
Bench Sumo news

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I think you can already change your line up using a smart phone.....  I used my smart phone for my line-ups for most of last basho. 

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59 minutes ago, Jejima said:

I think you can already change your line up using a smart phone.....  I used my smart phone for my line-ups for most of last basho. 

 While I was on a business trip I have made all my daily entries on my iPhone, using Exils "Sumo Game Deadlines" webpage.


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5 hours ago, kawika said:

rather than using a computer & a browser, it would cool to use an app on my smartphone.  i would be able to change my lineup all day long....

You can still do it on your phone, in your browser.

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Hi all!

It is time to announce the winner of the 2017 Zentoryu Quality of Sumo Award!
Last year Yokozuna Kitakachiyama won the 2016 ZQoSA award with 469 points (he also won it in 2015 with 475 points).
After his intai, (and now as a Makushita rikishi), it is unlikely that he will be defending his title....
Okay, so let's get to the winner of the 2017 edition of the ZQoSA.....
(scroll down)
It is Komusubi Daminonay!  Omedetou!
His ZQoSA scores for the year were as follows:- 70, 91, 87, 63, 76 and 108 - so a fine finish to end the year.
ScreechingOwl, who had been the front runner for some time, is knocked back into second place.  Rubensan, Gaijingai and Itachi round out the top 5.
Here are the full results for the year.  I have made it a little more complicated than usual, in order to compare to the final results for 2016 - as well as comparing to the results after September 2017.
REMEMBER regular brackets (   ) relate to last basho.  Curly brackets {   }  refer to last to last year {2016}.
So, it reads like this.
Current ZQoSA position - (Change from after September 2017) - {comparison to 2016 final position} - Rank on the November 2017 banzuke - {Rank on the November 2016 banzuke} - shikona - Total ZQoSA points from the previous 6 bashos - (points gain from after November 2017, basically November 2017 minus November 2016) - {comparison to total ZQoSA points for 2016}.
Sanyaku level
1. (+4) {+35} K1W {M9W} Daminonay 495 (+89) {+328}
2. (-1) {+1} O2E {M3E} ScreechingOwl 475 (-27) {+49}
3. (-1) {+15} O1E {M2W} Rubensan 460 (+27) {+171}
4. (=) {+13} K1E {M3W} Gaijingai 428 (+21) {+128}
5. (-2) {+1} K2E {K1W} Itachi 412 (-2) {+14}
6. (+8) {+14} O1W {O1E} Itachiyama 387 (+66) {+112}
7. (+1) {+23} S1E {J2W} Hokuyutaka 379 (+30) {+191}
8. (-2) {=} S2W {O1W} Susanoo 361 (-33) {-12}
9. (+7) {+15} S1W {M6E} Jakusotsu 353 (+37) {+98}
10. (+10) {+13} M1W {M7W} Saruyama 348 (+71) {+92}
Makunouchi level
11. (-4) {-4} M4E {K1E} Taka 331 (-24) {-46}
12. (+5) {-8} M7W {S1E} Konosato 330 (+18) {-85}
=13. (=) {=} K2W {M4E} Metzinowaka 326 (+1) {-1}
=13. (+10) {+3} M4W {M7E} Chocshoporyu 326 (+58) {+22}
15. (-6) {-5} M2W {M1E} Ruziklao 321 (-24) {-16}
16. (-6) {+6} M8W {M8E} Kintamayama 309 (-30) {+43}
17. (-5) {-12} M7E {M1W} Pitinosato 307 (-19) {-97}
18. (-4) {-7} M6E {M2E} pandaazuma 304 (-17) {-30}
19. (+3) {+27} M3E {J3E} tokugawa 299 (+23) {+174}
20. (=) {-18} M1E {S1W} Gurowake 289 (+12) {-156}
21. (-3) {+4} M11W {M6W} Flohru 263 (-26) {+14}
22. (-11) {-10} M15E {M5E} kuroimori 257 (-77) {+74}
23. (+7) {+38} M2E {J7E} Yassier 249 (+60) {+247}
24. (+2) {-5} M3W {M4W} Achiyama 242 (+11) {-29}
25. (+2) {-11} M8E {M10E} Yamashade 238 (+10) {-73}
26. (-1) {-5} M10W {M5W} Watashi 228 (-6) {-40}
27. (+2) {+20} M9E {M14E} Oshirokita 219 (+23) {+99}
28. (=) {+6} M5E {M17W} Norizo 216 (+3) {+37}
29. (+3) {+15} M14W {J9E} Gawasukotto 214 (+29) {+71}
30. (=) {+8} M6W {M8W} Haidouzo 208 (+19) {+48}
31. (-12) {-30} ms14W {Y1E} Kitakachiyama 201 (-83) {-268} 
32. (+3) {-5} M13E {M11W} nomadwolf 180 (+5) {-46}
33. (+3) {+4} M14E {M9E} Getayukata 179 (+5) {+13}
34. (=) {-1} M13W {M15E} Boltbutthamma 176 (-1) {-5}
35. (-2) {+7} J1E {J1E} Bill 163 (-21) {+23}
36. (+2) {+3} M10E {M15W} GONZABUROW 161 (+4) {+2}
37. (+1) {-6} M5W {M10W} Leonishiki 159 (+2) {-27}
=38. (-14) {-10} M12W {M16W} Hana-ichi 158 (-83) {-53}
=38. (+2) {-3} M11E {M13W} tainosen 158 (+12) {-16}
40. (-3) {-8} J3W {M16E} mischashimaru 133 (-32) {-55}
41. (+1) {+9} J2E {J6E} Terarno 114 (-5) {+13}
42. (-1) {-27} M16E {K2W} Chimatayama 106 (-30) {-199}
Juryo level
=43. (+4) {+27} J4W {J9W} Chijanofuji 102 (+9) {+78}
=43. (+10) {+24} M16E {J8W} Furanohana 102 (+26) {+73}
45. (+6) {NE} J5E {ms4W} Unkonoyama 99 (+21) {+99}
46. (=) {-6} J2W {M14W} Fujisan 95 (0) {-59}
47. (+14) {+8} M15W {J8E} toonoryu 94 (+43) {+30}
48. (-5) {+1} J7E {J1W} kamogawa 91 (-25) {-25}
49. (-1) {+13} J1W {J12W} Anjoboshi 88 (-1) {+49}
50. (+5) {+9} J6W {J8W} Frinkanohana 87 (+22) {+35}
51. (-2) {+13} ms5E {J6W} Ekigozan 84 (0) {+49}
=52. (-2) {+4} J10W {J4W} shimodahito 83 (0) {+23}
=52. (+7) {+8} M12E {J14W} Holleshoryu 83 (+28) {+36}
=54. (-9) {-9} M9W {M13E} Roundeye 79 (-26) {-49}
=54. (-10) {-6} J7W {J5E} Kaiomitsuki 79 (-27) {-40}
=54. (+4) {NE} J3E {ms11E} Tsunamiko 79 (+23) {+79}
57. (-5) {+1} J14E {J10E} chishafuwaku 68 (-9) {+10}
58. (+5) {+25} J5W {J13W} Sherlockiama 66 (+21) {+63}
59. (-2) {-7} J4E {J4E} Jejima 59 (+1) {-39}
60. (=) {-10} J13E {J2E} iwakoko 51 (-1) {-50}
61. (+7) {+8} J8E {ms2W} Sebunshu 43 (+19) {+18}
=62. (-8) {-32} BG {M12W} Maguroyama 41 (-27) {-153}
=62. (+2) {-19} BG {M12E} Smoczayama 41 (0) {-95}
64. (-2) {+2} ms1E {J3W} Tenshinhan 38 (-12) {+7}
65. (+8) {NE} J6E {ms15W} Mariohana 36 (+22) {+36}
66. (+12) {-13} J8W {ms3W} andonishiki 27 (+17) {-49}
67. (+4) {+13} J13W {ms12W} Rowitoro 26 (+6) {+18}
68. (-1) {NE} ms3W {ms1E} Takanorappa 25 (0) {+25}
69. (NE) {NE} J12E {ms13E} Ihopeso 23 (+23) {+23}
70. (+5) {NE} J12W {UR} Sakura 22 (+11) {+22}
Makushita level
=71. (-2) {NE} ms4E {ms10E} Kintsubasa 21 (0) {+21}
=71. (NE) {NE} J9W {UR} Andoreasu 21 (+21) {+21}
=73. (-17) {-32} ms1W {M17E} Kotononami 19 (-43) {-128}
=73. (-8) {-16} J14W {J5W} Kaiowaka 19 (-16) {-40}
75. (=) {+1} J10E {ms5E} fujiyama 17 (+6) {+5}
76. (-4) {-2} ms4W {ms7W} Senkoho 15 (0) {-3}
77. (-4) {+4} ms8W {ms2E} Marushiki 14 (0) {+8}
=78. (-12) {-16} J9E {J7W} Fujiko 10 (-19) {-29}
=78. (=) {-7} J11W {J11W} Kasamatsuri 10 (0) {-12}
80. (+1) {-8} ms3E {J13E} Chisaiyama 9 (+3) {-12}
81. (NE) {NE} J11E {UR} Kitahotaru 7 (+7) {+7}
82. (=) {-73} BG {ms10W} Randomitsuki 5 (0) {-338}
83. (-14) {-8} BG {J12E} Aome 4 (-17) {-13}
84. (-9) {-6} ms10W {J10W} Kyodaitimu 3 (-8) {-8}
Good luck next year with the Zentoryu Quality of Sumo Award!
Edited by Jejima

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Hi everyone!

I have some good news.
The banzuke committee has started its discussion, and it has been decided to promote Jakusotsu to the rank of Ozeki.
He has met most of the basic guidelines for such a promotion (30 wins over his past three bashos, with the last basho being ranked at Sekiwake.)  His impressive yusho in September, followed by a solid 10 wins in his Sekiwake debut this basho were deciding factors.
The rijicho Jejima has sent Flohru and Kaimoitsuki round to Jakusotsu's heya to deliver the good news.
We look forward to reading Jakusotsu's promotion speech.
Jejima (BS rijicho) 

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Wow, this thread made me remember I needed to do the KCC for the entire second week still.  Sorry about that...

edit: And I won't have time tonight looking at what time it is, so it'll be after work tomorrow.  Sorry again...

Edited by Gurowake
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4 hours ago, Jejima said:

The banzuke committee has started its discussion, and it has been decided to promote Jakusotsu to the rank of Ozeki.

Congrats! Und PROST! (Cheers...)


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Congratulations frost brother Jakusotsu!

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Hi everyone,


Here is the new Bench banzuke, put together by Jejima, Kaiomitsuki and Flohru.  (Kintamayama, Ekigozan and Asashosakari watched on).


It was fairly straight forward to put together.


Just a quick note regarding the sanyaku...


It is the Bench banzuke makers policy to have 8 members of sanyaku whenever possible.  With this in mind, it has long been established that 12-3 from M9, 11-4 from M7, 10-5 from M5, 9-6 from M3 and 8-7 from M1W does not guarantee a promotion to sanyaku if we already have 8 (or more) better candidates.  This is the reason why Gurowake finds himself ranked as a komusubi on the banzuke, but Saruyama does not.


All the best,


Jejima (BS rijicho)



Rubensan (O1E, 11-4)              O1     Itachiyama (O1W, 8-7)
ScreechingOwl (O2E, 6-9)        O2     Jakusotsu (S1W, 10-5)
Damimonay (K1W, 11-4)         S1     Gaijingai (K1E, 9-6)
Chocshoporyu (M4W, 11-4)     K1     Yassier (M2E, 9-6)
Gurowake (M1E, 8-7)              K2     

Saruyama (M1W, 8-7)              M1    Hokuyutaka (S1E, 7-8)
Itachi (K2E, 7-8)                      2        Leonishiki (M5W, 9-6)
Metzinowaka (K2W, 7-8)         3        Oshirokita (M9E, 9-6)
Susanoo (S2W, 5-10)               4        Pitinosato (M7E, 8-7)
Taka (M4E, 7-8)                      5        Konosato (M7W, 8-7)
tokugawa (M3E, 6-9)               6        Achiyama (M3W, 6-9)
Kintamayama (M8W, 8-7)        7        Haidouzo (M6W, 7-8)
Ruziklao (M2W, 5-10)             8        Norizo (M5E, 6-9)
Yamashade (M8E, 7-8)            9        Roundeye (M9W, KOSHO)

tainosen (M11E, 8-7)              10      pandaazuma (M6E, 6-9)

Boltbutthamma (M13W, 9-6)    11      Getayukata (M14E, 9-6)

Gawasukotto (M14W, 9-6)        12      toonoryu (M15W, 9-6)
Watashi (M10W, 7-8)              13      Holleshoryu (M12E, 7-8)
GONZABUROW (M10E, 6-9)    14      
Flohru (M11W, 6-9)
Furanohana (M16W, 8-7)         15      Tsunamiko (J3E, 9-6)
mischashimaru (J3W, 9-6)        16      Anjoboshi (J1W, 8-7)
Frinkanohana (J6W, 10-5)        17

Bill (J1E, KOSHO)                  J1      Fujisan (J2W, 8-7)
Sherlockiama (J5W, 9-6)          2        Mariohana (J6E, 9-6)
Chijanofuji (J4W, 8-7)             3        
Unkonoyama (J5E, 8-7)
Andoreasu (J9W, 10-5)            4        Sebunshu (J8E, 9-6)
kuroimori (M15E, 4-11)           5        andonishiki (J8W, 9-6)
Terarno (J2E, 6-9)                    6        Ihopeso (J12E, 10-5)
kamogawa (J7E, KOSHO)        7        Jejima (J4E, 6-9)

Hana-ichi (M12W, 1-14)             8        Senkoho (ms4W, 12-3)

Tenshinhan (ms1E, 10-5)          9        Sakura (J12W, 8-7)

iwakoko (J13E, 8-7)                 10      Kotononami (ms1W, 9-6)
fujiyama (J10E, 7-8)                 11      Hironoumi (ms2W, 9-6)
Kitahotaru (J11E, 7-8)              12      Kaiomitsuki (J7W, 5-10)
Chisaiyama (ms3E, 9-6)           13      Basoyama (ms2E, 8-7)
Chimatayama (M16E, 0-0-15)  14      Kasamatsuri (J11W, 6-9)


shimodahito (J10W, 5-10)        ms1   Kyodaitimu (ms10W, 10-5)
Rowitoro (J13W, 6-9)              2        Mmikasazuma (ms11W, 10-5)
chishafuwaku (J14E, 6-9)
         3        Kaiowaka (J14W, 6-9)

Heiyu (ms5W, 8-7)                  4        Marushiki (ms8W, 9-6)
Fujiko (J9E, 3-12)                    5        Kofujinokami (ms13W, 9-6)
Kitanoyama (ms6E, KOSHO)     6        Maeden (ms11E, 8-7)
Bunijiman (ms6W, 7-8)            7        Unagiyutaka (ms12E, 8-7)
Akokoneko (ms8E, KOSHO)      8        Mukanibaru (ms7W, 7-8)
Takanorappa (ms3W, 5-10)      9        Kitakachiyama (ms14W, 8-7)
Homuburyuwa (ms9W, 7-8)     10      Kintsubasa (ms4E, 4-11)
Wamahada (ms7E, 4-11)          11      Nekonishiki (ms10E, 5-10)
Aminoumi (ms12W, 5-10)        12      Rikishimiezi (ms15E, 6-9)
Hibarifuji (ms13E, 3-12)           13


nomadwolf (M13E, 8-7)


Ekigozan (ms5E, 0-0-15)

VESHANA (ms9E, 0-0-15)
sekihiryu (ms14E, 0-0-15)

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Hi everybody!
Here is a message from Marushiki-zeki, chair of the Bench Sumo Yokozuna Deliberation Council.
All the best,
Jejima (BS rijicho)
Venerable Rijicho. 
The BSYDC has met and had a brief discussion on Ozeki Rubensan. We are very pleased to see his excellent performance through the year.   
It has been decided that we should wait for the next Basho to see how he performs, then we will go into deliberations on if he is fit to promote to Yokozuna.  
We would like to offer him encouragement, to continue the fine form he has attained. 
The BSYDC would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a safe and peaceful new year. 
Marushiki (Chair YDC) 

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The latest round of Bench Sumo stats is up at the usual spot. Bench salaries have, likewise been updated.  

BTW - I'm working on a "how many in the lead by day (per basho) - not yet live.  I have it broken down by division, but think it might take a table per division to make it work, as we are looking at 60+ columns with all DIVs represented.  Any thoughts on how the data should appear?  Right now I have a simple day by day crosstab for each basho for each.  From this data you can not only determine how many lead each day, but also how many playoffs (& their size), just by looking at day 15.



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Good morning all!
It is Boxing Day for Jejima and Fujiko (and our babies) here in Hong Kong, and I'm still feeling overstuffed from too much turkey and Christmas pudding yesterday!
The new Ozumo banzuke has already been published (January banzuke always comes out a little earlier than the otehr banzukes) - and so I am going to mention some milestones, and some potential milestones for Bench Sumo.  (Many thanks to Takanorappa for updating his excellent Ichimon page <>
There are three parts....
1. The players at a new career high rank.
2. The number of active bashos (multiples of 10) - *if* the player turns up in January.
3. Players who have a chance (even if very remote) of going to a new 'multiple of 100' career wins in January.  
Jejima (BS rijicho)
At a new career high rank
ms5W Kofujinokami 
(yes the official drone is at its all time high.  It will be the 6th anniversary of Bob Reimer's (Kofuji) untimely death to Cancer on day 13 of the basho.  It would be nice if the drone named after him could get his KK on that day - and possibly make a bid for promotion to Juryo!  For those that don't know.  Bob was the original wizard who brought Bench Sumo into the era of automation.  He was also a VERY nice (and generous) guy, with a passion for wildlife photography of insects.)
J13W Basoyama - shin-Juryo! - mentioned here too, prior to last basho.
J11W Hironoumi
J9W Sakura
J6W Ihopeso - also was mentioned here before last basho.
J4W Sebunshu
J4E Andoreasu - another repeat on this list!
J2E Sherlockiama!!!!!  - I think, without checking, that the Baker Street Irregular is re-visiting his highest ever rank - but he has a great opportuntity to make a push for promotion to Makunouchi! 
K1W Yassier - shin-Komusubi!
S1E Damimonay - I'm sure he's probably been here before
O2W Jakusotsu - shin-Ozeki (also on last bashos list)
O2E ScreechingOwl (same rank as last basho) 
O1E Rubensan (same rank as last basho)
Number of active bashos (If they are active in January 2018.)
Gurowake - 20
Basoyama - 30
Wamahada - 40
Kaiowaka - 70
tokugawa - 70
Jejima - 110
Possible career win milestones this basho: (Current career wins in brackets)
100 wins
Unkonoyama (95) - 2nd time on the watch
Tenshinhan (89)
200 wins
chishafuwaku (196) - 2nd time
300 wins
Nothing to see here - 2nd basho in-a-row!
400 wins
Sebunshu (395)
Haidouzo (394) - 2nd time
Saruyama (391)
Hokuyutaka (390)
Kintsubasa (389) - 2nd time
500 wins
Itachi (495) - 2nd time
Holleshoryu (492) - 2nd time
600 wins
Rowitoro (589)
Kotononami (588)
Watashi (586)
700 wins
Flohru (693) - 2nd time
Jakusotsu (689)
Leonishiki (688)
800 wins
Nobody for this basho....
Get those milestones!
Jejima (BS rijicho)
Edited by Jejima

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On 12/24/2017 at 15:23, Takanorappa said:

 Bench salaries have, likewise been updated. 

Nice to see something I came up with on a lark almost 17 years ago is still around today. Nice work(Readingbook...)

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I was added to the database a few weeks ago, but I don't have an option to enter the upcoming basho. Do I need to do something special?

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7 minutes ago, Suwihuto said:

I was added to the database a few weeks ago, but I don't have an option to enter the upcoming basho. Do I need to do something special?

Sadly, you have missed the deadline (2pm Japan time on the Friday before the start of the basho).

Please PM with your email address, so that I can add you to the Bench Sumo Mailing List.

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Hi everyone!

Which much speed, Kaiomitsuki, Flohru and Jejima (under the watchful eyes of Kintamayama, Ekigozan and Asashosakari) have put together the new Bench Sumo banzuke for March 2018.  

The sanyaku has been reduced to the 'ideal' (in our opinions) number of 8.  This reduction means than demotions in the top division are a little harsher than usual.

Looking throughout the whole banzuke, I can't see much evidence of major banzuke luck, and only dribs and drabs of small bad luck....  so hopefully, you will find yourself ranked roughly around the place that you were expecting!




Rubensan (O1E, 8-7)      O1    ScreechingOwl (O2E, 8-7)
Jakusotsu (O2W, 7-8)     O2    Itachiyama (O1W, 6-9)
Damimonay (S1E, 8-7)     S1    Chocshoporyu (K1E, 9-6)
Yassier (K1W, 8-7)       K1    Achiyama (M6W, 12-3)

Itachi (M2E, 8-7)     M1    Norizo (M8W, 11-4)  
Gurowake (K2E, 7-8)      2     Gaijingai (S1W, 6-9)
tainosen (M10E, 11-4)    3      Saruyama (M1E, 7-8)
Taka (M5E, 8-7)          4     Konosato (M5W, 8-7)
Hokuyutaka (M1W, 7-8)    5     Leonishiki (M2W, 7-8)
Metzinowaka (M3E, 7-8)   6     Oshirokita (M3W, 7-8)
Ruziklao (M8E, 8-7)    7    pandaazuma (M10W, 9-6) 
Susanoo (M4E, 7-8)      8     Yamashade (M9E, 8-7)
tokugawa (M6E, 7-8)      9     toonoryu (M12W, 9-6)
Furanohana (M15E, 10-5)  10     Roundeye (M9W, 7-8) 
Gawasukotto (M12E, 8-7)  11    Getayukata (M11W, KOSHO)
Frinkanohana (M17E, 10-5) 12    Tsunamiko (M15W, 9-6)
Flohru (M14W, 8-7)       13    Holleshoryu (M13W, KOSHO)
Pitinosato (M4W, 4-11)   14    Kintamayama (M7E, 5-10)
Sherlockiama (J2E, 10-5)  15   Bill (J1E, 9-6) 
GONZABUROW (M14E, 7-8)  16  Haidouzo (M7W, 3-12)     
Chijanofuji (J3E, 9-6)    17    mischashimaru (M16E, 7-8)

Terarno (J6E, 10-5)      J1    Mariohana (J2W, 8-7) 
Ihopeso (J6W, 10-5)      2     kamogawa (J7E, 10-5)
Andoreasu (J4E, 8-7)     3     Watashi (M13E, 5-10)
Boltbutthamma(M11E, 4-11) 4     Unkonoyama (J3W, 7-8)
Anjoboshi (M16W, 5-10)   5     Kitahotaru (J12E, 10-5)
kuroimori (J5E, 7-8)     6     andonishiki (J5W, 7-8)
Hana-ichi (J8E, 8-7)     7     Sebunshu (J4W, 6-9)
Hironoumi (J11W, 9-6)    8     Jejima (J7W, 7-8)
Fujisan (J1W, 4-11)       9     
  Kaiomitsuki (J12W, 9-6) 
Chisaiyama (J13E, 9-6) 10    Mmikasazuma (ms2W, 11-4)
Senkoho (J8W, 6-9)       11    shimodahito (ms1E, 9-6)
fujiyama (J11E, 7-8)     12    Kasamatsuri (J14W, 8-7)
Marushiki (ms4W, 10-5)   13    Basoyama (J13W, KOSHO)

iwakoko (J10E, 6-9)     14    Wamahada (ms11E, 12-3)

Maeden (ms6W, 10-5)      ms1   Kyodaitimu (ms1W, KOSHO)
Kaiowaka (ms3W, 8-7)     2     Sakura (J9W, 4-11) 
Kotononami (J10W, 4-11)  3    Tenshinhan (J9E, 3-12) 
Kitakachiyama (ms9W, 9-6)   4     chishafuwaku (ms3E, 7-8)
Hibarifuji (ms13E, 10-5)  5     Kofujinokami (ms5W, KOSHO)
Rowitoro (ms2E, 6-9)     6     Mukanibaru (ms8W, 8-7)
Bunijiman (ms7E, KOSHO)  7     Takanorappa (ms9E, 8-7)
Kitanoyama (ms6E, 7-8)   8     Heiyu (ms4E, 6-9)
Unagiyutaka (ms7W, 7-8)  9     McBugger (ms14E, 8-7)
Homuburyuwa (ms10E, 7-8) 10    Akokoneko (ms8E, 5-10)
Rikishimiezi (ms12W, 7-8) 11    Kintsubasa (ms10W, 6-9)
Fujiko (ms5E, 3-12)      12    Aminoumi (ms12E, 6-9)
Chimatayama (J14E, 0-0-15)
    13    sekihiryu (ms13W, 6-9) 
Nekonishiki (ms11W, 4-11) 14

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Venerable BS Rijicho, Members of Bench Banzuke Committee, Daily Gyojis of the Bench, Sumo Gamers and Fans,

I am sorry for my belated Yusho acceptance speech, but I was very busy these days, as I usually was recently.

Finally, I got my Makuuchi Yusho, accomplishing my Ultimate Goal to achieve at least 1 (one) Yusho in every division of Bench Sumo game. It took me 26 basho to get the last step of my goal. WOW! 41/3 years!

My debut in Bench Sumo game (according to me the most prestigious sumo game) was in 2010 Aki basho.

As the Jonidan division was canceled, or swallowed by Sandanme within 1 year of my participation I don’t count it. I reached 3rd place in Jonidan, and if I knew that it will disappear, and if I had my Ultimate goal set, then, maybe I was going to try hard to get a Jonidan Yusho, too.

O.K. enough with beating myself for something I couldn’t affect.

So, during 2012 Nagoya basho, I got my 1st Yusho in Sandanme division.

During 2013 Hatsu basho, I got my 2nd Yusho – this time in Makushita division.

I made my Makuuchi debut as M12 during 2013 Nagoya basho after a Jun-Yusho during 2013 Natsu basho.

My debut in Makuuchi division was disastrous – I was crashed by everybody and finished 4-11, which, of course, resulted in my demotion to Juryo.

But as we say in Bulgaria: “Every disaster results in success” (original saying: Всяко зло за добро) and what happened the next basho 2013 Aki?! - I achieved my 3rd Yusho – and 1st in Juryo division. At that moment I set my Ultimate Goal.

So far so good: 3 years of sumo benching – 3 Yusho wins. Not bad.

And then – 3.5 years battling in Makuuchi division going up to joy-jin and down to M12. Twice reaching M1 rank.

A second disastrous moment happened during 2017 Haru. As M8 I was hit again badly, achieving 4-11 (again!). And I was demoted to Juryo, again.

I started to doubt myself, whether I’ll ever be back in Makuuchi?

But I gambarized and achieved my 2nd Juryo Yusho (4th total) and was promoted back to Makuuchi.

After 3 (three) more basho going up and down I found myself just out of joy-jin at M6 during 2018 Hatsu basho.

And the MIRACLE happened. After tough fights, and falling 2 games behind the Leader – Frinkanohana, I managed to gambarize the second half of the basho, and …. conquered the last Yusho of my Dreams!


I also won the Zentoryu Quality of Sumo Award (ZQoSA) for 2018 Hatsu basho – the 1st basho to contribute towards the 2018 Award!


And the final Achievement: I got my FIRST Sanyaku ranking in my career!

A nice trifecta to start 2018 year.

I apologize for the long speech. Most of you might have been bored with it, but I needed to share my achievements with the BS Community. And for the new blood in Sumo Gaming I wanted to show that with patience and perseverance great success is possible!

Finally, I am very grateful to all the Gyoji, Rikishi, Gamers who have contributed to the great game of Bench Sumo over the past 17.5 years. I am honored to finally join those Makuuchi yusho winners who have succeeded before me. I am really humbled and promise to continue playing and do my best each basho.

Greetings from the Great Northwest,


Edited by Achiyama
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Good morning all!
It is just a few days until the start of the March basho - how time flies!
Here is the post for the potential milestones that might occur this basho.  (Many thanks to Takanorappa for updating his excellent Ichimon page <> from where I am getting this information.)
There are three parts....
1. The players at a new career high rank.
2. The number of active bashos (multiples of 10) - *if* the player turns up in March.
3. Players who have a chance (even if very remote) of going to a new 'multiple of 100' career wins in March.  
Jejima (BS rijicho)
At a career high rank
ms9W McBugger
ms6W Mukanibaru
ms5W Kofujinokami (repeat on this list from last basho)
ms5E Hibarifuji
J13W Basoyama (repeat)
J8E Hironoumi (repeat)
J5W Kitahotaru
J3E Andoreasu (repeat)
J2E Ihopeso (repeat)
M15E Sherlockiama (repeat and shin-Makunouchi)
M10E Furanohana
K1W Achiyama - shin-Komusubi!
K1E Yassier - shin-Komusubi
S1E Damimonay (repeat)
O2E Jakusotsu (repeat)
O1W ScreechingOwl  
O1E Rubensan (repeat)
Number of active bashos (If they are active in March 2018.)
Basoyama - 30 (repeat)
Hana-ichi - 50
Hokuyutaka - 50
Saruyama - 50
tainosen - 60
toonoryu - 70
Frinkanohana - 80
Konosato - 80
Kotononami - 80
Susanoo - 80
Kintamayama - 110
Possible career win milestones this basho: (Current career wins in brackets)
100 wins
Tenshinhan (92) - 2nd time on the watch
200 wins
Ihopeso (190)
300 wins
Mariohana (296)
Wamahada (288)
400 wins
Saruyama (398) - 2nd time
Haidouzo (397) - 2nd time
Hokuyutaka (397) - 2nd time
Kintsubasa (395) - 3rd time
ScreechingOwl (392)
fujiyama (391)
500 wins
Holleshoryu (492) - 3rd time
600 wins
Rowitoro (595) - 2nd time
Kotononami (592) - 2nd time
Watashi (591) - 2nd time
Heiyu (589)
Akokoneko (588)
700 wins
Jakusotsu (696) - 2nd time
Leonishiki (695) - 2nd time
800 wins
Nobody (for the second time) this basho....
Get those milestones!
Jejima (BS rijicho)


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Sakura ichimon proudly presents two additions to the PINKest of all ichimon:

Veteran champion Feginowaka is back from retirement, what a historic moment !

Aoyume, young brother of Aminoumi has also decided to put on his first mawashi.

Gambatte kudasai

Edited by Andonishiki

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4 hours ago, Andonishiki said:

Veteran champion Feginowaka is back from retirement, what a historic moment !

Defecting from Doitsugo Ichimon? Tsk  tsk...

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Hi everyone,

I am proud to announce that the Bench Sumo banzuke making committee has decided to promote Chocshoporyu to the rank of Ozeki.  His results over the past three bashos have been:-
Nov 2017:  11-4 (M4W)
Jan 2018:  9-6 (K1E)
Mar 2018:  11-4 (S1W)
This exceeds the Bench Sumo Ozeki promotion guideline of 30 wins over three bashos, with the last basho of the series being been ranked at Sekiwake.
With the imminent demotion of Jakusotsu to Sekiwake, it wil mean that we will have two Sumo Talk Ichimon Ozekis (SreechingOwl and Chocshoporyu) to match up against the two Ozekis from the Sakura Ichimon (Rubensan and Itachiyama).  
Exciting times!   
We look forward to hearing from Chocshoporyu with his Ozeki acceptance speech.
Jejima (BS rijicho)
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54 minutes ago, Jejima said:

Hi everyone,

I am proud to announce that the Bench Sumo banzuke making committee has decided to promote Chocshoporyu to the rank of Ozeki.  His results over the past three bashos have been:-
Nov 2017:  11-4 (M4W)
Jan 2018:  9-6 (K1E)
Mar 2018:  11-4 (S1W)
This exceeds the Bench Sumo Ozeki promotion guideline of 30 wins over three bashos, with the last basho of the series being been ranked at Sekiwake.
With the imminent demotion of Jakusotsu to Sekiwake, it wil mean that we will have two Sumo Talk Ichimon Ozekis (SreechingOwl and Chocshoporyu) to match up against the two Ozekis from the Sakura Ichimon (Rubensan and Itachiyama).  
Exciting times!   
We look forward to hearing from Chocshoporyu with his Ozeki acceptance speech.
Jejima (BS rijicho)

Gary doesn't read the mailing list or the forum so I'll let him know. He's not one for speeches either, but if he says anything, I'll pass it on here. ;)

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