
Handicap- new and quick pre-basho game

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How does the game work?

The Makuuchi banzuke is divided into six tiers.


Tier 1: Yokozuna


Tier 2: Ozeki


Tier 3: "True" jo'i-jin. This is currently Sekiwake to M3e, but it will change according to how many people are ranked Ozeki and Yokozuna.


Tier 4: Mid-Makuuchi: M3w to M8w


Tier 5: Low Makuuchi: M9e to M14w


Tier 6: Edge Makuuchi: M15e, M15w and M16e

Each tier is given a "par score" depending on how many wins someone ranked in the tier is expected, statistically, to get, based on the records over the last 26 basho. The "par scores" are indicated in bold red on the top of each tier in the banzuke below.


In addition, each rikishi is given a Handicap. Rikishi get 1 Handicap point by winning more than their tier's par score in the last basho, and -1 points if they win less than their tier's par score. They also get 1 point for every Tier they have dropped down between this basho and the previous, or -1 points for every tier they have climbed up. Handicaps for each rikishi are indicated in cyan next to each shikona.

Please note that I will always calculate par scores and Handicaps by myself. No Sumo Gamer will ever be expected to calculate them him/herself.




Before the basho starts, you have to pick ONE rikishi from each Tier, so SIX rikishi in total. The sum of your six rikishi's Handicaps must be MINUS TWO OR LESS. 


After the basho ends, the gamer whose rikishi have gotten the most wins above par gets the yusho. So, the point of the game is to pick the rikishi you think will get the most wins above par.

If any of your rikishi go kyujo, that will reflect negatively on your score, unless you have assigned a "blood replacement" to their tiers. Blood replacements are rikishi you can put in to substitute your absent picks. They can only substitute rikishi of their own tier, and must have a Handicap equal to or lower than that of your original pick. Blood replacements are limited to 2 per player and 1 per tier. 






TIER 1 (11.7 wins)

Harumafuji (+1)  Y (-1)  Hakuho

Kakuryu (-1)  Y

TIER 2 (8.9 wins)

Kisenosato  (+1) O  (-1) Terunofuji

Goeido (-1)  O (-1)  Kotoshogiku

TIER 3 (6.2 wins)

Takayasu (+1)  S (+1)  Takarafuji

Kaisei (+1)  K  (+1) Tochiozan

Okinoumi  (+1) M1  (0)  Yoshikaze

Tochinoshin (-1)  M2 (0)  Shodai

Takanoiwa (-1)  M3

TIER 4 (7.6 wins)

                   M3 (+1) Ichinojo

Myogiryu (-1)  M4 (+1)  Chiyootori

Aoiyama  (+1) M5 (0)  Mitakeumi

Chiyonokuni (0)  M6  (0) Tamawashi

Shohozan  (-1) M7 (-1)  Ikioi

Daishomaru (-1)  M8 (+1)  Kotoyuki

TIER 5 (7.2 wins)

Nishikigi  (+1) M9 (0)  Takekaze

Arawashi (0)  M10 (-1)  Sadanoumi

Sokokurai (-1)  M11 (-1) Homarefuji

Gagamaru  (-1) M12 (-1) Chiyoshoma

Amakaze (-1) M13 (-1)  Toyohibiki

Endo (0)  M14 (-1) Kagayaki


TIER 6 (6.6 wins)

Tokushoryu (0)  M15 (0) Kyokushuho

Daieisho (0)  M16


Thanks to Asashosakari, Achiyama and Kintamayama for providing feedback during the game's embryonic phase. Special thanks to Asashosakari for the valuable insight on ideal handicap mechanics and for making my life easier with the par score calculations from Tier 3 down (Tiers 1 and 2 function a bit differently).Special thanks to Achiyama as well for volunteering in good spirit to test the game in Nagoya... and literally beating me at my own game.

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This thread functions as an invitation thread as well as a place where you can submit your picks. You can also submit your picks by PM. 

Please submit your picks like this:

Tier 1 Geoffrey Boycott

Tier 2 Boycott's mum 

Tier 3 Boycott's nan- blood replacement: a stick of rhubarb

Tier 4 Boycott's auntie Annie

Tier 5 Henry Blofeld- blood replacement: uncovered pitches

Tier 6 Jonathan Agnew

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Tier 1: Hakuho

Tier 2: Terunofuji

Tier 3: Tochinosin

Tier 4:Myogiryu

Tier 5: Takekaze

Tier 6:Kyuokushuho 

BRs Tier 1: Kakuryu

Edited by YokozunaAmaTheFgtOne
Just learned Hakuho is kyujo

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Let"s give this a try...

Tier 1 -- Hakuho    BR:  Kakuryu

Tier 2 -- Kisenosato

Tier 3 -- Tochinoshin

Tier 4 -- Myogiryu

Tier 5 -- Henri Blofeld Chiyoshoma

Tier 6 -- Kyokushuho

On ‎31‎.‎08‎.‎2016 at 22:46, McBugger said:

TIER 3 (6.2 wins)

Shouldn"t that be 8.2?

Edited by orandashoho
Hakuho kyujo

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Tier 1 Hakuho BR: Kakuryu

Tier 2 Kisenosato

Tier 3 Tochinoshin

Tier 4 Ikioi BR: Shohozan

Tier 5 Endo BR: Sadanoumi

Tier 6 Kyokushuho


edit: Promoted Kakuryu to main squad, added Shohozan as a backup instead.

Edited by Gurowake

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3 minutes ago, orandashoho said:

Let"s give this a try...

Tier 1 -- Hakuho

Tier 2 -- Kisenosato

Tier 3 -- Tochinoshin

Tier 4 -- Myogiryu

Tier 5 -- Henri Blofeld Chiyoshoma

Tier 6 -- Kyokushuho

Shouldn"t that be 8.2?

Nope. The people in tier 3 get scheduled against pretty much every Y/O/S they are allowed to face and thus their records are consistently the poorest in the division. Tier 3 for this very reason is often referred to as "the meatgrinder".

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1. hakuho Kakuryu

2. kisenosato

3. Yoshikaze (Tochinoshin)

4. Ikioi

5. Sadanoumi

6. Kyokushuho (Tokushoryu)

Edited by Jejima
Hakuho's kyujo

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Tier 1 Hakuhou BR: Kakuryuu

Tier 2 Kisenosato

Tier 3 Tochinoshin

Tier 4 Ikioi BR: Myougiryuu

Tier 5 Soukokurai

Tier 6 Kyokushuuhou

Edited by McBugger
Jesus Jumping Christ what an embarassment. Myougiryuu of course blood-subbing Ikioi.

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13 hours ago, McBugger said:

Nope. The people in tier 3 get scheduled against pretty much every Y/O/S they are allowed to face and thus their records are consistently the poorest in the division. Tier 3 for this very reason is often referred to as "the meatgrinder".

Oh yes, of course. Duh.

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Hi Leonidas,

Good luck with your new game. άνεμος εκ των όπισθεν we say in Bulgaria.

Here is my entry for 2016 Aki:

Tier 1: Hakuho (-1)

Tier 2: Kisenosato (+1)

Tier 3: Shodai (0)                BR: Tochinoshin (-1)

Tier 4: Ikioi (-1)                    BR: Shohozan (-1)

Tier 5: Sadanoumi (-1)

Tier 6: Tokushoryu (0)

Total: -2 (or -3 if Shodai goes kyujo)

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11 hours ago, McBugger said:

Tier 1 Hakuhou BR: Kakuryuu

Tier 2 Kisenosato

Tier 3 Tochinoshin BR: Myougiryuu

Tier 4 Ikioi

Tier 5 Soukokurai

Tier 6 Kyokushuuhou

Uh, Myogiryu is not in the same tier as Tochinoshin.

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5 minutes ago, Gurowake said:

Uh, Myogiryu is not in the same tier as Tochinoshin.

Corrected duly. Gods, I really should proofread my posts in Trivia Bits and my own threads.Cheers for the save.

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Yoshikaze  BR: Tochinoshin


Endo  BR: Sokokurai



Edited by Toratorii
I corrected the BR selections.

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Kakuryu [-1]
Kotoshogiku [-1]
Tochinoshin [-1] BR: Yoshikaze [0]
Ikioi [-1]
Sokokurai [-1] BR: Endo [0]
Kyokushuho [0]

Handicap -5 (-3)

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Tier 1 Kakuryu

Tier 2 Kotoshogiku

Tier 3 Shodai - BR - Yoshikaze

Tier 4 Myogiryu

Tier 5 Endo

Tier 6 Daieisho - BR - Tokushoryu

Edited by Suwihuto

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Tier 1 Kakuryu

Tier 2 Kisenosato

Tier 3 Tochinoshin

Tier 4 Mitakeumi

Tier 5 Gagamaru

Tier 6 Daieiosho

Edited by Ogami Ittō

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4 hours ago, PhorCillic said:

Kakuryu [-1]
Kotoshogiku [-1]
Tochinoshin [-1] BR: Yoshikaze [0]
Ikioi [-1]
Sokokurai [-1] BR: Endo [0]
Kyokushuho [0]

Handicap -5 (-3)

Blood replacements must have a lower or equal handicap to your first picks. Feel free to edit your picks; if you leave them this way, you will have no backup in case of kyujo. 

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I just want to have something confirmed before I enter. I'm not sure I understand the +/- system.

For example, let's take Tier 1. Par = 11,7 wins

Harumafuji (+1)

Kakuryu (-1)

Let's assume that Harumafuji and Kakuryu both get 11 wins. Does this mean that Harumafuji will get 11+1=12 points and thus be above par, whereas Kakuryu will get 11-1=10 and thus be below par?

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1 hour ago, Senkoho said:

I just want to have something confirmed before I enter. I'm not sure I understand the +/- system.

For example, let's take Tier 1. Par = 11,7 wins

Harumafuji (+1)

Kakuryu (-1)

Let's assume that Harumafuji and Kakuryu both get 11 wins. Does this mean that Harumafuji will get 11+1=12 points and thus be above par, whereas Kakuryu will get 11-1=10 and thus be below par?

No, the +/- system does not factor into the par scores. In your example, both Harumafuji and Kakuryuu are 0.7 wins below par.

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Tier 1: Kakuryu (-1)

Tier 2: Kisenosato (+1)

Tier 3: Tochinoshin (-1)

Tier 4: Ikioi (-1) BR: Myogiryu (-1)

Tier 5: Endo (0) BR: Sokokurai (-1)

Tier 6: Kyokushuho (0)

Edited by Tenshinhan

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Kakuryu (-1)


Kisenosato  (+1) 


Tochinoshin (-1) 


Ikioi (-1)


Endo (0) BR: Sokokurai (-1)


Kyokushuho (0) BR: Daieisho (0)


Edited by Senkoho

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The sansho prizes will be awarded as follows:

GINO-SHO: Most wins above par off the least popular pick.

SHUKUN-SHO:  Most picks with wins above par.

KANTO-SHO: Most (wins above par off picks with a negative Handicap)/ (number of picks with a negative Handicap)

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On 7.09.2016 at 23:13, McBugger said:

Blood replacements must have a lower or equal handicap to your first picks. Feel free to edit your picks; if you leave them this way, you will have no backup in case of kyujo. 

Hmmm... So I am switching them.

Kakuryu [-1]
Kotoshogiku [-1]
Yoshikaze [0] BR: Tochinoshin [-1]
Ikioi [-1]
Endo [0] BR: Sokokurai [-1]
Kyokushuho [0]

Handicap -3 (-5)

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21 hours ago, Tenshinhan said:

Tier 1: Kakuryu (-1)

Tier 2: Kisenosato (+1)

Tier 3: Tochinoshin (-1)

Tier 4: Ikioi (-1) BR: Myogiryu (-1)

Tier 5: Endo (0) BR: Sokokurai (-1)

Tier 6: Kyokushuho (0) BR: Tokushoryu (0)

You can have a maximum of 2 blood replacements. If you do not edit your pick before the first bout, I will delete one at random.

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On 9/6/2016 at 19:08, Toratorii said:



Tochinoshin  BR:  Yoshikaze


Sokokurai  BR:  Endo



Blood replacements must have a lower or equal handicap to your first picks. Feel free to edit your picks; if you leave them this way, you will have no backup in case of kyujo.

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