day 1, shonichi.

Tochinoshin gave up on Japanese letters this time, but still got it wrong: no injury, kega shinai (y)o ni - for safety he wrote it also in Georgian


Mitakeumi: succeed with diet  - he thinks he is too fat and wants to get under 170kg till Tanabata o


writing the wish with Abi


Tamawashi - plain and clear:


as was Hakuho: "V43"

the NSK with more: Chiyomaru (back to makuuchi upper ranks), Meisei (I want a camera), Enho (get the ginosho)

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Daieisho (get strong), Onosho (I want a healthy body), Myogiryu (one step back and only forward), Nishikigi (sansho)

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juryo: Tokushoryu (calmly aiming for higher), Kizakiumi (aim for kachikoshi), Azumaryu (I get the yusho)

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Takakeisho: "Know and master myself"


afterwards the usual baby hug event - with plenty of bigger kids


and Takakeisho got interviewed about his plans: enter the basho, do as much as possible - aim for the yusho, and if he fails to keep his rank, restart the quest again

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local NHK vid http://www3.nhk.or.jp/lnews/kobe/20190625/2020004166.html

Edited by Akinomaki
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Hey, it’s only right that Tochinoshin leaves the ‘shin’ out! He is Tochi-no-shin, after all.

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On 25/06/2019 at 18:12, Akinomaki said:

At the rikishi-kai today, the sekitori wrote their wishes for Tanabata

Mitakeumi: succeed with diet  - he thinks he is too fat and wants to get under 170kg till Tanabata

Takakeisho: "Know and master myself"

afterwards the usual baby hug event - with plenty of bigger kids

More wishes

Kaisei & Sadanoumi (don't get injured)

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Ishiura (home safety), Shohozan (live healthy), Chiyotairyu (make a petrol king a tanimachi)

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Takarafuji & Kiribayama (kachikoshi), Tomokaze (keep getting kachikoshi)

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Okinoumi (lift more at bench-press than Oshiogawa/Takekaze - he does that already with 180kg and wants it to go on that way)


Arawashi (be able to get the yusho - last year he wrote 15)



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Kakuryu accordingly


5 of 6 Mongolians so far pick the yusho (Kiribayama not)  - 4 are still missing: Ichinojo, Daishoho, Kyokushuho and Mitoryu - and we don't know if the 2 Japanese bigmouths Abi and Takagenji really picked  yusho




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Edited by Akinomaki
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2 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Chiyotairyu (make petrol a tanimachi)


EDIT: @Philioyamfugi I'm confused (in sort of spanish), what that quote means.

Edited by Benihana
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12 minutes ago, Benihana said:


EDIT: @Philioyamfugi I'm confused (in sort of spanish), what that quote means.

Im with you brother...id like to know what it means too

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38 minutes ago, Benihana said:
2 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Chiyotairyu (make a petrol king a tanimachi)


I was a bit sloppy -  a Saudi prince as sponsor - or a big Japanese firm that buys in that region

Edited by Akinomaki
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1 minute ago, Akinomaki said:

I was a bit sloppy

And i'm still confused. Does he want a chain of gas stations as a sponsor?

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7 minutes ago, Benihana said:

And i'm still confused. Does he want a chain of gas stations as a sponsor?

He simply wants someone like Rockefeller as a sponsor/supporter

Edited by Akinomaki
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More wishes - Takayasu and Goeido: "yusho"

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quite a few changed kimono during the rikishi-kai

Ryuden: "Take care of the body". Abi "Get a healthy body" - not the yusho - he gained weight with 6 meals a day - healthy?


Asanoyama (kachikoshi), Shimanoumi (no injury the whole day), Yago (a stable place in makuuchi, healthy)

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the known wishes - the yusho group


diet and injury free


the philosopher


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The Nagoya basho NSK Tanabata wish tree was first installed last year. Many spectators had fun and took photos of the tree and its "leaves" - the event is a success.

Last year Chiyotairyu as wish had "I need money", this year he picked a way to get enough of it.

On 26/06/2019 at 17:25, Akinomaki said:

Chiyotairyu (make a petrol king a tanimachi)

On 26/06/2019 at 20:16, Akinomaki said:

He simply wants someone like Rockefeller as a sponsor/supporter

With enough spectacular wins, he might get the attention of a rich sponsor.


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The complete set of sekitori wishes - on the back the sign. I'll check the details later



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Enho shows his: gino-sho


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On 21/07/2019 at 15:12, Akinomaki said:

Some results of basho related Tanabata wishes - for spoilers I post it here - bold: fulfilled, strikeout not, italic unknown

Tochinoshin: no injury

Mitakeumi: succeed with diet  - he thinks he is too fat and wants to get under 170kg till Tanabata

Tamawashi 15wins

Hakuho: "V43"

Kakuryu "V6"

Chiyomaru (back to makuuchi upper ranks)

Enho (get the ginosho)

Daieisho (get strong)

Onosho (I want a healthy body)

Myogiryu (one step back and only forward)

Nishikigi (sansho)

Tokushoryu (calmly aiming for higher)

Kizakiumi (aim for kachikoshi)

Azumaryu (I get the yusho)

Kaisei (don't get injured)

Sadanoumi (don't get injured)

Takarafuji (kachikoshi)

Kiribayama (kachikoshi)

Tomokaze (keep getting kachikoshi)

Arawashi (be able to get the yusho - last year he wrote 15)

Takayasu "yusho"

Goeido: "yusho"

Ryuden: "Take care of the body"

Abi "Get a healthy body" - not the yusho - he gained weight with 6 meals a day - healthy?

Now the basho is over long enough to put the rest here

I forgot these 3

Asanoyama (kachikoshi)

Shimanoumi (no injury the whole day)

Yago (a stable place in makuuchi, healthy) 

The rest from the pics above is not complete as I thought, missing are: Yoshikaze, Ichinojo Takanofuji, Kotonowaka, Kotoeko, Daishomaru

unrelated wish by Ikioi, like Ishiura home safety


Wakatakakage new makuuchi
Daishoho kachikoshi
Tsurugisho chokin - savings = surplus of wins
Kyokutaisei chokin (kachikoshi)

Ichiyamamoto no injury
Mitoryu no injury
Tobizaru new makuuchi
Endo get rid of desires (if he reached that state of mind, it might explain his success)

Kotoshogiku calm mind, long time happiness, health
Kotoyuki enjoy the now (looked like it)
Hokutofuji get the yusho without getting injured

Terutsuyoshi healthy body
Tochiozan get wins without injury (not many)
Hidenoumi give my best for no injury

Ryuko juryo yusho
Yutakayama kachikoshi
Takanosho get back to makuuchi (undecided yet, but he has a good chance)

Sokokurai gambarimasu がんばります (what is that as a wish?)
Gagamaru kachikoshi

Toyonoshima a bout with Kotoshogiku
Takagenji use all my power to the limit injury free, yoroshiku onegai shimasu よろしくお願いします (asking the Tanabata gods for nice treatment?)
Daiamami don't bomb

Kagayaki yusho
Chiyonoumi no injury (we don't actually know)
Chiyoshoma no injury (an important wish for the injury prone Kokonoe-beya members)

Kyokushuho big wins without injury
Akiseyama no injury

Aminishiki let a suit look good on me - oyakata wear, so he expected intai before the basho

Shodai return to sanyaku

Aoiyama  - I can't read the Bulgarian alphabet and haven't found anything with what I mixed together - something like ТЙТПА ЩАНПЦОСКА - check the pic, below, 2nd from the right

D_p3K6QU0AE69U8.jpg:thumb o

Edited by Akinomaki
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23 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:

Aoiyama  - I can't read the Bulgarian alphabet and haven't found anything with what I mixed together - something like ТЙТПА ЩАНПЦОСКА - check the pic, below, 2nd from the right


D_p3K6QU0AE69U8.jpg:thumb o

According to my mom who knows how to speak and read russian (same cyrillic alphabets) it's 'шампионска титла' which means "championship". He wanted the yusho.

Edited by Rainoyama
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Sanoyama and Araiso appeared in rikishi style at the rikishi-kai today to give the customary thanks in advance to the sekitori, who will perform without charge for them at their upcoming intai-zumo events, Sep. 28th and 29th. Sanoyama told that just a few tickets were left for his: "Please think of it as Aaiso's eve (zenya-sai) and enjoy."

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those who have no baby hug duty leave afterwards o


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The NSK from the rikishi-kai

arriving - Shohozan, Ichiyamamoto; Asanoyama; Wakatakakage, Sokokurai, Hokutofuji

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the meeting - Okinoumi, Endo; Takakeisho, Goeido


leaving - Myogiryu; Kotonowaka, Kotoeko

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Yesterday a the rikishi-kai, Takayasu was in the focus for his engagement with enka singer Konomi Mori and  got comments - Hakuho: "She's sweet and beautiful". Kakuryu: "Once you have kids, you'll be fired up even more"

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the new guys - Kotoshoho, Hoshoryu with returner Akua

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comments about his new kimono "You look good"

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Hakuho "I came to Kyushu in top condition"



Enho, with Shohozan




PR chance

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No 2 Oguruma spoke to all and asked them to be moderate in their conduct "Drinking parties also will become frequent" http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20191029/sum19102919250009-n1.html

'and we don't want any karaoke incidents'

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 The rikishi-kai on the 25th demanded the reinstatement of some kind of koushou system for injury exemption. NSK no.2 Oguruma showed the intention to consider something of the kind. He also explained the results of the recent lecture for the oyakata at the toshiyori-kai about violence prevention, and promised that they will change the timing of influenza vaccination, in reaction to the disaster of this jungyo. Vaccination should take place after the Kyushu-basho, but those going to the jungyo often have it delayed till afterwards. 


Takayasu was absent, apparently with the flue. In the morning at the heya he had done only shiko stamping and did quit early. http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20191225/sum19122517280005-n1.html

Terunofuji after a long absence was back to the meeting of the sekitori


Goeido, Asanoyama afterwards

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Mitakeumi had his 27th birthday that day and declared he aims to lose 10kg to get back to his optimum weight of 165kg

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Hakuho had a go at the rikishi gadget machine and got a Kakuryu mascot


Edited by Akinomaki
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4 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

The rikishi-kai on the 25th demanded the reinstatement of some kind of koushou system for injury exemption. NSK no.2 Oguruma showed the intention to consider something of the kind.

Very interesting. If it really happens, i wonder whose forum members idea comes closest to their solution.

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The NSK posted late pics around the rikishi-kai

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Terunofuji was chosen to do basho PR


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6 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

After a year of Corona cancellation, the rikishi-kai will be held again, on the 25th in the kokugikan, with a lecture by NSK no.2 Oguruma.

Oguruma? I hear he's a really big wheel.

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Terunofuji was at the rikishi-kai today (after mochi pounding at the heya) and declared his intention to enter the basho: "I'm doing what can be done"

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newly wed Chiyomaru - Holy Night registration: 0h Christmas Day

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Kotonowaka on the way to ozeki "What I do hasn't changed, going all out is the only thing to do." o


Tochinoshin was there because his danpatsu-shiki is after the basho and the sekitori will perform there for him free of charge

heading to the rikishi-kai


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9 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Can someone identify the rikishi in order of appearance? I'm ashamed to admit that without the props, I recognized maybe 10.. Also, you can tell who is nice and who is a snotty noble.

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1 minute ago, Kintamayama said:

Can someone identify the rikishi in order of appearance? I'm ashamed to admit that without the props, I recognized maybe 10..

Abi, Wakamotoharu , Oshoma

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