
Rikishi-kai reports

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Several things were brought up at the Kyushu rikishi-kai on the 31st, mostly aiming to improve the health of the rikishi http://www.hochi.co.jp/sports/sumo/20171101-OHT1T50002.html

While Kakuryu wants all sekitori to pray for health together at the new Year shrine visit and get purified by the priests there, Hakuho's plan is more practical:

On 31/10/2017 at 16:52, Akinomaki said:

Shotenro is fighting cancer since this summer - it was made public at the rikishi-kai today, and they decided that the 70 rikishi will send him some money.

On 01/11/2017 at 11:05, Kintamayama said:

It was discovered last July during a checkup. Hakuhou, who gave up a rare kinboshi to him back in Aki 2009: "I have privately supported him financially. Undergoing treatment for many months is mentally stressful. But he is very strong. He is gambarizing with all his might. We undergo physical checkups twice a year, but that is not enough. I think we should all get regular thorough physical check ups as well."

The check-up where Shotenro's cancer was detected was at a doctor Hahuho introduced him to, so Hakuho has a strong case here for demanding such thorough human-dock check-ups and PET scans made obligatory 2 times a year: he also called for improved health support in general for the rikishi.

Another demand was for better food and lodging during the jungyo tour - bigger beds - and the food is worlds away from the healthy chanko at the heya.

Another subject was the demand for rikshi seats at the basho - the family members of many sekitori have problems to get seats now - like everybody else, apparently nothing is reserved for them so far.


The rikishi-kai of all sekitori was installed in 1932, after the Shunjuen Incident, where the rikishi walked out on the kyokai to demand better conditions


NSK pics from the rikishi-kai

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Tochinoshin after the rikishi-kai today gave an interview for the event of return to sekiwake after 10 basho

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he also had baby duty


as had Ryuden and Asanoyama

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Tochinoshin yesterday

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and the baby service with Ryuden and Asanoyama

  20180227-OHT1I50143-N.jpgo 4b1e40c4-117c-475e-90f1-ac7a843bf750.jpgo  20180227s00005000455000p_thum.jpgo  

who is more focussed here?


also with bigger kids


and a few pics of the yokozuna at the rikishi-kai

Kise arrives -  Takayasu follows


Kakuryu arrives


Hakuho does fan service - Enho behind, as new sekitori for the first time at the rikishi-kai


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5 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:


Tochinoshin and baby are both thinking the same thing:  "Mom, it's a camera. Just push the button already!"

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8 minutes ago, Akinomaki said:


Kakuryu is gripping that water bottle just fine. I think he is sandbagging about having no power in his right ring finger.

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More from the rikishi-kai from the NSK

the Mongolian corner: Tamawashi, Ichinojo, then with Terunofuji, Sokokurai, Kyokushuho ...

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juryo corner: Takekaze, Tobizaru looking

DXMBPLcUMAA_0Qh.jpg:thumbo DXMA-dMVoAArlpj.jpg:thumbo

makuuchi corner: Ikioi, Kotoyuki, Chiyonokuni, Nishikigi

DXMA0G4U8AEAhqu.jpg:thumbo DXMAhNwVAAE6lxf.jpg:thumbo

hold the baby corner: Ryuden, Tochinoshin, Asanoyama

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1 hour ago, Akinomaki said:

juryo corner: Takekaze, Tobizaru looking


"I lost some income now, so I'll take the chance to make a few advertising bucks."


Tochinoshin thinking: "I wish this was my own baby..."

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the new members: Wakatakakage and Hakuyozan


on the way: Tochiozan, Tochinoshin, Ichinojo

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weight check: Chiyomaru, Nishikigi - Ichinojo is 10kg up to 225

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12 hours ago, Kintamayama said:

at the KKan, the rijikai and a special function were held. In conjunction with a live performance of the new Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, the rikishi were holding babies and people were taking pictures. The plan was to show that classical music relaxes babies. Didn't work for Kisenosato, though. Every baby he held immediately started wailing. "Even after doing this so many times, I can't get used to it.. " he mumbled, smiling wryly.

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The orchestra wasn't the thing for the kids  - most others cried as well

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Kakuryu had more luck with a bigger girl

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Takayasu, Endo

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Edited by Akinomaki
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On 28/02/2018 at 15:38, Rocks said:

Kakuryu is gripping that water bottle just fine. I think he is sandbagging about having no power in his right ring finger.

Your post cracked me up!

Rikisaburō-san, could you please allow your tsukibito to carry your water bottle please ...

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At the rikishi-kai today

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showing their wishes for tanabata (7.7.)

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basho PR by the unlikely contender


and the baby photo shoot event for those with the respective ticket


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More from the rikishi-kai and the event afterwards

yokozuna/ozeki talk


to cry or not to cry, that is the rikishi question


for him then a baby big enough not to cry


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The NSK posted more pics from the rikishi-kai

Okinoumi with Takekaze


More Tanabata wishes

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and basho PR - from the new ozeki and the new juryo, Chiyo- and Chura-noumi

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Today even more from the rikishi-kai by the NSK

Dg2DNrQUEAAsebp.jpg:thumbo Dg2DPL4U8AEh1vc.jpg:thumboDg2HuF7UYAEfJgj.jpg:thumbo Dg2Hvy4VMAEAyXg.jpg:thumboDg2FjVlV4AAG29Q.jpg:thumbo

the yokozuna-ozeki table

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Tanabata wishes

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3 hours ago, Akinomaki said:


I wonder what the topics of conversation would be with a table like this. Is it awkward? Are they all friends? What do they talk about........?

3 hours ago, Akinomaki said:


Clearly nobody wanted to hang out with Kaisei though :(

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6 minutes ago, Kawabata said:

I wonder what the topics of conversation would be with a table like this. Is it awkward? Are they all friends? What do they talk about........?

Well, what do *you* talk about with your colleagues when you're sent to a symposium?

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1 minute ago, Jakusotsu said:

Well, what do *you* talk about with your colleagues when you're sent to a symposium?

They bad-mouth their bosses and gossip about which other employee's are hooking up? :-P

(sorry I am freelance and work from home, so its been a while since I interacted with other people colleagues...)

Seriously though, if they do just talk about sumo, is it awkward with Kisenosato there? Does Goeidoh make jokes like "I might be kadoban again, but hey, at least I show up, amirite Kakuryū? Eh? Eh?" Do they talk about Hakuho's rice planting obsession?

It feels like a very different situation than just colleagues hanging out for an afternoon at a conference. Also as they seem to be enjoying themselves too, except of course for Kaisei, all on his own there :(


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Today more by the NSK from the (baby-cry) event there after the end of the rikishi-kai:

very special masu B seat attached photo shoot: photo with 2 yokozuna (not Kakuryu) and 3 ozeki and the 2 most popular other rikishi: Mitakeumi and Endo - and the ticket holders could select which of them should hold the baby


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At the rikishi-kai today, Harumafuji was seen - and interviewed afterwards

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more pics are in the original post in the HF thread:

4 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

Former rikishi-kai head Harumafuji today appeared at the rikishi-kai to make the announcement of his intai-zumo on Sep. 30th and to thank the members for their favors over a long time.

afterwards 2 photo shoot events: the usual hold the baby (and make it cry) with the predetermined cast


and the top 3 rikishi of the Natsu-basho "push forward your favorite rikishi" oshi-rikishi PR event

On 5/23/2018 at 06:59, Akinomaki said:

the photo frame card had Abi on the back this day

there also is a campaign attached to support your favorite rikishi - and 5 may win a photo shoot with him - which is in August though

you had to post a pic of the rikishi for that - and apparently they made sure that only female fans got to win there - turned out to be 6 though, 2 for each of the rikishi:

On 5/28/2018 at 00:40, Akinomaki said:

the top 3 of the "support a rikishi"  photo campaign: Tochinoshin - Abi - Endo


the NSK posted plenty from that one - later surely also from the baby event and the rikishi-kai itself

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23 hours ago, Akinomaki said:

afterwards 2 photo shoot events: the usual hold the baby (and make it cry) with the predetermined cast

People who bought the special masu C seats could choose from the 6 Y/O, Yoshikaze, Endo, Ikioi and Mitakeumi to hold their kids, again with BGM by the New Japan Philharmonic orchestra.

DlwZb7zUYAAB_7X.jpg:thumbo DlwZWAtUUAEs5LA.jpg:thumbo DlwZQLrU0AAxblG.jpg:thumbo DlwZIq6UcAA0JHF.jpg:thumbo

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Kise after the rikishi-kai


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Hakuho came in sandals instead of geta

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the hold-the-baby event for those with the proper tickets. Chiyomaru is surely too popular to drop him to juryo if it can be avoided - but not among the babies




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The NSK with the pics from the hold-the-baby event - without Chiyomaru - and almost no cry

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apparently they didn't have a baby that didn't cry with Kakuryu


and Shohozan is so scary, he even makes a no longer baby-qualified kid cry


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Today the rikishi-kai of the sekitori took place - with afterwards the baby hug event and the forming of Reiwa by the sekitori

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the 2 yokozuna show Reiwa

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Kakuryu and Takakeisho on hug duty


Reiwa in people dot resolution

4.jpgo4.jpgo96958A9E81818A99E1E2E1E2E18DE2E3E2E7E0E2E3EBE2E2E2E2E2E2-DSXMZO4438856001052019I00002-PN1-3.jpgo 20190501-OYT1I50069-1.jpg?type=mediumosty1905010009-g1.jpgo



  sty1905010009-g2.jpgob_12292147.jpgo  spo1905010018-n1.jpgo 4.jpgo    4.jpgo

the >1MB pic from Kyodo


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The rikishi-kai yesterday decided to hand in a demand to the NSK that keiko with kids (and dohyo-iri with babies) gets reintroduced at the jungyo.  Rikishi-kaicho Kakuryu: "This is essential to get kids interested in sumo" http://www.sanspo.com/sports/news/20190502/sum19050205010002-n1.html

with babies after the rikishi-kai


but the focus is on Takakeisho

  sum19050205010001-m2.jpgo 20190502-OHT1I50006-N.jpgo 20190501s00005000422000p_thum.jpgo

heading for an interview afterwards


at the rikishi-kai and for the people dot Reiwa, he had to wear a more formal kimono


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